An npc who just wants to live idling around.


I felt my consciousness coming back, this time... I felt like I was in reality, I also felt 2 presences in the room, I thought it could be Kumiko and Kiriko, but it was not them, the scent I perceive comes from that woman.

- I know you're awake, open your eyes

I knew it.

Kiriko doesn't know how to distinguish a sleeping person.

I opened my eyes and saw the chief of the ice elf village next to my bed and her grandson Dorris by her side.

my tone was not friendly at all.

"So? What are you doing here?"

Dorris looked at me in disbelief upon noticing my abrupt tone, but the boss didn't seem bothered in the least, she continued speaking calmly, speaking as if she had rehearsed it, but she was watching me.

- Honestly, I didn't think you'd be able to do that, use holy magic like that, by any chance are you from that human country of the church? According to what I studied, they are called priests

'What a diligent woman, but how does she think I'm like those extremists?

It's not surprising that she thinks I'm a priest when she sees me use holy magic, she must have come to know if I was crazy after that torment, thanks to Elpis I have no mental after-effects, but it's not like I'm going to tell her that I have a being inside me

Hold on, that sounded bad, didn't it?

(quite a bit)

While I was thinking nonsense, the boss took my silence as some confirmation.

- I see, it was foolish of me to treat you like that an emissary of the goddess, I apologize

The elf chief lowered her head in respect, while her grandson became emotional.


-Silence Dorris, right now I am the matriarch of the ice elves, I have sinned the Goddess, and my duty as the matriarch of the ice elf people is to apologize for this offense

Faced with her grandmother's determination, Dorris gritted her teeth.

-Ugh... I understand, I salute the goddess's emissary

'What is this? Why are you apologizing for something like this? Rather, Dorris seems more sane than this woman lowering her head when she does nothing strange... it isn't very pleasant

Seeing the woman who despised me lower her head, normally I would ignore it, but this woman seeks the interest of her people, why would she do that?

[remember I told you there was a stampede of monsters coming this way?]

'that's right, wait, so you can spot monsters from a long distance?

doesn't that mean Elpis is like a portable monster detector?

[did you just think of something rude?]

'It must have been your imagination, just a second.

The head of the ice elf clan had her head down as she looked into my eyes. There was no apologetic look in her eyes, but a sharp gaze as if she was scanning me. I understood her purpose, so I spoke in a rough tone to follow her drama.

‘It’s fun to participate in dramas from time to time

“So? What do you want?”

Dorris raised his voice at my rude words, he couldn’t stand how a human treated her matriarch like that, as a proud elf, how could he tolerate it? Or maybe it’s the affection for his grandmother? Who knows, but what he said made his explode while he invoked his magic.

“How dare you speak to the matriarch of my people like that!? It doesn’t matter if you are an emissary of the goddess, you will be punished for your rudeness!”

The matriarch waved her hand as a crystal appeared, and all of Dorris’ magic disappeared in an instant, while he crouched down from the sudden loss of his mana.

“You’re embarrassing our clan, get out of here!”


“No buts, I don’t want you to embarrass us anymore.”

Dorris left, but not before looking at me coldly, once the elf and I were left, I laid back on the bed and spoke with a smile.

"So, even though I was amused by this little scene, now you'll tell me what you want? I don't think that drama was without any reason

-Did you notice?

"I assumed you were trying to explain how I could use holy magic, and since every human knows that their priests wear religious accessories on their bodies and I don't carry those things on me, it was easy to deduce what you were trying to do.

-Well, my nephew can't keep his mouth shut, the soldiers will soon know about the human priest who saved us, but you didn't need to be so blunt about it, right? Do you want the human church to be branded as arrogant without humility?

"And what does it matter how they see? I came here for the hero, not for the church, besides, you elves only worship the sacred tree right?


The elf chief didn't deny my words, she got up from the chair and walked to a nearby campfire where there was a pot on top, she took out two bowls and poured some soup, then came back and handed me one of the bowls.

-here, this will help your troubled mind

"thank you very much

I accepted the bowl calmly and began to drink, the moment the soup hit my throat, my mind tired from all that I dreamed about quickly relaxed.

"ha... what a good soup

- This is one of the few things we can rescue from this eternal winter, it is one of the healing herbs that help calm the mind, after seeing that great sacred power I thought I should give you at least this.

I continued eating in silence while listening to the older woman speak.

-Do you know what my name means?


'I was distracted, I forgot it

-You don't remember, right?


-Ha... I can't believe that the first human I met after the last time I fought on the border is someone like you

'It's sad, isn't it?

[Don't talk as if you weren't the cause]

The elf chief put her hand on her chest and introduced herself according to the etiquette of her great elf hero ancestor

'Does that old man have some kind of knight syndrome that forced his people to greet him like that?

