Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Merlin is Dead

Chapter 12 Merlin is Dead
William was impressed by her voice.

Just a month ago, on William's first day in the UK, he "targeted" the owner of the Quidditch boutique in Diagon Alley.

At that time, a girl was defending "Heisenberg".

William saw her today.

"I wanted to ask you to thank you that day. But there were too many people and I couldn't find you. My name is Penelope, Penelope Clearwater, Ravenclaw."

Penello introduced himself.

She took the initiative to extend her right hand and shook William lightly.

"William Buffalo, you can just call me William."

William nodded and took half a step forward, "Excuse me."He snapped his fingers, floating Penello's box into the air, and pushed it onto the shelf on top of the private room.

"Thanks. Excellent wandless casting.

But I don't seem to have seen you at Hogwarts? "

Penello sat across from William, with a hint of surprise on her pretty face—William didn't look like a professor at all, but he was a freshman.
It also seems too "vicissitudes".

"Yes, I just transferred to Hogwarts this year, and I have been at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States before."

William believed that if someone gave him a copper Knut every time he said this, he would be a millionaire in the wizarding world by the end of next month at the latest.

"Ilvermorny? Is that the school in North America?"

Penello's eyes flickered, as if he saw some treasure or a precious prey.She adjusted her sitting posture, straightened her body forward slightly, and asked eagerly:

"And you know 'Heisenberg'? They say he's from Ilvermorny, and a student."

"If you say this, I won't be sleepy."

Although William would like to say this - when he was on vacation in Diagon Alley, Dumbledore entrusted an owl to send him a letter, informing him of the latest developments in the "Heisenberg Incident".

Although Professor Dumbledore failed to stop some big-mouthed media in time, he still managed to persuade Professor Fontana, hoping that he would not reveal William's true identity to the public, and asked the owl who shot down the letter to him Pupils at Cat Leopard Academy are exercising "a moderate amount of caution".

Although the group of guys with muscular heads
In the eyes of the outside world, Heisenberg did come from the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but he should be a senior student.As for William, a third-year student with excellent character and learning, who "just happened" to drop out of school, it was just a regrettable thing.

"Well, I don't know. It was only in the newspaper that I found out that he and I were actually classmates."

William shook his head and answered Penello.

"That's really a pity, I have always admired him, so that day"

Penello smiled a little embarrassedly.

William felt embarrassed to be praised so much by a fan girl.

But he didn't mind having more.

"Heisenberg is indeed a very thoughtful person. But how do you know him? I thought Hogwarts students wouldn't read magazines like International Alchemist Weekly?"

William hesitated for a moment before he came up with an appropriate word to describe himself, but he was really puzzled by this question.

Under his influence, "International Alchemist Weekly" is indeed no longer the magazine that relied on luck to even support itself, and the entire editorial team, editor-in-chief, and administration are all held by the same person.

But it can't be so popular, right?
"Professor Quirrell told us."

After Penello finished speaking, he suddenly realized that William might not know the identity of Professor Quirrell, and quickly added:
"Quelinus Quirrell, our Muggle Studies professor, liked Heisenberg's essays very much. Last semester, he gave us an assignment asking us to write the most controversial article about Heisenberg. Write a research report on one of the articles."

Quirinus Quirrell.

A talented and bright young professor, but later because of being stuck on the back of the head by 1/7 of the dark devil, he baldly took his own life.

But such an unlucky guy has now become a loyal fan of himself, which is something that William never expected even if he wanted to break his head.

He was taught by Professor Quirrell.

"You're talking about the article "Merlin is dead, the wizard himself killed him"?"

William knew that this was not actually a question.

"Merlin Is Dead" was written when he was in second grade.

At that time, he had just mastered the use of the Disillusionment Charm, and sneaked into the school's library, only to find that there were a large number of books in it that no one cared about, even including the magic notes brought to the New World by the aunt of the school's founder. .

"That's right. The only major innovation in charms we can trace back to is the Horton-Cage braking spell patented by the Comet Company in 1929.

Compared with the ever-changing world of Muggles and ordinary people, the world of wizards is like a pool of stagnant water. "

Penello recalled what she wrote at the time - she was very proud of her article, because Professor Quirrell not only gave her an O (Outstanding) evaluation, but also read it in front of all the students in the class.

William also noticed that when she mentioned ordinary people, she subconsciously chose the title of "Muggle", but immediately changed it.In his articles, he has always emphasized that "Muggle" and "No-Maj" are inappropriate terms.

"Knock, knock."

A light knock on the door interrupted their conversation.

William looked over and found that it was two girls.

They dragged their suitcases and stood in the corridor, timidly looking at the private room.

"Please come in."

He stood up and went to open the door of the private room.

"You are Zhang Qiu from the second grade?

And Marietta, right? "

Penello recalled and said.

"That's right, senior sister. Excuse me, we have been looking for your private room for a long time, but there is no suitable seat."

Zhang Qiu asked with some embarrassment.

——She knew that she interrupted the conversation between the senior sister and the senior just now, but they had already come back from the back compartment, and there was really no better choice.

"Of course, please sit down."

Penello looked at William and asked for his opinion. Seeing William nodded, he smiled and said to them.

Zhang Qiu showed a relieved expression.

After briefly introducing themselves, William used the Levitation Charm to send their boxes to the shelf as before. Zhang Qiu and the girl named Marietta thankfully sat down on the empty seats.

Penello took out an issue of "International Alchemist Weekly" with great interest and flipped through it quickly.

It was not the latest issue, but a special issue in June. There were obvious traces of repeated reading in the corner of the magazine—it was in that issue that William published his important research results.

He successfully applied a wall-breaking machine from the American Vitamax company to the production of potions. He not only adjusted the formula of the sober potion, but also prepared a sober potion with excellent effect and long-term preservation.

Sadly, that was also the last issue William wrote.

But William was not the only one in the private room who recognized him.

"You shouldn't read his article!"

Marietta said abruptly.

She pointed to the magazine in Penello's hand, and bit her lower lip hard, as if she wanted to gain courage in this way.

"My mother said that man was poison!

He wants to destroy the peaceful relationship between wizards and Muggles, and his followers have done a lot of very evil things! "

 Today should be able to change the contract status.

  Thanks to the book friends for the recommendation tickets.

  Just pleasantly surprised.


(End of this chapter)

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