Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 33 The Slytherin Prefect Not Popular With Slytherin

Chapter 33 The Slytherin Prefect Not Popular With Slytherin

"You are William Buffalo."

Said a female voice that sounded very stiff.

William turned his head and found that the other party was a Slytherin girl he didn't know at all - she had long light brown hair that was trimmed very neatly, she was about 6 and a half feet tall, and her features were like sculptures carved out of marble exquisite.

"I'm Gemma Farley.

Prefect of Slytherin, fifth year. "

She held out her right hand, waiting for William.

"I thought you were going to take a unified position."

William frowned and didn't shake her hand.

"I've heard about the accidents that happened to Flint and Montague—I think it must have been the heat of the castle lately that's got some strange thoughts going on in their heads."

Gemma didn't show any offended gesture, she naturally retracted her hand and said.When she said "I", she emphasized her tone very deliberately.

"An interesting statement."

William was a little surprised.

"Actually, the current view in our academy is that the two of them are incompetent, but they are cunning, and they should be punished naturally-but you should not be the one to punish them, so you must get...some appropriate Lessons."

Seemingly guessing William's thoughts, Gemma admitted her intentions quite frankly.

"You are from the United States, and your surname is not inherited from those ancient families, which seems to them pure blood.
Not pure enough. "

Her words are euphemistic.

William understood Gemma's subtext.

"So you're saying I'll be defeated by one of your representatives in order to avoid further trouble?"

William replied calmly.

—she seems to have come to fight for Slytherin, or to "knock" him.

But she seems to have some little thoughts of her own.

"That's what they mean—you know, they want to appear believable and put a lot of effort into casting a character who's qualified, popular, and guaranteed to beat you."

"In my opinion, there are not many people who meet these conditions—perhaps the one you should be most wary of is the student council president, Dwight Yaxley, who is very good at transfiguration and has a deep research on jinxes.

Some said that even if he had interviewed Aurors now, Rufus Scrimgeour would have hired him without hesitation. "

Gemma said without reservation.

William had reason to believe that she seemed to reveal a great deal more than she should have said.

"What do you mean?"

William asked with great interest.

The actions of the two of them have begun to attract the attention of others - at the long table in Gryffindor next door, a certain red head is opening the market, betting on how long it will take for the two of them to cast the first spell, and Who yelled it.

"Silencio (Soundless)."

William whispered the spell.

He nodded to Gemma, indicating that the conversation between the two of them would not be interrupted by others at this moment.

"I hope to be your partner in the activities of Professor Flitwick's club - I am also on the invitation list, and I have some information to share with you."

Gemma's answer was beyond William's expectation.

"I am listening."

William replied calmly.

"One of the practices for new members to join the club is that two people must form a small team and persist long enough under the attacks of all regular members until Professor Flitwick acknowledges their performance."

"A very demanding tradition."

Hearing Gemma's words, William couldn't help frowning.

In the case of being besieged by spells, not only need to show excellent skills and reactions, but also cooperate with a partner who may be completely unfamiliar, which undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty of the challenge.

It's no wonder that Robert Hilliard, the prefect of Ravenclaw, only participated in one event, and then quit in disgrace.

"You can trust my level, my spells, and my grades in Defense Against the Dark Arts are all first in the class, and I don't want to be too proud, but"

Her face was raised slightly, obviously very confident in her dueling skills.

"But why are you looking for me?"

William didn't doubt her performance, but he doubted her motives - Gemma was completely unfamiliar to him, and the timing of finding her was too abrupt.

"First of all, you beat Flint and Montague and are qualified to be my partner."

Gemma took out her wand with her right hand, swung her left shoulder sideways, and made a gesture before casting a spell—she blinked invisibly, and William understood what she meant, and took out the wand and held it in his hand.

"Any qualified student can do it."

William shook his head, not buying the statement.

Frankly speaking, even he himself did not expect that a staffless and silently cast confusion spell would have such a significant effect on them - I am afraid that in a real duel, the two of them will have loopholes all over their bodies.

"Okay, but you must also want to fill in that Dwight Yaxley, don't you?

He and I also happen to have some... holidays to sort out.

He's a pure-blood bastard, and he's always had a problem with me being a prefect, and I've always wanted to give him the Batspell Charm to his face. "

Gemma took half a step forward, lowered her head slightly, and performed a very standard wizard's duel preparation - she seemed to be trying her best to show an "attitude".

Or "position".

"But that's not enough either."

William still found her arguments unconvincing.

"All right.
I thought these two reasons were enough to convince you—the real reason is that in the whole of Hogwarts, you are the only student I can't see any color with my third eye. "

Gemma sighed, and she took a half step back, tucking away her wand and putting it back on her waist.



"make a deal."

After thinking about it, William still agreed to her invitation—the "celestial eye" she mentioned seemed very interesting, and he would indeed need a reliable partner by then.

Reliable, not believable.

"The place and time of our next meeting, I will find a way to contact you."

After Gemma finished speaking, she walked towards the long table of Slytherin with a serious expression on her face.William sat back to Ravenclaw's long table with breakfast, and rejected all the students who wanted to ask him about what happened just now.

"William, you were just now"

Penello asked in a low voice, and William explained to her the strange attitude that Gemma showed just now, but he didn't expect her to show a clear expression.

"She's notoriously unpopular in Slytherin."

"An unwelcome prefect?"

William felt a little unbelievable.

"That's right. Not only is the Faleigh family not a member of the 28 clans, it's not even a pure-blood family in the strict sense, but she's really outstanding in every way.

——Professor Dumbledore made her a prefect even though many people didn't like her. "

"She is number one in courses like Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts, but I heard that she is best at divination. Professor Trelawney speaks highly of her."

When Penello mentioned Trelawney, she seemed reluctant to call her a professor. She took a divination class last year, but this year it has been changed to digital divination.

"哐" sounded.

The windows of the auditorium were opened.

A large number of owls flew in.

One of the barbed-bellied owls flew in crookedly, and stabbed William's milk bowl with oatmeal - for the sake of Merlin's beard, it was in terrible condition, no doubt just experienced It had been a very long journey—perhaps flying in from England.

 Gemma Farley is the prefect mentioned in Slytherin's introductory speech. The Farley family she belonged to didn't mention whether she had a pure blood background, but they all disappeared in 97 (the year when Voldemort took over the Ministry of Magic)-reasonable The explanation is that their pure blood does not stand up to scrutiny.

  Thanks to Asprin for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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