Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 35 If you don't talk about chapters, maybe you can still look smarter

Chapter 35 If You Don't Talk, Maybe You Can Look Smarter
"What do you think is the basis of the spell?"

Professor Flitwick asked a seemingly obvious question, but it was undoubtedly very complicated.

"Mr. Stewart?"

He called the name of a Slytherin who raised his hand.

"Of course it's a spell. Everyone knows that only when we recite the spell accurately can the spell take effect. It's just that some people are not talented enough to use it."

The Slytherin replied proudly.

What he wanted to say was definitely not "talent".

"A pretty standard answer.

Is there another point of view?Miss Clearwater? "

Professor Flitwick didn't answer right or wrong, but called Penello's name - she seemed a little surprised, but she stood up and said:
"Maybe it's the language? I have learned some Latin, and many spells are written in Latin or modified on the basis of Latin."

After she finished speaking, she also smiled.

"Stupid, is it possible to say a few random words in Latin and cast a spell inexplicably? Then all Muggles will be wizards not long ago.

No wonder you learn such a useless language"

The boy surnamed Stewart spoke in a "quiet voice", but just enough for everyone to hear.

"Interesting point of view!

I think we can add 2 points to Ravenclaw. "

Professor Flitwick liked Penello's answer very much. He clapped his hands, but still did not announce the answer. Instead, he called another Ravenclaw student:

"Mr. Bennett?"

"Professor, is it a wand? Professor Binns said before that the goblins rebelled because wizards not only refused to share their knowledge of spells, but also forbade them from having the right to use wands?

So today, after several failed rebellions, they still can only use a small number of innate talent magic? "

The boy had thick bags under his eyes, and he looked like he hadn't slept well—a stark contrast to Jimmy, who was sitting next to William.

"Excellent answer. I think if it was Professor Binns, he would be willing to add points to your answer."

Professor Flitwick clapped again.

"If he still remembers the existence of extra points." Beside William, Jimmy muttered in a low voice—the last time there was a record, when Professor Binns added points, his grandfather probably hadn't even been born yet. .

"Any other answers?"

Professor Flitwick questioned a few more students, and got many answers—including magic, blood, ritual, will, courage, and spellcasting moves.

"Perhaps Mr. Buffalo would like to share his opinion? I would like to know what you think of the source of the spell in Ilvermorny."

Suddenly he called to William.

To be honest, William has been thinking about this question ever since he came to this world and the first magical riot occurred—but in Ilvermorny, the professors never mentioned this question.

"Honestly, I don't know, Professor."

He stood up and answered frankly.

"Chi thought there was some good opinion, even if you don't, you can at least answer one question about the weather."

Stewart said "in a low voice", his words caused Slytherin to laugh, but the Ravenclaws didn't find it so funny, even Professor Flitwick frowned.

William has always hated this kind of guy who likes to step on the top of others to climb up, but he can't contribute any valuable views of his own.

"But first we can rule out the spell."

William spoke, and then called out a spell.

"Si tacuisses,

philosophus manisses."

He snapped his fingers with his right hand.

Gray-black smoke suddenly appeared in the air, and quickly changed positions, finally converging into a sentence that was exactly the same as "spell".

"Excellent wandless casting skills.

I guess I have to add 5 points for Ravenclaw. "

Professor Flitwick nodded.

"The meaning of this incantation is:

Maybe you can look smarter if you don't talk. "

William "introduced" that - although the spell was literally true, he actually used it in a book "Smoke Shorthand Charm: A Practical Invention" that he found in a Ravenclaw alcove. The recorded smoke sketch spell.

The book is written by former Minister of Magic Loken McClard, also a Ravenclaw, who invented the spell while still in school.

That paragraph of words floated in the air for a while, and then suddenly fell on Stewart's face, blowing into a ball of black ash.

"You! Damn"

Stewart stood up abruptly.

He wanted to curse William angrily, but he interrupted him before he could start speaking.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Mr. Stewart, I accidentally missed it. Maybe it's too difficult for me to cast a spell that requires a long 'spell' without a wand."

William's very "sincere" "apology."

"Tergeo (Whirlwind Sweep)!"

He took out his wand with his right hand, drew a circle casually, and shouted a spell—the air flow in front of him suddenly began to surge, turning into a wind and rolling towards Stewart's face, like a rag covering his face Distorted into a very funny expression.


Professor Flitwick exhaled the spell, and the magical wind suddenly dissipated in the air.

"William, I don't think Mr. Stewart did it on purpose, we are in class.

Ravenclaw deducted 5 points. "

He stopped William's revenge and said in a serious tone.Professor Flitwick's words made Stewart stunned - Ravenclaw added 5 points and deducted 5 points. William was not criticized, but he himself did not get any compensation.

But he was not brave enough to challenge the professor.

"Of course, Professor, please let me continue to answer."

William also understood what Professor Flitwick meant.

"I partially agree that language is the basis of spells, as Penello said, whether it's Latin or runes, they are all languages ​​​​with magic power-but you know, in Aesop Searle Before the Mayflower came to the New World, it already had its own spell."

"The shamans of the Indians believed that the 'spirits' in nature had wills and could bestow blessings on them, allowing them to unleash supernatural powers.

Magical creatures also have many innate talents, such as thunderbirds that can communicate with thunderclouds, and horned water snakes that can temporarily grant people the ability to become invisible and fly."

William paused briefly, and after sorting out his thoughts, he continued:
"The words of the wand.
The fact that wizards have been trained to master the technique of casting spells without a wand proves that the wand is more of a tool for wizards to cast spells.

It is very important, but not necessary.

I also used to think that it should be the cognition of the wizard himself, but I later discovered that any wizard, as long as they memorized the spells and acted standardly, they could release most of the spells, even if they didn’t understand the meaning of the spells themselves. Meaning - as Ilvermorny was when it was first formed. "

This is what really puzzled William.

"Then I suppose you must have a guess, don't you? Maybe you'd like to speak up and share it with us?"

Professor Flitwick encouraged William.

Everyone was watching William—his words undoubtedly caused waves in their hearts—they had been exposed to most of this knowledge, but they always regarded it as the "natural" talent of wizards, and did not carry out any research. Deep thinking.

"After reading some books by ordinary people, I gradually came to an idea that may not be very reliable-could it be that the subconscious minds of all of us wizards are actually connected to each other in some way?

Like a group trend of thought?

Or a shared magical space?

When one of the members has mastered a certain spell, will other members naturally have the possibility of mastering this spell? "

William hesitated for a moment—this idea was undoubtedly very radical, and there was no theory or experiment to support it—but he spoke his conjecture anyway.

 Thanks to Batman joker for the reward.

  Got a new book cover.

  On Sunday, I tested the water recommendation, and I beg readers to try not to keep books. The follow-up data determines whether they can advance to the next round.

  The "spell" comes from yes, the words of Hampi in the prime minister, half-step ypm rule the world.

  How to explain the weird magic system in hp, but I was completely confused, and I only came up with this idea later.

(End of this chapter)

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