An npc who just wants to live idling around.


The next day after the departure of the kiriko group.

Ren was sleeping in her bed, this time he turned off her alarm and planned to sleep until noon and skip class.

having to research and plan with Shiro all the time about Kiriko's party's training menu was exhausting.

Shiro also had no problem with Ren missing since he knew how much time Ren spent in the whole month to be able to train the entire Kiriko group.

what ruined ren's future beautiful day was a few words.


Ren planned to ignore Kelly's wistful voice that came into his room, his dream was important.

but Kelly, unlike any other day, this time she had a weird voice.

Ren opened his eyes and he could see Kelly holding her belly.

" that?

- sensei, I feel horrible

"Just take a pill for a stomach ache.

Kelly ignored Ren's murmur and jumped onto Ren's bed.

"you have...

Ren sat on the bed and watched Kelly carefully, after a while, he sighed as he said.

"you're getting your period kelly

- the fact that?

"the step for girls to enter puberty

-eh... does it have to be this horrible?

"Everyone lives that

- Sensei, help me...

"What a bummer


- What do you need teacher?

"Get me the delivery man and get me period pills and feminine pads

- to the order

Ren got up and prepared a mattress with a plastic cover and put it in a corner of the room, then he carried Kelly and threw her on the mattress, cleaning blood from a king-size bed is not easy at all.

"wait there for a while while you eat this

Ren handed her a sugar-free chocolate bar.

- What is that for sensei?

"The endorphins in chocolate will relieve some of your pain, it's good for you, just remember that you shouldn't have sugar, it would give you swelling

- Why do you bring that sensei?

"I have a diabetic friend


After a while, a bell was heard.

As Ren walked out he saw a young woman with a cheerful smile.

-good morning sir ren, here is his delivery and I hope he can relieve his girlfriend

" I do not have a girlfriend

Ren said before grabbing the package.

Ren checked the contents and from the ring of it took out a small bag.

"have your tip

The lady grabbed the bag with both of her hands and without checking its contents, she put it in her pocket while she commented.

- you could send it to me as a transfer through the company, you know?

"so that your company keeps 90%? no thanks

Ren closed the door as he left to take care of Kelly.

The delivery girl named Ana looked at the door that had closed before leaning 90 degrees.

Ana quite often brings deliveries to Ren and she is always happy for him after bringing his a delivery.

the reason for that was the moment her phone vibrated from her.

Ana looked at her phone and Ren had given it a 5-star rating again.

That made Ana smile.

She remembered that until now every delivery that Ana made to a noble boy, the boy always tries to flirt with Ana and make Ana enter her house, after Ana rejects the boy she does not give her any stars when it is her turn to go to deliver a woman, the girl is usually with her lover so that later the lover looks at Ana with lust making the client jealous and therefore no star for Ana, or it also happens quite often when the woman sees Ana and feels envy for her natural beauty in addition to the thin clothes that her company made her wear so that her curves stand out more.

in the past, that has given Ana a very bad reputation at work to the point that she was almost about to be fired from her, although now Ana doesn't care about that anymore.

The day Ana met Ren was 1 month ago when she was going to deliver a hamburger with lots of extra bacon and soda from a new restaurant that became famous, the chef himself came to Ana when he heard that the delivery was in Ren's location, so Ana thought that for the chef of such a well-known establishment to come, Ren must be a high-ranking noble at least.

when she knocked on the door you could hear from inside.


Ana cautiously and a jar of pepper in hand entered the room and she could see Ren on his sofa lying on his while he played video games.

"you can leave it next to the sofa

Ana put the package in the position where Ren said quite carefully according to the chef that she handed him the package and tried to walk away before Ren paid attention to Ana.

" wait

Ana stopped short.

- Yes?

Ana turned around and saw Ren checking the package, then Ren nodded and gave Ana a direction.

"good job, don't forget your tip, it's on the table

- don't worry sir, you can deposit it in the company, and then they will give me your tip

or so Ana said, but Ana really wouldn't care if ren sends her or not, she usually receives at most 1 or 2 coins, and since she usually delivers to nobles, to which in ren's words that's great stinginess.

"Na, it is better to give it to the delivery man, grab the blue bag that is there

Ana did so, she grabbed the bag and although surprised she left the house.

when she finished her shift, Ana thought to buy something for her dinner, which is usually instant noodles and some basic vegetables since most of her salary is spent on her younger brother who is in boarding school from school.

When she carried the wheelbarrow, she decided to use one of the 2 coins Ren should have given her, but when she reached into the bag, she felt more than one.

