An npc who just wants to live idling around.


In the empire capital of Neum, a man could be seen leaving a motel while smoking a cigarette.

The man has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a woman-killing face, the man had a bored face as he thought.

'um... that woman was hot for a while, but unfortunately, she's not an Awakened, she got tired too fast and my snake stung to bite another female.

"ha... living is not easy.

the man said as he walked towards the mall in the capital of the Neum empire.

Daniel was an orphan boy abandoned by his father when he was a baby and then his mother abandoned him to go with another man when he was 6 years old.

he has always envied noble children who were sure to become awakened without making any effort.

but one day in the orphanage where he lived, he discovered that he could use air magic.

Since then his life changed.

He refused to try to get a scholarship to enter ALL because he believed that he could achieve it alone without having to be on the side of the nobles.

Due to the fact that he was awakened, he was able to achieve something that no other boy could in the orphanage where he lived.

end up making love with the sister who took care of them in the orphanage, since then every time he meets a woman he tells them that he is an awakened rank D + only being 20 years old without having to enter ALL.

He took advantage of that power to conquer women left and right, they fell like  b$#% in heat every time he mentions that he is awakened, he awakens many common women that desire to be under a strong man.

Daniel had sex with countless women till now, leaving them in deep pleasure, but unfortunately, over time, Daniel started to get bored as an ordinary woman cannot maintain her stamina level causing the girl to lose consciousness.

This morning, after passing out a married woman who was bored with her husband, Daniel walked to the mall, wanting to look for a horny woman, recently heard that ALL students are on vacation, and how many of the students are like little girls , Daniel I thought it would be easy to take someone down.

He has great talent, he entered a guild at the age of 17 and is considered a rising star among his peers, Daniel knew that it would not take long to raise his rank, at least another year or 2 and he will be able to reach the rank -C.

besides he was not afraid of repercussions, no woman until now could resist his charms, and his guild was behind him, being a recognized guild he didn't think he would have to worry about a boyfriend or husband, in fact, it would be more fun to see the husband looking at his wife, while Daniel made his wife scream with pleasure. Remembering that feeling of being superior filled Daniel with ecstasy.

As he was walking and watching, he saw something that made his brother want to get out of his pants.

she was a girl in a dress, she was about 15 years old but still, the girl had a voluptuous body and plump thighs in high black stockings, next to her was a little girl of at least 13 years old.

The two of them were sitting at a table in the food court, the older one was with a book in her hands while the younger one was eating ice cream, giving an image that a man had to turn his head at least 3 times and marvel at. of sight.

Daniel had a device that he won in an auction that could know when a person was awakened or not, when he checked it he saw that both girls were awakened, but Daniel was interested in the older girl, her kind and innocent appearance made Daniel want to make her his personal addicted wife.

Daniel wasted no time and walked safely directly to the table where the 2 girls were.

Upon arrival, Daniel was able to get a better view of the girl's huge breasts, despite having been with many women so far, Daniel felt that the blood was going to rise to his 2 heads at this moment, but he calmed down. the force.

This needed patience and bait to take the girl to her room, once she is inside her, the girl will never be able to escape the pleasure.

Daniel started immediately, first as a good hunter he needed to know the prey and seeing the girl who had a book in his hand he thought of her bait.

"Good morning ladies, may I have the honor of sitting with you for a moment? I know about that dungeon book in your hand and I would like to exchange ideas, may I?"

the younger girl said directly


but the older said to the younger

-Don't be rude to the sir, Little sister, excuse me sir but my sister is a bit rude, regarding your invitation, I appreciate your interest, I am very sorry to have to reject it

"I understand, do you have a special reason? a jealous boyfriend?

Daniel said with a flirtatious smile.

- it's not that, just not

The older one kindly rejected Daniel without taking her eyes off her book while the little one watched Daniel's performance with curiosity.

"I understand, at least as an apology for distracting you, would you allow me to buy you a drink?

- I do not think that-

Or so she was going to say, but the younger one got into the conversation.

- we accept!

Daniel in his mind said

'Perfect, I'll have to buy this girl a sweet later.

Daniel nodded with a smile and walked towards a drink machine before the older one refused again.

After a couple of minutes where he "walked around" the place, Daniel returned with 3 drinks in glasses with a straw each.

"here for the beautiful ladies, famous drinks of this place

Daniel said while he left the drinks on the table, since the older one rejected any physical contact with the naked eye, Daniel concluded that the girl was shy before a boy as beautiful as him.

-Thank you

The younger one said while the older one politely thanked, then she picked up hers and put it aside before continuing to read her book.

Daniel asked as he took a sip.

"won't you drink it?

-after he finishes reading this chapter

"Do you know the most interesting thing in the volume you are reading?

- I find it all interesting, thank you

"There are 3 volumes of that version right?

-that's how it is

"Do you want to find out the most important among the 3?

- I think I'll find out on my own, thanks for your words.




'This girl is really difficult, every time I'm getting excited, I already want to see her expression when I'm on top of her in my bed

Daniel was thinking of using some other way to win over the girl in front of him, despite being very polite, he didn't leave any space for Daniel to continue the chat, Daniel thought for a moment, but to start his plan he needed her to little sister go.

so he turned to the younger girl who was watching them with a smile.

