An npc who just wants to live idling around.


the next day.

Kiriko was woken up by Kumiko at 5 in the morning.

At his breakfast, Kumiko prepared him a breakfast rich in medium assimilation carbohydrates.

- kiriko, from today we will start training, so eat well, ren's training is usually a bit hard.

"Don't worry love, perhaps you don't remember how hard my training is, I don't think Ren's could be worse.

Kumiko at that time had smiled pityingly at Kiriko.

Shortly after, Kiriko understood what Kumiko meant.

it turns out that

Kumiko first led Kiriko to the entrance of the academy.

there was Ren, Akane, and Kelly.

Kumiko was the first to ask.

- they are ready?.

Ren answered.

- already, first, we will jog until we reach the limit, to check your level of resistance.

" Okay.

Ren got to the end and everyone started running.

Kiriko thought that when Ren meant limit he was tired.

so when he spent the last hour jogging, he felt tired and told ren that he was at the end.

"ren, I'm already tired, how long am I going?

- Who said stop? this is not being tired.

Ren said.

"Seriously, I'm going to stop here, still without my Kumiko.

Kumiko hadn't stopped, nor had she turned to look at him.

she was still jogging with Kelly and Akane.

Kiriko stopped but immediately had to move and avoid an ice spike.

he saw the path of ice originating from ren's foot.

- See? You're not tired yet, move.

Ren said, immediately letting go of another spike, which Kiriko had to dodge and follow.

When they caught up with the girls, Kiriko thought the girls were monsters as they continued to trot tirelessly, but when he saw Kumiko's expression he changed his mind.

Kumiko was staring straight ahead, but his stoic expression was about to break, it seemed like he wanted to wince.

even so, Kumiko never stopped.

Kiriko began to understand what Kumiko meant that morning.

Ren had made them each jog until their legs were completely useless from the pain and they were out of breath.

the first to fall was Kelly.

but before Kelly falls ren from her he went for her and carried her on her shoulder.

the next to fall was Kumiko.

ren before Kumiko falls, I carry her.

Kiriko wanted to stop.

but she couldn't, every time he tried even to slow down a little, ren gave her an unpleasant electric shock on the floor.

In the end, Kiriko ended up on the ground.

The last to fall was Akane, who was left with a fresh smile.

she then took the 4 corpses to her bucket in her room, and she made the theme a field.

After having his 4 victims on the ground, he spoke.

- very good, I already have your resistance times, the other exercises follow.

" others!?

- Of course, its limits are missing in the arms, abdomen, and stamina, among others.

Kiriko in her last hope of a break asked.

"Where are Aiko, Amerie and Kuroka? They weren't there in the morning.

- don't worry about them, I already ordered them.


Kumiko walked over.

- Ren went yesterday with Indis, now a second-year student, with Eira and Kazuma to inform them of the training, as the 3 are rearguards, Ren gave them a different menu, he will guide us on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and taming.

- and then on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

"why are they only 3 days and us 4!?

ren answered by Kumiko

- 1 because you are avant-garde, you need better physical statistics than them, in addition to the fact that even if I don't guide you tomorrow if I leave you with a routine.

Kiriko in his desperation only had to get the letter from his aunt.

"My aunt I don't think she likes this, Ren.

Ren raised his eyebrow a little and Kiriko swore he could feel Kumiko's pitiful gaze on him.

- Naomi left this for you to believe me.

Ren took the phone from him and played a recording.

-hello? this thing works? yes?, perfect, kiriko if you hear this I have given ren permission to train you as he sees fit, this training menu was also discussed with me and Shiro, so good luck dear nephew.

Kiriko felt his world collapse.

- don't worry kiriko, at the end of this you will be ready for the next dungeon.

Ren said with a smile, but Kiriko felt that he saw someone worse than the demon god.

Since then, Kiriko suffered quite a bit under Ren's training.

a month had passed since then.

On the night of the first day, Kumiko handed Kiriko a diary, Kiriko was too tired, and he couldn't even move his wrist, when Ren said that they would train everything, he meant it literally.

Ren was forbidden to use potions to heal himself, he said it's for the body to get used to.

Kumiko with a loving look handed Kiriko a diary and said.

- use this, this will help ease your mind.

Kiriko since then, trusting the girl he loved, has dedicated himself to writing in the diary since then, and today is the 30th.

[ sunny day.

I'm writing this hoping it relieves my mental exhaustion, my bones ache everywhere, and I even had to train my organs.

I saw amerie and Aiko today after 1 day.

the 2 girls were in a similar situation to mine.

unlike us where ren trains the body.

Amerie, Kuroka, and Aiko are trained in the mind.

on the first Tuesday, I witnessed how the goal of the day was for Aiko to be able to use a chantless spell before the hit with a special glove that ren landed on Aiko's solar plexus.

Aiko was initially sent flying numerous times towards the corner of the cube.

The glove was an artifact obtained by Aiko's mother.

Once it hits the target, the target will be pushed until it collides with something, in this case, the wall of the cube.

Every time Aiko ended up being pushed, she described it as feeling her world spinning around her, only to immediately end up against a wall that eased her fall.

Since there was no pain, Eira didn't say anything.

by the way, she could see Eira peeling a tangerine with a little boy on her lap while he ate the tangerines that Eira peeled.

When I asked who she was, she just gave me a cold look.

she didn't even pay attention to Aiko who was thrown to the wall.