Although excited, she first pays for what she buys, and when she gets home and counts it, Ren had actually given Ana 100 coins.

Ren was originally going to give Ana 10 coins for her good work, but that happened because Ren's blue bag was for Ren to go to the movies later and to buy clothes among other things, only the bag was blue for the clothes she left on the table and the bag for Ana was on her bed, which she forgot because it made her want to play something.

Going back to the subject, when Ana saw the large tip, she began to suspect her company since the few tips she gave her were at most 2 coins.

especially because ren handed 100 tip coins into her hands, which ren handed over like it was nothing, does that mean the delivery company she works for steals 99 coins from her?

Later, I investigated her company and found out that her company keeps 80% of the tips of her workers.

she decided to open her own delivery company.

That happened more than 1 month ago.

now Ana has more than 20 delivery units, as a boss she also made deliveries with them.

Using half of Ren's tip as capital, which Ana later found out Ren had given her 10 times more than a regular nobleman, she created her own delivery chain, only asking delivery men for 30% of their tips. Unlike his old company that actually kept more than 80% of the tips and misled their employees that the nobles were stingy.

Although the delivery men were happy since Ana was quite friendly and very talented in business, they always wondered why when a certain location called, her boss always comes, no matter if she is busy or not.

It's been a while and they still wonder that too bad they'll have to get used to it since Ana will always go to make a delivery to a certain client, even her workers know that when that phone number calls, Ana will always come out...

going back to kelly and ren.

After giving her pills to Kelly and her 5 stars to her faithful delivery girl Ana, Ren lays down on her bed and tries to sleep, but something else bothers him.

he received a call from Isabel, asking him to attend classes.

Ren was going to ignore that until he heard Hina's voice.

- master, Miss Isabel is already calling 15 times

"Tell him I won't attend classes

- I already told her, but she say it's an emergency

" I don't mind

-she says that she got the needles poisoned

"Ha... couldn't it wait for later?

Ren had to get out of bed and get ready.

When Ren came to class, Professor Shiro ignored Ren's interruption and continued teaching her class.

The others, although they would say something, preferred to remain silent.

"Tell me, Isabel, do you have it?

- help me with something ren


" with what?

- with this

Isabel took out a well-crafted letter.

"Another love letter? How many are today?

- more than 30

"And this is unique because...?

- this is handmade


Ren was quite surprised, and it was understandable since literally all the love letters so far that were sent to Isabel were typed or made by servants, with beautiful handwriting and well-cared-for pages.

ren took the letter and checked it, the letter was a bit ugly and some spelling and grammatical errors

"the first time I see a letter by hand, so you already met him?

-yes, he gave it to me before entering class, some girls told me that he was standing for 15 minutes waiting

"Not bad, what have you seen so far?

-um, the boy was tall, chivalrous, and gallant, he was polite even with my common tone and he waited patiently until I sat down to leave

' or I just wanted to see you rearguard

that's what ren thought but he didn't say it so as not to give the poor guy fewer points.

" How odd

- exact

" what year is it from?

- he is in her second year in the engineering group


Ren began to think about it, Isabel had a deep hatred for the nobles of this school, although it is no longer like in the beginning when she literally only said 3 short sentences when she responded to someone, she still keeps her cold gaze at them.

Ren could be said to be the exception to this rule, according to Isabel, Ren did not grow up with a golden spoon in his mouth, and despite being noble Ren is not arrogant like the others.

Ren looked at Isabel and unlike the other letters that she usually throws away, this letter was still in her hands which equals Isabel's consideration.

"Will you give him a chance?

- No

"You're not even going to answer?

- No

"It's just saying no, or saying you have someone you like and you disappear.

Isabel opened her eyes at that

-I guess I could do it

" you see?




ren after class he went to Saiko's lab.


Well, because Saiko was helping Ren to create armor.

"Good afternoon Saiko.

- hello ren

" how are things with you?

Saiko was sitting in a chair sipping tea next to the entrance to her lab.

Saiko got up and with Ren, they entered her lab.

it was a pretty big white room, with different zones for different projects.

The two walked into a room, where Saiko entered a room with many scanning devices.

she turned on the devices, then looked through the transparent mirror that showed the image of the room where ren was.

- test number 43.

- please put your index finger on and guide your mana through the fabric.

Ren nodded and looked at the cloth in front of him.

It was a black cloth, in one corner I had to put my finger on it and in the other corner of the cloth there was a meter, the cloth would be used as a conductor.

