An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Ren Artega could be seen sitting cross-legged under a waterfall in a meditation position, not far from him was the princess of the ice tribe, Rossweisse.

Ren who was in that position twitched his eyebrow for an instant, because of that an air sphere was thrown in his direction, hitting him and causing him to fall into the water.

ren who was swimming to the shore heard a voice.

-You lasted 15 seconds longer this time, well done young ren.

"It's the 3rd time I've fallen in an hour old man, don't encourage me

-Jojo, frustrated? to obtain calm you must be serene young ren.


ren sighed before sitting on a log and being dried by the old man named Bornner.

He was a former general many years ago, but due to injury he retired and began teaching young elf warriors his lore.

Ren always chooses someone with experience rather than talent to learn something, it was a habit that helped him a lot in his previous life, and it hasn't failed him in this one either.

The first thing Bornner did with both Ren and Rossweisse taught them how to run across any type of terrain while both fought.

which at first glance might be easy, but fighting with swords through a grove was the joke, both for men whose main weapon is a sword and Rossweisse is a mage and archer, it was hard.

so Bornner was teaching them the principles of flow.

It is a type of art that can be used for all types of physical users.

Ren learned how good this art is after fighting Bornner.

ren lost beautifully.

Despite his slacker style, Bornner deflected the attacks calmly, Ren was unable to cut him down, and after Ren realized that, he surrendered, to which the princess taunted before standing in front of Bornner and then losing. beautifully against the one who dodged his attacks. spells without a problem and even Ren saw how Bornner could deflect magic.

something that made ren really interested in this technique was, being able to deflect magic was no joke, ren who currently can only dodge or block magic, would be a great solution to his annoyance of having to run to avoid enemy magic.

according to Bornner... the flow is a type of technique to be able to use the "flow" or principle of things for one's own use.

to understand the flow one must first have a clear mind and be able to guide the mind to total calm, then feel the life around, and after feeling it is to be at peace with oneself, finally one could understand the principle of flow.

It's like being under the flow of water, if your mind is blocked, you won't be able to go with the "flow" as you should.

It may sound easy, but it's hard to understand the flow.

ren remembered Bornner's words which made ren realize something he was unaware of.

- Young Ren, it seems that your mind is very frustrated and very busy, you don't have peace of mind.

-little princess, you are too rigid, you have the same pattern, and you will also need to understand the flow

ren was on top of the log while he was thinking about his so far.

'ha... this body is a problem

- what's wrong ren?

'This body has problems which are affecting me a bit, it seems that the other ren had mental problems before he died, if he had been alive even after the dungeon, maybe he would become a common sociopath.

- aren't you?

'Really not that much, I rarely killed someone on impulse and most people weren't innocent people, in fact, thanks to being trained with discipline from the beginning and not having many emotions, I was able to think calmly and plan my attacks, it seems that this body is not at peace.

-ah, that's what you mean, so if you're right, ren had a couple of grudges before his soul died

' and why am I finding out about that now?

-you didn't ask


'Whatever, what grudges? I don't think it's hard to settle a 15-year-old's grudges.

- were to protect their parents and take care of someone

I give ren's parents money monthly in the form of increases in their jobs, and the other?

- Well... that you take care of his platonic love

'He had one?

-his childhood friend, do you want to see his memories now?

' na... when I return to the human world, I don't want the unnecessary hassle

Ren said before sighing as he thought

' this guy's body to temper his mind to calm will be difficult.

The prefrontal cortex in an adolescent is one of the parts that take the longest to mature, it is also the area responsible for certain skills such as planning, establishing priorities, and impulse control.

things for which ren needs!

'This is annoying, at least meditating will help me temper my mind a bit and not be so impulsive next time, we have to improve this

Ren cheered up before nodding to himself and going towards the waterfall again and trying again, while meditating Ren heard someone fall into the water, he tried to ignore it and empty his mind, but he failed horribly before falling into the water. ..




it was about 10 days that ren was living in the elven queen's mansion, the thing he learned from her is that she is a really busy woman.

from early morning until after everyone has slept in the mansion... she is busy with the affairs of her entire kingdom of hers.

things like building plans, requests from your people, messages from other villages, etc.

Another thing is that Amerie is getting a bit annoyed with her invitations.

well... this really comes from a human territory, only here it intensifies.