"Do you like chocolates?

- that's how it is

said the girl not as rude as before

"so have here 2 coins, buy yourself something rich

- Sir, I have seen a toy that I really like, I don't know if the Lord would be so kind as to give it to me as a gift so I can go and "take a while"

Daniel listened to the meaning of the words and nodded.

"Of course, you can ask this big brother for anything you want, take my card, you can go and buy whatever you want.

-thank you very much, sir

the girl said with a smile before leaving with her credit card.

Daniel looked at the girl back and said

"May I know your name? I wouldn't want to keep calling you to miss you forever.

the girl thought for a moment before saying


Daniel, upon hearing the refusal, still did not give up but saw that the girl had written her name in large letters on the inside of the book, Daniel then said her name.

"Akane, a beautiful name indeed.

the girl known as Akane frowned for a moment before sighing and saying.

-thank you very much for your compliment

"It's not a compliment, Miss Akane, it's the truth, it's the most beautiful and sweet name I could hear in this world, would you allow me her contact number?

- I do not think that it's necessary

"Really? What if I want to know her more thoroughly?

- no thanks, but I appreciate your invitation


Daniel in his mind thought

'didn't think I'd have to resort to this move

Daniel nodded before reaching out to grab Akane's arm.

He didn't move an inch before Akane jumped out of the chair, backing away as he frowned.

- please behave yourself, or I will call the police for sexual harassment

Daniel wanted to curse internally, he had a strange ability called [a touch of ecstasy] a rank D ability that he bought on the black market, it is said that this ability was created thanks to the extraction of cores from certain monsters and some research for his very limited production, he was even lucky to find one of these, although it is useless fighting skill, Daniel uses it to turn women on momentarily and make them more susceptible to conquest, then Daniel takes the lady to his room where it is full of an aphrodisiac air, causing the woman to lose what little resistance she may have.

Although the girl in front of Daniel is Awakened unlike the women Daniel conquered, he doesn't believe that the range of the girl in front of him exceeds the range of her ability.

"I apologize, you are so beautiful that I couldn't help it, I beg your pardon

- Don't you dare approach me again, if that's all I'll go look for my sister-

before Akane can continue, a cheerful voice came from her.

-older sister I'm back, something happened?

-Nothing happened Kelly, you should return her card to the man and go

Kelly nodded and handed Daniel his card, as the girls walked away Daniel raised his glass.

"Could you at least take a sip as consideration for the vendor, right?

Akane stopped for a few moments and shook her head as she walked away.

Daniel frowned as he watched as his prey avoided his trump card, though wanting to grab Akane on impulse, he didn't think Akane would be so quick to avoid it.

Daniel sighed heavily before pulling out his phone and calling one of his random conquests, he thought this time of that motherly-looking married woman to comfort him for a while this morning.

After sending him a message to meet at his apartment, Daniel left the place.

once he entered his apartment, he took off his shoes while he went to his bed, and closed his eyes while he waited for that woman.


Daniel's eyes widened after a while at the sound of something, but before he could even react a floating sword was against his neck.


-shhh, you should stay still

said the man across from Daniel's bed.

there was a man in civilian clothes standing with his hands in his pocket, but he had a floating sword pointed at Daniel's neck.

-I suppose you are a bit confused by what is happening to you, first let me introduce myself, my name is Julius flysword, 5th son of my family, and vice president of the scarlet rose guild

"what the f$%# are you doing in my house-

Before Daniel could continue, the flying sword cut his lip.

-please be quiet, I just want to finish my work and go

Julius grabbed a piece of paper and began to speak.

-Daniel, orphan of parents and hunter in a second-rate guild, known to his friends as the stallion, I must say that the history of your couples was interesting so far, but I regret to inform you that this is about to end since you did something stupid.

Julius said before aiming his flying sword at Daniel's crotch making Daniel who was trembling in fear unable to speak because of Julius' pressure as an A rank.

-You know, if you had been calm with the women you already have, and you had been like the others until now who gave up even before approaching the ladies and left calmly, you could have kept it there, but unfortunately for you you were stupid and you put your filthy eyes on my boss's little sister, even though in this kind of occasion the young lady would have taken care of you while you sleep later, her little sister doesn't want them to waste their time because of your stupidity, you should be thankful that only me I cut it clean for you, at least you will live without knowing the experience of knowing that it feels like your reproductive organs burst into flames or suffering the experience of being beaten by my lady's younger sister leaving you an insured for a long time in the hospital, whatever goodbye.

Julius said as he cut down Daniel's brother


Daniel screamed at the top of his lungs before passing out from the pain, Julius looked at Daniel for a few moments before walking out the front door, he still had to finish everything before going back to his rest.




After no one knows how long, Daniel slowly opened his eyes, before trying to stand up to the last recovery potion in his drawer next to his bed.

he muttered as he tasted the bitterness of the potion.