Ren touched the cloth and applied mana, showing lightning going through the cloth to the other corner.

After a while, the report came.

- the test is complete, the efficiency of the conductive fabric is 62% effective, and the data is complete, please leave the room.

Ren left the room as he sighed.

Ren asked Saiko for a favor to make armor, to make a conductive cloth that doesn't lose the power of the discharge given.

but it was difficult to make the cloth.

so far they are already testing more than 43 combinations of materials and have achieved effectiveness of 62%.

"I thank you for the help.

Saiko with a tablet in hand replied

- I'm there whenever you want

after that, the two of them stood silently looking at the data on the tablet.

after a couple of minutes ren out of curiosity I ask.

"How are you...?

- Do you mind my commitment?

"I want to know your state of mind itself

- well...

"If you don't want to say it, no problem.

- It's not that, I'm looking for a way to say it without sounding insulting

"a shit?

- we could say that

" in that way?

-not much the truth, for a while Mr. Brant has not answered messages, nor has he accepted to go to meetings that need his presence, his father has called me several times to take care of his son but he doesn't even show up...

" How?

- was traumatized by something

Saiko was silent for a while and looked at Ren with a serious face.

- You haven't done anything to Mr. Brant, have you?

" should?

- please no sir ren, everyone knows that my mother covers her if she does something to Mr. Brant, it will no longer be just an issue between my mother and the Lambart house, it would be the whole public and the Lambart house against my mother and that's why-

"That's why the parasites will try to annoy your mother for being very preferential, right?

- exact

"Don't worry, I didn't hurt Brant.


-I will believe in the words, ren

" Thanks for that

After a few more words, Saiko was left alone in the lab.


Saiko sighed, although Brant didn't say anything, since he returned from the Kitamura territory he doesn't say anything and doesn't want to see anyone, Saiko heard from his servants that he has nightmares every day.

Saiko stared at the cloth Ren wore for a long while before continuing to investigate her as she ignored the nagging pain in her chest that she had no more than 7 years to live.




A month has passed since then, and Ren could breathe easy now without worrying about the protagonists.

Kumiko in particular had been explained and shown everything necessary to collect information at each place she went, in addition to always carrying emergency supplies, they carried many other things.

It was December and it was just time for Christmas to arrive.

in all this extra time, ren had been enjoying her laziness like never before.

he could leave class and go straight to sleep without worrying about homework, getting better treatment from teacher Shiro.

Ever since Ren freed the slaves, Shiro held Ren in very high regard, making the students more jealous.

although if she had to say the bad thing about his return it would be...

- hey you, heretic, catch!

Ren used to walk with Kelly everywhere, and from time to time there would be stupid students who would bother or throw things.

for example, today as ren was walking to the cafeteria, a student on the basketball team threw a ball at ren.

Ren wanted to catch it with a finger before spinning it like a pro to poke fun at it for a bit, but before the ball could even reach Ren, he was greeted with a fist.

the small fist hit the ball with great force returning the shot to the guy who threw it first.

the man received the bomb head-on, causing him to fall to the ground.

"You know I could dodge it, right?

- I know sensei, but it's insulting.

"Well it's not like I care either, he's just an ignorant jerk who can't want to appear cool to get attention, frankly he's a kid

-Don't you think he's being too lenient? Do you want to make him disappear? Just give me the order.


Ren sighed before raising his fist and smacking Kelly on the head.

"don't say such dangerous things, Kelly

Kelly although she had not been surprised since it is not the first time that she receives a fist of love from ren for suggesting to make someone disappear, the thing is that even if she knows it and wants to avoid it, she always ends up receiving it.


Kelly, after rubbing her head for a while, claimed Ren.

- why is he so cruel sensei? he was only thinking about his well-being

"That blow was for my well-being, don't you know that if the guy magically disappears, the first ones they look for will be us?

- it's not like he's someone important either

"ha... it's not if it's important or a nobody, it's the fact of doing it for a simple insult, besides you know that they will soon reveal that the slaves are free.

-By the way sensei, could you tie my pin? When he hit the ball he came undone.

"What a bummer.

Ren said as she dropped to one knee, then Kelly placed her foot on his raised knee.

As Ren was concentrating on a way to make the pins disappear, Kelly's playful gaze shifted from him, she could be seen frowning at the guy still on the ground.

she took out her phone and thanks to Hina, showed the boy who threw the ball the picture of his parents.

the guy who knew Kelly's identity immediately knelt down and was about to beg.