One day, Ren wanted to walk around the city to learn something about the culture of the elves.

and when he was about to leave, he met amerie who said something like that.

- I will give you the honor of going with me to learn about the elf territory, you should be proud of this opportunity.

ren who is normally someone subtle, I reject the idea.

having the princess of the elf continent next door would be a very annoying social death.

After rejecting Amerie, she turned and walked away, ignoring Ren for the rest of the day.

there were a few times that ren also met Zirunia.

the first time ren had to "kidnap" this girl for her to talk, but in fact, it is to make her come to a place where she could not escape, obviously after buying her a lot of food for her people, the money that ren accumulated from the dungeons it was enough.

and what he found out from the dark elves are a couple of interesting facts subtly since Zirunia didn't want to talk, but her food made him loosen her mouth a little.

first that they are under a great famine.

the crops in the land where they live are quite scarce since they are hidden in a location where edible plants cannot grow and it is barren, the dark elves have to go to different villages to buy food by exchanging medicinal plants with the elves, another thing is that dark elf are pretty good when it comes to physical combat.

while the elfs are magic specialists not only because of their lineage but also because of their diet.

many elves are herbivores while dark elves are more carnivorous in their diet having a better physical build.

Regarding magic, the elves are superior in the use of magic, while the dark elves do not so much since they don't have dark mana with them, that's why the dark elves developed more magical equipment for their own use, including that they are professionals in using "flow" for their defense.

Zirunia had a piece of magical equipment that changed her appearance, only the thing that when the hero reached the elf territory through the magical forest, there was a magical pulse that caused her appearance-changing device to break, which normally wouldn't happen. if it weren't for the fact that Zirunia forgot to repair it at home...

After seeing Zirunia off, Ren returned to the mansion and continued with her flow training.

and so he spent his days relatively quiet.

in the morning go to the dungeons, in the afternoon until night train flow, and then go directly to her room, in all these days there were only casual meetings with kiriko and amerie.

while kiriko was also busy training and taking advantage of his time here, amerie was training, but she also started ignoring ren, which ren really annoyed him a bit and let her be free.

Ren is someone simple, if Amerie wants to talk to Ren, she won't have a problem, but Ren is not one of those who will follow their game of "I ignore you and you follow me" for so long, Ren is friends with Amerie, but that's all, In addition to the fact that he already has a partner and Ren, who came from a world of monogamy, does not plan to have more than one wife or at least that is Ren's current idea...

After some time, Amerie sent a servant saying that she wants to make peace with him and she planned to have a dinner in which the elf queen Arwen will be, so Ren decided to go since it would also be good to make peace with her, Ren is not someone who holds grudges for a long time, he usually solves it.

tonight, ren was at the table sitting with kiriko, amerie, Kumiko, Rossweisse, and Cold waiting for the elf queen to arrive in a rather uncomfortable environment, something that ren couldn't care less about, he would just eat and go to rest a bit, tomorrow is another busy day of training and then going to some rank F dungeon.

Ren was looking at a tree root on the ceiling that seemed to be slowly moving toward him.

'what a nuisance.

Ren recently feels that the roots throughout the mansion seem to be moving in his direction, today he asked Amerie and she says that the world tree is alive and maybe that's why they move, but it's definitely not towards him.

while ren was thinking, ren heard someone coming

-Sorry for the delay, I'm here

Arwen came walking briskly in her casual dress, Amerie looked frustrated at her as Arwen elegantly sat down.

' This is sad

-apparently, the mother-and-daughter relationship is not so good,

' I guess so

- you can not do anything?

' like what?

- I don't know, help that mother and daughter to reconcile

'I have no idea really, I know Arwen very little and because of her age and her pride I don't think she would listen to the advice of a brat unless, of course, something big happens

-I guess you're right, it's a not-so-interesting drama to watch

' I can not deny it.

Ren nodded to Elpis and I hope they bring other hot dishes since all the dishes were cold due to the wait.

Ren didn't say anything in the awkward environment and just ate his dinner.

after eating, ren went alone to his room to train.

after a late night bath, ren was about to sleep when he felt something.

"You can go out, whoever you are.

When Ren turned from her, she saw Amerie about to enter her room through the open window, due to the reflection of the moon in front of her, Ren could notice it.