-My name is Isfrid, queen of the elf clan. I was born in this land thanks to my parents who were the founders of this place, they awakened the talent of ice after living here for 200 winters. I am the only daughter and current queen of the Ice Elf clan for 300 winters, and I hope we continue like this soon.


-My name... means beloved ice, I took it upon myself to do the best I could in these extreme living conditions, I received help from the elven people of Arwen, but even so, it was difficult to survive only subsisting on the little game, herbs and the little food that survived the transport between villages... I did the best I could and the villagers gave me their loyalty and love, but it was not long before hunger finished off my people, I thought I was finished... but you, humans, gave a ray of hope to my people, you awakened the great guardian of the world tree, thanks to that, we received seeds from the world tree for these frozen lands

"It was all thanks to your granddaughter who asked the hero for help, not mine.

-No... you used holy magic, although I don't know how you managed to do it, I was pedantic in trying to manipulate the hero, I apologize for my rudeness, I didn't think the hero would be someone with such a pure heart without thinking about the benefits.

"You mean stupid, right?

-I apologize in my heart, but... yes, it's stupid, if it wasn't for you, it wouldn't have turned out the way it did, but I also realized that you owe someone important to him, so the benefits should talk to you right? I want help to help evacuate my town safely, you and some active soldiers will move while I create a distraction.

'ho, did she notice the stampede?

"A reward? For helping them escape? And not fight? From what? I don't think they're so weak as to need to escape from something

-... I'll do what's in my power to defend this place as best I can, the defense will be difficult with the soldiers, but we can divert them so they don't damage the place, the underground farms should survive in any case since it's underground and we took care of making it as resistant as possible in its creation

'Can you tell me why at once? This old lady sure likes to leave things in the dark, I don't feel like delaying this

"I know what you're talking about, I want to make a deal

Isfrid's eyes sharpened, I laughed at that.

"Don't worry, it will be beneficial for both parties

-um... I understand, what deal are we talking about human?

" I'm one of those people who likes to do everything at once, so this will have to wait until we finish the stampede safely


Isfrid's silence was entertaining.

"You noticed right? The stampede that's heading this way is already very close

-Incredibly, you noticed it when you were unconscious when I found out, can I know how you found out?

"Will you tell me how you noticed it?

-Will you believe me if I say my scouts?

"Not even a little


Isfrid raised his hand and a transparent crystal appeared from it.

-I have these in the distance, and this reacts to a certain degree of presence, after that, it breaks and the information reaches me, a day has passed since the last limit, so I have little time to prepare the defense of my town.

'fascinating, detection magic

"Well, in my case it was an artifact, I don't know the amount, but there are many monsters.

-Not just many, they are strong monsters of at least rank D and they are furious, they will arrive here in less than 2 days.

'D rank, a stampede strong enough to wipe out this village, though it's a good chance, yes, we can do it

"Well then I'll tell you my terms now, not only do we help you with the crops, I'll make sure you have meat for at least 2 winters, but my share is the materials for items and the animal parts to make bacon

Boss Isfrid was beside herself but spoke after a moment.

-... you're talking nonsense human.

"I used holy magic without being a priest, do you think this nonsense is impossible?

-No, I'll lend my help, but I don't want any unnecessary sacrifices

"Don't worry, there won't be any casualties on our side, I just need to talk to the hero, by the way, where is he?

-Well, that boy didn't leave your side since you fainted, not even at night when you slept, he stayed by your side with his sword at all times, he looked like a knight, but when I saw that you were going to wake up, I sent him to get herbs for the soup, I told him it would do you good, we needed to talk

"Ha... you do unnecessary things, whatever, let's go

Isfrid watched the weak Ren try to get up while his mind was surprised by the recovery of this human child.

She saw Ren collapse on the ground with blood dripping from the holes in his face, she saw the young hero almost desperately asking for help while carrying his friend, and she saw the human girl searching her inventory for valuable potions gifted by the elven king and although her granddaughter did not show it openly, she was also worried.

The boy did not wake up after 3 days, days in which his friends were with him at all times, Kiriko even had her sword Excalibur by her side, Isfrid only said that it was the physical after-effects of using holy magic, causing a wave of concern in the children, but he did not mention the mental after-effects.

'I was surprised that he came out of those nightmares alive.

In the descriptions she read, using the goddess's magic without permission was a clear divine heresy, those who tried it without being fit for it suffered serious consequences, and some people even had their minds destroyed by doing so, but the boy who didn't get up after 3 days suddenly got up, and his first act is to help his people.

She thought he was a cold guy who was sent with the innocent hero to take care of him, but seeing this left her confused about what his true personality would be.

Ren didn't see Isfrid's confused face, he tried to get up before falling a little.

-Your body is still weak, you should stay in bed

"I'll be fine, no problem

Ren stood up straight while Isfrid remained silent and walked to the door.

