After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 6 Everybody Is Kung-Fu Fighting♪!

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Chapter 6  Everybody Is Kung-Fu Fighting♪! by Harem-Fan


     A half hour before the start of school...

     Scott Tang can be seen talking to a group of six men in their late teens and early twenties. The leader of the group is wearing a high-end jogging outfit in blue with white-stripes down its arms and legs.

     The man in blue is clean-cut and looks like a University student, and the white-hand-wraps can indicate this guy is either a boxer or martial artist. Those who know him however would recognize him as the captain from the Karate club, one of 4 martial-arts styles at Star University. The four official clubs are.... Karate, Boxing, Kung-Fu, and MMA mixed-martial-arts clubs.

     The other five men with him however look like gangsters with red-bandanas tied around one of their limbs or forehead. This red-bandana represents the Fire Birds.

     The Fire Birds are one of four recognized organized syndicates monitored by the government. Why would the government allow it? Because it's a horribly kept secret that the four groups all belong to one of the four noble families loosely. In a way they are independent arms of the main family, like that drunk uncle everyone hates but can't get rid of.

     Why should these crime syndicates exist? There are a few proven reasons why.

     Reason 1, Sometimes the crime family challenges the noble house they are from when they are getting out of hand, like one is the light while the other is the dark. Think of the Root from Naruto.

     Reason 2, The group deals with shadier businesses that are necessary for society as a whole, like loans, gambling, and prostitution. The noble family deals in more legitimate businesses, so it's balanced.

     Reason 3, the destitute and unskilled homeless are picked up off the street and forced to work in one of the four syndicates. Being a homeless bum is a sin worth death, but this is not openly seen. Naturally the elderly very young and handicapped are the only exemptions. So off to a sweatshop with you if you're in debt or useless.

     Reason 4, Due to the above reasons, Eurasia is the one nation in the world with the lowest drug abuses in the world, with smoking and alcohol being the only exception. Just users of narcotics are astronomically low, because it's the fast path to joining as a member of the syndicate.

     Now you see why the government turns a blind eye. My first world side would be appalled at this system, but the new me of this world thinks it works very well.

     Plus another reason to not be a bum, is the fact the government always sends you out for wars first or to help in disaster areas that have a high danger rate. So don't be a bum!

     Anyway the five guys are smoking and playing on their smartphones while the Boss number 7 is talking to the client, who is friends with him.


     Back at the front gates two sexy vixens are whispering to one another scheming.

     "Nichole, you don't think Rick will actually come when you tell him to avoid it do you?"

     She smiles at her sister's question and tells her her guess.

     "I will make a bet with you Nadia, if he shows, you have to go first. And if he does not fight, I will go first, how's that?"

     "As long as you're not tricking me, I will do it! I think its suicide to fight all six. Maybe he already slipped in the rear door in the back of the school? He-he, then you are first, giggle."

     "If I am wrong, I won't cheat you, oh, and did you text Linda about what Scott is doing here?"

     "I was smart and had an acquaintance of hers text her so Scott won't know we told on him, he-he!"

     "See, you're not dumb but sly, and that's a good trait to have, good let's watch the show, and don't forget to film it if a fight breaks out."


     On the roof of the school behind a fence, a woman with red-hair is holding binoculars to get an overhead and private viewing spot. And she is reading some text from the five men from the Fire Birds.

     When she found out that Scott was hiring some men from the Fire Birds, she had the men tell number 7 who was formally number 6 about the appearance of the new number 2 and had him join in on the fun.

     Scott of course has no idea of Tina's involvement. She caught sight of something in the far distance no one else could see and the corners of her lips raised.

     "So Rick, someone told you about the ambush and yet you're still coming head first? Oh, my gut is never wrong. Struggle and grow little dragon."


     Back down at the front gates of the school...

     Scott, done talking to his friend from the same dojo he goes too, returned to the sides of his fiancees.

     "My friend Tony came for some kind of personal grudge with Rick. He did not tell me what it was about, but Rick is toast. Tony is a second degree black-belt and has been doing martial arts for ten years."

     Nichole says to Scott.

     "I guess with this your rival will be done for and you won't have him around to toy with, right?"

     "Rival my ass, he is a bug on my windshield, and I just like putting toads in their place. Toads can't eat my swan meat, ha-ha!"

     From behind Scott's back, he did not see the twins grin at each other while trying not to laugh.

     And while Scott was in pure joy, a white-limo pulled up and a female driver-bodyguard climbed out to let out the 2nd miss, Linda Lang.

     Linda, wearing a black-sundress, got out of the car in a terrible mood.

     Not only did she not sleep a wink, but on her way to school, a classmate texted her about Scott hiring a group of six strong thugs to cripple Rick Lee in-front of the entire school. Even after she warned him he just a day later ignored her warning.

     "Mercy, if this boy is in danger, save him!"

     Linda showed the driver a picture of Rick and the driver nodded and said to her young miss.

     "If it was on school property it would be a problem, but it's on the streets, so no problem young miss."

     Scott seeing what Linda just did, frowned and wondered how the fuck she found out, but he smiled and said to Linda.

     "Good morning Linda, how are you? You look a bit sleepy, any issues?"

     Linda with her cold face just said to him. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Never speak to me again. You ignored me and did what you wanted. I don't care what my family says now, you and I are done, hope it was worth it."

     Scott was shocked and said while lying.

     "I have done nothing! Those over there said they had a personal beef with him?! I had nothing to do with them. So please don't falsely accuse me. I will let your family know you're making things up to get out of our agreement."

     Linda, who was walking into the school to not see the beating, turned her head and told Scott.

