An npc who just wants to live idling around.


as Ren began to collect his loot.

in the dungeon with kiriko, they had already finished with the monster and were leaving the dungeon, when they left, everyone was shocked.

Kiriko's entire party stared at the endless corpses of hooded men, a heap of puddles of blood that made Kara vomit instantly, and the others turned pale at the bloody scene in front of them.

they all saw a man in the middle of it all, with a sword about to kill the last of them.

When Kiriko saw the armored man raising his sword, he forgot about the corpses for a moment, and Kiriko screamed as he ran with Excalibur.

" your!!!.

Kiriko yelled as he ran towards the man casting light magic.

the man simply blocked all incoming spears with his sword.

Arriving in front of him, he saw his full armor.

" Who are you?


"Stay away from that man.


Kiriko had his sword pointed at the stranger, but the stranger just looked behind him at the rest of his team.

Finally, the man blurted out a sentence.

-isn't he?

" What are you talking about?

- I heard that it would accompany the hero of light, but if isn't he?

- Yes? Well, I guess I could lure him like that.

Kiriko was confused by his strangeness of him, it seemed that he was talking to someone.

but out of nowhere, the man disappeared.

and the man appeared in the air pointing at Kuroka with his sword.

Kuroka who until now did not know what happened summoned a water shield.

but the man cut the shield as if nothing happened.

the one who came out to meet the stranger was Brant.

Brant pointed his spear at him, but the man just said.

- You are weaker than you appear.

saying that, with his sword, he cut Brant's spear, and in the air, he kicked him sending him flying.

Upon falling to the ground, the stranger ran towards Kuroka again.

Kumiko immediately jumped up to meet him, blocking with his shield.

Looking at Kumiko using all of his strength to withstand the blow, the man just snorted.

he stomped on the ground raising the earth where Kumiko was standing destabilizing her.

and he gave her a roundhouse kick, which Kumiko in the bad position could not block and was sent into the air.

The man looked at Kuroka again, it made Kuroka unable to maintain his cold appearance and backed away from him, he hadn't recovered from the shock of the corpses, and now comes the shock of being about to die.

- fire magic: flare.

Kuroka saw endless fire covering the armored stranger.

when they thought they were burning it, they heard the man's voice.

- Fire no longer affects me.

and with his sword, the man absorbed the spell, leaving Aiko without mana.

Kuroka and Aiko tried to back away, the knight as if mocking him, walking at a leisurely pace.

- arg!

What was interrupted by his advance was the blow of an earth magic-empowered mallet that caused a layer of earth to appear on the outside of the mallet.

the man blocked with his sword, but the blow knocked him back several meters.

- It seems that if there is someone who still serves.

Kara let out the breath she was holding, she put all of her mana into that blow, but she didn't make a dent in her armor.

- for the forge, what the hell is that?

The girls saw Kiriko running up to the stranger and stepping in front of him with Excalibur.

everyone was tired, especially kiriko, and his mind felt strange and weak from the corpses.

Kiriko was in worse condition, he had used his magic to power up the weapons of his companions before, but now they face another one.

"I will be your opponent.

- I'm not interested in a hero of light, my goal is not yours.

"What are you talking about? How can it not be me if you point at my friends!

-You're wrong, just point to that bastard's fiancée, if something happens to him, he should come back.


Kiriko turned and saw Kumiko regrouping with the girls, giving her a message with her lips.

'kuroka was the one he was aiming for.

Kiriko finally understood and asked.


- Yes, where is that bastard?

"You'll have to get over me before you betray a friend.

- Really? Do you want to play that game?

Kiriko's expression hardened.

" What are you talking about?

-I guess you know where it is, I can't kill you, hero of light, my sponsor forbade me to kill you, but she didn't say anything about your companions.

" that?

- um, I guess I could start with that maid you've taken a fancy to.

"I will never let you touch Kumiko.

- Stop me.

Kiriko saw how the man disappeared again, no, rather he was going very fast towards Kumiko.


Kiriko felt how time was slowing down, she wanted to reach Kumiko before the man in the armor came for her.

but while he was about to take a step, the man was already reaching Kumiko.

At that moment, a memory came to mind, of Kumiko talking to him.

She remembered that Kumiko had gone to train with Ren, and ended up all hurt and tired.

Kiriko had watched the match, and she remembered that sometimes when Kumiko cheated, and it looked like Ren was going to lose, out of nowhere Ren got faster by the second and could dodge and win.

Kiriko marveled, but he took it to mean that Ren possessed the lightning.

Kiriko was still curious.

"How do you do it, Ren?

