Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 34 Three Great Hermes

Chapter 34 The Triple Great Hermes

"Wingardium Leviosa."

William snapped his fingers, let the poor chicken float in the air for a while, then took out his wand, pointed at it and said: "Enervate (quick recovery)."

The tip of the wand emitted a gentle light, brushing over the little owl's body, causing it to close its eyes comfortably - it raised a paw towards William, beckoning him to remove the letter tied to it.

"Hogwarts Castle, Great Hall, Ravenclaw Long Table, Mr. William Buffalo." On the outside of the envelope, the sender wrote in cursive script.

"That damned old bee pretended to me that he didn't know Hermes at all. Did the bird tell him this address?"

William complained quietly to Dumbledore.

The letter was undoubtedly from Hermes.

Opening the envelope, William found a roll of parchment and a small booklet inside. He unfolded the roll of parchment first:

"Dear Mr H,

It's nice that we can finally communicate in such a more direct and intimate way after months of absence - although I'm sure you can fully appreciate our need to keep our identities hidden from each other. "

"As we discussed in our last letter, I traveled to the world of Muggles as you explained, and also attended a show called 'The Movie'.

Although the guard barred me from entering just because of what I was wearing, there was a Muggle holding a small piece of paper and yelling at me to get out of his way.

These are very rude things, but overall, it can still be called a novel experience. "

In the last letter they communicated, Hermes mentioned that he once used magic to make a play and preserved it permanently in a magic crystal.

Hermes once said very proudly that in the entire world today, there are no more than ten people who have mastered and skillfully used this kind of illusion magic.

The wizard Mephisto who invented the spell was even treated as a devil by a Muggle - but apparently even the spell didn't teach him to buy a ticket to watch a movie.

"I went to the university of Muggles and spent a whole week listening to them, but I still didn't understand a little bit of Muggle medicine. They mentioned 'bacteria', 'virus', and something called I believe The medicine or the potion called 'Princillin' confuses me."

"Pnicillin? Penicillin?"

William thought—he could only guess.

But Hermes specified that he had listened to the wrong class—he should have gone to Modern Medicine 101, instead of starting to sit in on the professional class that he had taken half of.

After that, Hermes spent a lot of space describing his "observation" records of the ordinary people's world, and the lines were full of curiosity and surprise.

"While there were dissent and bickering in our interactions, I cannot deny that many of your points of view were fresh...and incredible to me.

Some time ago, a mutual friend of ours, or at least a mutual acquaintance could be called a mutual acquaintance, paid me a visit—finally making me decide to embark on an adventure I hadn't even imagined. "

"I have already entrusted him with the most proud and regretful creation in my life for temporary storage, but besides that, I have also left you some information that may be helpful.

He promised to keep them all in the safest place in Hogwarts, but only after passing all the tests can they truly belong to you. "

At the end, it is Hermes' iconic signature - not his name, but a passage from the work "Jade Record" in the field of alchemy:

"I am called the triple great Hermes.

For I have the wisdom of the three parts of the world. "

That's all for the content of the letter.

"Hermes. Is Nicole Flamel?!"

William found it unbelievable, and inexplicably felt that this was reasonable—it explained Hermes' amazing accomplishments in alchemy and potions, and the relationship with Dumbledore.

It even explains why he's such an old jerk.

Because Nicole Flamel is French!
The French are old bastards!
And, Snape didn't deserve to lose.

The other small book in the envelope was also taken out by William. It was a manuscript with the "Book of Hieroglyphs" written on the cover - he flipped through the inside, which recorded many authors' secrets about occultism, The exploration of alchemical formulas and words with magical powers.

Other than that, he doesn't know anything.

Because the manuscript is written in French, it is divided into three sub-volumes. In the table of contents, the names of these three sub-volumes have been specially translated in English, and only three titles have been translated.

William could swear it was not on purpose.
He's eating the whole bowl of milk right now!

"All right.
In addition to ancient rune, learn French."

He took out his wand, tapped Nicole Flamel's letter and the manuscript, and added an invisible lock to them before putting them into the shoulder bag.

What's more troublesome is that in order to get the information Nicole Flamel left for him, and it would be best to get his address from Dumbledore, William also had to break through the corridor on the fourth floor of the castle.

Perhaps in the eyes of Hermes, he has enough time to challenge, but William, who is familiar with the original plot, naturally knows that the time left for him is less than a year.

However, no matter how difficult it is, he must take it.

"Time is running out"

William has already seen his bald future.

After eating breakfast, he and Penello came to the classroom of the Charms class-this class Ravenclaw will be with Slytherin, and after they saw William, their expressions suddenly became serious- —Obviously they were going to kill the imposing presence of this foreigner in class.

Hogwarts is the oldest wizarding school in the world. Their family has mastered many spells as early as when the wildling wizards in the United States were still wielding sticks.

This is the moment when pure blood dignity is at stake.

"Hey, William."

Jimmy beckoned William to sit beside him.

"Slaughter has agreed to allow me to try out the position of the Seeker - three training sessions a week, and I will definitely pass the official selection on Saturday. Don't forget that then."

He begged William in a low voice.

"Dorothy of Hufflepuff has promised me. Just let her touch Gable and she will come with me to Hogsmeade."

Jimmy still didn't give up his attempt.

"Dear Jimmy, believe me, Professor Flitwick will be disappointed if he knows that you are only thinking about pleasing girls in his class."

Penello patted himself on the forehead, feeling deeply helpless at Jimmy's performance - even more helpless, even though Jimmy was not doing his job properly, his grades in Charms were still only a little bit worse than Penello's.

"I thought he was used to it."

Jimmy spread his hands and answered.

"Shh, Professor Flitwick is coming."

William interrupted their conversation.

Professor Flitwick came in from the door of the classroom, clapped his hands, and let a stack of books be stacked behind the lectern to build a step for him - but even if he stepped on it, it was only a head above the lectern.

"Welcome, welcome back."

Professor Flitwick, who was full of smiles, took out a thick booklet, and began to name each person.

After calling out everyone's names, he clapped his hands happily:

"A lot!
And a new classmate joined our class!
None of you know how happy I am right now! "

Professor Flitwick's voice was piercing.

"Before the class, we still have a little time, maybe you will be interested in thinking about a problem with me?
If you answer well, I will give you some college points as a reward. "

His words lifted everyone's spirits.

Be it Ravenclaw or Slytherin.

"What do you think is the basis of the spell?"

 Thank you for the monthly pass of Qingkong Year.

  Finally Hermes.

  Legend has it that alchemy originated in Egypt.1900 BC.The Egyptian pharaoh Hermes, his legendary father Thoth (Toth), and Hermes' eldest son, the high priest Tat (Tat), became one and became the legendary "Hermes God". ".The trinity of gods condensed the knowledge of alchemy into 13 sentences, which were engraved on an emerald plate and handed down to the world.People call this text "Cuiyulu". (Emerald Tablet, or Smaragdine Table).

  Cuiyulu is interpreted as the ability to refine gold or the elixir of life, as well as its significance in occultism, which is very suitable for Nicole Flamel's pen name.

(End of this chapter)

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