     "Do you think my intelligence has fallen below yours due to some sleep loss? Do what you want and talk to my family. I don't go back on my words. Enjoy your pathetic revenge, I will have no part of your immature nonsense, goodbye Mr Tang!"

     And the crowd collectively thought... Damn! Then someone in the crowd pointed down the street and said.

     "Holy shit it's Rick Lee, and he is walking right to the six gangsters!"

     Everyone still outside turned to look in the direction of the show, all but one woman that entered the school to not watch violence.

     Linda has a fear of violence since a certain-incident happened to her almost four years ago... The blood and gunfire, the dead body's and how she survived.


     Down the street...

     I was chilling walking a few minutes early, so I won't be late for school, well after a fight anyway. I just have to remember my body will be a bit weak for my skills so I need to cheat, right?

     I left my school clothes in my bag and am wearing my new black Kung-Fu outfit plus jacket, and am wearing wrap-around sunglasses to protect my eyes from the splashing liquids. I am also going to put on my medical-mask now too, or I will suffer.

     Seeing me put on my face mask for hospital use, the person on the roof and all the other onlookers look really confused. Sadly they can't see me grinning.

     As I get close, the man in a blue-tracksuit with martial arts wraps, is standing in front as the leader with five street thugs behind them.

     I can tell by the way the leader wrapped his hands he is no boxer and is a Karate student. He is most definitely at the Advanced level. The five behind him are weak as fuck but seasoned street thugs.

     They do have brass-knuckles and two have bats, so they mean to cripple or kill me. Fine, two can play that game. When I am about 30 feet away I stop and put my school bag against the wall showing I am not running, then the leader talks.

     "You are Rick Lee, also known as the new number two?!"

     "Fuck you, why are you just calling me shit like that, no you're a fucking number two, dick!"

     The leader looks confused and says to me to clear it up.

     "No, I am number seven and I want your number two title! So I have to defeat you in martial combat to take it."

     I have no idea what role-playing game this guy is pulling but I say to him.

     "Then I admit defeat and you're number two, go shit somewhere else, I am not playing your stupid number game. I refuse any number, so go fuck your self with all the two's you want, now scram."

     Seven was confused about me admitting defeat, and now he has no reason to fight me, but the leader of the thugs behind him tells him.

     "Seven ignore him, you can't take the second spot unless you knock him out in a fight, sigh. Come on you four, we have a job to do, so let's warm up this Rick kid."

     Seven rather Tony, stays back and lets the members of the Fire Birds do their paid work. If they beat him he will also lose his spot in the list so watching his opponent fight is good too.

     The two guys with bats get on my left and right side, while one of the other guys goes to my back, and the remaining two come from my front. I put my hands in my front pockets like I am bored, but the fighters are weary of what I might have.

     I make sure the two items are pointed the right way and unlock the safety caps and get ready for their signal, while using my Acting skill to look cool and manly.

     "Bats go!"

     With the call, I quickly drew the two mini canisters of top grade pepper-spray, and put my arms out spraying their faces of the two bat swinging idiots!

     "Ahhhh!" "Whaaaaat the fuck my eyes!"

     I do not lose the element of surprise and spray both turds in front of me, good thing that I have two sprayers!

     "Damn he is cheating, Ahh!" "Nooooo!"

     The leader behind me thought he could sucker-punch me while I sprayed, so I drop low to the ground and do a leg-sweep behind me and I caught his feet making him fall on his back, immediately at point blank-range with him on his back, both pepper-sprays hit his eyes and mouth! I then throw the canisters to the side and leap to one of the bat users.

     I roundhouse the guy to the right in his head and knocked him out, grabbing his wooden bat, I aimed at the knee of the left bat wielder and heard a sickening crunch as he fell crying like a bitch.

     Swiftly in order, I give the crying brass-knuckle brothers all a broken knee special, and let them roll on the ground in agony. I see number Seven standing there looking a bit flustered seeing me with a bat and staring at him.

     He is unarmed, so I play nice and to his surprise I throw the bat far away so both of us can't use it. Then I pulled off my mask and glasses now that I stepped away from the sprayed area, and slowly went to Seven!

     Tony takes his karate stance, but I approach him loosely to keep my muscles as flexible as I can for my acrobatics and axe-kick combo to come. Most Karate users like to attack in a straight-line, so to counter it, I will use a circular attack.

     The moment Tony made his move to step forward and was mid front-kick, I leaped forward with my Acrobatics mastery, and using my forward spin, I land my axe-kick down his face and into his right collarbone, hearing a sickening crack from my forward somersault kick.

     It was so unorthodox he did not see it in time to punch at me but tried to block a kick with his hands instead. I don't think my kick fully broke the bone, but it's fractured partially and enough to stop his fighting, but what is affecting him more is the grazing of his face that definitely broke his nose and made his eyes water.

     While he grabbed his face, I went low and grabbed his forward leg, scooping him up and body throwing him on the hard-concrete square on his back, knocking the air out of his lungs as well as his consciousness. I let him go and watch the others closely.

     Seeing them not trying to fight, I pick up my sunglasses and then walk around them, and take my school bag, putting it over my shoulder as I walk to school.

     Now my Acting ability is making me look cool as a cucumber, but my bones and muscles are screaming in pain right now, and I really just want to find some ice to put on my aching-muscles. 

     I hurt so bad making all those movements, fuck me! But putting on my sunglasses and a smile, I walk past the silent crowd and some woman in a driver's suit standing by a white-limo?!

     As I walk past Scott I say.

     "So glad I read that book last night, Kung-Fu for Dummies, ha-ha! Better luck next time!"

     I then went into the boys restroom to change clothes and silently-weep some tears for my aching body!


Permanent Skills known...


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