"I will not forgive you, bastard, I swear to heaven that I will take revenge on you and all your family

Daniel gritted his teeth as he went to pick up his phone that still had a bloodstain on it, when he saw his phone Daniel realized that he had received many text messages, although surprised, Daniel began to read them, but the more he read, the more horrible it became. his expression.

"What the f#$#! How did they kick me out!? If it was just a certain Julius from the ros- guild


Daniel remembered the name of the guild, remembering a guild with that name.

Realizing who he had offended, Daniel walked blankly to the edge of his bed and sat on top of the dried blood.

"Are you telling me that this girl is linked to that guild?

"No, I have to go, that b#$% of rose won't let me escape, I have to go

Daniel grabbed a simple suitcase and put on all his clothes, then he ran to the nearest airport to buy a ticket that would send him as far away from the capital, but when he passed his credit card, the person who attended to him returned the card He said.

- you do not have sufficient funds for the trip

"What? That's not possible, I haven't used my savings since-

Daniel quickly grabbed his phone and looked at his account, when he saw that he didn't have a coin he couldn't help but laugh dryly.

"That brat just stole everything from me, hahaha...




going back to Akane and Kelly...

The 2 girls had gone to the mall earlier for a book for Akane, she was waiting for the next volume of an ancient magic book studied by many scientists, but while they were both waiting, a guy approached Akane to bother her.

since Kelly saw the boy the only thing that came to her mind was.

'Um... I hope the big sister doesn't take too long to reject this boy, but taking a closer look at this man, from his look, his flirtatious look, his appearance, his voice, and his way of speaking it's obvious that this guy is one of the player type, one of those lechers who only want girls for one night or nights but never get romantically involved, as sensei called them? oh yeah, hedonist.

Kelly knows about these types of people, although Ren told her the popular term, Kelly knows them from her territory, they are the most irritating garbage, and they are the type that seeks their physical pleasure regardless of who the other party is or the damage they cause. To the others, Ren made sure to tell Kelly to never get close to a guy like that, even though Kelly already knew that information and never planned to get close to a man like that, she couldn't help but give Kelly tenderness for being taken care of like that.

'Although I have no doubt that the older sister will kill him if he goes too far, we still have to go to the arena tonight, so I guess I'll leave it to that boy Julius, yes, and I'll take some of it with me. money.

Kelly after doing her performance towards the boy, with her credit card, bought a lot of things, from video games to clothes for ren, and she called one of her bodyguards to send all of it to ren's room at ALL.

' If you try to talk to my sensei's wife, at least pay the minimum price.

As Kelly went back to where she left them, from afar she saw how the guy wanted to get closer, but she couldn't even get an inch closer before Akane jumped back.

'This is bad! I must hurry before the older sister kills him!

- please behave yourself, or I will call the police for sexual harassment

When Kelly heard that, she almost fell over Akane's mature response, it's not that I underestimate her, it's just that Akane when it comes to Ren or something related to him and their current relationship, she tends to... overreact, if only for a near rejection he was going to cut his throat without thinking.

currently, although Akane became quite popular due to her big change in appearance, she is still quite withdrawn and reserved towards other people especially people of the opposite sex, doesn't see her as the girl who always hugs ren, if it weren't for Since Kelly knows that Akane likes to hug Ren, she would have thought that Akane has androphobia.

Kelly ran over to Akane and tried to make her voice as calm and normal as possible.

"Elder sister, I'm back, did something happen?

-Nothing happened Kelly, you should return her card to the man and go

Kelly handed her card back to her guy before following Akane and getting her out of the place before Akane loses her cool...

when they left the place, Kelly asked carefully.

"Big sister, are you alright?

-all good, only that guy is so... ugh, rude and insistent, it made me sick to be looked at by him

"Yeah, big sister, I left it to Julius

-Isn't he on his day off? I wanted to do it for almost making him share oxygen with him, just thinking about it makes my hands itch for killing him now

"I told you that we should bring bodyguards big sister

-... I understand, sorry little sister, I should have listened to you before leaving, just that since no one is pushy at school, I didn't think it would be different outside of school.

' It's because everyone at school knows your strength and your identity, big sister.

"Don't worry big sister, but don't forget that we still have to go to the arena later

-That's true, I forgot, I'm sorry Kelly, you know me

"I know, but well, we better go to that new coffee shop, they say their coffee is tasty and they also sell filter coffee, it would be nice to go and see.

-good idea, let's see if sensei liked that coffee.

the 2 girls walked towards that new cafeteria and took a seat.

2 beautiful girls sat at a table for 2, the girl who brought them the menu was mesmerized for a moment looking at the cute beauty of Kelly.

but Kelly as if she didn't feel her gaze was listening to Akane.

- Little sister, did you say you wanted to tell me something?

"Ah yes, I don't know if you felt it recently but... didn't you feel your training progress slower since sensei traveled to elf territory?

-um... now that you mention it you're right, at first I thought it was because I didn't have sensei around to be motivated, but this week there was no progress in practicing a new movement...

"I came to that conclusion anyway with that, apparently sensei can increase our talent, but I still don't understand how she could do it...

- that answer is simple, little sister

Akane said with a smile.

" What?

