An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Naomi recalled the events of that night, she couldn't help but make a happy smile.

she was finally able to return to her office and continue with her paperwork with a full stomach and a happy heart.

she was going to continue, but a mana signature entered her perception.

she smiled since it was her nephew, he arrived safe and sound.

she sent a message to Ren to come to her office immediately.

After a while, the door to her office opened revealing Ren's figure.

- Good afternoon Naomi, I hope you liked lunch.

Ren said before sitting in the chair across from her and leaning back before closing his eyes.

Naomi smiled secretly, he looked like he was walking into her own office and not the ALL director's office.

but it doesn't bother her, she prefers ren to be looser instead of ren having a serious attitude towards her.

"they arrived.

Ren opened his eyes and looked at Naomi in surprise.

- so fast?, I thought it would take another 2 days.

"Fufu, didn't you say that you would give them an exact month to come back, otherwise you would punish them with more training?

- That thousand accent looks beautiful on you Naomi, but leave it, my heart will skip a beat if you keep using it.

Naomi blushed a little, but she didn't reply.

ren was thinking about the distance.

- um, even though I said it like that, I didn't think they would fulfill it so quickly.

"That means your training paid off.

the reason why they said that was because the report came that they arrived at the dungeon after 15 days of leaving.

and another 15 days have passed.

calculating the round trip time, they must have cleared the dungeon in less than half a day.

- or that there were no inconveniences along the way.

"With the reports that came to me, I don't think so.

Naomi pulled a report out of her drawer and read it out loud.

"There was a rat stampede attack in the fill village, some bandits in the clied village.

"Oh, poor horse who has gone the distance.


Naomi laughed a bit before sensing her nephew's location, she was in the cafeteria looking like she was looking for someone.

"it seems that they are looking for you

- me?

"Yes, they are now on their way to the salon.

Ren took out his phone.

- Hina, tell them to come to the office.

[understood teacher]

Naomi was curious about the female voice on the phone, she had an idea that she was an AI but every time she hears how she responds to ren as if she were a human it shocks her.

After about 10 minutes a large group arrived at Naomi's office.

once they all arrived, kiriko was in the front looking directly at ren.

and I lower my head making a bow of 90 degrees.

Naomi and Ren freaked out and were confused.

Kiriko didn't care and told Ren.

- Ren, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, if it wasn't for your help, the fill town would have disappeared.

Kiriko was bowed and happy.

Ren did not train the kiriko group to have more strength, he trained the entire party in dexterity, flexibility and unique abilities in each, in addition, every night he made the kiriko group face Shiro with the sword or Eira with her shield, and thanks to that they all acquired a lot of experience, something that many of them lacked.

in multiple situations, they used the skills they learned and were able to continue without hurting themselves too much.

In the fill town, Kara was able to make a dome of earth before the rats arrive, using the idea that defense is the best weapon.

In the klied village, using the practice of being 100 times cautious is better than losing 1 life amerie and Akane go as a scout to scout the ground, and they found a lot of deadly traps.

Amerie especially was more grateful.

Ren had given everyone common manuals and forced them to learn them despite everyone's resistance.

there was a wrong idea in kiriko and the others, their idea was that they should only learn strong and powerful skills in case of fights.

but ren forced them to learn skills looks like.

[parkour] [silent footsteps] [night vision] among others who ended up assisting and saving kiriko and the others from the silent attacks of those bandits.

the battle in the dungeon was especially easy.

but when they left, this time they did not find the guy in armor.

they found a bunch of hooded men.

kiriko with his sword now being able to have supreme control and precision was able to hold them back.

Aiko surrounded some of them in spheres of flame.

Using the principles of oxygen, Aiko was able to contain them long enough for them to have no oxygen and pass out but not die.

they were able to finish knocking out everyone without killing anyone, even though those guys were as strong as kiriko and the others from the first dungeon, they were able to keep their formation and avoid getting hurt.

They captured them, and they brought them here.

ren heard that they brought [Clan of the Unknown] here, he planned to sneak in and get information from them, it's been a long time and he needed to know the next steps of those guys.

