After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 7 Action Movie Star, Rick Lee!

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Chapter 7  Action Movie Star, Rick Lee! by Harem-Fan


     While I was in the bathroom changing into my street clothes, and wiping the tears, probably caused by pepper-spray and not my weak body, other conversations took place...

     Tina Feng who is on the rooftop, seeing me walk in the school, had her eyebrows raised in a combination of amusement and surprise.

     "What was that? No, Rick has never taken any formal training in his life. I saw it and I can't believe it. Did my father finally make his first error in his life, for this game?"

     She grins, squinting her golden Phoenix eyes, and looks back at the six men in terrible shape trying to get some assistance.

     "Although I hate Scott, he did a great job in making you ruthless my little Dragon, now dancing for this Phoenix, fufu."


     At the front gates...

     Mercy, seeing her job is now over, climbed back in her limo while looking at the angry Scott Tang. As she started to drive away she made a hands free call to someone.

     [Why have you called me today? Is little Linda in trouble?]

     "No sir. It seems the young miss has rejected that Tang boy due to him trying to cripple that boy again. What do you want me to do?"

     [Sigh, Is it that Lee kid again? She needs to move on. No, the agreement for them to get engaged will happen later this year. I can't go back on my words over a commoner kid, or I would lose face. I don't care if she wants to throw a tantrum, but she will marry him, even if he is trash. He dares marry those troublesome Ning girls before my angel, he should be castrated for that. Just keep her safe that is all. Click... do do do...]

     Mercy just sadly smiled and muttered.

     "Sorry young miss, but your father has spoken, sigh."


     As the white-limo pulled away...

     Scott, seeing his martial brother get humiliated by the kid he has beaten for years, made his mind go a bit crazy.

     "Fuck did Tony just let himself get beat?! No, Rick is a pussy and I have ruined him so many times. I have seen him all the time before and he never once showed he could fight? I don't accept this, did he fake it all along to fool me and make me look stupid?! My Sensai is going to kill me when he finds out what happened to his son, fuck!"

     Nadia and Nichole Ning who also have seen that Rick had been manhandled in the past, had watched him in sheer horror and excitement seeing him in action. The two's eyes had a light in them they never had shown for Scott. Too bad they hate men, or they would have done everything in their power to drop Scott and marry Rick instead!

     "Nichole, if I didn't love you, I think he is the only man I could like now, fufu, too bad he is a commoner, sigh."

     "Sigh, Yeah, father would sooner kill us than let us marry a commoner, but I agree. He is the only boy I am not disgusted with now, but sadly, we can only be with him briefly, so enjoy it, sister."


     Before the fight outside took place...

     Linda Lang who went to sit in the classroom alone, had her eyes closed thinking of how bad Rick would be hurt this time and her heart was in shame for his situation.

     The guilt of their first meeting at the start of school replayed in her mind almost daily.

     [Hi I am Rick Lee, you're the first person I met in high-school, let's be friends?]

     [Commoner, don't talk to me, I don't need you as a friend, humph.]

     Then another memory overlapped with that one.

     [Hi I am Officer Lee, don't cry, you will be fine.]

     The same eyes, the same face, the same friendly voice...

     Then Linda noticed there was no noise outside, and there were too many people outside for it to be that quiet. She wants to look out the window but her fear keeps her in her seat. She looks to the window listening for anything, but nothing?

     Soon, students began to make noise in the halls as they rushed to class. Linda watched the students animatedly talking about what must have happened outside and she heard things like...

     "I am so glad I recorded that"

     "It was like one of those movie scenes."

     "If I didn't know Tang and that University guy were friends, I would think it was a staged fight, he-he"

     "Glad I did not skip school today!"

     "I can't believe that was Rick Lee, Scott's punching bag?! Did he let Scott bully him for four years on purpose?"

     Linda, confused, asked one of the girls next to her.

     "Sue, what happened to Rick Lee, did he get badly hurt?"

     Her desk mate Sue gave her a funny look knowing she and Scott are close and said. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     "Not counting his beating over the weekend, he did not even get touched today, but the other six are going to the hospital for sure, damn so fucking cool. I wonder if he has a girlfriend?"


     "What, what? Rick Lee kicked all their asses in no time, and made your boyfriend's University buddy take a concrete-nap, fufu, so awesome!"

     Linda, in a daze knowing of all of Rick's beatings over the years, was reminded of his talk with teacher Chi. Did he let himself get beaten all those years, because he was only a commoner? Could she have done more for him?

     Thinking of Officer Lee and his fighting ability, he could have taught his son now that she thinks about it, it makes sense. So why take the beatings?

     Then her thoughts are distracted by two people coming in the class with big smiles, but she only looked at one...


     Rewind again... Back in the boys bathroom...

     With my screaming muscles protesting, I managed to get my bluejeans on and my grey tee-shirt. Then I put the uniform and jacket away into the school bag and washed my face in the sink.

     Looking into the mirror with my blue-eyes looking back at me, I noticed my injuries don't look so bad anymore from my birthday beating.