But he trailed off when he saw Kelly with a finger to her lips making a hush sign and the other pointing at Ren.

"don't move kelly

- Excuse me sensei.

Kelly said with her gaze still on the boy, she just gave him a go-away sign.

The guy didn't even think about it once and he ran away as fast as he could.


Ren stood up unaware that his student had just threatened to kill the family of a basketball player who only wanted to annoy Ren in exchange for a few coins, this happened on more than one occasion.

Ren kept walking with Kelly next to him.

- Sensei, have you read Hina's report? They found 5 more

" Really?

Ren checked his phone, and instead of a beautiful dragon wallpaper, there was a picture of a girl in a maid's clothes looking right at him.

[ good morning master]

"Good morning Hina, please show me the status report and its original location.

[at your order]


when he returned from the Kitamura territory, Kiyoshi told him that he had created an artificial intelligence that contained magic and technology, giving him an achievement never seen before.

an AI.

Ren had been quite surprised, first, he asked what this AI was for.

and it was like a gift from Kiyoshi to ren, ren had accepted it promising that if they wanted help in any kind of mission, he would accept.

After saying that, she didn't notice the mischievous look between Kiyoshi and Kelly between them, they already had a request in mind.

Ren looking around, saw that this AI was an assistance AI, it was initially a single USB, the USB had at its base like a pin to prick, when he put it on his laptop a program appeared that formed the image of a dangerous-eyed girl blue.

mana was needed to activate it, ren gave him some of his mana by pricking his finger on the pin and the USB read it, marking ren as his master.

the girl at first said short and simple phrases like

[ Yes Master]

It was a basic AI with growth capacity, at first Ren was very worried.

he had seen many artificial intelligence movies in her other life, and none of them ended well.

but Kiyoshi calmed him down saying that this AI is linked to Ren's soul.

if ren wants, he can install it on any technological device just by injecting his mana into it and the AI ​​will enter it, in case it has defenses, the AI ​​will be able to learn over time how to break those defenses.

"In case of viruses?

Kiyoshi had replied that in each door that enters, in case there is a virus, Kiyoshi had already installed a large number of escape routes, in addition to each device that enters, before the AI ​​connects, more than 100 will have already been sent. inspections plus your conscience can be cut at any time without risk.

besides that, the AI ​​can be improved the more it learns, and soon those viruses will be easily eliminated by it.

Ren asked how many participated.

300 people ended up participating, including geniuses from the house Scarlett, Holland, and Kitamura at the end.

Ren arranged everyone's trip to the capital, and held a thanksgiving banquet, with Ren as chief cook.

Although originally 300 people came who worked on the project, more people ended up coming as well.

like the entire Kitamura family, as well as faithful servants of theirs, servants of the Holland family, and awkwardly the Scarlett family and their servants and associates.

obviously, they wouldn't leave ren alone on that battlefield called cooking, they all brought their best chefs.

ren as if he were a general of the great war he was able to lead all the cooks and prepare a great feast for everyone.

It ended up being a giant party with everyone, many groaning at the food of Ren's army.

Despite the social and etiquette differences, everyone ended up enjoying the food, without much trouble.

many changed their way of thinking towards the great families, they thought that the party would be uncomfortable because people of such great recognition and power were going to come.

but under the delicious food of the cooks, those differences paused for a while, under the food of ren everyone was the same.

Even Rose's parents ended up having some favor towards Ren, Duchess Kitamura could be seen eating with a big smile, much to the surprise of her 2 grandchildren who were also invited.

the servants who worked on the new AI also knew how to measure themselves and not come close to trying to flirt with Rose or Shiro.

as the saying goes.

the news flies.

and there was certainly some gossip about the closeness of the ren and the houses, especially with those daughters, obviously, they wouldn't try anything with those girls, because they reminded the one who led the AI ​​project, Kiyoshi Holland.

who was quite an authoritarian leader, besides being someone quite capable and making disappear the 3 spies who tried to steal technology from the project, every time those workers went home, they were not allowed to leave with anything, they were not even allowed to bring nothing, everything they needed was in the office where the project began, and there were quite a few physical inspections, and before leaving they counted everything that was in the office, it was also said that Kiyoshi checked each piece of equipment every night.

they also signed many mana contracts with their lives at stake to remain silent, many were afraid of Kiyoshi, despite only being 13 years old and it was said that he learned everything from Ren Artega.

Going back to the party, it was a good night.

everyone ended up leaving that place happy.

the workers left with full bellies and happy hearts, they were glad to have participated in the project despite its difficulty.

the nobles and servants of the houses also left happy, they had enjoyed a good meal for free, since parties of this size used to only be used by nobles.