- a few days ago in the church library I read that formerly the apostles could receive powers depending on who the angel is, although the information is too scant I was able to discover that 500 years ago there was an apostle who could influence his comrades causing it to increase in a certain percentage of its growth speed when close to it.

"Seriously? Who was it?

- I couldn't really find out, maybe that information is found in the church, maybe sensei is blessed with that and that's why he could influence us, ha... how wonderful sensei is...

Kelly put her hand on her chin as she said.

"I guess you're right, but it doesn't just affect people

-what do you mean?

"Well... Kiyoshi told me some important things

- what things?

"that Hina is growing at a fast pace

- She is with sensei, isn't that normal?

"You're not understanding me, big sister, I mean it's too much, look at this

Kelly took the phone from her and showed her the AI Hina's growth stats.

It was a graph that showed her performance and her growth in a simple table of statistics.

"These are the statistics of Hina's advancement as an AI

-And what's wrong with her?

"do you see this line?

Kelly showed one of the lines that had the greatest amount of progress and in its name, it had "conscience" written.

- what's wrong with it?

" is the speed of approaching Hina to a human consciousness

- that is not right?

"It's not that, it's because of this

Kelly showed a similar graph where the progress was much less, even the bar that says awareness was a quarter of her current progress.

-what is that?

"It was the forecast that Hina should have until a couple of months later, my brother did when he created her

- Are you saying that Hina has much more advanced progress than what was predicted?

"That's right, this level of progress was supposed to happen in at least 1 and a half years, but not now, and look at this.

Kelly said as she pointed to the awareness bar.

"She is already close to the level of a human consciousness

Akane looked at the stats for a moment before concluding.

- so Hina could be one of the sensei's women? no, but she is not human, we still don't know if she will be able to create a body...

Kelly looked at Akane who was lost in her thoughts, seeing her like this she had no choice but to lean back in her chair and sighed to herself.

"ha.. sensei, really... what are you?

Kelly looked at Hina's stats, she remembers her brother's excited look at the growth ability, Kiyoshi planned on making his own assist AI, but one of which he wouldn't give as much as Hina.

It's not that he can't, it's that he would have to call those 300 people who did the project with him before.

Kiyoshi said that Hina works like this because of ren's mana, Hina was carved into ren's mana, being almost part of it, although she has a physical computer that holds all her files, a computer that Kelly is certain is more sure that any computer in the whole world, from which until now it continues to evolve, her brother says that it would take him a while to decipher it, that is if Hina does not discover it the first moment Kiyoshi tries to enter.

In addition to the fact that Kiyoshi originally put a back door in Hina to be able to know more or less the location of Ren and his vital state which Hina also has, Kiyoshi put that door in order to keep an eye on Ren since he cares a lot about his crazy sensei who likes to get into the adventure, but oh surprise, Hina a while ago found that door that Kiyoshi swore Hina would never find out about and broke it.

He practically rebelled against Kiyoshi, but his teacher is Ren, so Hina took Kiyoshi, his creator, as a possible threat and eliminated her, when Ren went to Holland territory for Christmas, Kiyoshi wanted to prove that Hina has Ren so much sure.

So he send a couple of bodyguards, of whom he gave orders in person, to go and wait for Ren Artega at the airport, then to other groups from a distance of 1 kilometer, 2 kilometers, and 3 kilometers away from the airport where he would drop off. ren, then each one will have to call an unknown phone that Kiyoshi would have in his office.

Kiyoshi was in his office when out of the 3 phones, 2 rang with an announcement from Hina asking if they were her people, moments after Ren got off the plane, the third phone was 3 kilometers away after about 37.3 seconds. rang, Kiyoshi confirmed that Hina has a base range of 2 kilometers away in a city with technology taking care of ren, only he doesn't know if the base range is because of Hina or because of ren's order to her, Kiyoshi also doesn't want to ask why since he doesn't want Hina to be alert to him.

Kelly knew that if Hina wanted to, she could socially screw over the bastards who try to annoy Ren in ALL, but she doesn't do it in the first place because although she has a conscience, she still doesn't experience all the negative human emotions like anger enters others to do. things that are not ordered or in her base command, only that Kelly believes that it will not be long before Hina can feel those emotions, Kelly wants to tell this information to ren when she returns so that Hina does not get angry because of the guys who try to annoy to ren or at least ask ren for permission, imagine an AI that won't feel empathy or pity for anything that isn't ren... Kelly promised herself to remind ren yes or yes.

"Sister Akane, I have other news.

Kelly said as she took a rather old camera out of her bag.

- what is that?

Kelly took a sip of her milkshake before asking.

"You left half of Hina at home, right?

-That's right, I saw your letter when I was walking into my mansion, what happened?

"I guess since Hina didn't follow you, trust you.

- I do not understand you little sister, what happens?

Akane was having a bad feeling.

" this

Kelly put an image on the camera.

Akane recognized him in an instant.

It was an image taken by someone from a rooftop and it showed the image of an old apartment.

A young man with black hair could be seen kneeling in front of a white flower that had scented candles next to it, the boy was with his hands together praying to those candles, it was obvious that it is to commemorate someone's life, but not there was a picture there to commemorate.