"get out of there amerie, next time choose the roof to go through and hide

- My sneaking didn't turn out as I expected, huh?

"Nothing to do, tell me, what do you need?

Well, I was thinking about...

"Escape to a place?

-Hey? how do you know?

"your clothes tell me everything

Amerie had her light armor and her quiver on her back.

Realizing that, she blushed as she nodded.

- wanted to go hunting

" at this time?

- a dungeon of our range appeared not far from here

"Why do you want to go now?

Amerie moved closer to Ren and said into his ear.

- please?

Ren felt a tickle in his ear, he moved away a little while thinking

'um... I need a lot of brain energy for the old man, I still have 20% to go

" agree

ren nodded and went to change into his hunter outfit, there was a mail inside for some protection, then he followed amerie to the outskirts of town in search of that dungeon.




ren and amerie arrived at a dungeon, which curiously was not being guarded.

" This is a trap?

-No, there was just a rumor that the hero would give a talk tonight in the square and that's why the guards went to listen to him.

"I didn't think you would be so naughty

- you should know me more ren

"I guess

Ren without much thought entered the dungeon with Amerie, what the two of them did not notice was a presence that was watching them.

when ren and amerie entered the dungeon, the female voice said.

-the princess of the elves of this era and her lover, if they die in a dungeon no one will say anything.

the voice said before sending mana directly toward the dungeon, causing the portal to start fluctuating a bit.

-OK, against an army they shouldn't last long.

said the voice before disappearing into the darkness of the night...




upon entering the dungeon, the theme was a bit different as it was a combination of a rocky forest.

Amerie jumped onto a tall tree first to scan the surroundings of the dungeon.

ren under the tree started trying to feel the flow of the place.

"ha... nothing, I don't feel enemies, it seems that I still have a long way to go to even reach that level.

ren waited a few minutes before amerie came down with a drawn map.

- We are here, the boss room should be around here.

Ren nodded and the two of them started to walk while exploring the place.

As the two of them walked, Amerie suddenly crouched down and pulled Ren.

Without saying anything, Amerie walked forward and moved some bushes, rebelling about 300 meters away from a tribe of lizard people.

Ren looked at Amerie and nodded.

one thing ren learned from the elves is their flexibility in the use of magic, also their ability to be able to put spells on their arrows, normally they are enchanted by a mage of the same element, but also a user of a different element can create them if records the spell on a special paper with liquid mana of the same element.

Elf's daily life is like this too, they don't use technology in their daily life, so they get by with recorded spells.

Amerie took out 5 fringes from her ring, the two began to approach the group at what seemed like a night party.

Amerie aimed the 5 arrows and Ren could see how the arrows reached their destinations perfectly, towards tents where the weapons, supplies, and the boss's cabin should be.

the sudden attack caused the lizardmen to be confused for a while before a guy wearing armor mobilized them.

- Ren, defend this tree, I'll look for an opportunity to give the lizard general a crush.


Ren stood in front of the tree where Amerie was camouflaging herself with her ability [Stealth].

"come here you lizard faces

Ren looked at the men with a stoic face as he waited for the attacks, but strangely they didn't get too close.

While Ren was confused, a scream woke the lizards from their stupor.

he was the lizard chief of this tribe who had come out of his cabin, and apparently, he was having fun with some females, and then he was interrupted.

the leader stayed behind while the general and the others closed in on ren.

Ren with his sword covered with ice mana began to fight trying to use flow.

'You must feel nature, you must feel life, so you can feel the flow of things and therefore the flow of the enemy attack.

Ren took a deep breath and tried to use flow, unfortunately getting rid of the habit of diverting as usual and only using the sense of flow that is not there yet, was difficult...

Ren ended up killing 3 lizardmen by the time he decided to practice more seriously.

Looking at the sword attack coming toward him, Ren thought.

'come on, it feels the flow of movement, you can...

Ren closed his eyes, and something clicked in him, but it wasn't the clash of the swords, it was the sensation of being cut and part of his light armor had penetrated.

The lizard that saw the human close his eyes and out of nowhere he wanted to block a part of his attack left him out of his mind, but immediately his mind said 'kill him, and he tried to stab him, but he only ended up piercing his shoulder before he did. The human opened his eyes and grabbed him by the neck, the last thing the lizardman saw was Ren's frustrated look before his neck was twisted.