Those who were happiest were the cooks.

many despite being veterans in their trade learned a lot from each other despite being from different houses, some even started calling ren the [great general].

although in the future that title will not only be attributed to ren's cooking...

ren was happy too, the AI ​​was a great success.

apart from thanking everyone who participated in the project, he also had the cameras record and recognize each one with the new AI whom he named Hina.

It may sound a bit selfish, but ren knew that if this AI were to be copied, it would be a huge nuisance to the world if used for evil.

he doesn't want an antagonist like Kiyoshi from the game.

At first, she thought she couldn't, but this little girl learned quickly and was able to follow her orders.

Looking at the girl dressed as a maid with a stoic look, Ren smiled and returned to his residence.




going back to the present.

Ren was going through Hina's report now not as stoic as before, looking at the ones they found.

the Kitamura family in cooperation with the Holland family created a company to find the demihumans scattered throughout the empire, exchange them for money that the slaves themselves produced, and send them to that island.

speaking of that island.

that island developed rapidly under the banner and leadership of the cat people.

the main leaders were the twins Paula and Carla, ren thought it was thanks to the leadership of those girls, but poor ren did not know that a monument was made with his physical image holding a sword stuck in his feet looking like a king in the middle of the city.

something curious about beast people was their inability to use mana.

well, to be more precise it would be the inability to use spells.

but in exchange for that, they are usually born with a better base physical capacity than humans.

Under investigation, Ren discovered that they can improve their strength in addition to training, by meditating.

by making the mana enter their cells, they will be stronger physically.

Ren prepared a couple of training manuals for them with the help of Shiro and Saiko so that they can physically strengthen themselves and defend themselves against possible future attacks on his island.

Ren remembered how that island in the game was the rebellion base of the beast people.

Originally, Kiriko would free slaves from an event and set them free on the grassland outside of Kitamura territory.

In case you do not find the mine in the Kitamura territory, those slaves after a while will escape from that place and disperse to finally return under the same flag years later as a group with intentions of war against the empire.

being alpha the leader having as concubine elf women, among them, was the one now known as Indis.

Ren, who was walking with his eyes on the phone, arrived at the cafeteria and saw a beautiful woman sitting on a chair.

she was Indis.

It turns out that she is related to the elven queen.

unfortunately, all of her family members died, and for some reason, Indis asked to be an amerie assistant here at the academy as a second year.

but that elf always ends up more next to ren than to amerie herself.

her main weapon is a naginata.

and something curious about her is.

"Good afternoon Indis.

- Jum, don't think I've been waiting for you since I left my room to eat with you.

she is a super tsundere.

"Whatever you say Indis.

Ren sat up and summoned a few lunchboxes.

all included food.

one for Indis, one for Kelly, and one for him.

After a while of eating, Eira arrived hand in hand with a little one.

- good afternoon ren, sorry for the delay.

- good afternoon my king

a little ren said as he knelt before ren.

Ren waved for him to sit down and eat.

after returning, Eira became a nanny and a mother at the same time.

she stays living with the little re.

she so she put her name on it since it meant "midday sun".

he was a very cheerful and playful little boy.

when the girls saw re who dyed his hair the same color as Eira.

they saw the resemblance to ren.

They first cornered Ren for answers, but the little boy stood up for him.

- Please forgive my king ladies, punish me, but please do not harm my king!

said the boy with tears in his eyes.

The girls especially Akane and Aiko felt a twinge in their hearts at the lethal level of cuteness, but even before they got in to hug him an ice shield appeared out of nowhere.

and they saw Eira hugging Ren on her chest.

Seeing Ren breathing on Eira's chest, her cheeks turned pink, but she didn't back down and even declared.

- I will not let them harm the father of my child.

With that statement, instead of putting out the flames, Eira escalated it by giving Ren a huge headache afterward.

after many explanations, the girls understood that Re was a ren meat clone and since he was with Eira always, he ended up growing fond of her and even called her mama now.

but for some reason, the girls made schedules for the little Re to bring them water after training.

And it didn't help that she could change her hair, acquiring some traits of the girl who reached water

for example, if she played him amerie, he would re-lengthen his ears and dye his hair blonde.

in Aiko's case, he would have the same hair color as ren, and his eyes would make them like Aiko's.

worst of all is that because of that dwarf, the girls became more familiar with ren.