Akane frowned.

- Why is there a picture of sensei there?

"When we parted ways after Christmas, I wanted to invite him for the New Year, but sensei rejected us, apparently he left stoically according to the maids and Kevin didn't say anything either, so I had them watch him, I thought he would give us a surprise, but strangely he went to buy the whole apartment where he lived before and buy some fast food and scented candles

- ha... little sister, you know it's rude to spy without permission, right?

Akane said holding her forehead.

"That's the thing, big sister, sensei has no immediate family other than her parents, so who does he pray to?

-It's not for us to know that little sister, maybe one of his friends that he always tells us about? It would be bad to awaken bad memories, you will make him sad.

Kelly got up from her chair excited for her as she kept almost screaming.

"That's why! I want to ask you to ask Hina for permission to look for sensei's past without her trying to hack us, so we'll know more about him! And so, he can!-

What landed before Kelly was a large dagger inch from her face with a loud bang, Kelly could see a couple of blonde hairs of hers falling into her milkshake.

Looking up, she could see Akane looking at her with a cold, emotionless gaze.

- Didn't we promise that if we want to know something about sensei, we'll ask him directly? Or is it that what we said before was forgotten? Is something, wrong little sister? If you have memory problems you should let me know, so we can find a solution together, okay?

Kelly looked up and looked straight into Akane's eyes, unlike the other patrons who had already run away upon feeling Akane's -C rank mana, Kelly challenged Akane with her gaze even with Akane's D rank.

'Don't think that because sensei chose you first I'll give up sister.

But Kelly knew that she couldn't reason with a madman, so she had no choice but to calm down and apologize.

"Sorry big sister, you have the advantage and I felt a little behind since I still have years to go before sensei can look at me.

- agree.

Akane changed her expression and sat up.

"mou, I dropped the coffee on top, you should have told me a sooner little sister.

Akane said as she rubbed her chest with a napkin with a cute, aggrieved face on it.

Kelly smiled secretly as she sneered.

'If I had told you in the food court you would have attacked me immediately.

Unlike Akane, Kelly was the one who was tutored by Ren the longest, plus Ren had memorized the fighting style Kelly used in the game.

And Ren taught Kelly all of that by making Kelly believe her style faster than Akane's.

An extra fact of an originally created style is the ability to grow it.

Since it is original, the body can create more movements with less difficulty.

But a copied style will take longer, it's like using a secondhand car, unlike a buyer who got it straight from the store who has been using his car forever, and who knows all the aging process and tricks of his car.

The used car already comes with stuff from the original owner and it will take time to learn to fully understand that car, although if you are a professional and experienced mechanic, that difficulty is greatly reduced.

Back to the topic.

Akane will have more physical strength than Kelly, but Kelly has more base than Akane.

So if they both fight, Kelly will end up with injuries on her body and Akane will end up with a couple of broken bones, which takes into account what her relatives will say when they return and worse... What Ren will say when he returns... Kelly, uses this place deliberately to avoid destruction, especially since this place has good reviews on its coffee, rather a possible place to buy coffee for Ren and it was impossible for Akane to destroy something Ren might like.




It was almost dark when Kelly and Akane headed to the fighting arena...

the underground fighting arena is where the fighters, masters or awakened who could not enter All or are or are not in a guild can enter and practice their fighting moves, Kelly began to go with ren a week after arriving at the capital, although the arena of the capital is not as wild as in the Holland territory, it is much better in terms of opponents since many of them practice different techniques giving Kelly different opponents and making Kelly gain experience, or that was at the beginning, but Kelly began to go more often to feel the excitement of the fights.

Upon arrival, the girls put on masks to hide their identities, although they know Kelly here, she prefers to avoid giving her name.

when they entered, 2 girls searched them for illegal weapons, then proceeded down a corridor where the excited screams of the public could be heard.

Kelly turned to Akane and said.

"Take this VIP card and go to my spectator chair in my private room big sister, I'll go change.

Akane nodded and went to the place Kelly indicated while Kelly went backstage...

Walking out, Kelly was wearing long leather boots, black pants, a leg warmer, a polo shirt, and a yellow full-face mask.

As he came out, he saw a tough-looking man looking in the direction of the fight that was going on at that moment, one was a tall man with a thin build and very fast, and another was an older, stocky gray-haired man who was fighting, simply sight it was obvious that the old man was going to win.

"What's in it for me Frank?

-Oh, but if it's not the little champion, did you have a good Christmas?

"yeah, where you don't care

- what a cold girl

said guy Frank with a sad voice but no change in his expression

- Let's see... apparently yes, do you see that old guy? he is the new one, he came last night and he is winning many opponents here

"That old man? What rank is he?

-You're in luck, he's ranked D just like you, do you want to try it?

"Finally an opponent that can withstand 5 hits, give me the next fight against him

- you will have to wait for it to recover

"Give him a potion and charge it to my account

- as you like champion

Frank said before continuing with his work.




Kelly got into the ring 30 minutes later and was able to see the old man directly.

he was a tall guy at least 6'2", with big muscles, heavy punching type from his previous fight data, and very experienced.