Ren tried the flow against more enemies until in one, something clicked, and it was not him being cut, but the counterattack that Ren made and then the lizard's neck being cut

Ren's sword flowed smoothly deflecting the lizard's sword and killing it in the process.

'Yeah! I did it, hahaha, finally a result.

- If you remember that you only slept 2 nights in these 2 weeks for training all night, this flow, right?

'Don't worry about trifles.

Just like Elpis said, Ren was doing that.

Originally he wasn't going to do it, but Ren was in the morning in the dungeon collecting brain energy in the low-rank dungeons, in the afternoon until dusk he was training with Rossweisse, and Ren wanted to master flow, the feeling was like saying that it was urgent. learn it, and ren followed that feeling.

Although Ren's movement using flow was crude, Ren just needed to practice more.

Or so he was going to do, but while he had his thoughts elsewhere he accidentally ended up killing the other lizards.

"ha... how weak.

Said Ren, and he wasn't wrong, this dungeon was a D-rank dungeon with Ren being a C-rank, although Ren is only using his base strength, that's enough.

Ren waited for the general, but he already had an arrow in his throat when he realized it.

" good shot

-Thank you

Amerie said that she was coming down from the tree from which she shot.

Amerie saw Ren's wounded body, and then his indifferent gaze on her.

Amerie couldn't help but think.

'ha... I don't know if ren is an idiot or if he likes to try too hard.

amerie had heard about the flow that those teachers taught, and she has also been learning flow, her teacher was a very experienced old man and in class, she was teaching tricks and helping amerie and her partner to improve her technique by a shoot.

"I guess it's time to end this. Do you want to go or do I go?

- let's go together

" as you like

Ren nodded and walked with his sword toward the lizard boss, who was at least 2 meters tall and had the thickest scales and an ax in his hand.

Ren don't need to tell Amerie anything, Ren took out a bag from his ring and threw it near the lizard's face, the lizard looked at the bag, and an arrow appeared out of nowhere destroying the bag, and all the contents splashed on his face.

it was pepper powder, which caused the lizard boss to start rubbing his eyes as he sneezed.

- pepper, really?

"suit for lunch

- And what will you season the food with tonight?

"I still have more, don't worry

- that's good

Ren was talking nonchalantly with Amerie when out of nowhere the lizard stopped scratching and tried to cut with its ax towards Ren who had his back to him.

the only thing he managed to hit was an air shield.

-shouldn't you concentrate on killing the ren lizard? Or do you want to end the game in 2?

"I have a beautiful shooter to cover my back, right?

-You don't think that just by giving me compliments you can avoid paying me right?

Amerie said with a smile that Ren couldn't see because Ren was looking at the boss.

Ren and Amerie made a small bet between the two, whoever needs to cover the other's deficiency must pay the other a coin, it is a way of making the other understand that they must be focused and helps the group to be more attentive, not only to themselves but also his comrade.


Ren said before throwing a coin at Amerie, which Amerie caught in the air and then pointed back at the ogre, this time she didn't bring Sylph since she left her sleeping, without Sylph it's like walking a tightrope, she has to concentrate more to cast a spell without chant.

the shield disappeared and the lizard attacked ren again, to which ren used the lazy style leaving the ax stuck in the ground.

Amerie shot an arrow at his flesh that was not covered with scales, causing the monster to lose strength and Ren could take advantage of it to cut off his arm.

The monster's arm was in pain and Ren took the opportunity to sneak into his back and plunge a knife into his neck, then he reached into his hand and absorbed his brain energy causing the lizard to try to get Ren off his back to no avail and moments later he fell dead.


Ren said before standing up from the corpse.

'doing this is the only way to do it quietly.

when absorbing a monster, ren can do it from his skin outside, for the monster must be weak, which he usually does but inevitably he will show lightning marks on his body and it will seem that his body loses vitality from the point of absorption, noticing it with the naked eyesight.

doing it by grabbing its spine hides it since it is more direct, although the monster will then lose its vitality from its center outwards, it will take a long time.

When Ren killed the humans in the attack, he wounded them so that the ice entered their bodies and could absorb them, obviously Kevin later erased the traces, but if he had only held them by the neck and done so, maybe Ren would be labeled as a vampire or something

Going back to the topic, Ren noticed something out of place.