- what thing?

"be faster than nothing.

- Oh, that.

" if that.

- it's simple, it just boosts my nerves in my muscular nervous system, and it gives me some extra strength.

"But isn't it bad to strengthen your body beyond the limit?

- Sure, but I can recover later.

" You're an Idiot.

- you're an asshole, it's not that I freak out every fight, I just use it a little, unlike a certain bastard who powers up a single hit, I only use mana to power up my body so it looks like I barely apply it, and I have a certain limit so that it does not affect me during the fight, that gives me a difference.

"Do you think you can teach me?

- Well, I can do it because I use lightning not as magic but as a part that accompanies me all the time, in your case maybe...

- Have you tried to be one with the light?

"It is impossible to be one with the light ren.

- I suppose not, although if you succeed, you will owe me 1000 coins.

"Wait, when do we bet!?

When Kiriko turned around, Ren had already vanished.

"That bastard, he already ran away.




Returning to the present, Kiriko remembered.

' be one with the lightning.

Kiriko tried to try, she used everything in his being imagining being one with the light, using mana in his whole body, with a single wish.

' be as fast as light.

The vision of him in an instant changed and he was already behind the man in the armor, Kiriko smiled.

" I have you!

- um?

The man turned to see Kiriko with small aftermath of light behind him.

- hum.

I block Kiriko's sword.

- It seems that you acquired awakening.

awakening is something that is known when a person gets an understanding of its elements of it and later it can be useful for more things.

"Yes, and it cost me 1000 coins

- What are you talking about?

"Something that a bastard like you will never understand, ha!

Kiriko lunged at the stranger, the stranger didn't move a step as he blocked Kiriko and deflected him.

Even though Kiriko was now much faster and stronger than him before, he couldn't land a punch, even Kiriko was getting anxious.

the others could only hear the sound of metal colliding, but they were scared, because the stranger beat kiriko in the sword fight, they didn't even know his rank, but since they couldn't read it, he must be superior to D.

After blocking another blow, Kiriko heard the man's voice.

- how annoying.

the sword that the armored man was holding began to bathe in flames.

radiating incredible heat.

- I'll put you to sleep.

the flames pushed kiriko into the air, and thanks to Excalibur, he was able to block.

any other sword would have melted from the great heat radiating from the weapon.

Being in the air, Kiriko saw the man disappear and in a second the man in armor appeared, hitting him on the back of the head.

- No!

They both fell to the ground, but one ended up lying on the ground and the other just landed next to him.

With what little conscience there was in Kiriko, he watched as the man calmly walked towards the girls, who threw magic at him in abundance, but the man only burned him with his sword.

'No! I have to get up!

With sheer force of will and previous experience of being knocked out in the back of the head, Kiriko got up.

and he threw spears of light at the man forcing his body.

as the spears collided with his armor, he saw the man stagger a little.

- So one hit wasn't enough huh? I guess the hero will end up with little more than second-degree wounds.

He launched a sword swing, which sent a large flame towards Kiriko.

Kiriko tried to stop and dodge, but he couldn't.

Being meters from the fire blow, Kiriko heard a screeching sound from behind him.

(if someone doesn't remember, that's how it usually sounds)

and before he could even turn around, a large ice shield appeared attached to the ground.

Kiriko could still see the flames wanting to burn the shield.

the shield could not hold much and ended up being destroyed by the flames that approached kiriko preparing to give him great pain

but he also saw how a large concentration of air began to appear in front of him preventing the air from reaching him.

As Kiriko's surprise intensified, he heard a couple of voices behind him.

"Lucky Aiko called me.

- You say that after your shield fails?

"Those flames are stronger than they seem.

- I guess you could get away with that excuse.

" Says the girl who no longer sings spells.

- It is no longer necessary, besides, you never sang any spell.

"I see a loss of saliva.

-ha..., not even why debate with you.

Kiriko was a little out of it seeing Ren and Amerie walk calmly towards his.

But before he can run to his friends, he saw the knight running toward Ren.

Ren drew the sword from him and faced the man head-on.

"C rank huh?

- You too.

the knight made a swing making ren back, his sword was still releasing heat, and ren could only cover his sword with ice.

"I heard you were looking for me.

- My mission is to kill you.


Ren said as he dodged the earth magic that he wanted to hold onto his foot.

"I don't remember offending anyone?

- You! You fucking bastard.

the man lit his sword on fire and ran to ren, ren couldn't collide his sword with the guy's for a long time, his sword wasn't even close to Excalibur, if his sword collided with those flames, he would be left without a sword.

