Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 The Secret Curse

Chapter 18 The Secret Curse

"Four statues? Does that mean there are four colleges?"

Hermione was keenly aware of the similarities.

"That's right. In Ilvermorny, we have four colleges—the first is the Horned Hydra College, which represents the wisdom of wizards, and is most keen to accept wizards who love to read.

Then there is Thunderbird Academy, which represents the soul of wizards. Adventure is the pursuit that will always flow in their blood.There is also the Cat Leopard Academy, which represents the body of a wizard and a wizard.
—They're a bunch of idiots. "

William thought of a fitting comment.

Those guys from Cat Leopard Academy.
Just thinking about it made his brain buzz.

Those people are not only fanatical about initiating wizard duels, but most of them are anti-intellectual, thinking that strength is the only criterion for testing the level of wizards-grouping to bully students like William who like to walk alone has always been their favorite leisure.

In the first and second grades, the students of the Cat and Leopard Academy contributed a huge amount of experience points to William's amazing proficiency in protection and attack spells.

"Then there is another academy?"

Hermione asked proactively.

After William only mentioned three colleges, he stopped suddenly-this kind of out-of-context approach is simply a crime that no one can tolerate.

Curiosity was driving her crazy.

"Sorry, sorry, I was distracted for a while.

The last house is Pukchi, which represents the heart of the wizard.It was the only academy whose founders were ordinary people, and many graduated wizards ended up as physicians. "

Noticing that Hermione looked at him more and more dangerously, William hurriedly explained:
"Pukchi is a magical creature that lives only in North America, two or three feet tall, humanoid, but with a funny nose, gray skin that glows.

They are natural Animagus users, able to transform into porcupines or lions, and to Apparate. "

"How amazing, I wish I could go and see it myself one day. I read a lot of books during the holidays, but none of them mentioned the wizarding world in the United States."

Hermione couldn't help but admire.

"Well, that's because the relationship between the wizarding world in North America and the British Ministry of Magic has been... not very harmonious.

I have to say that when Professor Dippet was still the headmaster, it was already not allowed to publicly discuss things over there in the castle. "

Hagrid joined the conversation very "quietly":
"I remember one time at breakfast, he got a letter from America and he got really mad after reading it.

Sorry, I overheard your conversation.

We're going to Hogwarts soon. "

With that said, Hagrid stopped in his tracks.

He clapped his hands vigorously, motioning all the little wizards to look at him, and said loudly:
"Okay! Turn this corner again, and we will be able to see Hogwarts."

Everyone, including William, couldn't hold back their anxiety and nervousness at this moment—they ran after Hagrid.

Then there was a loud "Oh--!"

I don't know who shouted loudly.

But William could understand how he felt.

At the end of this narrow and dark path suddenly opened a black lake.On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stands a majestic castle with many spiers and bright windows twinkling under the stars.

On the river bank near their side, dozens of small boats waited quietly.Next to the bow of each ship, there is an oil lamp hanging, casting a small piece of orange light on the water.

Everyone stared at the castle intently.

Hagrid smiled, watching them.

He waited a little longer before finally raising his arm and waving it, attracting everyone to look at him.

"No more than four people per boat!"

said Hagrid, pointing to the boats moored to the shore.

"Let's go."

William also whispered to himself—he walked onto the nearest boat, and Hermione followed after hesitating for a moment, and two other girls who had followed them before also got on board—he only knew The brown-haired girl, Hannah Abbott, is the niece of Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

Hannah was no stranger to him.

When living in the Leaky Cauldron, William sometimes couldn't stand British food and Old Tom's cooking skills, which were much worse than British food-he would borrow the kitchen of the bar to make himself some burgers, teppanyaki and the like thing.

At times like this, Hannah would look at him pitifully, until William was helplessly defeated and promised to prepare a copy for her as well.

"Is everyone on board?"

cried Hagrid, who was in a boat by himself.

There was no one on the shore, and all the little wizards sat on the boat. They were either staring at the majestic Hogwarts castle in amazement, or whispering, discussing what would happen next.

"Okay, let's go!"

Hagrid clapped his hands vigorously.

In an instant the boat sailed across the glass-flat surface of the lake.They were soon nearing the cliff on which the castle stood, and it seemed to tower above them.

William suddenly felt his sleeves being pulled gently, and looked to his side.

It was Hannah who was watching him nervously.

Do you know what the Hogwarts houses are like? "

Hannah asked in a low voice:

"I mean, no academy would take me if they didn't think I was good enough."

She's not the only one who thinks so.

Hermione, and the other girl who introduced herself as Susan Burns just now raised their heads and looked at William.

This made him feel very headache.

William was never good at this kind of scene.

Whether in Ilvermorny or Blue Star.

But everyone was looking at him, including the young wizards on the two nearby boats, who stopped their conversation and waited quietly for William's answer.

"Okay. I will teach you a secret spell that helped me sort out in the past. When the ceremony begins, you can recite it silently in your heart, and you will have confidence."

After a short thought, William decided to use the power of psychological suggestion to help them—he cleared his throat, took out his wand with his right hand, lit a bright light and said:
"Follow me.

The spell is Merlinus Barbarito. "

"Merlinus Barbarito."

"Merlinus Barbarito."


More and more young wizards joined in the process of chanting the spell, and the boat got closer and closer to the bottom of the cliff.

"Look down!"

Hagrid called out as the boat approached the cliff
They passed through the ivy curtain that covered the front of the cliff, came to a secret open entrance, and then turned into a dark tunnel before arriving at a place that resembled an underground pier.

The boat docked on the shore, and they were guided by Hagrid to disembark, stepping on the ground made of gravel and pebbles.

Then, guided by the light of Hagrid's lantern, they climbed up a tunnel in the rock, and finally reached a flat, wet meadow in the shadow of the castle.

From here, William finally matched the route he had taken the last time he came to Hogwarts.

Climb up the stone steps.

They gathered in front of a huge oak door.

"Is everything here?"

Hagrid nodded in satisfaction.

He raised the huge fist of his right hand and knocked three times on the castle gate.

 Today (3/3)

  The last update of the new issue.
  It’s not that there are no manuscripts saved, I also especially want to release the continuous period of the beginning of school for you all at once, because it involves a show operation.But the editor does not allow too many updates during the new book period.
  Thanks to DeepFeeders for the reward, thanks to book friend 20171231135902818 for the reward, thanks to Check for the monthly pass, and thanks to Asprin for the monthly pass.

  I am flattered to break through 300 collections soon.

(End of this chapter)

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