Ren got up from the chair and put a hand on the shoulder of Kiriko who was still bowing.

- well done.

he addressed the others before saying with a calm face.

- very well done to you guys for coming back without getting hurt.

and he left.

Naomi sighed at Ren's few words to these guys who managed to come without any visible injuries.

But Naomi didn't know that the others were happy to hear Ren congratulate them.

listening to the guy who tortured them, I say I train to the extreme without saying anything good all the time and congratulate them out of the blue, they made them happy.

Returning to Ren, he was on his way to the prison in All, he had another face thanks to a mask, but he looked young.

When he arrived at the prison, an officer stopped him.

- What do you want?

"I want to see the hooded guys.

- rejected, you do not have permission.

Ren smiled and took the phone out of her.

"So what is this?

the officer saw a picture of a permit dictating that Alex Clen be allowed into the cells.

- Excuse my rudeness sir, go ahead.

Ren walked without saying much toward the cells.

he secretly brings his phone to his lips.

"good attendance Hina, you learn fast.

[thank you very much, teacher, it was nothing]

ren went to the cells and at the end, he saw some guys sitting on the floor with their heads down and chained.

"Where is your base?

The guys looked at Ren for a while before snickering.

one of them stood up and approached the cell.

a human with a horrible scar on his face could be seen making a mocking face.

- Make me a disgusting asshole.


he spat in ren's face.

Ren without flinching approached the man, put his hand through the fence, and grabbed the guy's head.

before hitting him against the fence.

"Did you say something?

- fuck you


"Did you say something?

- Let go of me, you fucking bastard!




"I have all day, so did you say something?

the man with the horrible scar had his nose broken and his whole face was bloody, his smug attitude was nowhere to be seen.

- I don't know, I swear!

instead of answering, ren looked at his memories of him.

having better control, he looks for what he needs.

he was a new guy in the order, his boss couldn't see his face, and he ordered them to try to kill the hero.

after reading the memories, he chilled the guy's nerves and left him like an invalid by dropping him to the ground.

they were all the same, they were new.

Ren left that place, and on the way, he murmured.

"Hina, remove the evidence.

[it's done, master]

" good girl.

ren left the place.

but he had not realized that among all the other hooded men who were frightened by the stranger, a man was calmly looking calmly at his now crippled companion.

- cripple by touching it, so that's the lightning user huh?




After that, there was a noble party for the victory of the hero.

Ren had received an invitation letter at his doorstep.

when ren opened the door, he saw the letter about some sort of air magic sequel that put the letter up to ren's face, ren grabbed the letter and looked at its contents.

It was a formal invitation from Kiriko to Ren who begged him to attend the celebration.

ren obviously planned not to go.

it's not that he doesn't like kiriko or there isn't good food, the problem is that the nobles are disgusted ren, they went with their pig smiles to kiss others' butts, but when the one they support falls, they will abandon that person and look for another person to lick it.

ren hated that, plus it's very possible that someone will come to ren to cause trouble, it's not that it affects Ren, but either the guy could tire ren out, or kelly gets mad.

Regarding Akane, she didn't say much after that kiss, she just became more confident talking to Ren and a little more attached, Ren clearly remembers what Akane said.

-Just being by her side is enough for my sensei.

Ren could only sigh at Akane, who would think that a woman would make Ren sigh in this life.

anyway, ren checked the letter and left it next to his cabinet, he was going to take a nap, but in his room, there was an uninvited guest.

- you're not going to answer huh?

"up to one side Kumiko

Kumiko was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the bed, despite Ren's words, Kumiko didn't move.

ren just snorted and went to the other side of the bed, since it's a king bed, there was plenty of room.

- Could you at least tell me why you won't go?

"You know, I don't want to run into one of those nobles

- you are also a noble bastard

"a nobleman who doesn't want to be a nobleman

-ha... could you think about it?



-please ren, do it for me

Ren who was in his bed with her eyes closed remembered something.

' - Please brother, do it for me?

" No

- You are very bad silly brother.

