An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Akane's point of view:

Akane could be seen sitting on a chair, next to her was a crystal that Ren was going to use in an emergency positioned on her bed, obviously, she had one for the others to escape if the armor guy noticed.

She had her eyes closed, but the author did not want to enter her mind, she was only there for a second, but you could clearly see Ren's image completely.

Unlike what many believe, Akane did not feel that she was crazy, she felt more sane than many.

although the author and narrator believe otherwise...

Going back to the case, after she didn't know how long, she appeared in light in the form of a body, then Ren's body fell.

he had his eyes closed, cuts on his body along with second-degree burns on his arms, even though he covered herself with ice, that fire affected him.

the moment they let out just a big tired sigh.

Akane felt a great pain in her heart, her chest burned to see the all painful look on ren, she regretted following her order and not going with hers.




The first to come out of the portal was Amerie, she was first surrounded by many people, including elves, those who helped in the investigation when her princess disappeared.

Akane knew that something happened inside, because of the improvement she felt in her amerie aura, her posture when walking became even more elegant and refined than before and more beautiful, and even the elven soldiers of the elven race couldn't help but stare at her. a good time.

the next to leave was her sensei.

unlike amerie who was surrounded by many people, no one approached ren.

but ren didn't even care, she just looked at where amerie was for a moment and approached Akane.

She was happy being the first one Ren was looking for, she ran to hug him.

- Akane, do you have a phone?

"Yes sensei, stop?

- Mark Kiyoshi for me.

Akane agreed and lent him her phone.

Ren's voice was heard.

- Kiyoshi, do you have Kiriko's location?

- Yes? Perfect, send it.

- Akane, I need your help.

" what do you need?

- First, we have to get away.

Along the way, Ren told Akane of his plan to hide the slaves on an island, which was changed by Kiyoshi from his territory.

Ren exchanged his territory given away by Kiyoshi for a random island according to Kiyoshi, Ren deliberately guided him to a specific island.

Ren gave more or less the location, and, Kiyoshi although confused by his sensei's strange request, agreed to send an exploration unit, he was able to find a largely uninhabited island that was not on the map, earning Kiyoshi's surprise but at the same time. you see more respect towards ren.

it was kilometers away from the empire, somewhere in the sea, or it was reached by flight or by ship.

Akane was moved by his decision to help those slaves, even though she neither agrees nor disagrees.

then he asked Akane if she could go to watch the cargo, she gave her a special device to block the cameras in a close radius, Kevin would take care of the technology, he was already in the hangar, but they needed one to watch the road in case of curious looks, for that Akane would take care of knocking out any other officer if necessary, even Ren gave her a sleeping pill.

but ren told her, she didn't need to kill anyone, just put them to sleep for a while, although almost everyone is out of control due to the aftermath of the dungeons, ren didn't trust them, they were going to take advantage of the disorder.

Akane nodded, then Ren left with Amerie in search of Kiriko, Akane saw that they were faster than before, she recognized the speed of her sensei, and it seemed that it increased a lot.

Though she was curious, she just kept it to herself and went for Ren's homework.

and ren was right, even though there shouldn't be, there was one or another guard who saw the buses.

Akane had put them to sleep, but she knew they would report it when they woke up, it would have killed them.

She arrived at the hangar, where Kevin greeted her moving the slaves to the plane, she did not have any house insignia, it seemed like a simple plane.

but before Akane returns to ren's inn.

Kevin handed her something.

a crystal and some words.

- Miss, please help my king once things happen.

"Don't worry Kevin, I will do everything in my power so that sensei doesn't happen to him.

Kevin nodded with a sad smile and turned back.

when Akane came back, she put the crystal on the bed and felt the blade of her left dagger, it was the one she used when she killed for the first time.

she remembered him like water.

It happened one night when she was returning from the academy.

She usually uses his limousine, but this time she had gone to Don Julio's restaurant and had returned to walking around the city.

unfortunately or naturally, she was lost.

she ended up in an alley and found something unpleasant.

3 guys had been following her, they were from a random guild, but all 3 of them were as strong as Akane.

They surrounded her and tried to pin her to the wall.

one of the 3 had Akane against the wall, his friends had moved aside to smoke while they waited for the guy to finish raping Akane.

As Akane was against the wall, she remembered the man's words clearly as she tried to remove her skirt.

- I will make sure to become my wife after this, precious.

That word struck his mind.

' my wife.

although for a long time Akane mistook her love for ren as respect, but with the man's phrase, her mind went straight to imagining ren saying the same phrase to her.

but Akane came back to reality and saw the disgusting man unzipping her.

Akane felt an extreme disgust she had never felt before.

even though she often goes to hug ren every time she sees him, even though she had a lot of contact with ren after training, where ren massaged Akane's legs and arms for muscle pain, and even ren in At the beginning I made her stretch as hard as she could.

being held by another man disgusted Akane.