' Are you giving me more?

He received 1.6% more brain energy from this monster, which is rare.

'is it my imagination? or something is happening?

Ren frowned, thinking until he heard.

- ren... will you keep making me wait?

"No... I'm coming.

Ren stopped thinking about it and followed Amerie in search of more monsters.

the next tribe was kobolds, ren looked at his number and thought

'This is strange, their number is bigger than the old tribe, they should have attacked the lizardmen, but strangely they are here, and unlike the lizards, they seem like newcomers, they are just building their cabins

ren thought before going back to his formation where amerie climbs a tree and gives support shots to ren and kills the marksmen and mages on the way.

2 more tribes passed and Ren was convinced.

'This place is producing too many monsters.

Looking at the boss's room in front of him, Ren thought for a few moments and then turned to Amerie.

"we should go home


Amerie was silent for a moment, but then his expression returned to calm and he said.

-mother told you to take care of me?

" it was not so

- Are you sure Ren? My mother always sent someone to protect me, but she never came herself, so she told you about me, truth? Don't worry, I won't be angry

"I don't know what kind of misunderstanding you have in mind, but we really should get out of here."


Amerie gave Ren an amused look before going ahead and ignoring him.

ren's mind thought

' I guess it's unstable because she exploded recently.

Ren looked at the elf princess and couldn't help but sigh internally for the princess trying to defy her mother that she was only busy taking care of her people.

'I really can't understand children sometimes.




the two entered the boss room.

Ren calmly looked at the place, something was strange.

'an open and silent area

The first thing they noticed when they reached the center of the room was a thread running across his face.


As if responding to his thoughts, something was heard stridulating from somewhere.

Amerie looked up and noticed what it was.

From the stone wall in a corner of the room a lump of the same color as the wall began to move while rubbing its front paws together.

it was a giant freaking stone-backed spider.

The spider landed in front of the two and made some sounds, immediately small stone-backed spiders started coming out from all sides.

Ren immediately stepped on the ground causing a pillar of ice to rise above Amerie and over her head there was like an umbrella protecting her.

Ren grabbed his sword and with a stoic and emotionless expression began to order Amerie around.

"use air blast arrows, we have to take down the numbers.

- o... okay.




Amerie had only one thing on her mind as she shot arrows in all directions.

'I've screwed up.

That was her conclusion to this situation.

that was the disaster in her mind as she shot arrows filled with air mana with the [Air Blade Explosion] spell towards the endlessly coming large number of spiders.

this day she didn't know what she had... maybe she was tired, maybe she reached her limit.

but she couldn't help it

she couldn't help but get angry with her mother.

this morning she went to his office to find out if they could have dinner together since it was the first time ren had a meal together after 2 weeks of living under the same roof and the fact that she was able to get a reconciliation with ren after being in a kind of cold war in this time.

but the only response he got from her was

- Maybe it's there, wait for me to eat.

She was happy until it was time to eat... Amerie still remembers the embarrassment she spent with her friends and guests at the dinner table, trying to explain how her mother couldn't come while the food was already cold waiting for her. 40 minutes.

her mind could only think.

Why is she always late?

she was a bit envious.

the atmosphere in the Holland family was beautiful.

a family of 3 that was very close... amerie remembers how the Kiyoshi boy despite having a table full of documents to sign thanks to the party in her territory, was still able to have time to spend with ren and the others.

maybe because what Kiyoshi handles was much less than his mother, but...

Why can't her mother always spend time with her at least a little?

Amerie didn't tell Ren, but having her mother just hang out at work all the time was getting exhausting.

Her mother wasn't to blame, but she never had time either.

Tonight Amerie was in her room when Sylph mentioned that a dungeon appeared near her town.

unlike humans, elves could live among mana without any health problems.

so there was no problem if the dungeon waited but after that dinner...

Amerie wanted to clear her mind, so she called the only one she trusted for these things, Ren, and invited him to the dungeon.

though ren told him...he told him that the dungeon was weird and they should leave.

Amerie could only pray that these enemies die and return safely.




Ren was killing another spider while was thinking.

' so this is the event huh?

Ren remembered this dungeon from the game.

It was the trigger to improve the relationship between Kiriko and Amerie.

