Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Concerned about gains and losses (specially added for book friend Asprin)

Chapter 17 Concerned about gains and losses (specially added for book friend Asprin)
The Hogwarts Express slowly began to slow down, and they finally stopped at a small platform.

The students got off the bus one after another.

The scene was very chaotic.

The owl was hooting, the cat was hooting, and even a toad sang loudly and joined the chorus - but the hapless creature was quickly grabbed by Neville's belly and stuffed into his pocket.

"Leife, we had a hard time finding you.

Don't run around now. "

Neville whispered to Toad, but he didn't notice that he grabbed the unlucky Lefe very hard just now and pinched the toad until he rolled his eyes.

William and Penello lined up, got off the train, and stood on the platform—he looked at the collar of his robe, and asked with some doubts:
"Where should I go?"

All wizards who are not in the first year have ribbons belonging to their own colleges on their robes. Since William has not yet been sorted, he temporarily uses the golden Gordian knot instead.

Compliment Madam Malkin's workmanship.

Its surface shone with a faint gilt-golden halo.

"It suits you well, doesn't it?
Similar to your hair color. "

Following William's eyes, Penello also looked at the golden Gordian knot, comforting him and saying:

"Professor Dumbledore will definitely arrange it."

"Freshman, this way!

and william iba
William Bajoro of Ibatni!This way! "

A rough, but loud voice rang out.

Looking in the direction of the sound, William saw an astonishingly tall man with a brightly shining oil lamp in his hand. The ridiculously large dark brown animal skin coat fit him perfectly, with bulging pockets.

There's only one person this tall at Hogwarts.

He was Woodland Warden Rubeus Hagrid.

"Look, there. I think we'll have to meet at the castle, Mr. Bahoro from Ibatni."

Penello pointed in the direction of Hagrid, and said with a smile:
"You will come to Ravenclaw."

She waved goodbye to William, and several other girls found her and walked with her to the other side of the platform.

William himself greeted Hagrid. Over there, the first-year wizards who had arrived earlier had barely formed a row.He saw Hermione, she was standing alone at the front of the line, her fingers crossed vigorously, and she was silently chanting something.

There was also red-haired Ron, standing with a skinny black-haired boy. When he saw William, he waved excitedly.But William didn't see Neville, so he could only guess that he might be standing at the back of the line.


Hagrid looked at William carefully for a while, and said;
"You must be the William Bahollow that Professor Dumbledore mentioned. He wants me to tell you that when all students go to Hogwarts for the first time, they must go by boat."

"It's William Buffalo.

Buffalo is a buffalo, an American animal. "

William explained that he had an idea.

If he could collect a tonnat every time an Englishman mispronounced his name--between getting rich and being called the right name, he would always achieve something.

"Sorry. I'm not very good at reading"

Hagrid lowered his head, looked at William, and said embarrassedly.A heartfelt apology was shown on the rough face, which really made William unable to care about it even half a minute.

"Please don't, it's often mispronounced.

I think it's time for us to go, don't we? "

William hurriedly said, I hope Hagrid doesn't mind.

"Yes, yes," Hagrid said, and patted him on the shoulder so hard that William almost fell to the ground.He quickly fled behind the half-giant and stood in a row with Hermione.

She looked up in surprise, but didn't speak.

"Are there any freshmen?"

Hagrid yelled, turning his head.

He blinked, and with a smile on his bearded face, he said loudly, "Watch out for your feet, all right! First-year freshmen come with me!"

Following Hagrid, they slipped and stumbled down a steep and narrow path.Both sides of this path were pitch black, and in the darkness, there seemed to be something moving.

From time to time there were faint noises in the woods.

William wasn't sure if it was the noise coming from the forest, or if the little wizards in their team stepped on the scattered branches.

But he had an inexplicable feeling.

In the darkness, there must be something peeping.

At this moment, the line was eerily quiet.

"If Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry wants to develop and grow, we must start with ourselves, why don't we."

William finally heard what Hermione had been saying almost silently from the beginning - it seemed to be an excerpt from "Hogwarts: A School History".

He looked to the side, the brown-haired girl didn't notice his gaze, but stared desperately at his feet.She bit her lip, and under the moonlight that leaked through the branches, her face was as white as paper.

She is nervous.

She was really nervous.

William suddenly recalled that three years ago, he was like this too—standing in the foyer of Ilvermorny, waiting to be sorted.

At that time, his situation was even worse, because he was a time traveler, he knew more, and he had far more worries than others.

"What if I just look like a wizard?

What if they figured out that I wasn't really a wizard, or even from this side?

If they could see through memory"

No one understood Hermione's mood better than William.

"Did you know? Three years ago, in the United States, I also participated in a sorting ceremony.

At that time, I also felt very nervous. "

he whispered to Hermione.

"I'm not nervous! I'm not"

Hearing William's words, Hermione suddenly answered loudly like a kitten with frayed fur.In the next moment, she realized that she shouldn't do this, and lowered her voice again.

"I'm not nervous, I'm just preparing for what's next, recalling what's in the book."

Hermione bit her lip and answered.

Her words, William can be directly translated into:

"Help, I'm so nervous."

But he just waited, without saying a word.

"Are you going to have separate colleges in America?"

Hermione really couldn't help being curious and asked in a low voice.

"That's right. The founder of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry came from England. She envied the life at Hogwarts very much, so she also borrowed a lot from there.

Do you want to hear it? "

William said, for some reason, he suddenly missed the cat he raised in his previous life.

It's called bean paste, which is a very beautiful English short.

Hermione's eyes were twinkling.

But she was a little embarrassed to say it.

"At Ilvermorny, we are first led into the castle's foyer, where there are four wooden sculptures. While we line up to go in, the rest of us, the professors and senior students, will be in the ring above Watch from the terrace."

William whispered but calmly:

"The professor told us to stand in a circle and go one by one to the center of the stone floor, where there is a Gordian knot.

When standing on it, those magical statues will consider whether they really want this student to enroll in their college. "

 Thanks for the support, really.I just mentioned the feeling of stand-alone in the chapter, and I saw a lot of comments and recommendation tickets from familiar names in the background, and I also received the first reward since the book was opened (the other one was threatened by a friend, not counting)
  Special update (2/3 update today, 2/2 update this week)
  There is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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