After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 5 Lets Be Friends!

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Chapter 5  Lets Be Friends! By Harem-Fan


     On my way home from school I stopped by a sports store to pick up a few things.

     I purchased some simple things to help with my martial arts training, like some lightweight wrist and ankle weights, black Kung-Fu uniforms and shoes, as well as a few sports-cups for 'protection!'

     I also bought non slip black-sports-tape to put on grips. This is usually put on things like baseball bats, tennis rackets, or hockey-sticks. However I will be using them on a pair of fighting-sticks. Fighting-sticks is fortunately one of the legal weapons like ton-fa one can purchase.

     Wait, why use fighting-sticks when you're a Grandmaster you ask? Simple, even Grandmasters are not immune to getting cut open by a knife, and if you use a weapon, you can stay further away from your attackers.

     Fighting some ass with a metal baseball-bat is still annoying, so fighting-sticks can bridge the gap. Plus unlike bladed weapons, you can more safely defeat opponents with sticks.

     The fighting-sticks I am purchasing are titanium collapsible black-sticks (or telescopic police-batons), and I will use the black-grip tape on them as well for more comfort. These will be my go to weapon for street-fighting when hot-weapons are off the table.

     Why buy Kung-Fu outfits if you can just wear sweats? The two reasons for using the traditional uniform is the fact they don't look suspicious as all black-clothing and can double for stealth work, and the main reason is they are easy to move in, and they look stylish on me. They will look good with the black-long-coat Scott bought me as well.

     The black-long-coat can easily hide my sticks and my gun when I need it. It is also of the highest quality and slash-resistant. It is better to think of the black-long-coat as lightweight armor that resists blades, but not bullets.

     And the last two suspicious items coming in the mail are a black-tactical-mask and a shoulder-holster for my Beretta M9A4.

     I will one day apply for a carry and conceal permit for my guns in the future, but you must work at a job that requires its use to qualify to carry like that.

     Guns in Eurasia are limited to home-defense, police, and military as well as bodyguards that pass background checks. But we all know criminals have them, hell so do I. The only real difference from Eurasia vs America from my past life is, society as a whole tends to like the fist over weapons as a sign of honor. Criminals are seen as detestable for this reason.

     Anyway, when I get home this sports store and the one I bought the sticks from are going to have a malfunction with their recorded security tapes, so my purchases will be kept a secret.


     I picked up some food at the Quick-Mart for cooking, and I picked up some entertainment magazines for me and my sister to read. We both like keeping up with the new idle bands and rising stars in their singing and movie careers. Plus it's good to see some pretty young actresses for fapping material for stress relief! Dont tell my sister.

     Finally I made it home and put the groceries away. Then I went to my school bag and collected my lock-pick set to get my mail.

     The post-office only delivers to the addresses, they don't care if anyone lives there or not. So the things I ordered are going to be on the ground floor in the mail-room in a locker for the address I sent it to.

     Naturally, I do not have keys to it and must pick the lock. This is why I made them at school. No, the real reason is not my sister's Diary, though it sounds fun, but I won't steal from my own sister, that's kinda scummy. Plus, I don't want to read about her love life at work if she has one. She has never brought a man home, but she can't be alone, right?

     I jam the door closed while I am inside working in the mail-room. Messing with the postal service is a big deal so this is got to be kept secret.

     Soon with my tools, I opened the package locker then retrieved all of my overnight orders. I re-lock the door for later use and unlock the door, then return before my sister comes home.

     I hide all of my ill gotten gains so I can make supper for my sister. I can go through all of my loot when she sleeps!


     For this evening, I am making two Teriyaki Ribeye steaks with loaded mashed-potatoes cooked in the air-fryer, and apple-cobbler for the final treat.

     While I had just started the food in the air-fryer, my sister came home and saw what I was making and asked.

     "What's the special occasion?"

     I smile at my tired sister and tell her.

