An npc who just wants to live idling around.


A beautiful bright light illuminated the entire underground place, the people who were in the underground farm and saw everything from the glass of the dome were dazzled by the great concentration of vitality in the center while those who were closer felt their arteries jumping. of joy at the great vitality that originated from the earth

The clan chief was not hypnotized like the others, but her eyes widened at the sight she was witnessing at this moment.

-it is impossible

The beautiful lady's mind was left unable to make countermeasures to the situation that was happening.

From the soil where the seeds were planted, small stems began to germinate and quickly grew into crop plants.

Upon seeing that, all those who were recovering their vision were left speechless at the miracle. They had never seen anything like this in their long lives. It took a while when the first elf to react.

"Hail our hero!

One by one, the villagers began to kneel at the sight happening before them.

Only the clan head looked at this with inner anger, but she unknowingly, didn't know why, but a sentence came to her mind.

'I lost the game.


In the center, Kiriko who was closest to the source of vitality felt her body energetic and full of life, in addition to feeling that she was about to overcome the bottleneck and rise in rank, but she had to ignore that feeling due to the horrible scene that began moments after the light dimmed.


Ren crouched on the ground and vomited black blood from his mouth as he spoke incoherently.

'Ha ha, even my gums are burning, how can my gums burn?

Kiriko saw a large amount of blood at Ren's feet and Ren kneeling on the ground.

Likewise, Ren's mind was in chaos by Elpis's voice.

-Ren!! Tell me!

After experiencing the overload on his nerves, Ren felt pain in every part of his body that had nerves, but it was only for a moment.

The vitality left after using the magic made Ren quickly recover and respond to the agitated Elpis.

'Calm down Elpis, you talk like a crazy woman.

Elpis's voice brought Ren back from her monologue.

-ha... are you aware?

'That's right, it was fun to move that amount of holy magic.

Ren spoke as if he was talking about a common achievement, but Elpis did not have the same opinion.

-nothing that fun! How could you commit such a suicidal act!?

'what are you talking about? It turned out well, didn't it?

-good? Good!? I told you that you should release it little by little so that your nerves can withstand the pressure, not release it all at once, if you failed, even by a millimeter, in letting it flow, you would have exploded!

'There was no time to waste, I told you I had to do it after the boss, right? Furthermore, my reward from the royal family increases.

-And for that stupid reason you risk your life like this?

Elpis's voice contained a lot of anger and worry like a mother seeing her cub getting hurt by her.

'okay okay, I apologize for trying to risk my life like that.


Hearing Ren's apology, Elpis couldn't continue shouting.

-ha... more careful next time

'I will have it

-Why don't I believe you when you say it?

'I have no idea.

Ren returned to reality and analyzed the state of his body.

"um... although the feeling of that power that was like needles pricking my nerves hurt me, moments later it became warm, it also healed my dislocated leg and healed some blocked nerves and apparently cleansed the impurities inside my body, it was a good choice.

Ren was satisfied with his decision as he looked at the black blood filled with impurities on his hand, but another person was not as happy as him.


Kiriko screamed as if she were watching Ren's death live, she approached him and tried to help him, but Ren stood up while she waved her hand carelessly.

"I'm fine, I'm-

Ren was trying to calm Kiriko down, but he felt his consciousness slipping away.

-I told you that you should be cautious, your body exceeded its limit.

' at least be able to sleep.

The last thing Ren saw was Kiriko crying.

'You are a man, could you not cry like a child?




Why do we come to this world?

That was a question often without an answer, but at the same time, it was a question with a different answer for each being.

Ren had that question in his mind.

Why did you come to this world? Why was he chosen? Why did I have to live again?

Ren had already died, but the eternal rest that one can expect depending on his religion did not come.

In his old life, Ren did not believe in a god, but he believed that there was a higher being that humans could never reach no matter how much he advanced and "evolved"

A being that could not be defined in the good or bad realm was definitely not the god that many humans used as an excuse to feel good about themselves.

Ren saw what humans were capable of doing for their beloved god, and some even claimed that they fulfilled the mission of "god" while committing horrible acts such as killing babies and murdering innocents for not being on the same path as them.

If there is a god, why did he bring him to this world?

Ren didn't have an answer to that question since he came to this world.

But at that moment, Ren was beginning to have doubts about why he came here.

Ren's body had lost all the strength of his body.

' damn...

Ren had a light conversation with Gabriel, which consisted of a simple greeting of a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug at Gabriel's initiative.

She briefly listened to Ren's explanation and agreed to give him some holy power, she moved her hands a little and a thick sphere of holy power appeared.

Gabriel warned Ren that since he couldn't handle the sacred power, he could only keep it inside him without using it for a short period; if he delayed too long, he might burst like a balloon that takes on more air than it can handle.

While Elpis warned him that she could not release him suddenly, but that it had to be done little by little due to the pressure she was putting on his nerves.

Despite being a time bomb, Ren couldn't activate it without telling Kiriko and helping him get the credit, despite the pain of feeling a sphere in his stomach that swells wanting to come out, a pain worse than explosive diarrhea in his opinion. of Ren.

Ren was able to barely reach Kiriko's side, he directed the power to his foot next to Excalibur, while he felt like a dam was opening, the strength of his body was also leaving, despite having precise control in the release of the power. sacred, the force of the recoil from using sacred power, even when he mobilized it without magic, took its toll on his body.

Ren's body filled with blood coming from his mouth, nose, and ears causing Kiriko to wake up when she realized what was happening.

Ren couldn't hear what Kiriko was saying, his body was at its limit and his senses felt like they were being swept away by a tsunami, Ren could only hear a hum to what he believed was Kiriko's worried voice. .