I could only look sadly at poor Aiko since she didn't get it in the first few days, she had to do intense body training without empowering her body with mana.

likewise kuroka, ren had permission from Kazuma, as Kazuma loved his sister very much and had a wish that kuroka start something with ren, he gave him permission immediately, so kuroka had to chant a spell before ren made the 100-meter walk towards her with the glove.

When Kuroka got it first, it aroused in Aiko the desire to surpass her and since then a competition started between them.

after achieving the 100m goal, he followed the 100m, but ren ran in a zig-zag, once they got that, he lowered ren to 50m.

they had to use a defense spell, the next attack spell, to stop Ren's movement.

but ren's bastard dodged which worsened the difficulty to another level...

with amerie, it was to shoot an arrow at a moving target before ren gets to hit it with that glove.

since amerie was a great shooter, she was able to do it on the second day.

Ren had smiled and congratulated Amerie so that the next day she would get worse.

now the distance had been reduced to 50 meters.

then 25 meters.


until she had to avoid hits from ren while she was shooting at moving targets.

In the afternoons, Professor Shiro would come, or Eira herself would stand in front of us and apply mana pressure, Ren said it was for them to get used to the pressure and bloodlust, I remember that Akane asked Ren to send her his bloodlust to Akane, but Ren refused, I leave it to Eira, even when I asked, Kumiko asked me to keep quiet.

With that level of training of 6 hours every day, although I don't know how, we all raise our skills to another level.

It's been a month since then and all the time I look at my compass, I just want this torment to end, but I'm still waiting.

Yesterday I had to use a common sword to cut an apple right in half while holding 2 weights in my arms, according to Ren to have some flexibility in case one of my arms becomes useless.

Kumiko did not do better, she had to use a weird shield, it was a white shield with a red dot on a part that could be seen from outside and inside the shield, ren would hit with a sword and Kumiko had to make it collide with that point, then the red spot will appear in another point and Kumiko will have to collide Ren's sword with that point, in case he misses and lands the blow somewhere other than that point, the shield will break for a while and Ren will try to hit her with the dull sword, but Kumiko said that the dull sword is a good conductor of electricity.

we all went through ren's hellish training, sometimes I feel like my conscience wants to give up, the only thing keeping me sane at this point is this diary.

tomorrow it will be my turn to enter an obstacle room, or so ren says, but it is just a small room where I will be in the middle and I will be hit from different sides, magic from different sides and I will only be able to use invisible air and make a shield of air with the spells and in case a physical attack comes from somewhere, block with the sword, the problem is having to do it blindfolded, although the attacks are not lethal, they are painful.

I only pray to the goddess to have mercy and not end up on the ground again]

Kiriko closed the diary, sighing.

In this month his life took a turn to intense training, he even left part of the classes to train.

ren at some point she got videos showing the results of the training and sent them to the tutors of the whole party of kiriko.

saying that the parents were very proud was the nail in the grave to continue.

Kiriko looked at the tattoo on his hand, sighing one last time.

Lying on his bed, he grabbed a marker that was next to his bed and marked the head of his bed with a line.

looking to the side, he saw the other 29 lines on his head, every night he counts these lines in the hope that his torment will end.

Resigned to his fate tomorrow, he turned off his bedside lamp.

and kiriko lay down on his bed tired.

but there was still brightness in the room.

Kiriko turned her gaze and saw the tattoo on his hand glowing.

When Kiriko saw that, she jumped for joy, not caring about being without an upper garment, and ran from his room to the closed door of Kumiko's room.


A few seconds later Kumiko appeared breaking the door with his shield in front.

Kiriko was knocked over by the blow breaking the table.

Looking ahead, Kumiko could be seen with a shield in hand, looking around cautiously.

Another result of Ren's training.

somehow ren created another method for Kumiko to be alert at all times.

a bell would ring 3 times, in case Kumiko doesn't wake up on the third ring.

he will receive an electric shock throughout his body.

At first, after receiving the shock, he wanted to go out, but the door to his room was locked.

from then until now ren arrives from time to time and only says his name 1 time, and Kumiko has to leave immediately before receiving the shock.

Kumiko looked anxiously when she appeared, but then she saw Kiriko on the ground, she ran towards his position even with the shield in hand.

Kiriko didn't mind the pain and stood up and showed the back of his hand to Kumiko.

Kumiko seeing that, ran to hug Kiriko.

They both hugged each other for a long time before Kumiko sent a message to a group called [those of us who live in hell called ren].

- it's time.

at midnight screaming voices could be heard throughout the freshman dorm building.

some thought that ghosts were existing in the flat.




Returning to the narrator's point of view:

12 hours had passed since Kiriko had received confirmation from the compass.

everyone had already left for the new dungeon.

Many students felt strange when seeing the new group embarking on the dungeon, they were all with jubilant expressions, even Kuroka who usually maintains a cold expression could be seen with her lip raised by 0.2 millimeters which revealed a small smile.

those who went to the group were the following.

kiriko hakuya

amerie slyford

Kuroka Nakiri.


Aiko evilness

Akane Scarlett.

Kumiko was going as an assistant to kiriko.

everyone could be seen as happy to leave.

until they saw how Ren appeared in front of the crowd.

They could only see Ren's mouth move, but everyone in the carriage understood the meaning and felt their backs sweat.

"If they fail, the training will be doubled.

Once they left, Ren and Kelly went back inside, after all, it was lunchtime.




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