An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Ren little by little regained his consciousness, but he did not open his eyes immediately, he felt that on top of his body, something was covering him, something unknown to the current Ren, but not to his past life.

Ren opened his eyes and could see that he didn't wake up in the dome where he was a moment ago, nor in any bed.

he woke up in a dark hallway.

Ren began to scan his body, it was the body of his former life.

His body was covered by black armor, and on his back, he felt the weight of his sword... his emotions disappeared. (the cover image)

Even though it should be a dream, Ren was able to formulate words.

"So this is the punishment they were talking about, right?

Cold and stoic words came out of Ren's mouth, losing his usual calm and laziness.

"In the game, there was a brief description of those who used sacred magic without being noble-hearted

Ren searched his memories for the phrase.

[He who wants to desecrate sacred magic without having a kind heart will face nightmares of his sins]

Ren wanted to feel suffocated by not being able to even be curious about his situation, but he wasn't allowed that either, the moment he wanted to feel something, it disappeared, it was something he had to live with for years, it should feel normal, but...

"Not having emotions after experiencing them is... I don't know, anyway, I guess the only way out is to move on.

Ren looked at the hallway in the style of a spaceship, there were only some lights that illuminated areas of the hallway, the rest was dark.

After a few moments, staring at the red emergency lights, Ren was able to remember when this was.

The red lights mean that an imminent danger was approaching the organization, but not even nuclear bombs would activate that alarm, in Ren's memory, it was activated only once since its founding...

It was when Ren destroyed the organization.

"This is from when I finished with the organization, huh? I wonder why they presented this to me?"

Ren took a step forward on his way to the only door at the end of the long hallway.


Upon feeling the puddle, Ren looked down and saw a pool of blood on his foot.



Drops of blood fell, Ren looked up and found himself in front of a pair of empty sockets centimeters from his face. It was the dry body of a man. What was impressive was how there was still blood falling from the hole that was in his head The body had signs of obvious lack of blood, the identity was an agent, the same agent who showed Ren the place when he entered, he was Marcos's best friend, and also the one who was sent to kill Marcos' daughter, since he was one of the few who knew the location as a best friend of the family.

Ren moved to the side and analyzed the body.

"Are you trying to scare me? Anyway, the body doesn't have much time after death, um... this looks like the body of agent number 7934, rank 3, one of the agents who went to kill my sister and ended up with my bullet sniper, what is he doing here?

Ren noticed a small glow inside the agent's skull, as he raised his hand to find out what it was, his hand grabbed it firmly.

Ren moved his hand immediately and slammed the body against the wall.

Ren looked at the hand that was still holding him despite being planted on the wall. From the man's mouth, a hoarse voice that hurt the soul came out.


Ren hit the head and destroyed it, his blow was so powerful that the head exploded on impact, and his speed and technique were such that not even his armor was stained with blood, and the agent's body fell inert to the ground. floor.

Ren looked at his arm, exactly the only drop of blood on the man, it was strange because a drop that fell on his arm caught his attention.

A few words echoed in Ren's mind.

[he will face the nightmares of his sins]

When he thought of that fact, the drop of blood began to hurt, Ren held his arm and felt like he wanted to let out a scream.

It was the first time in his 2 lives that he felt so much pain.

That part where the drop fell felt like millions of biting ants biting there at the same time, Ren almost lost consciousness from the pain that burned his soul.

Although his soul was burning, cold words came out of his mouth.

"damage to the soul?

Ren couldn't follow his sentence.




The hallway lit up slightly and Ren could see the place clearly. Thousands of corpses similar to the one from a while ago were in the place, and Ren recognized each one of them.

They were the thousands of agents that Ren killed when the organization ended, after all, he couldn't risk them coming for his family again.

It should be noted that the organization collected talents from all over the world, in addition, they did not focus on a single type of talent, they looked for different talents for different functions and Ren ended up with all of them when the organization ended.

Bodies of eyeless men began to move across the floor and walls, approaching Ren.

Ren frowned at the sight.

The first man crawled to his foot.

Ren's body moved automatically and stepped on the body's head, although his body stopped moving, Ren stained his foot with a drop of his blood.

The moment the blood touched his foot, in that area he began to feel immense pain, similar to his arm it was a horrible pain that Ren had to endure, Ren wanted to scream from the pain, but he was not even allowed that, His body was fine, but his soul was the one that suffered.

His body began to move only against his will.

Ren finally understood why people were so afraid of using sacred magic without being chosen, Ren wanted to escape from this hall and not touch any more corpses, but he was not allowed that.

Against Ren's will his body automatically began to crush the heads of the living corpses, every time he did, drops of blood stained his body, where the blood touched his skin, an immense pain dominated him, as if the entire physical pain that I had felt until now was a joke.

Ren was numb with pain, but he had to curse in his mind at the words that came out of his mouth.

Words that seemed to be directed to his soul.

"He who wants to desecrate sacred magic without having a noble heart will face nightmares of his sins, the greater his sin, the stronger the pain.

Ren's mind, which barely felt aware of what was happening around him, could notice a fact when he saw the large number of corpses approaching him. Ren felt despair as his body approached a large number of corpses. His body let go. cold words before what awaited him.

"This is just beginning




The door to the main office opened and Ren's body was shown, his previously black armor was now red from the blood that was splashed on him, in front of him was a simple desk and the sound of keys was ringing rhythmically without any rush.

Ren saw the leader of the organization, agent 0 in front of him, although this was a nightmare, he looked as alive as when he arrived the day he killed him.