Amerie had the same rage against her mother in the game, and she too escaped into a dungeon, only the others didn't find out until the next day.

When Kiriko found out, he quickly mobilized in search of him on the outskirts of the city, making her fight against wild monsters, in the end, he found the dungeon where Amerie entered, and Amerie escaped with a stone, but she was poisoned by a spider.

the right side of her arm was corroding thanks to the poison, but thanks to kiriko and Excalibur she was able to heal her with a spell, then amerie saw the horrible scar on her arm, and kiriko with her kindness and sweet words was able to make amerie smile, that event deepened their relationship with each other.

unlike in the game, she didn't come here alone.

but the monsters here amerie could not solve them even if she was alone.

Thanks to the fact that there are 2 of them, they can fight.

ren also notice a deal breaker

How did the elf queen not notice that Amerie escaped?

Due to her high perception, normally it would be impossible for Amerie not to be noticed, maybe with Sylph there could be a way, but in the original Amerie still hadn't found Sylph and this time, Amerie left Sylph sleeping.

In conclusion, someone planned this.

Ren guessed that someone followed them, because of the level of the dungeon and how easily they could get there, Ren came to that conclusion, although Ren doesn't know how they could block the perception of the elf queen, Ren just had to wait to report it when he returned.

Turning her attention back to her enemies, who were small spiders that attacked left and right, Ren slashed with his sword and dodged all around while Amerie shot farther and killed about 5 spiders per shot.

Ren made the ice floor, after cutting each spider, he uses the ice as a way to absorb brain energy to heal from the injuries caused by the sharp legs of those small spiders that managed to hurt him, the thing is that he is running out Mana.

Turning his attention back to the spider queen, Ren thought

' If I absorb that spider mom, will I have enough?

Ren thought so so he charged his foot with electric mana concentrating it in large quantity and stomped the ground causing a current of electricity to pass through the bodies of the small spiders killing them in the process.

"ha... this is not over.

On top of the corpses of the spiders, more spiders came out stepping on the body of their spider sisters.

Ren who was still cutting spiders saw how spiders began to climb from the ice pillar, to which Ren floored sending a layer of ice towards the ice pillar, when he connected with the pillar, Ren made spikes start to come out and did the harder and slippery ice.

-ren! I will finish with the mother

Amerie said as she took out a special arrow.

This arrow she made this at home with help and she save it for an emergency, with a spell that creates a piercing attack, she created the arrow using the idea of the Duke Squirrel's spear.

-[last shot]!

Amerie launched the arrow which since she separated from the bow began to form a spiral from the tip heading at high speed to the spider boss.

Ren felt the mana entering the spider's back, at first glance it seemed to use an ability to harden her skin.

even so, the spider only had smoke on its back from the friction and was stridulating horribly.

With her voice, the little spiders' attacks intensified.

Ren was avoiding the fangs of a spider when she heard Amerie's voice.

-ren! block him!

Ren who had just felt an accumulation of mana coming towards her back made an ice shield as strong as possible.

Ren looked and saw poison on her shield and the mother spider with her fangs releasing a liquid.

Ren had no more than 5% mana left in her body.

But contrary to the desperate situation of endless enemies... Ren's mind was calm.

'Let's see... absorption absorbs brain energy, but the bodies of all beings carry pure mana within them, even these little spiders, so what if I not only focus on their brains, but also on all their bodies?

Ren then began to concentrate on looking at the spider that had just fallen to the ground after being cut.

'Come on, I want all of you.

An idea came to Ren's mind, and a name for this magic came along with a message.

[absorption spell evolves]

[new spell created]

[ bioabsorption]

-Now you can absorb not only brain energy but also pure mana to the target when you apply this spell.

Ren felt some mana recharge in her body.

Sensing the mana pouring into him, Ren smiled as she began to absorb mana from the others.

making his sword covered in ice mana become denser and also using 2 skills simultaneously.

'mind in flow activated.

' field

Ren felt how his mind was emptied of any thought, making his mind at peace.

ren started testing the flow.

And indeed, his vision of the world changed for Ren.

He felt that he could feel the location where the spiders jumped to clearly, he also felt like he could easily move between the enemies.

' perfect.




amerie was sweating profusely as she looked at ren.