Opening it, he saw Kiriko with a bowl of soup in her hands and Kumiko beside her with a plate of food.


Kiriko's mouth was open in disbelief and so was Kumiko, but Ren slipped some of the leaves that were used in the soup to calm her mind from somewhere and put them in both of their mouths before anyone could say anything.

"We have to move, I don't want your exaggerations now.

Ren, ignoring the voices of both young people, continued on his way to the entrance of the village.

Kiriko and Kumiko followed him after a moment, a little calmer thanks to the grass. Kumiko and Kiriko spoke hurriedly in that order.

-Where are we going?

-Are you okay?

"I'm walking, that should be enough of an answer, and we're going to look for the stampede.



"Yes, I agreed to help this village, thanks to that we will get a lot of quality meat, so get ready.

Kumiko and Kiriko were silent but answered after a moment.


-I will prepare the equipment.




Under the frozen forest, the ground trembled under the stomping of monsters, a group of monsters was led by a huge mammoth of imposing appearance, its pointed horns like spears had blood on them, the eyes of the mammoth were red and the many monsters that followed them seemed to be in a state of frenzy, because they advanced without caring about anything else, as if they were looking for something.

A few kilometers away from that stampede, under a cover of ice, Ren was sitting next to Kumiko and Kiriko, and a young elf trembling not from the cold, but from fear after seeing the stampede with Kiriko's binoculars.

Ren was sitting quietly, waiting for Kiriko, until Kiriko asked a question again.

- Are you sure you don't need to rest?

"If you ask that again, I'm sure I'll get tired of you, speak up, what do you think about the stampede?"

Ren decided to evaluate Kiriko using this as an opportunity.

"Remember, this time, you'll make the plan, I'll just be another fighter and I'll move according to your decision.

"Well... seeing the number and seeing the soldiers... I have an idea, but there's a 50% chance that they'll survive.

"Only 50%!?

The one who exclaimed with you in shock was the young soldier who was with them, Kiriko spoke hurriedly while waving her hands.

"I didn't say it like that, excuse me!

Kumiko spoke almost with a sigh.

"That probability is if we left them alone, don't worry.

But Kumiko's words only agitated the soldier more.

"If they left us alone!?

-Please excuse me if there was a misunderstanding, we will obviously help, I just said it carelessly

-So, if you help us, how much percentage do we have?

-…the truth… is difficult to say, the monsters are weak for the most part, the strongest is a C rank, but that B rank mammoth will be a problem, it is moving towards the wall charging without stopping, attracting it to where we can attack it and pierce its thick skin with long-distance attacks while we prevent it from charging and crashing into the wall will be difficult, also that the monsters do not disperse, um…

“No, it will be simple

-um? What do you mean Ren?

“Did you forget, monkey see, monkey do?

-I didn't forget, we attract the mammoth, but avoid its powerful charge…

Kumiko raised her hand like a student with the answers.


The young soldier was in shock, his mind was in chaos


“Right, we just have to blow everything up

‘eh!? Are you planning to destroy our village!?

-But Kumiko, isn’t that going a bit too far? There will be a lot of destruction if we use bombs here

‘Right, the hero is a benevolent person, he thinks about everyone’s safety, and he wouldn’t accept such an absurd idea


Kiriko nodded as if he was enlightened

-Right, it’s possible

‘eh? Didn’t you say you were worried about the destruction?

-And about the monsters? They will go berserk without their leader

“With that… I think a mousetrap will be enough, and I know where to place it exactly.

‘Don’t tell me he plans to make the inside of the village his mousetrap, you’re crazy!

The soldier was scared of the ideas he heard, but he was forbidden to say anything about it, his direct orders were to “observe them and report back” he had gone too far a moment ago, and he bit his tongue to keep quiet

‘Village chief, you are an amazing elf, but I think you don’t know the danger of those you asked for help.


-We have our plan

The young soldier looked at Ren with his soul out of his body imagining only the idea of ​​the remains of the battle, he finally asked something.

-If we use that plan, what are our chances of surviving?

Everyone looked at Kiriko who said with confidence.

-We will have a 100% chance, I will make sure of it

Ren nodded to Kiriko and Kumiko looked at him with pride.

"Okay, let's go, we've seen enough.

The young soldier named Alex continued to tremble at the thought of that pack.

'Can we really all win safely?




Three days passed and the young soldier Alex was on top of the wall, along with other companions.

One of his friends spoke while watching the great blizzard that covered the entire scene.

-Can we really win with this weather?

Alex looked at his companions who were stiff while they had their bows with arrows with magic tips, his chaotic mind calmed down a little with the cold, and he could only say something that no one could hear.

"Now I'm not worried about winning, I'm worried if our people will survive after this.




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