After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 8 Brother and Sister Talk!

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Chapter 8  Brother and Sister Talk! by Harem-Fan


     Occasionally I see Mary's eyes look at me in the rear-view mirror, but she still has not said anything. I smile looking at the handcuffs, because in my mind, I am given a couple of options of how to escape my bonds.

     The first thing I could do is to dislocate my joint in my wrist to squeeze out, but this is not a fun idea.

     The second option I have is to reach into my wallet or my schoolbag for some picks. The one in the wallet is especially for handcuffs.

     The third option is to pickpocket my sister for the handcuff key. Oh did I not mention that's what I did in the office.

     I have been quietly removing my cuffs while she is not looking, so I can be more comfortable.

     My sister is being unreasonable right now, and she did not officially arrest me. I think she is just venting her anger on me in this childish way. If I was getting arrested, she would not be the officer to do it.

     "Why are you back there smiling like an idiot?"

     "Officer Lee, I think I should wait for my lawyer before I answer any of your questions."

     She scrunches her eyebrows and growls at me, cute.

     "You little bastard! I am not arresting you, but I was told to bring you in for statements."

     Then I grinned and held up the handcuffs and asked.

     "Then why put these on me in-front of the whole school? Now everyone is going to think I am a bad-guy criminal?"

     "H-How did you get those off?!"

     So I hold up her cuff keys and lecture her.

     "You have to keep your cuff keys on the backside of your belt, because a criminal can swipe it off of you if it's on the front-side of your belt. Don't thank me for teaching you this. Dad once told me that as well."

     "You little shit! Are you pick-pocketing now?! I can't believe you stole an officer's keys..."

     She started off strong and I can tell she too thought of those old Police lessons from father. Even though her real dad left indefinitely at 6, my dad was her dad for the rest of her life till she was 18 and an adult.

     "Did any of those guys die or something? I don't think any of them would, and the bat-guy I kicked in the head, well I held back enough."

     "No one died, but all of them went to the hospital for injuries from your fight. The reason you're being brought in is because of who you hurt. Tony Deng and Alex Deng, and Tony is the guy you jump kicked."

     "No, that was not a jump-kick but a somersault axe-kick!"

     She pulled into the Police parking lot and continued.

     "Stuff-it Rick, the point is Tony's father is from one of the noble families and is pissed. He insisted you be brought in for arrest, but the evidence we all got clearly shows them attacking you, but he has enough influence to make us follow procedure and put this on record. This is why I told you to not get into fights."

    Mary then got out of the patrol car and opened the door for me to get out. I picked up my full school bag and as I got out, I intentionally bumped into her making it look like an accident.

     While pulling this off, I used my skill from Thief and placed her cuffs and keys back in their spots on her belt. She gave me a dirty look, held out her hand and told me.

     "Give me my stuff back you sticky fingers monkey."

     I grinned and pointed to her belt.

     "But you already have them back? Are you okay sister, he-he?"

     When she noticed they were indeed there and she did not notice me, she glared and pulled my ear dragging me into the Police station, while I had a helpless smile on my face.

     James always teases me by saying I am in love with Mary. But he is wrong, I only love her as a sister. Sure I recognize she is beautiful, but she has been my sister since I was born.

     Then when I was 14 and she was 18 it was like she took a mothers role, and now that I am 18 we are in a grey area in our dynamics and could be seen as more of roommates and back to siblings.

     I have never had nasty fantasies about Mary as well, because I would disrespect my mom and dad, as well as Mary if I had.


     "Stop daydreaming and go with the clerk, he will take you to the witness room for questions now go."

     This last year I have come to the station and met many of my sister's Officers and coworkers, and I have been to the front and the detectives office. But today will be my first time going to the questioning and interrogation department.

     An old officer who is nearing retirement and only does desk work is handling my paperwork. He said to me.

     "Hello Rick, sorry for the trouble but we just need to follow some procedures for formality's sake, follow me."

     I follow the Officer and he leads me into a 20 foot by 20 foot room with one wall containing a one-way glass like you would see in movies, and a single desk in the center.

     There is a water-dispenser and wall clock though, due to this not being the interrogation room, so they are more civilized and don't try for discomfort-tactics.

     The two of us sat down and began discussing my personal information, the details of the event, but I changed the story to getting an anonymous tip the night before  to not get the Ning sisters in trouble.

     I still had the receipt showing the pepper-spray was purchased before the event and the tip, so that was included as well. Then a knock came from the door.

     Knock Knock! Then a middle-aged man with a bit of a gut and a briefcase came into the room. He looked like a lawyer and he did not give me kind eyes as he talked to the Officer in charge of my paperwork.

     "I am the lawyer Hank Ho, representing Tony Deng. My client is formally pressing charges for excessive force and he wants him arrested immediately."

     Naturally the Officer handling me, looks at the paperwork and frowns, but then says to the two of us.

     "I will go find the arresting officer, so please wait, and Mr Lee don't talk without a lawyer, help yourselves to water and I will be back."

     After he left, I got up and took a paper-cup and drank some cold water, then the lawyer asked me.

     "A cracked collarbone, broken nose, and a missing tooth, this will get you about two years in jail, and with parole, you might get out early after a half a year, was it worth it?"

     I picked up my brand new smartphone Scott bought me and started to look up Hank Ho's information on the internet, and found a few articles about him. Hacking now is no good especially where I am currently at but I have him in my bingo book for a fun time to come.

     Plus the odds of others watching from the one way glass is very high. I found his graduation pictures and other interesting things including a date or escort he was drinking with at a bar and held up the picture to him. (A/N Rick used a facial recognition App to find his personal pictures hidden over the internet, and that one came from the woman's social media.)