'how did she do it?

Amerie watched as Ren sliced through the spiders quickly as she moved around the venom spat out by the spider queen.

amerie was out of mana, and she only had to shoot normal 3 arrows.

Sensing that Ren had become more skilled, the queen began to shoot poison and silk at Ren, but Ren, without turning to see her, quickly dodged her attacks as she continued to kill the enemies.

ren was absorbing mana from the ground, and she discovered something along the way, which is that she could absorb them since they entered her field, but she doesn't because amerie was present.

Amerie only saw how Ren was covered in wounds and blood while he killed spiders left and right.

Amerie was recharging her mana with the potion she had just drunk.

she thought about using one last arrow to finish off the spider queen.

amerie looked at the arrow with beautiful red engravings on one arrow.

It was a fire arrow that she took from her mother's repertoire, and although it was for a B rank, Amerie took it with her.

Amerie charged the arrow with all her strength.

while she was sending her mana to the arrow, the spider queen noticed her.

The spider queen shot a large amount of poison at the pillar where Amerie was charging the arrow.

Looking at the army of little spiders that were going to Ren, Amerie looked at Ren and yelled at him before jumping off the pillar.

"I'll leave the rest to you!"

Amerie charged the arrow and said

" <$&%&"##$"#1!#%$#"$%#&>

Amerie released the arrow and from the arrow formed a beautiful bird of fire that penetrated the back of the elven queen.

Amerie didn't have enough mana to fully activate the arrow, but she was still able to hit the queen's hardback by punching a hole in the middle of her back.

Amerie looked at the spiders on the ground that noticed her and were waiting for her to fall from it so they can bite her.

Amerie fearlessly smiled, as someone caught her body before she fell and said with a flat voice.

-I don't know what that was, but it was good.

Ren said.

Amerie looked at the spider queen, but her expression changed to one of horror at what the spider queen was about to do.

The spider queen climbed to the ceiling of the boss room.

She then retracted her legs and kicked off as she somersaulted onto the floor of the dungeon boss room.

Ren made an ice shield that blocked the blast wave.

but the floor where both were began to fall.

Amerie hugged Ren immediately.

and ren took from her ring a recent invention of Kiyoshi's.

a hook.

Ren quickly shot at the dungeon entrance as she hugged Amerie.

the 2 fell before being suspended in the air.

Amerie hugged Ren tightly while Ren just said quietly.

- This time I came prepared.

Amerie remembers the last time she had to be in the first dungeon...

Remembering how Ren stayed one day with 3 cute girls, Amerie unconsciously pinched Ren's waist.

- ouch, could you not do it?

Amerie looked up and Ren could see Amerie with tears in her eyes as she hugged him tightly.

"mou, it's your fault for talking about other girls while taking advantage of me.

Ren was left a little out of his mind with that logic.

' At what point did I talk about another girl? And most importantly, how do I take advantage of it?

Ren at this moment noticed the elasticity and firmness that he was holding and squeezed it making Amerie squeal.

Ren noticed that he was holding her buttocks.

Amerie pinched Ren's waist tighter.

but at this very moment, ren had to ignore amerie.

It was because of something, it just stuck to his foot and pulled on it, causing the hook to create tension.

Ren looked down and saw the spider queen pulling him with what was left of his life.

Amerie saw what Ren saw, but it was too late for her to think of anything.

Ren immediately put the hook into Amerie's chest and connected it to her with ice waxing her arms, Ren then pushed through the gap in the ice on the button to retract the hook.

- With this, I hope we're on hand for the squeeze.

ren then got loose

" not!!!!

Amerie was pulled towards the entrance of the boss room.




Amerie was hanging from the ceiling as she tried to break Ren's ice to no avail.

Taking a potion from her ring, with the little mobility she had she immediately drank the potion and chanted a spell that she learned to ward off enemies if she was surrounded.


The ice broke and Amerie fell to the ground to immediately run towards the hole.

but then as if she were a mental slap she remembered what her mother and her new teacher always told her these days.

- you are an amerie shooter, you must always be prepared either to defend or attack.

Amerie took a deep breath.

she takes out 3 potions and swallows them all.

She waited until her mana was full before immediately jumping into the large hole in the room.