Ren opened his eyes, he felt a headache with the memories, but he put up with it and got up.

Seeing Kumiko looking at him anxiously, he thought of playing a prank on her.

"Do you want me to go? Kneel before my Kumiko.

Kumiko widened her eyes upon hearing that, Ren expected Kumiko to come up with some sarcasm or insult, but none of it came from her lips.

Ren watched as Kumiko closed her eyes and started to bite her lips hard, then she opened her eyes and as if she got a final determination, she stood up from the bed.

Ren underestimated the importance of himself for Kiriko to need his presence at the party, for Ren, it was something common, but for Kumiko who was with Kiriko all month listening to him for 15 days looking for ways to invite Ren to the party, then arriving here and make a special request to Naomi that no nobles at the party disturb Ren.

frankly, it was one of the few times that Kumiko saw kiriko so anxious, and if Kumiko needed to get rid of his pride so that ren would go and kiriko could have his heart at ease, Kumiko would do it.

but before Kumiko could get one of her knees to the ground, ren grabbed her shoulder.

"ha... it was a joke Kumiko, you don't need to kneel

- then?

"Yes, I will go to that party, though only if you can make sure no nobles will bother me."

Kumiko eagerly nodded her head several times.

Ren got up from the bed and walked towards his gym, leaving Kumiko alone in the room.

When he had his hand on the gym door, Ren sighed heavily.

"You know Kumiko, I will only ask you to kneel before me when I beat you in a dance competition

- but you suck at dancing ren

" for that very reason.

Ren turned around and looked directly at Kumiko.

"Kumiko, even if you don't have a last name, I know you have your pride, never let yourself be trampled on by anyone, just because you don't have a title doesn't mean any sad bastard can come and try to trample on you if something like that happens one day and you're between a rock and a hard place and for some reason, you can't tell kiriko, you can come to me, believe me, I'll make sure to replant the idea of not trying again to the idiot who dares, this one I swear to you with my little finger.

after that ren entered the gym and closed the door.

Kumiko still with a blank mind after having joined the little finger with ren.

the reason why her mind was blank, apart from the fact that Ren hadn't said anything so kind to her until that moment, Kumiko saw the sad look that ren was giving her, for some reason she felt extreme sadness in that look.

Going back to Ren, he was inside the gym with the door closed warming up.

but his mind returned to the past, more specifically to a particular day.

When Ren saw Kumiko kneel, that image overlapped with the image of her younger sister in the afterlife.

It happened once that her sister had some kind of incident with an idiot.

her sister named Astrid was in a cafeteria with her friends talking, but when she was leaving, a guy wearing an expensive and elegant suit stopped right when she was passing by and all the drink fell on the suit, the guy threatened Astrid with a very expensive refund, but at that time ren's family had no money, ren's father had died 3 years ago and ren was on missions, Astrid was threatened to finally have 2 options.

either she'd pay the money back, or she'd have to get down on her knees and beg the guy for a date.

her sister remembers her mother with depression for being alone in addition to the tiring office work, so she agreed to kneel and ask for the appointment.

The guy with an arrogant laugh threw a piece of paper with her address and that she should go in 3 days.

the location was in a very desolate park at 9 pm.

Astrid called her best friend that same day and told her about her decision while she cried, she didn't know what to do or who to turn to.

ren never told her family about her missions or her work, she made sure to hide her scars with warm clothes.

Astrid cried all night in the arms of her friend until she fell asleep.

But unfortunately for the guy, or Ren's luck, Astrid's best friend ended up being Marcos's daughter and she did know about Ren's work, after putting Astrid to sleep, she told her father about the situation and Marcos told Ren.

the day that Marcos was sent on that suicide mission, he knew that it was very possible that he would die, but he did everything he could to try to return, his daughter had been threatened so that he would fulfill that mission, and if he called ren(that day ren was on a mission in another country), at that very moment his wife and daughter would be killed.

On his deathbed, Marcos reminded Ren, specifically what happened the day he told Ren about the guy who made Astrid kneel on the ground.