Meanwhile, Amerie did his best to avoid even looking at the corpses as he approached Kiriko to give her a potion.

Amerie then went to Brant and charged him with spirit magic, walking over to where the girls were.

When she finished, she went back for Kumiko, but Kiriko was already walking with her.

Amerie nodded and turned to where Ren was fighting.

She was getting further and further away from the place with the man in the armor, but the heat released by the attacks of that flaming sword reached Amerie's position, Amerie couldn't help but look worried at the situation.

Another girl also noticed Amerie's gaze on Ren.

Ren covered her sword with ice as she collided with the man.

"Can you at least tell me what I did?

- Do not remember your great insult to heaven?

" darling?.

- yes bastard, your great blasphemy.

Ren was confused.

as he dodged a blaze with a shield, immediately backing away from the flames that were about to burn through his shield.

" Gabriel?

-You! How dare you call his holiness so casually!

"Gabriel sent you?

The voice spoke to Ren again.

-It wasn't Gabriel, it was his sister, look at the guy's sword.

Ren looked at the still flaming sword that was directed at him, Ren could only collide for an instant with that sword, but that small shock removed all the ice from Ren's sword.

It should be said that Ren continued to apply mana until now, with each shock he had to cover his sword again, in addition to covering his arms with ice as armor, otherwise he would have burned long ago.

despite sending electricity through the ground at the armored man, it seemed that even the lightning didn't affect him.

Freezing the knight's leg, he delayed the slash that was coming at him, the knight quickly clicked his tongue and continued his assault.

Ren remembered who it could be, and for the sword, only a name came to him.

" Uriel?

that seemed to give a bigger effect, and the flames around the knight increased.

- don't be so familiar with her!


when the sword was about to reach ren, despite blocking it with his sword, the man lowered his arms again, ren with the sword that was not covered yet, he could only put up a shield, but immediately the sword ended up burning his instant shield.

At that moment, something happened.

An air shield appeared in front of him, stopping the attack.

and ren was pulled back.

- please concentrate ren.

"thank you amerie, have you healed them yet?"

- almost.

" right.

he turned his attention to the side and saw a hooded man beyond trembling.

Ren's eyes sharpened at him, he found a member of them.

Turning his attention away from him, he saw the knight finally break through the air shield.

' Yes, spiritual magic is on another level.

"So, will you tell me why Uriel wants to kill me?

'Kevin, are you ready?

-affirmative my king, he is already in position, I will send the other party to his ring.

"Come on, gentleman, have mercy on me and answer me.

-well, before I kill you I guess I'll tell you, that my sponsor found an interesting fact after you kissed his holiness you-

I can hear from afar.

-she did what!

Ren trembled for a moment, the girls far away reacted more than Kiriko who had a confused look.

Ren couldn't deny it, he wanted to know who could be hunting him.

" Now that it has?

-as he said, you have a small connection with her, and killing you will release that connection, right now her holiness Gabriel is sleeping, that's why he won't be able to see you die.

So can I messenger with her, that's good information, thanks for that.

-You!, do you think you can get out of here?

"I don't, but you do.

Ren smiled, but with his whole body full of blisters and burns, it made him look pitiful.

- that?

"Have you looked at your foot?

The man looked at his foot and saw a stone surrounded by ice stuck to his right foot.

- No!

" bye.

Ren clenched his hand and the ice suppressed the crystal and the man disappeared in billowing smoke.


Ren threw himself on the ground on his back, to then put his sword in his ring, luckily they didn't discover him in the fight, otherwise, he would have to hold out until everyone escapes.

he was tired, wounded, and without mana, his arms were burning from the burns, the bastard fought on him with earth magic, although he used air, luckily amerie blocked it.

Ren out of nowhere floated into the air, being drawn to Amerie who was with the group, who had at least mentally recovered a bit.

"Yes, your magic is very useful Amerie.

- not as much as your confession ren.


- Who is that you kissed?

Ren saw Amerie's smile, but the bulging vein on his forehead gave it away.

- yes ren, who is that Gabriel?

ren saw Aiko who at some point approached ren, and she had a flame that ren didn't know where when she was supposed to no longer have magic in her body, besides she had a kind smile, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"I guess we'll see that in the next episode.

Ren showed another stone and squeezed it.

- Ren!!! x3

Ren appeared in a room, it was his room at the inn.

she let out a big sigh for what almost happened to her, that fight even though she was short, she took all the mana from her, but her calm was extinguished when she heard a voice next to her.

"Damn, I almost didn't count her for a kiss.

-Sensei, who kiss?

' dammit.

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