But Ren still had enough strength to concentrate and see the ice chief elf in the distance and the older woman's expression did not disappoint Ren.

The head of the ice elf village, a woman who lived through a lot of experiences and hardships which honed her temperament along with her poker face.

But at that moment she had a face of disbelief at the sight before her eyes.

If someone told her a few hours ago about the event that just happened, she would tell the other party that she was crazy.

Holy power is something incredibly rare in this world.

Only a few people can feel it, much less use it.

Among the elves, although there are priests capable of using divine power, they are as strange and worse, rarer than in the human world.

The elves, although able to sense the great vitality of divine power, are unable to use it.

But a human was able to receive said power, even worse, said human was able to use it.

This caused a great stir among the people of the elven town.

'I underestimated him for just being human.

The head of the Ice Elf clan had to admire Ren at this moment.

The beautiful woman looked to her side and saw the people of her town kneeling and crying as they admired the sight she presented before them.

The underground farm was a large-scale project due to the food shortage that its people experienced for years.

It took many years to make the underground place a spacious place, and it took many more to get it set up to obtain the benefits of the magic seeds.

The queen of the ice elves personally studied every book she could get her hands on about seeds, their history, methodology, where they were grown, etc.

She had everything ready, the only thing missing was the seeds.

She had prepared a large amount of tempting treasures for the elf queen.

At a public level, it was known that the only one who could obtain seeds from the world tree was its guardian or a being that the tree directly recognized.

In the story only the royal family and the hero from 500 years ago were able to communicate with the world tree correctly, any other being would be rejected and expelled, or worse yet, lose their vitality by the roots of the world tree that are capable of absorbing vitality.

She heard rumors that the elf queen Arwen had some seeds in her possession, if she could obtain them, even a few, they could be used to grow them in strategic places in the area and plant other seeds around, it was possible that the vitality of a seed from the tree of the world could help others to germinate since those special seeds absorbed mana from the air to grow.

But it was also possible that it would not work and that they would only be able to grow a few plants.

It was a risky plan without much success rate.

The other less likely option was a marriage between Arwen and her grandson, but knowing Arwen and how jealous she is, it was not possible that they would agree to marry their only daughter to her grandson, who the chieftain knows was an average elf.

"No plan was necessary for that.

A large amount of crops was in the sight of the clan chief.

The entire crop field was full of harvest to be extracted immediately.

There was enough to calm her entire village for many winters.

Not counting the effectiveness of the crops, a single broccoli from a mana seed is enough to keep an awake soldier energized for the entire day.

The boss looked at everything that a human she despised as a "servant" accomplished.

"It's my loss.

The beautiful older lady smiled before mobilizing and stabilizing her people and preparing for what was to come thanks to the vitality caused by this event.




(author here, hello)

Are you seriously ruining my New Year's dinner? Let me eat my roast duck in peace.


(you have practically not worked all year)

You are the guy who doesn't upload chapters, you even have a reader waiting eagerly, who writes to you every few days greeting you, you don't deserve such a loyal reader.


(I can talk)

Yes, sorry boss, the excitement of the new year.

(well, hello dear readers who still follow this old story, although well, old because I don't publish frequently.

I was in college, as many of you know, it's something that takes up a lot of your time, especially for people with attention deficit.

I would like to tell you what I experienced there, but I suppose I will do it in some chapters with characters, I think it will be entertaining and you will like it.

Although I didn't know a fraternity directly, I heard about one in college and all I can say is that what's not for you is not for you.

It is not necessary to go with the flow and do what "youth" does to have fun, honestly, it is a problem of mine not to enjoy what youth should enjoy, or maybe not, who knows.

What do I mean by this?

Well, it's simple, I decided to continue my story more to my liking and do it more like what Ren would have done and not how a fan would have wanted me to do it, there will be girls in the story who will go out with Ren, but that's not why everything is a woman will be from Ren's harem, there will be a drama about the ex, and even Kiriko will have her harem, which will be girls who have nothing to do with a deep feeling with Ren, or something like that, soon the virgin prostitute will come (I hope I'm a sucker, I'm still looking for girls' stories from that life to investigate) and the girl with the green eyes who is locked up, only those who know the story of Fate will have an idea, but it's something.

I'm thinking about giving Ren badass powers, something like time control or metal control, things like that, you know, whatever comes with time, although at the moment there's a sister drama coming up and the story of an old pharaoh or something Well, it's not a spoiler because I'm talking about something very general.

Regarding the female characters, I think I will give them more personality in the sense that they have their own reason and life, not because Ren saves them they wanted to be the eighteenth woman as if she had no brain or self-esteem, no sir.

Ren will also face problems with polygamy, after all, Ren came from a monogamous family, and he will not necessarily get used to it at first, Ren does not think with his lower head, he is only affected by the hormones of the body of a 16-year-old young man.

Even so, I would like to wish you a happy new year and wish you to fight whatever you face, everyone has their problems, and if you come here, it is because you really like reading or it is a way to stop thinking about the problems you have.

Whatever it is, try hard, as an old dragon said, steel is stronger the harder you hit it.

Don't give up and keep holding on, no one says it will end or it will be better, but you can handle it and that strength will help you be great in the future.

In what I read today it is curious how difficult times create strong people, strong people create easy times, easy times create weak people and weak people create difficult times.

Being disciplined helps more than one thinks, Ren is a lazy man, but he has a lot of discipline, and despite not wanting to, he never misses a day of training.

There will be .5 chapters that I will create soon, every 10th chapter I will create a .5 that will be like a way to fill in your routines or present events told in the present.

But hey, see you later readers, whether you get to this part or not, I wish you luck along the way. )




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