     "Mr Chi is giving me a letter of recommendation to Star University, so I wanted us to have a good meal plus we kinda had a lame birthday meal for me, right?"

     My sister's eyes opened wide with her mouth gaping in shock.

     "Hard Ass Chi is giving you a recommendation letter? He only ever gives one a year out to a single lucky student?! Wait, you even beat Linda Lang and Scott Tang?!"

     "Surprise sis, I have been hiding my true ability from everyone. Your brother is only a little dumb. Yes it's true."

     My sister said nothing in a daze, and only walked into the bathroom to clean? Well I guess she took that pretty good, right?

     So when she was done, the table was set and we ate our delicious meal, and I saw a mix of joy and confusion in Mary's eyes, but I said nothing and just let her stew in her thoughts. I have changed since my hospitalization. And Mary has been my real sister, so she knows me better than anyone on this planet. So she just asks me.

     "Rick, being a detective I am trained to notice things. And your behavior since waking is like you're a different person. I am happy and afraid of what's wrong with you. Please talk to me if you are struggling inside."

     I love my sister and I only see concern in her eyes, so my Acting skill helps a bit as I try to explain to her. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "You're smart sister. I am different now. Before my 18th birthday, I was living in a fog. My thoughts and actions were like a clouded window or rusty bike."

     I put my fork down and look at my hands.

     "While growing up, I saw things like books about cooking, school subjects, and saw videos on the internet about fighting, and driving. And what I saw did not seem to stay in my surface thoughts, but it seems I was learning and memorizing everything I saw."

     I started to pick up the dishes and kept talking to Mary.

     "But after this brutal beating, fever, and seizures my mind feels like it's finally cleared of all the cobwebs, and that clouded window is now clear, that rusty bike is fully greased and the brakes are cut."

     "Brother, what do you mean the brakes are cut?"

     "Sister, I mean, I am not afraid of pebbles like Scott Tang anymore. I feel confident and assured in my ability to take care of you and not be that crybaby from a few years ago. I am not insane or anything, or suicidal. So that's what I am dealing with in my heart and mind. Do you fear me now?"

     Mary hugged me from behind and said.

     "You're the only person in this world I don't fear, brother, and I am glad you opened up to me. Just don't let your overconfidence get you killed is all I want. I don't care if you have changed, it was not your fault. If Scott Tang left his hands off of you, you would still be fine. So let me be your emotional support when things feel tough, okay?"

     No I would have changed that night, but the beating definitely made it suck ten times more, sigh. I pat her hands that are around my shoulders and say back.

     "Only if you talk to me when you're stressed and worried, I will now be your pillar of hope and we can help each-other."

     After she laughed at me, the two of us cleaned the small kitchen, then did our own things. She drank some beer and watched soap-operas while flipping through some of the magazines I bought. I worked on my laptop and searched the internet for local topics.


     Ring Ring Ring! A couple hours after Mary went to bed, my smartphone rang with an unknown number.

     "Rick Lee here, speak to me."

     The confident voice of Nichole Ning is heard on the other line.

     [Your instructions said to call, so I am.]

     "Don't say anything for now, let me encrypt this call, don't know who is listening, right?"

     Nichole obediently stayed silent, while I saved her number and put up protections like to reroute our service, then I hung up and called her back.

     [Can we talk now?]

     "Yeah, I had to make the providers and our devices run circles, so no one can record or track our calls, but save the new number you see, it's different from my normal number."

     [Next time just tell me the line is bug proof, I did not understand a thing, fufu.]

     "I am talking to you from my computer right now, so you can use the video call function if you're decent, that way you can see I don't have others around me as well."

     [Okay now how's that?]

     Spew, cough, cough! I was forced to turn my head and spit-take the water I was drinking when I saw Nichole on the damn screen. She is only wearing a silk-black-teddy and her hair is in a ponytail while sitting in her bed, with her sister reading some school books to her side. She too is wearing a silk-teddy but in red!