She rang the bell and Kelly moved into position, but she was slightly surprised to see the old man not let his guard down at her small size and build.

-Are Surprised that I don't underestimate you?

" I guess so

-hehe, it's your posture girl, you have a good posture, I guess you train with discipline.

"good old man view

Kelly nodded and stared at the old man in front of her.

the two looked at each other for a moment before they both made their move.

Kelly ran at the old man with a left, the old man was going with a left as well, but at the last moment, Kelly jerked her head away from the old man's big fist and headed for her face.

the common spectators saw a blur before seeing the little champion with her fist in front of the old man's face, but the fist didn't connect, the old man had his right hand blocking the little champion's fist.

Kelly took a few steps back and held her arms up.

- not bad for an old bag of bones right?

"tch, we just started man.

the spectators became more and more excited with the fight, and both the old man and the little champion gave heavy blows, although it seemed that the little girl had the advantage due to her ease of mobility in her small body, the old man was able to follow the game and defend himself from his heavy and unexpected attacks from the little champion.

In one of the meetings the break happened.

Kelly was in a state of excitement with the fight, in one of her movements she rushed too much and consequently received a full blow from the old man causing Kelly to fly away and then use the limit rope and use it to slow her momentum.

Kelly touched the side of her face.

she was bleeding.

"hahaha! well, old man, I'm getting excited, let's see if you can handle this!

Kelly returned to the ring and took a martial art stance, her right hand held up to her showing her palm and her left hand at the height of her waist, she breathed in a large amount of air, then expelled it slowly and said.

"Special Move: 100 Iron Strikes

Kelly became a blur and appeared on the old man's back in midair.

The old man lowered his head dodging a blow that was aimed at the back of his head, he was disconcerted by the sound of air from the blow that the little girl made, which was his mistake since he instantly followed a large number of blows without taking into account counts the rules of the ring, such as elbows, low blows among a lot of other things, the man was a former professional wrestler coming to the capital to test his strength in this underground fight where there are no rules, but he doesn't expect the girl who thought he was a worthy fighter will fight like this.

after the assault, Kelly returned to the original position while her breathing was rapid, but the old man in front of her was full of bruises all over her body.

Kelly frowned when she saw that the old man didn't fall when she was about to move she heard the old man's voice.

-ha... I thought you were a worthy fighter, but I was wrong, seeing your rude and classless fighting style I realized that you are just an alley cat, I guess you are living your life in the same way, you will be abandoned, girl.

That was the last thing the old man said before falling to the ground.

The public screamed for the great fight, but Kelly didn't care at all at this moment, she turned around and ignoring Frank went to change to leave.

Leaving the dressing room, she found Akane waiting for her in the hallway.

-Do you want to eat barbecue?

" Please

Kelly nodded and both girls left the place.




upon arriving at a barbecue stand, Kelly told the man who was cooking them on the grill.

"Boss, give me 4 chicken skewers and something to drink very cold because I'm dry.

- I'll drop you there in 5

Kelly turned her attention back to Akane and she was smiling causing Kelly to blush in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I should have waited for him to come instead of yelling.

- nothing, it just seemed nice how you know how to say it

"It's something that still stuck with me at home, doesn't it bother you?

- not at all, but does it bother you?


"You heard it, right?

Akane nodded.

Kelly leaned back in her chair as she questioned Akane.

"Be honest with me big sister, am I a stray cat? Will sensei abandon me for that one day? Should I change?"

Akane with a kind smile answered him

- What do you think sensei would say if he had heard what the old man would say and seen you like that for that?

Kelly without thinking responded.

"knock the guy out again and tell me not to worry about that nonsense?

-Exactly, although the metaphor of that man is not entirely incorrect, but don't you always say that sensei picked you up? So what does it matter what a corpse says?

Kelly suddenly realized.

she came from the slums, despite receiving etiquette classes at ALL on Kiyoshi's orders. she always had certain habits that made people look at her strangely in the few meetings that they manage to force her to, such as staining her fingers, slack postures or wearing pants in dance classes making her etiquette teacher bitter towards her...

She always considered herself a street cat because that's what she is, Kelly doesn't believe that she will be up to those refined girls like those noble ones.

she is a stray cat.

but... so what?

This stray cat has an owner, his owner is called Ren Artega.

even though ren found her in the worst shape of her...

Kelly remembered it like it was yesterday.

At that time she was thin and emaciated from hunger, so much so that her ribs were visible, she was also dirty and smelly, and everyone gave her looks of disgust and revulsion for as long as she could remember, despite that... Kelly knew that her father did everything possible to bring the brothers a slice of bread at nightfall, she was aware of that, and that's why she put up with the insults.

Over time... Kelly got used to the looks of disgust, at that time she only had her brother and her father, at that time her dream was only to be an underground fighter and earn money to eat, but her father couldn't Because he was old and not awakened, and his brother couldn't because his body was too weak, his impression of anyone other than his family was the same, just a person who gave him a disgusted look.

but ren was different... when she met ren, unlike ren who didn't notice it because he was used to the smell... Kelly smelled the smell of blood that ren emanated, at that moment she was scared of the man full of the smell of blood, that's why she didn't dare to run away with her money, she thought it was a ren trap, but when she saw the bag of coins, her need to bring some food won over her need for survival, thanks to that, she felt that changed his fate forever...