Ren did not remember being so cunning as a child, so he checked the dwarf's mind and discovered that he was doing it because of his lack of love since he appeared out of nowhere, having maximum loyalty to Ren, but without a mother's affection at first.

As the dwarf already identified himself as a child, unlike Kevin who already had memories of many lives he killed, the little one did not absorb anyone's memories, that's why he is so innocent and pure.

and he decided to keep it that way, although it may seem like a waste of manpower since unlike common clones the dwarf could use ren's abilities.

he was some kind of motivator for the girls in ren's intense training.

and every time he spent time with Eira, they did for 1 or 2 hours what Eira loved the most.

meditate in freezing weather.

As a result, Ren's ice became more precise and stronger.

Unfortunately, though, Ren couldn't use any spells.

he can move the lightning wherever he steps at will and be able to move the lightning through the ground that can be used as conductors and in case it passes through an insulating side it is just creating ice as a bridge and it will continue to pass.

but other than that, ren can't use spells apart from powering up his sword, covering it with ice, and using ice.

he secretly tried to develop a sphere where it would be possible to move mana freely in the air without the need for contact.

he wants to use his position as a point and create a circle like the one in the center that contains an electromagnetic field.

in understandable words.

He wants to be able to make a space with a circumference shape that allows Ren to move more freely with the help of the particles and also enhance the movement of allies inside and slow down his opponents, he also developed types of instant death with lightning.

while ren was eating leisurely, a guy was walking behind where he was sitting and "accidentally" knocked his tray onto ren.

but even before he came apart, the entire half of the guy's body, starting from his left foot and ending at the now frozen tray in his left hand was frozen.

then he received a cold look from Eira who had turned around, the guy still with half of him frozen left that table with a scared expression.

Eira then turned her gaze to the front and saw the layer of ice starting from the foot of the little Re next to him.

- well done re, now you can be more precise and freeze only half of the body.

Eira said before smiling and rubbing the little boy's head.

- Thanks, mom.

Re said, then Eira smiled more and kissed Re on the forehead.

Kelly secretly looked at Ren who was concentrating on her food, to sigh and continue chatting with the girls.

Ren on the other hand, ignorant of what happened recently, kept thinking.

when he returned to the academy, in the middle of the night someone showed up at the door.

an incredibly handsome boy appeared, his hair was blonde and his eyes were blue like ren's, ren at first thought it was some kind of joke.

but when the boy saw him, the first thing he did was kneel down and put a hand on his chest.

- I present my greetings to my king.

Ren raised his eyebrow.

"I don't remember creating you.

- Excuse me, my king, this appearance won me after evolving.

"Really? And what did you get from me?

the clone showed his hand, and instead of lightning or ice, small golden energy appeared.

Ren was quite surprised by that.

"Where did you get that from?

- when you kiss mother, you got the holy power

" Really?

Ren raised his hand and tried to think about the sacred power, but nothing came out of his hands, when Ren saw that it didn't work, he looked at the clone.

- unfortunately, you can't use it yet.

" Because?

- holy power needs a pure heart


Ren put a hand on his chin, while he thought about the holy power.

the clone, seeing his king with a frown, worried about discouraging him

- don't worry my king, if you unlock another level, you will be able to use the holy power.

"Um, I guess so, so what's your name?

- Please give me a name.

"Okay, I'll call you...

"Sadiki, what do you think?

- it is an honor to be appointed by you.

"So, your appearance is like this because of Gabriel?

- Yes my king

"ha... I can't show you before the public like this, what to do

Ren was seriously thinking about what to do with this new clone, and grace blessed him with a message.

When Ren saw the message, he smiled.

- sensei, we found 3 demi-humans of the wolf race east of Lambart territory.

Kiyoshi gave reports every time they found another hidden slave in the world.

Ren looked at the new Sadiki and smiled.

"I have a job for you.

Sadiki nodded happily to be able to serve the king from him.

and the job he gave him did not disappoint him.




a girl could be seen in a house holding the hand of her older sister.

Although the narrator was confused as to what she was doing here, she left it as weird as the author and looked around.

the girl and the older sister had many similarities, such as dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a similarly beautiful face.

What caught the narrator's attention was the cat's tail and ears on the girls.

looking at the game, he saw the poor quality of life they led

The clothes that these girls wore were rags, at least in the little one it was dirty and smelly clothes, very possible because they had been wearing them for more than 2 months.

the woman on the mattress, or what was thought to be one.

she was lying on an old pillow, covered by sheets with holes in them, but since there were a lot of them the older sister didn't get too cold.

the shack they were in looked like it was going to fall apart at any moment.

the girl was in a flood of tears as she held her sister's hand.