Amerie once reached almost the bottom, she used a spell to slow her fall and prepared her bow in case of enemies.

but she saw none.

she only saw a pile of corpses on the ground charred or cut by what looked like ren's electric mana and her sword along with ice.

Amerie advanced through one of the tunnels of the cave, in which it was noted that it was half destroyed by what seemed like something big happened, Amerie concluded that it was the spider queen following Ren.

Amerie quickly walked with her [Night Vision] skill through the cobwebbed cave, as she walked she saw destruction and corpses all along the way.

after a few minutes of following the path of amerie corpses, she comes to an open space.

it was a giant cave room.

The first thing she noticed was an incredible amount of corpses coming up a mountain and above that, she saw Ren sitting on the corpse of the spider queen and his sword stuck into the ground in front of him.

Amerie was shocked by the incredible amount of corpses there.

A big sigh came from Ren's mouth as he held his head.

amerie woke up to that and ran to ren.

"ren! you're fine!-


amerie stopped dead in her tracks at what ren said.

Ren had a totally tired look as she pointed to the ceiling.

Amerie looked up and saw something that made her cover her mouth immediately.

it was a nest

lots of spider eggs all over the ceiling and walls.

Ren first signaled for Amerie to come closer.

amerie approached and the first thing ren said was.

-you are well?


- you are well?

Amerie was a bit taken aback by the question and immediately complicated emotions washed over her.

regret, anger at herself, warmth in her heart.

It was because of her that they are both in such a mess, Ren was the one who ended up injured the most and ended up in these dark caves fighting with endless enemies, and now it is Ren who, instead of blaming her for what happened, only asked her about her well-being.

Amerie felt tears coming out and without thinking, she hugged Ren.

ren who was knocked down by amerie came to think.

'I guess she's scared by the experience.

Ren stroked Amerie's hair as she cried over him covered in blood.

after a long time, amerie separated from ren but ren noticed her hot and red ears.

Ren was too tired for her embarrassment, he used mind in flux and flow all the time, plus a lot of magic.

Although he wasn't physically fatigued since he absorbed all the mana from the corpses while he was fighting, his mind was totally tired.

so he first took out some small packets of the ring from him and handed them to amerie.

Amerie grabbed them all and asked.

" what's this?

- courtesy of Kiyoshi, they are c4 bombs, please place them around here.

Ren didn't think to destroy this dungeon, this dungeon is full of resources, he planned to train here later since he found out that he could be a good anti-army fighter if he trains his technique enough.

besides that, there may be evidence that he followed them.

but they needed to destroy all these spiders for now.

Amerie nodded and connected the bombs with arrows and shot them into the corners.

then with spirit air magic, the 2 of them reached the entrance of the boss room and walked to the exit, after being sufficiently reined in they hit the switch causing a huge explosion and thus the surrounding enemies will head there in a few seconds. moments.

On the way, Ren started talking to Amerie.

- you shouldn't be mad at your mother


-your mother works day and night to keep the peace in her country.

Amerie didn't have the strength or the desire to argue, she just snapped.

"So you really side with her huh?

-I'm not on anyone's side, think about it for a moment, if your mother didn't love you, why did she almost go to war for you? Although you may not know it, there was a sighting of a large army of elves in the magic forest while we were in the mine, it was very troublesome for the humans, and the reason why they did not start the attack immediately was because of the director of ALL personally going to the entrance of the forest asking for time for you, they say that aunt Arwen was at that moment with a cold face being sharp with Naomi who she says is one of her best friends, in addition to perhaps because of the gossip of the Arwen maids he lost some influence and resources preparing his soldiers.


-maybe these matters do not concern me since I am not from your town, but... your mother loves you amerie, and you should not waste that love for something as petty as a simple grudge, she was not by your side all the time is true, but do you think your mother would go to war if she didn't love you? They should both apologize and take advantage of the time that the two of them have in some way, if you love her, you would also find a way to spend time with her, but you should do it before it's too late...

Amerie looked at Ren's seriousness, she couldn't say anything the whole way.




As they set foot outside the dungeon, Ren felt a strong presence, then heard a whistle in the wind and a few moments later she could see Arwen Slyford in the air with a beautiful bow in her arms.

The bad thing is that said bow pointed at Ren and Arwen's eyes looked at Ren as if they were about to kill him.

-What did you do to my daughter!?

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