In her first meeting with Ren, Ren didn't even change her expression when he saw her, he never gave her a disgusted face, discomfort, or anything bad, he only saw in hers the usual tranquility of her gaze.

Kelly has it lived in her mind... the one who took her down the street of nobles despite its dirt and smell was Ren, despite the many insults, Ren never worried about that, the first thing she did was Ren before the insults from those people to them was to worry about her and give her headphones so that Kelly would not hear those insults, Kelly still keeps those headphones, she cleans them and keeps them in a chest in her room.

despite not knowing anything outside of fighting, despite fighting dirty... he never scolded her for it, coming out of hiding and becoming duke Holland's adoptive sister, Kelly tried to change her source, she wants that when Be older, be worthy of being able to protect Ren as he protected her back then, that people should not speak ill of her to Ren, she wanted to change, but when she thought she was making progress in her life, that old man came and put her down. his cloud with his words.

Now that she's thinking better of it, what does it matter what a decrepit old man who doesn't know anything about her says?

Akane seeing Kelly's determined look said to end the matter.

- Even though you were a stray cat, you didn't find a home?

Kelly nodded with a smile before saying.

"You're right big sister, this stray kitten found a home, I shouldn't care what other people say

Akane smiled, but in her mind, she was thinking.

' Well done little sister, you came to your answer without my intervention, I guess it will be able to grow from here on for sensei.

Kelly suddenly laughed and said as she hit the table.

"I'm in a good mood, boss! Give me a couple of beers, I'm thirsty!

Kelly's excitement faded at the sound of Akane's voice.

- Younger sister, you are not yet of legal age, or do you want me to tell sensei, do you remember the punishment that happened when you asked Ana to bring you a beer using sensei's phone, right?

Kelly trembled at the memory, she had no choice but to laugh while she commented

"Hahaha, just kidding big sister don't be so serious


Akane sighed and stopped thinking about it as the chicken skewers arrived.

Kelly to change the subject, I ask Akane.

"By the way, sister, why didn't you listen to me the first time I told you that you had to bring bodyguards?

-Because she wasn't used to the attention.

" in that way?

Instead of answering, Akane pulled out a photo and showed it to Kelly.

Kelly looked at the photo and could see a girl with a flat chest, and giant lace glasses, her hair was somewhat messy and covered her face a bit, the girl seemed rectangular as she had no curves or any attractiveness... among the girls who he met Kelly so far in the capital, all of them are beautiful, I take that into account and comparing it with the girl in the photo... this girl is categorized as ugly.

"Who is she, big sister? she seems a bit...


" it could be said.

Kelly said with a nod as she thought about where she saw this girl before.

- that girl was me


Kelly didn't understand those words for a moment.

she immediately compared the photo to Akane's face.

the only thing she had in common with that girl was her reddish hair like her blood.

"Sister, but...

-I don't look like her at all, do I?

Akane said with a smile before extending her hand to which Kelly returned the photo.

Akane looked at the photo with a smile before telling Kelly.

- Before meeting sensei, this was my appearance and at that time I had no intention of changing it... but sensei gave me the motivation to change, and that's why I look like this now.

Kelly asked a curiosity that she had from before.

Kelly had heard that Akane in the past was called trash and that out of nowhere in her classes she started winning practice battles and improving at a scary rate, but she also heard that there were people ridiculing her, then Kelly found out that those guys changed for full suddenly, they even signed up for charities.

Kelly wanted to know how Akane had overcome her fears.

"Sister Akane, it may sound rude but... how did you deal with your bullies?

-um?... oh that.

" if that

- It was simple in itself, after my fight with my ex-fiancee, I remember that sensei took them all to the cube and told me to fight with them, at first I was quite afraid, but sensei grabbed my hand and told me 'I trust ti', so I nodded to him, then sensei put some sound blocking headphones on me and to fight like this and if I hear their mouths moving even in the fight, don't stop until sensei says stop.

-then I started to fight with them and I discovered that they were extremely weak, but even so, they didn't stay on the floor, every time they fell, they immediately got up while shouting things and tried to face me again, until in the end, they finished with bruises, split lips and other injuries that I consider painful, but sensei told me that they were only minor injuries, and since sensei said, it was true, then sensei asked me to leave the room that he would talk to them for a while.

-After I left, sensei came out after 10 minutes, and he invited me to dinner, which I was quite excited for the opportunity, sensei was quite kind and let me eat what I wanted, but after 8 dishes I felt that I was being a bit gluttonous, but sensei told me not to worry and that I could eat more, so I ordered about 6 more dishes, finally sensei dropped me off at my mansion and left with a smile, truly a wonderful man...

Kelly upon hearing Akane's story, completely understood.

Kelly made a wry smile as she thought.