The first words the man said were calm, as if the massacre I had just gone through had not mattered.

-so you arrived huh? It was faster than expected, I guess I raised garbage after all

were the same words the leader said when Ren entered the office.

-So... I guess, before you kill me, I'll tell you why I killed Marcus and give you one last lesson. I'll be allowed that, right?


Ren was silent at the voice, but his silence was taken as affirmation.

-You destroyed the organization, perfect, it was one of Marcos' wishes, from the beginning, Marcos never completely trusted the organization, that man always doubted and investigated, I thought I had controlled the amount of information he had, but I was wrong... that one wise man more than necessary, if he divulged that information... it would be the end of us, that's why I had to silence him, to prevent him from destroying the organization, to continue having control of the world.

" had the world in your control, all the organizations I destroyed were rebels who were against you, all the drug cartels I took down were those who refused to come under your protection, all those assassination missions ...they were influential people who could do good for the world, instead, you sent me to protect organizations that experimented on innocent beings, that dog shelter... those innocent beings were used to transport drugs around the world, and you wanted me to retire and let them die

-For someone who has no emotions you are very soft, you don't understand, right? the world is neither black nor white, those peace organizations that you destroyed wanted to overthrow us, those good influential people wanted to take away our authority, and those drug cartels believed they could do it alone, if we had left them alone, there would be chaos in the world, even worse, they would turn the world against us, I couldn't allow that

" doesn't matter, you lost

-jajaja, that's right, I lost, I thought I had raised the perfect agent, and I did, and everything was screwed because of that... that girl, who would say that everything I built with my life was destroyed by a girl, well, also for that old man...

As he said that, the leader held his forehead, stood up from the chair, and calmly stared at the window.

-I should have expected it, your grandfather was a bastard, he loved contingency plans, imagine that! My brothers and I were always her most loyal followers, until that damn suicide mission... the government sent us to that place to die, only my younger sister and I were left... when she was dying, I noticed it, her body began to decompose at an abnormal speed, it was all due to something that was hidden in his brain, your grandfather created a plan so that in case we were captured or we were dying, in our brains there was a chip, which released a toxin capsule that would destroy our organs at a speed that made capture impossible, it was something remote controlled, your grandfather had us under surveillance all the time, and for what? so that his... his stupid investigation is not revealed, I couldn't bury my sister... I had to see how her body decomposed even though she was alive, that's when I understood it, your grandfather never loved us, we were just his tools, I had to have a lobotomy with an ice pick and a stake that was there to remove the chip, do you know what it's like to come out of that alive?... but I did it, and after discovering his greatest creation, I told myself, I have to have it, and yet your grandfather screwed me for the second time.

The leader looked at Ren for a moment before speaking.

- I know you think that with this you saved the world, that you are a hero by destroying the oppressors, that you left those humans in control of their lives, but you don't understand, they will destroy themselves over time, now maybe they will praise you to save them, but you are condemned... you are condemned to be hated by everyone you think you saved.

"I don't care if the whole world hates me or curses me, I have them 2 girls, the rest I don't care."

-to them eh? You don't care if everyone hates you, but you can't face reality if they hate you, having the world against you is more stupid than you think.


-heh, you're stupid Ren, they will die sooner or later because of your actions, the world will take it away from you, I've lived it, just as they took away everything I ever loved from me, you are condemned to the same thing happening to you, people Like you, you are destined to lose everything when you want to be a hero.

Ren was silent for a moment at the words, at that moment words came out from the bottom of his heart, with unwavering determination.

"I don't consider myself a hero... but if the world wants to take away the people I love... then I will get the world out of my way."

Like an unbreakable oath, Ren said those words without fear or hesitation.

then... from the leader's mouth, a different voice came out, a melodious voice.

- It seems that the punishment was still not severe enough... it is time to increase your punishment

Ren regained control of his body, and Ren's pain began to amplify, Ren's soul felt like he was about to disappear in the pain of being burned in flames as if he were in hell.

but before Ren's soul disappeared, a giant hand suddenly appeared removing him from there.

A voice was heard in the office.

- I never liked these punishments that only focus on black and white.

The nightmare world began to disappear without leaving anything.

Ren woke up this time in a dark world.

The pain that burned his soul disappeared completely, Ren opened his eyes and looked at himself.

" where I am?

- I got you out of that place

"Elpis... what was that place?

-it was a sea of consciousness within your consciousness, sacred magic has to do with the spirit, since you still do not have a "talent" of sacred magic, sacred magic passed through your soul

"I don't understand

- As you know, each attribute "talent" goes to the mana core, right? The more attributes you have, the more difficult it is to grow your magic

"that's how it is

-But since you do not have the inherited attribute like the saint, you should not use sacred magic, nor receive it, a normal person as soon as they try to use it will be taken to that nightmare world.

"And why could I receive the sacred magic and I didn't receive that nightmare until later?"

- because I helped you keep it out of your soul, but the waste not only improved your physical body, I thought I had it under control, I didn't believe that even with my intervention, it would take you to that place, I'm sorry

There was a feeling of guilt and shame and guilt in Elpis's voice, Ren waved his hand.

"It's not your fault, you got me out of there, it was mine for having sinned, at least it's over and I can rest when I get out of here."

-that's the matter

"What happened?

- the sacred magic was so striking that a group of beasts approached this place.

"...damn, it was supposed to be Sunday.

Ren lamented his situation of having to fight for a country that he does not know.


because the young hero will try to do it alone if he doesn't help




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