Akane forgot all her morals for a moment as she imagined being someone else's wife other than Ren.

Akane summoned her daggers, and with her poor wrist mobility, she was able to throw the chain at the guy's arm, applying mana and burning the man in front of her.

The man jumped in pain from the red-hot chain, ending up backing away and holding his arm.

and the 2 friends of hers who were smoking more behind him, came running towards Akane with swords.

they were D-rank adventurers, luckily for Akane and bad luck for them.

she was rank D+ and about to raise her rank to -C.

Seeing the man with his sword above her head, she focused on Akane seeing his neck so defenseless.

her consciousness awoke and she saw 2 options.

defend herself and allow herself to be surrounded, to be about to be raped again, and this time Akane was not so sure that she could deceive them and she was sure that she would be held by the 3.


kill them.

it was her only option.

Akane chose what would let her be Ren's woman.

kill them.

she cut forward and she used her dagger to plunge it into the man's neck.

Akane saw the man's look as he knelt on the ground with his hands on his neck.

his eyes became lifeless.

the last thing the man saw was Akane instead of looking at him, she saw Akane looking at her bloody dagger.

when the man fell to the ground, Akane started laughing.

although the narrator did not understand the psychology of the girl, he understood that Akane became a crazy yandere in love for ren.

she ended up killing all 3 men, but then she woke up and remembered that it was illegal to kill, and in her concern, she called her sister.

Ren was on Kiriko's mission.

Rose quickly resolved the matter of the 3 nobodies.

and rose told her little sister.

- remember Akane, if a man tries to do something to you, do what you want, I will always cover for you.

going back to the present.

Akane would have wanted to kill those soldiers and leave the cleanup to her sister's second-in-command.

As she sighed, her sensei appeared.

but instead of ren appearing calmly stretching without wanting to get out of bed, to which Akane was already expecting to have to insist to ren to get up from her.

Which made Akane think that Ren looks cute when she hears Ren groan on getting up.

she saw her sensei injured and with burns on her arms, bruised and dirty as if he had just come from a fight to the death.

She was about to cry out in concern, but what stopped her was Ren's long sigh.

Akane felt the extreme weariness in that sigh.

she felt her heart about to break.

But what calmed her down were the words that followed that sigh.

Akane heard the reason why Ren came back like that, she was going to take another woman's kiss as something unimportant.

Going back to Akane, she herself has a little inferiority complex towards Ren.

and although it sounds somewhat nonsensical since she is as strong as ren.

she believed and knew that Ren held back, no matter how much Ren says no, Ren didn't use spells against her, even though she did.

And the worst.

Ren is the strongest in her grade as well as the smartest, an incredible talent for her age.

Ren even beat second-year students.

not that ren told him, he just wanted money and beat up one or idiot on Eira's advice to get money, ren thought it was a good deal.

what he didn't know was that the idiots he beat up were among the top 10 trying to woo Eira.

Eira couldn't do anything to them not because she didn't want to, but because they were demons, and if he froze them it would give her a bad image as a general.

Rumors even started in the second year that Ren was in love with Eira, rumors that Eira did not deny.

Back to the topic.

Akane felt somewhat inferior to Ren.

since ren is the possessor of lightning, refusing to use it to avoid problems in people, leaving credit to poor kiriko with his light attribute.

In Akane's eyes, Ren's attribute was more important than Kiriko's light.

That's why he doesn't mind that Ren has been trying something with Saiko for months, or why he doesn't mind when Aiko flirts with Ren.

that small complex would be a blessing for some men who want her harem with many women so that the girl accepts others besides her.

What's more, if one day Ren tells her that he wants Akane as a servant rather than as a wife, it is very possible that Akane will accept, despite having her pride as Scarlett's daughter, that pride disappears every time she is with Ren, she becomes totally submissive.

but to annoy ren, Akane decided to ask him why she knew that Aiko would not rest until she knew the truth.

"Sensei, who do I kiss?

it was cute how ren startled a bit at her voice, but she closed her eyes again as she sighed.


- Do you also want to know?

"Aiko will ask me later.

- um, with you it's easier to talk, so let's see.

Ren thought for a bit before replying.

- That day Gabriel discovered my attribute and took me to a mental passage where I accidentally kissed her.

"It will be difficult to create an excuse for her from that sensei.

- I know you can do it Akane.

"Leave it to me.

- Thank you very much, now if I want to sleep a little before they arrive.

Akane was going to leave him alone for Ren to sleep.

but even though Akane already knew Ren's plan, she was still hurt by what she was about to go through, seeing her sensei all sore and bruised like that, gave her a reason to talk.

Akane grabbed Ren's hand and held it as gently as possible, bringing her face up to Ren's face.


- hmm?

" excuse me.