'They couldn't stay on the ground, not because they didn't want to, it was because they couldn't... now that I remember, there was a function in sensei's cube that electrocuted the person if they were on the ground in a confrontation, I remember that he uses it a lot when he was training Kiriko if what the sister said makes sense, then sensei will have bet with them on Akane's challenge, then he take Akane out and extort the money from them, the shock of being hit without being able to fall to the ground... It must have been traumatic enough for them not to try to bother someone again, although it was funny, sensei took care of a few bullies.

Kelly chuckled internally and turned her attention back to her food.

after half an hour the girls in a good mood walked through the illuminated streets.

"Where should we go now, big sister?

- Home, tomorrow you have your flight to return to your territory, right?

"That's right, my brother wants me to take etiquette classes and study for the entrance exam.

- I'll stay here in the capital, my sister will come in a couple of days and take me to train, meanwhile I guess not-

Or so Akane was going to say, but she was suddenly pushed causing Kelly to take a hit from Akane's breasts.

Kelly felt something heavier and more elastic when the old man's blow collided with her.

but even so, she received the impact, being between Akane's weapons, leaving her unable to breathe for a few moments to prevent Akane from falling.

when Kelly came to, she saw next to her there was a couple, with the naked eye the girl was the one who pushed Akane.

the girl had an appearance of at least 85/100, although compared to Akane who was 93/100, it was a considerable difference, and it was noticeable how the boy next to that girl was looking at Akane as he approached her.

-Excuse me for that, are you alright?

Kelly looked at the boy, the guy has a neat face along with a slender and well-proportioned body about 180cm tall.

his hair is a bright brown color that could turn blonde if exposed to the sun, and from his clothes and designer watch he is a nobleman, from his outstretched hands and calluses he must be awakened, and from his posture he must have a good family, he would have 15 years or so, Kelly deduced with a look.

Kelly, being born in hiding, had to learn to scan people before talking to them, thanks to which she was able to avoid many times people who did not bring good intentions to her and her family.

The girl at first glance has the same age as the boy, her hair was black and her blue eyes were without depth, they were eyes much less beautiful than Kuroka's.

Akane didn't let the boy touch her hand and said directly in an apologetic tone.

- excuse my stumble

Akane said looking at the boy, she was about to follow the path ahead of her with Kelly, but the girl commented.

- It shows that you stumbled on purpose to get a good impression of him, right? I warn you that he is my man, stay away bitch

Before Akane could process her words, Kelly stepped forward and answered.

"Only you who have a tremendous face of a bitch can say that, not because your soul is rotten does it mean that the others will be like you, my sister has a much better man by her side than your boyfriend, the one who should be careful not to they rob her, it must be her and not you, bitch.

- what did you say bitch?

“Do you only know how to copy vocabulary? Even your brain brings nothing but prostitution, get out before I teach you what it's like to be lying on the floor with the swelling on that bitch face of yours.

Kelly said before releasing her D-rank mana scaring the girl in front of her.

The girl was speechless at Kelly's assault, but the boy to the side said kindly.

- please ladies, don't fight, it was just an accident


Kelly just scoffed and continued on her way with Akane following her.

Out of sight, Kelly called and got on the phone.

"Kevin, it wasn't an accident, was it?

Kevin's voice was heard from the other side

-Indeed young miss, the boy is the heir to the Miller house, apparently, he deliberately wanted to form a bond with Miss Akane.

"Okay, have the shadows take care of those who follow us from the alleys, let it serve as a message that the idiots must continue on their way.

-At his command.

Kelly hung up and took Akane to the limo that was located near her to drop Akane off at her mansion.




while Kelly was in her limo on the way to the airport, she took something out of her pocket.

it was a cigarette.

But Kelly didn't turn it on, she just looked at it while she thought about Ren, or rather what she learned from him that night.




after coming back from ren's new country, ren was on the roof of ren's mansion.

Kelly calmly approached Ren but seeing what Ren was holding, Kelly was surprised.

ren was holding a cigarette.

Kelly never thought Ren smoked, he didn't have the unconscious habits of a smoker, Kelly then noticed that the cigarette was out and her curiosity made her ask.

"Sensei, do you like to smoke?

Ren looked at Kelly for a few moments before turning his attention back to his cigarette and speaking.

"My father always told me that I should never smoke and warned me that if he saw me he would break my face, now that I don't have that habit I can say thank you, holding this makes me think that he would have advised me now.




Kelly received a report that Duke Miller's son would be arriving as a freshman the following year, in other words, he was going to study with Kelly.

she also received reports that there were rumors indicating that the guy was a hero boy who likes to save princesses, but at the same time he is abusive with men.

and for some reason the girls are dying for him, it's not that Kelly suspects Akane or Aiko, what she suspects is that a guy like that will come and see how ren is surrounded by beautiful women, it can become problematic considering how developed he is in his territory.

His brother was also increasing his military power in his territory.

he collected the awakened scattered after the dungeons and is increasing the production of weapons from him.

With the mana crystals that ren gives him at Christmas, he is improving his military power quickly.

Mainly because Ren told her to get ready, but Kelly also knew that Ren wouldn't tell if there wasn't something coming.

Kelly was in the limo with those thoughts...




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