     "Have I gotten more handsome? No, I think my face has not changed, but my confidence has changed the way I look now. I am no longer a frightened beaten stray. Alright let's try and walk with dignity in this world, me!"

     As I stepped out of the bathroom about twenty students were waiting to see me come out, and then one asshole grabbed me along the shoulder.

     James, my friend, started to laugh and pat my arm while he dragged me to class. The mother fucker has no idea in how much pain he is causing my body right now, but my Acting skill is making me seem fine.

     "Sorry I was late for school Rick! Had I known you were fighting Scott's goons, I would have backed you up brother! Fuck man I saw the video and ran here as fast as I could, what the fuck you are hiding your Kung-Fu from your own best friend. Oh it was your sister making you not fight right, sigh, she is so strict, and hot, he-he!"

     I smile at my idiot friend who is so excited like he fought the goons, and we enter the class and everyone is looking at us.

     I can see the entire class is here, but Scott and the Ning's. Linda is staring at me with dark-circles under her eyes like she did not sleep, and her icy gaze is piercing me, sigh, what a headache woman. Noble girls are hard to understand, just like the Ning's.

     I did say there are 4 main noble houses, but there are lesser houses like the Ning's that were branch family's from the four main families a couple hundred years ago before the four states became one.

     But they only have one-third the power and influence of the four great houses, or clans as they are also called. I would say there are anywhere from 25-50 lesser noble houses across Eurasia, but I have not bothered to know them.

     As James and I sat in our seats with me in the front and James was in the same row behind me, a girl from class came up to me and asked.

     "I saw you fight today, Rick, and I wanted to know... Do you have a girlfriend yet?"

     No, I am not interested in these fair-weather girls. None of them ever talked to me before today, but I am at least nice. So with my Acting skill I put on the charming hero act and become humble.

     "Sorry, I don't have one, due to my studies. I have not had time to fall in love, especially with my schoolwork and training. Plus I don't think young noble Scott would allow it, ha-ha! Thanks for watching this morning, hope you cheered for me!"

     James is giving me the 'what studying and what training' look! But the excuse of blaming my miserable love life on Scott made everyone nod that I was telling the truth.

     The girl, despite my words, handed me a piece of paper. I give her props for being the first girl to approach me though.

     "Sorry to hear that, but take my number if you want to hangout sometime, and talk. I hope you do, bye."

     James looks amazed at my sudden gains. I do keep the number and smile at the blushing girl. Sure we could have fun, but I don't feel that chemistry, or can't imagine her while fapping if you get my meaning!

     In my mind, if you can't fantasize about a woman while imagining filling her up without regret, then don't put it in her to begin with. Huh? Wait, I can get blow-jobs from them though"? My world has expanded!

     Just as I was imagining the back of that girl's head on a date, three students walk in right before the teacher, and one of the four looks gloomy like he ate shit.

     The bobbing head of the girl vanished from my fantasy, and I just gave the sad Scott a smile like his luck sucks. Well knowing how the Ning girls will make his marriage a living hell!

     Fuck now I cant get the image of the black and red teddy out of my memory! Sigh, Those demons are true succubi.

     I was a bit surprised to see when Scott looked at Linda she gave him hateful looks and she ignored him, not even greeting him when he tried to say hello. Seems there is trouble in paradise, but I don't give a shit, but I guess anything that makes Scott sad is good, right?


     30 minutes later the intercom of the class was heard.

     [Please send student Rick Lee to the office, the Police are here to speak with him.]

     The teacher and the other students look at me, but I just calmly get up and pack my bag and head to the door.

     I saw some noticeable reactions...

     Scott looks surprised but hopes whatever it is puts me behind bars till after graduation.

     Nadia slaps her forehead like she did something wrong, and her sister is glaring at her for not doing something right, again.

     James mouths 'good luck'!

     And Linda has a look of wanting to say something, but I just leave the room and go to the office to face the music.

     Wonder if I accidentally killed one of the guys?

     When I walked into the office, a female Officer who looked really pissed and worried stood up and said.

     "Put your wrists out now!"

     Mary with real anger told me to put my hands out while she cuffed me, but at least not from behind. And I am pretty sure she is skipping like most of the speech she tells others when they are arrested. Mary said to the clerk.

     "Student Lee will be going to the station, so excuse him for questioning."

     I was then escorted out to my sister's squad car, and when I tried to talk she only said to me.

     "I am so pissed at you right now, that if you say one word, I will Taser you in-front of everyone for resisting arrest, get me, now don't hit your head getting in the back seat, sigh."

     So I was forced to enjoy my first official trip to the Police station as a guest!

     Sadly in my life this won't be the last time as well!


     Back in school, two troublemakers are whispering.

     "Dammit Nadia, I told you to send his sister the video only if he was beaten, so she could help, what were you thinking?"

     "Sorry, I was so excited that I sent the video to everyone and she was on my list, well at least his sister arrested him and not dirty Police. He will be fine... probably... Well I hope he is out before we get married, so I should get bail money just in case, right?"

     Smack! This time it was Nichole to facepalm at her air-headed sister's words!



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