     "You're a very popular man Mr Ho, to even meet an escort of her caliber, I am impressed. You really can hold your alcohol, and she said you were a nice regular customer. Nice she gave you a 7 out of 10 for clients. Oh so how long are you going to lock me up for again? I need to log this down in my notes?"

     Hank Ho felt like he was seen naked by a kid he only met for less than ten minutes, and what kind of investigative skills does this demon have? He noticed his forehead was perspiring at my innocent smile.

     Then the door opened and three people came into the room... The clerk in charge of my paperwork, a man I recognized as my sister's boss, and a middle-aged lawyer in a grey-suit with salt and pepper hair-color and dark-eyes. When that man saw me he smiled and came to me with his hand out and a card.

     "Hello Rick Lee, my name is Nick Soto, a professional defense attorney, take my card. I have already been paid by an anonymous friend that does not want to see you framed. Just accept me and from now on, I can represent you and get this bogus charge slapped back in Hank Ho's face, what do you say Mr Lee?"

     What the fuck is going on here? I feel like I am trapped in some novel, but I know without him I might be screwed, so I shake his hand and take his card.

     "Mr Soto, I do think your help would be welcome. Who hired you for me?"

     "Now that you're officially my client, let me handle this matter first. I think Mr Ho would like to leave and not stay here all day."

     Nick Soto pulled a stack of papers out and walked to the Sergeant in charge of arrests and handed him the documents then said to him.

     "If the criminal Tony Deng is pressing charges then all six of the criminals who intended attempted murder will also formally be accused of all of their crimes. This should total at least 10 years of jail time including early parole. So send officers to the hospital to arrest them all if my client will be formally charged, that is all."

     Soto also handed identical paperwork to Mr Ho who looked more and more uneasy seeing the list of crimes this well known lawyer cooked up. Fuck even he cant defend Tony with this list of crimes.

     Unknown to me, Nick Soto is one of the top ten best lawyers in Azure State. If I knew at the time even I would be speechless let alone poor Mr Ho who looks up to this guy. Most people have to wait months to even talk to Mr Soto, that's how in demand he is.

     Mr Ho said to the Sargent.

     "Before we arrest anyone, let me call my client first, may I?"

     When Mary's boss nodded, Ho ran out with his phone in hand and the door closed. Soto smiled at me and said.

     "This strategy is what I like to call mutual-annihilation. Most lawyers don't want their clients to get arrested if they can help it. After watching your amazing fight, I found a dozen premeditated crimes. I also found twice as many from the guys you fought, ha-ha!"

     Wow he just told me he could send me up the river even harder than Mr Ho was trying, so I smile and thank him.

     "Well I am glad you're on my side then. But I don't think I have any friends who would send you to me?"

     He pats my shoulder gently with a warm smile and assures me.

     "Rick, if I can call you that, it's like this, my client was the one who put me on retainer for you. Why this is important is because I am a professional that won't leak my clients secrets. This includes anything you tell me won't go back to the person that hired me in the first place. You are now two separate clients I must protect, do you understand my situation?"

     "I get it Mr Soto, so just thank whoever it was then and that's it. Hopefully I won't get into this kind of trouble in the future."

     Nick Soto smiles and explains to the naive me.

     "No Rick, in fact you're going to see a lot of me I assure you. Those five gangsters belong to the ruthless Fire Birds syndicate. For some reason, they are interested in you, so I doubt this will be your last run in, so be careful. As long as you don't take a life, I can get you off easy. But a death might have you stay in lock up for a bit, unless the evidence is to overwhelming. Just call me immediately and I will come any hour to get you out."

     Mr Ho came in with an embarrassed smile and told everyone.

     "It seems, my client was lied too and the victim Mr Lee was unfairly accused of starting trouble and wishes to sweep all of this as a playground fight and nothing to trouble the Police over, if that is alright with you Mr Soto?"

     I nodded to my lawyer, and he grins, then tells them.

     "Then if my client is not being charged for anything, he too agrees to sweep it under the rug, nice to come to an understanding, Mr Ho."

     And with that, my first run-in with the law was easily avoided. The real hero here was definitely Mr Nick Soto, attorney at law!


     The man only called Sargent, walked into the room with the one-way glass and said to Mary.

     "Stop crying, he is fine now, geez. How old are you and why is it the only thing that can make you cry is your brother? Are you one of those Bro-cons or something?"

     Mary blushed hearing his words and said.

     "Stuff it Sargent,I just care for my little brother. But why is one of the most famous lawyers helping Rick out? We don't have friends with that kind of connection?"

     He shrugs and tells his thoughts.

     "My guess is he helped some rich person that he did not know was important and they kindly helped him to return the favor, or some rich girl is in love with him?"

     "My brother has never had a girlfriend in his life, so that definitely is not it. He sleeps on the couch and is home every-night so I know."

     "Oh? So you knew on his birthday he was going to be out while you worked? And was it not a woman that sent you that video? Plus after that video goes out, girls will be lining up for a piece of little Ricky! Ha ha, good thing you're not a Bro-con or you will be sad when he leaves home."

     Mary looked a bit pale, hearing all of her bosses points, and her heart felt a stab. She just watched me on my new smartphone surfing the web passing the time till Mary is off work.

     Sargent just smiled at the absent Mary and left the room. Then alone Mary said quietly to herself.

     "No, Rick, you promised to never leave me, right?"

     A memory of Rick plays in her mind, from just after their parents left, and a tear fell from her eye.



Permanent Skills known...


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