"little sister, please forgive me

- Don't worry Eve, I'll be fine

When the girl saw her sister's smile, she only cried more.

the older sister named Chloe, seeing her sister like this, she couldn't help but sigh at her helplessness.

she and her younger sister are cat tribe people, Vivian escapes everywhere in case they get caught.

Arriving in this town, they had found an empty shack in this place, it seemed like a good place to live and hide.

nearby thugs charged a commission for protection, but it wasn't such a bad thing considering that at least they would have a roof over their heads.

their days here were relatively uneventful, they could hide, and go out while covering their ears, and her little sister could live among children her age.

but happiness lasted very little.

One day a drunken man passed by his shack.

Seeing her beautiful and attractive face on Chloe, the drunk moved toward her.

Chloe desperately wanted to resist, but the man ended up looking at her ears, threatening to report her and her sister to her guards if she resisted her.

Chloe's heart trembled with fear, when she was young she had escaped with her sister from a noble's territory.

Her parents sacrificed their lives to get a chance to escape.

For many years she was escaping with her sister, as her family was a slave all her life, she did not learn the transformation techniques that are usually taught to cats, but she knew that the nobles have girls as sexual slaves, without fear of becoming pregnant by a human.

in the end, Chloe ended up giving in with tears in her eyes, Chloe preferred to lose her innocence before letting them be discovered, she doesn't want her sister to end up in the hands of those nobles.

the next day Chloe washed her body in the empty room that was the bathroom, she didn't go to her work and she stayed crying all day.

Chloe couldn't eat anything for 5 days and 5 nights, Eve was by her side the whole time, but Chloe never mentioned it, she didn't want to blame her sister who was barely 10 years old.

her innocence that I desperately kept for years, ended up in the hands of a random drunk, who would have imagined?

but no matter how horrible and dirty she felt, she couldn't kill herself and leave her little sister alone in the world, she had to protect her.

After that, she decided to run away with her sister to another place, no matter if she ends up homeless in the next town, but that incident was only the beginning of her disgrace.

he was planning on sneaking out for the night, but the random drunk wasn't that random, he ended up being the boss of the gang.

learning of the escape, he decided to watch Chloe and her sister day and night.

Since then, different people came to her hut every day to humiliate her, treating her like a harlot in the village.

Chloe ended up more and more desperate, her mind ended up breaking and she stopped resisting, the only request she asked for was that her younger sister never find out about her.

She spent days crying and lamenting, every day she thought of committing suicide, but after her, her little sister arrived with a smile on her lips for having gotten 1 coin at her job.

she just recently ended up showing symptoms of multiple venereal diseases.

for cats, venereal diseases are worse, Chloe ended up in bed ever since losing her vitality day by day.

the only thing that she had for consolation is that many of the guys who were humiliated ended up infected, although they had no immediate risk to their lives, in this place where medicine is scarce, they would end up suffering for a long time.

but now that she was close to death, she didn't know what to do to save her sister.

in her already desperate heart, she could only pray.

' If anyone listens to me, I beg you to save my sister, it doesn't matter if I die, I just want someone to...

Chloe after praying sighed.

she knew she had to give up, she was never listened to by the goddess she believed in so much, but she couldn't do anything else, she had little time left and she desperately needed someone to take care of her sister.

Out of nowhere, there was a knock on the door.

"Hide Eve

her little sister nodded and hid under the bed.

The door was pushed open and the leader of the ruffians entered.

- Good afternoon Chloe, are you having fun?

"what do you want a pool?

- you shouldn't be so cold with me dear Chloe, don't you remember the beautiful moments we spent together?

"shh, the deal was you stay quiet

- But what is there to be ashamed of Chloe? for your sister? don't worry, she will be your replacement

Chloe with all the pain in the world got up and stood in front of the bed where her sister was hiding.

- Hahaha, do you think that with your miserable strength you can protect her? do not make me laugh!


Pool hit Chloe in the face and sent her against the wall.

- sister!

"No Eve!

- hahaha, there you are little

Pool approached Eve who was trying to support Chloe.

When Eve saw the terrifying man's hand about to hold her, she cried out in despair.

- getaway!


Pool looked at the back of his hand and it had the claw mark.

- damn brat!

Pool raised his fist and threw a punch at Eve.

Before the first reached Eve's face, Chloe moved in front of her.

Before the fist could collide, a small shield appeared in front of them.


