Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 King Characters

Chapter 11 King's Cross
9 month 1 day.

Taking a ride from Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, to see off his niece, William arrived at King's Cross early.

"Speaking of which, in a sense, wizards do have big hearts. If a wizard's box suddenly breaks and reptile hearts fall all over the floor, or something like "The Bite Book That Can Bite", it's fun. But it’s blown out.”

Looking at the hustle and bustle of passengers, William also had to sigh with emotion - the King's Cross area is located in the center of London, and the number of trains is huge.

Even people in London are not surprised by strange costumes, but they can't stand some wizards with too obvious features
"Thanks, Tom."

William thanked the boss who had brought him here, squeezed into the line of other passengers, and walked towards the station.

He quickly discovered that, unlike what he remembered, this place was between platforms 7 and 8, and there was also a platform [-] and a half.

Compared to the platform at the other end where a few people disappeared every once in a while, this place is undoubtedly much deserted.For a few minutes, William only saw a man wearing a conductor's uniform with a magic wand pinned to his waist, who slammed his head against the wall while muttering, and then disappeared.

"Honey, that's the platform for the train to the wizarding villages on the continent, but I don't think they're leaving today.

The platform to Hogwarts is here. "

A gentle female voice rang in his ears.

William turned his head and found that the person speaking was actually Mrs. Weasley, who was holding a little girl's hand.Ron, whom William had met before, and another older boy was following her - he looked serious and looked at William suspiciously.

"Are you a student at Hogwarts too?"

asked Mrs Weasley.

But before William could answer, she frowned again, smiled apologetically at William, turned her head and shouted:
"Fred, George! Come here!
The train is about to leave!
You definitely don't want to miss the Commencement Dinner! "

"Hi, I'm Percy Weasley. He's Ron, my younger brother, who's going to be enrolled this year. My mother, I think you already know her, Molly Weasley."

Percy held out his hand and introduced himself enthusiastically.

"William, William Buffalo."

William shook his hand.

"I am the prefect of Gryffindor this year." Percy proudly puffed out his chest, showing William the shiny prefect medal with the word "P" engraved on it, and said:

"You're supposed to be from Hogwarts too?
But I don't seem to have seen you? "

"I was in Ilvermorny before."

Noticing that Percy racked his brains to recall, but still had a blank expression on his face, William had to add:
"Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a magic school in the United States. I just transferred to Hogwarts this year, and I am going to be in the fourth grade here."

"Mom, William is from America!"

Ginny tugged on Mrs. Lawesley, whispering.

"America? Oh, dear, I hope you like Hogwarts. Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard in Europe, and Hogwarts is of course the best wizarding school."

She patted Ginny on the shoulder and said proudly.

"Mom, we obviously still have a long time!"

Two red-haired boys who were slightly younger than Percy and almost identical came here unwillingly, complaining.

"Stop talking nonsense, come here quickly."

Mrs. Weasley called out to them, before introducing to William: "These are Fred and George, twins. They're both in Year [-] this year."

What Percy said to the twins in a low voice, William can only guess, it probably means that he is from the United States - because the eyes of the twins looked at him like a raging fire suddenly lit up, and William is not unfamiliar with this look .

It's called curiosity.

"Mom, I think we should go.

I have to go to the prefect's car to report in advance. The president of the student union is waiting for us to go to the meeting. My first day as a prefect is not to be missed. "

Percy whispered to Mrs Weasley.

"Welcome to Hogwarts.

Hope you get sorted into Gryffindor house. "

Together they say goodbye to William.

Watching the Weasley family leave, William suddenly felt the surroundings become quiet.

Passengers are still coming and going.

William walked along the platform and soon came to a stone wall separating platforms 9 and 10.Taking advantage of no one's attention, William closed his eyes and slammed forward.

He seemed to hear a soft thud like breaking soap suds.

A scarlet behemoth suddenly but naturally "squeezed" into William's line of sight. Its whole body was made of iron and steel. The continuous sound of its siren made up the pulse of its heart, and billowing steam rose from the chimney at the top of the car. .

"Hogwarts Express."

An iron sign with white characters on a red background is very conspicuous.

In the past, William just thought that the Hogwarts train was just a train that had been cursed with many spells, but now he realized how wild the ways of wizards were.

They cast a heavy spell on this ferocious steel beast, allowing it to hide itself in front of ordinary people, without revealing the route it is driving on, and it is extremely strong, and it can even drive automatically.

Although the train seems to be made of steel, William has no doubt that if the iron sheet of the train is torn off and studied, there must be precious materials carrying magic power inside.

"How did the wizards do this hundreds of years ago? Either they were so arrogant that they didn't use wizards as labor, or there must be some similar production line."

William followed the line, thinking.

In the crowd, he saw a boy holding a huge spider in his hand, and several chatting on broomsticks. Most of them were accompanied by their parents.

"Have a nice trip."

The conductor took his ticket and stamped it.

William went up the steps and into the carriage.

Even though he had come to the station as early as possible, he found that the private rooms in the front compartment were still fully occupied.He had to be thankful that he didn't carry a heavy suitcase like everyone else, because the corridors on this train were ridiculously narrow.

Even just walking can be dangerous.

"I take back my praise for those melon wizards back then."

William, who finally found an empty private room, thought bitterly.

It's one thing to understand that wizards from hundreds of years ago couldn't have understood user experience, but quite another to be acceptable.

For the sake of any talented wizard at that time, a single shoulder bag can already be expanded to 5*5*3, so why can't we extend this unlucky aisle by another meter?
William didn't expect that after traveling for more than ten years, he could experience the experience of the green leather train Spring Festival travel in his previous life again, and even in a sense, it would be even worse.

"There's at most instant noodles over there, smelly feet, and squeezes that won't be smeared by the ass of an unidentified flying owl. Pfft!"

Thinking, William spat out an owl feather.

"Knock, knock, knock."

A girl with dark brown hair knocked on the glass door of the private room, and opened the door to enter after seeing William nodding.

"Hello, is there anyone else in this private room?"

She said out of breath, wiping the sweat from her temples with her empty right hand.

The voice was inexplicably familiar.

"No, please sit down."

William replied subconsciously.

"Thank you."

The girl smiled and thanked William, but suddenly frowned slightly, looking thoughtful.

"It was you then?!"

They shouted out in unison.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, a recommendation ticket without money, thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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