"Ren, can I have a request?

- which?

" I always want to be with you.

That comment woke Ren up from her dream and he looked next to her where Akane should be, it was the first time she said something so direct.

she was looking at him with tears in her eyes, she looked adorable, but those weapons of destruction that hung under her clothes gave her an indescribable air for ren, in any person, it would give her the image of having to protect the girl that ren had in front.

besides, Akane was unlike always where she usually bowed her head every time she is embarrassed with ren, this time she had the look on him, with her red cheeks and tears in her eyes, it was the lethal combination of cute and sexy.



ren that at this time he had no mana to reduce his brain's production of testosterone, he answered so that he would get rid of Akane's grip.

"If it's what you want

-I do want to, but what do you want? Will I be useful to you? Don't you dislike being by my side?

Ren wasn't sure where Akane was going with these questions.

"What did that strange question Akane come up with?

- please just answer me.

Seeing that look of determination, Ren suspected that this might cost all of Akane's mental energy, so he began to analyze the question from all points.

"hm..., it's not the fact of being useful that matters to me, it's the fact of being there.

- then...

"Yes, I also like being by your side Akane.

Ren replied after thinking about it for a while, he had grown attached to this girl, and it was useless to deny it.

Oh, sensei!

Akane couldn't take it anymore and threw herself at Ren.

Ren still in pain had to resist the blow, having Akane's body on top of him.

Ren felt that his little brother wanted to wake up, and the worst thing was that he had no mana to even try to stop his advance of testosterone in him, a few moments after being under the beautiful woman in front of him, having her scent on him, he did As his little brother got up and tried to go through Akane's twin towers, the moment they touched Akane's thighs, despite having pants on, Ren felt the white and flexible thighs that increased his arousal.

Akane who was feeling the heat from Ren's body, out of nowhere felt something hard and hot between her thighs, when she realized what it was, she blushed quite a bit and almost jumped up.

- excuse me!

Even though she said that she couldn't get out of being on top of ren, ren was holding her hand, and without the narrator realizing it, ren grabbed the hand of Akane who was sitting on top of him astride ren.

Ren was in trouble, her brain was too excited, what had accumulated over a long time was taking away her reason, being more than 2 weeks without being able to release her sexual desire for the slaves.

What the author took as a saving grace, was that the door to the room slammed, and although the narrator was already imagining that Ren would wake up with that and stop acquainting himself with Akane much to the anger of the narrator himself, the narrator and The same author underestimated the amount of time that Ren was sexually frustrated, being tested with the female slaves, and not being able to free himself, after all, he is in the body of a young boy of 15 years, in other words, he felt that his brother he would rip his pants like a certain green man rips shirts, his mind clouded over and the excitement coupled with Akane's scent made his move.

Ren grabbed Akane's waist with one hand and Akane's face with the other and planted a kiss on her lips.

Akane had a short circuit, Ren took the opportunity to change position being on top of Akane, and put his lips on Akane's soft lips when Akane realized what was happening, she stopped resisting and despite her embarrassment, she also concentrated on the kiss.

Ren's mind was off for a while, deepening Akane's little mouth, feeling her floral fragrance, he grabbed one of Akane's thighs, even though Akane trains every day without fail her body, her thighs were soft.

Akane under ren's lynching, was happy in her heart, although she was super embarrassed, her sensei seemed to take her as prey.

her heart was racing like never before, her brain was in a mess and she was starting to itch down.

the narrator looked like he was watching a high-quality movie, but he knocked his soda into the air when the idiot who knocked on the door yelled out his identity.

- I know you're there, Ren Artega, we're the guards, turn yourself in now or we'll break the door.

With that said, the 2 people in the heat woke up.

Akane and ren got serious with that, Akane without saying anything but still blushed handed a ring from her pocket to ren.

Ren grabbed the ring and put it away.

he took off his dirty clothes and used some brain energy to heal his wounds and look clean.

Before Akane hid in the closet, Ren gave her one last kiss on the lips.

then Akane hid in the closet with red cheeks, and Ren went to open the door.

" Yes?

-ren Artega, he is arrested for the crime of stealing slaves, please accompany us to the dungeon where he will be prosecuted.

" ahead.

Ren showed her arms, and the guards took out handcuffs and put suppressors on him before taking him away.

When the room was empty, Akane came out.

in her hands she held a few letters, all to be sent to different locations.

Peering out the window, she saw her sensei being led away by a bunch of patrols outside of her.

she saw the guard she knocked out earlier.

he seemed like he was irritated by what happened to him.

since before putting ren in the car, he approached him and punched him in the abdomen before throwing him hard into the car.

"Yeah, I guess I should have killed him.

Akane said, before she remembered the sweet moment with Ren, his cheeks turned a beautiful blush, but his eyes were cold looking at the guy who hit her sensei.




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