Before Pool can understand that I blocked it, many hooded people entered through the door and subdued Pool.

- what's this!? do you know who I am?

The man holding Pool, although his build was slim, much slimmer compared to the muscular Pool, Pool couldn't apply any force under his grip.

Chloe and Eve stood in the corner of the room shaking.

When the man holding Pool looked up, the sisters could see feline eyes under the man's mask.

Before Chloe can figure out what's going on, a different masked man walks through the door.

the masked men around were bigger than the guy who entered, but they all seemed to worship the man.

The man approached the pair of sisters.

Looking at the pair of sisters, the man stretched out his hand.

Chloe hugged her sister and closed her eyes, thinking that the man would hit her.

But when they didn't feel the shock after waiting more than 10 seconds, Chloe opened her eyes.

and she saw her little sister stretching out her little hand towards the stranger.

when they heard the man's voice, Chloe was surprised.

- want to meet your people?

the masked man said, looking around.

all the other men took off their masks and hoods and showed the faces and ears of the cat people.

Eve screamed excitedly

- Will there be more of us if we go with you?

" of course

the man's gentle voice prompted Eve.

- sister, we will see more of us, hurray!

Eve shouted happily.

Chloe smiled fondly and spoke to Eve.

- Come on Eve, you should go with them, I'll catch up with you in a moment.

Even though Eve didn't understand, she nodded.

As Eve left the house, Chloe addressed the man leading the werecats.

I look pleadingly at the masked man, and I beg him

"Please, could I at least see the face of my sister's savior?

The man, hearing those words, fell silent for a few seconds.

He took off his mask and Chloe could see the face of a young man.

He had straight blonde hair and blue eyes, along with a friendly smile.

Chloe felt herself in a trance, especially since the young man in front of her had an aura of kindness, she felt that she could trust him with her whole life.

Chloe smiled, as cat people, she could feel the aura that surrounds a person, and the young man were almost at the level of a saint.

"Please protect my sister.

- don't you want to come?

"I'm afraid no sir, my body is dirty, I don't think I can fit in her paradise.

Sadiki stretched out his hand, and from his palm, a beautiful and bright golden sphere filled with holy power formed.

- my king does not care about your past, he does not care about your sins, if your heart and spirit accept him as his lord with all your being for the rest of your life, then this sphere will be the key to your new life

Chloe looked at the sphere that expelled a blessed aura.

She looked at her sister who was eating something with another cat girl who lived near her.

Seeing the sphere in front of her, she shed tears of happiness as she smiled, she nodded and grabbed the sphere.

At the moment that Chloe came into contact with the sphere, she felt that from her palm a warm and pleasant current entered her.

she felt her body healing, the marks on her body began to disappear, her skin became clear and the spots on her disappeared.

Not feeling the pain that plagued her this time, she burst into tears and hugged Sadiki.

Sadiki comforted Chloe for a while before she fell asleep from exhaustion, the rest of the cat people could only praise the king's knight who gave hope to these pair of sisters.




when Chloe opened her eyes.

she was no longer on that hunt that was falling apart.

she was in a soft rustic bed, she was wearing clean and different clothes, her body was not filthy nor was her hair sticky.

Remembering the events that happened with the boy who rescued her from her suffering, her heart could not help but be moved and shed happy tears.

After a long time, Chloe got up and opened the door of the house where she was, and when she came out she was amazed.

Her eyes saw a beautifully developed city, many cat people and werewolf people were walking the streets with smiles on their faces.

there were many wooden houses around, and in the middle was a large statue of a man, he was standing upright with a sword pointed at the ground, and statues of a couple of little girls kneeling could be seen behind.

Chloe's mouth hung so open she didn't know if flies could get in it.

but she soon woke up and smiled, walked through the streets, and looked around her, until she realized that in the distance her sister was running with other children who had cat tails like her.

Chloe smiled heartily, looked at the statue of Ren in the center of the city, and knelt down.

she lowered her head and said from the bottom of her soul.

"I pay respects to my king.




while there were beginnings of a possible 5th continent in the world, the king of the said continent was sitting and eating without knowing anything about his new country.

The holidays were coming up and Ren was about to travel away from the academy for a month's stay somewhere.

there was the option of going to the kingdom of the elves, being invited by the queen herself.

there was the option of going to the demon realm.

or stay here.

he had the option of going to one of these 2 places thinking clearly about where to go, each of these territories has places that ren could use to find artifacts, and improve the egg that was in his ring.

finally, ren looked up gaining the attention of the girls, and made up his mind.




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