     [How is it Mr Blackmailer? I figured you wanted to see the goods first before you propositioned us, right?]

     I was too busy coughing out my lungs from the water to notice the look in her eyes or the slight smile at the edge of her lips.

     When I stopped coughing, I waved my hands at the camera and told her my half-ass plan.

     "Cough! No, no, no. I was not going to do that! I just want you to help me get my revenge on Scott."

     [Oh? But don't you want revenge on us sisters as well, and that Linda Lang? You only want to make Scott suffer?]

     "Yes, I really don't feel the things you did to me ruined my life or anything, but if making you suffer a bit makes Scott suffer, then I might think about it. If you don't help me, I will most definitely expose the Ning family to hurt Scott, but this is like pissing on an entire anthill to drown one ant."

     [Although your example is gross, it is accurate. So what do you want from us, Rick?]

     "You have been by his side for a year now, you must know something I can use against him, right?"

     Nichole covers her smile with her hand and charmingly asks me.

     [No, seriously, you have such good dirt on me and you want me to come up with a plan to ruin my future husband?! You're good Rick, now don't frown, I am complimenting you here. I thought my Blackmailer was a heartless pig who would make our lives miserable. You have us completely in a check position if this was chess.]

     "Get to your point, I am not amused by your backhanded flattery like Scott. You have till the end of highschool to give me something on him or perhaps I should just drain his trust-fund?"

     When Nadia heard me say I would drain his money, her eyes shot open in panic and she looked into the phone and begged.

     [Rick, don't do that, I will get something good for you, I promise! I need that money for my future, so anything but the money, please!]

     I was not serious about cleaning out his account, but seeing how much of a gold-digger Nadia was surprised me a lot! Nichole pushed her away from the phone with a disappointing look and said to me.

     [Ignore my sister, you're the one in charge, so you call the shots, but I don't think you want money, right?]

     "I am going to send you some texts and video from your fiance, and I will call you back in ten minutes after you have seen it."

     So I send his call with Linda and his maids talk, where he insults the Ning's, then call her back.

     [Rick you're good! That bitch maid has pretended to be our friend all this time, and she is undermining us before the wedding? Oh, I am pissed. Give me a few days to come up with a way to hurt Scott that does not ruin our lives, is that alright, Rick?]

     "All I want is my revenge by the end of high-school, so take your time and do it right. Sorry about the maid, but I need you to be motivated."

     [Rick, to show I appreciate your good will with this, let me return the favor. Tomorrow morning before you enter school, Scott hired a group of six thugs to beat you so bad you can't graduate. So avoid it if you can, or call your sister to help out. Sorry to have made you miserable in the past, it was not personal for us.]

     "I think you're cruel, cutthroat, and pragmatic but at least you're honest with your desires, that means you as well Nadia. So even if everyone hates the Ning family, at least I can respect you guys."

     [That is the sweetest compliment we sisters have ever gotten, well I promise on the Ning name, you will get a satisfactory ending with dealing with Scott, good night Mr Blackmailer!]

     Click... do do do! I looked stupidly at the screen and I said out-loud.

     "Wait! I am Mr Blackmailer, so I am the one to hang up on them, right?!"

     I pack up what I will need to deal with the thugs in the morning, and get to sleep on my couch... Zzz...


     Back in time when Nichole hung up on Mr Blackmailer...

     Nichole put her phone on the charger and got under the cover, but her sister Nadia looked at her speechlessly then asked.

     "But sister, you already found out how he gets his revenge, so why tell him you will come up with one in a few days?! I don't understand why not just tell him?"

     "Sigh, Sister just use your brain a bit, and look at our calendar, it's still our safe days, so it's pointless to do it now, right?"

     Nadia opened her phone and smacked her own forehead, then giggled.

     "Ufufu, I feel stupid, thanks for reminding me, good night sister, he-he!"

     Nichole, going to sleep herself, just grinned at her silly sister, and then joined Mr Blackmailer in a revenge dream... Zzz...


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