The day Marcos received the call from his daughter, he was in his office while Ren was undercover with a drug gang.

he sent a message to ren explaining briefly about the guy and her millionaire family, Marcos had offered to help denounce the guy, but Marcos underestimated ren's ability and her madness for her loved ones.

2 days later Marcos found out that ren massacred the entire drug gang, and after that, he went to kill the entire family of the guy who harassed his sister, ren went far enough to murder all the relatives of the guy At that time Ren was 18 years old.

then the boy was taken to a psychiatric hospital, the report said that the guy could not see any nurse, and every time he saw someone with black hair, he would start convulsing.

the only thing I regret that Marcos took to his grave was not leaving his daughter and wife alone, he knew ren's heart and knew that once ren had someone inside his heart he would do everything possible to keep them safe, but he had the suspicion that the organization was attacked only by ren, Marcos could only sigh helplessly when thinking about all the reports he made so that they wouldn't bother ren for the world.

Going back to the present, the author told this version because Ren was in a serious condition, his mind was in total chaos at the time and he only remembers seeing red at all times.

Remembering the video where his sister knelt, Ren remembered his helplessness at seeing his sister having to kneel before a man who looked at her with an arrogant smile.

ren had made a promise with her sister with her little finger, ren swore that he would protect her from any asshole who tried to do something bad to him.

Ren held his little finger marking that promise to Kumiko, while a couple of drops of water fall to the ground.




That same night, Ren attended the party.

and it was frankly something he expected, totally boring.

Ren was now making sure to passively keep his mind in flow while he drank some liquor, but at some point, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

-so the great Ren who said that he would never set foot in a noble party, he attended one huh?

Kumiko said mocking Ren.

"don't make me regret it and walk away

- Sorry

Kumiko lowered her head upon hearing ren.

When Ren saw Kumiko with her head down, he felt seeing her sister in her, so he unconsciously stroked her head.

Kumiko felt the touch on her head, for a moment she felt the care in that caress, but she immediately remembered that they were in public and moved away from Ren.

- What are you doing idiot!?

"I felt that you were sad and I did it unintentionally

- Do not do it again

"Heh, or what? Are you going to hit me here?

- you!

Kumiko gritted her teeth, but she couldn't move to try something against ren.

it would be very possible that ren hit her back and that would make a fight here where at least today ren shouldn't cause problems.

she came here with ren to see that no idiot messes with ren or to make sure ren doesn't do something stupid, but strangely enough, ren was here calm and alone.

Kumiko's mind could not think.

' how the hell can the man who was in flip flops and summer clothes have this posture?

Ren was holding a glass of wine as he took a sip.

he looked elegant, Kumiko felt like she wanted to hit him, she took 10 years of etiquette classes but still, she doesn't think she could have the elegance and class that ren has now.

the reason the girls weren't with ren here was because of the idiots or well, nobles who were trying to make small talk with them.

Akane was now more famous and was talking to a boy who was trying to mention the power of her parents, Akane wanted to make her leave, but to avoid causing problems at the party where her sensei is attending for the first time, she is holding back and tries to be polite to the guy in front of her, after she dismissed the guy, another one came over.

ren who saw Akane trying to walk away laughing with Kumiko.

"poor Akane, fire one and another comes, hahaha

- I should learn from Miss Kuroka, look at her.

Ren turned around and could see Kuroka with a cold gaze as the guy in front of her tried his best to follow her conversation, finally giving up and leaving.

Ren and Kumiko were laughing at the situation of those boys and even betted how long each one lasts with Kuroka.

it was a fun time for both of them, but that fun was ruined when a guy was approaching ren.

ren who noticed it 2 minutes ago, addressed Kumiko surreptitiously as if he were a ventriloquist, speaking to her without moving his lips.

"Didn't you say that no noble would bother?

Kumiko who was doing the same answered him.

-That was supposed, he is a son of a marquis, maybe he just comes to say hello

"Because of his haughty look I doubt it, take care Kumiko

-ha... ok

Kumiko with her light blue dress, being used for the first time thanks to kiriko who convinced her, and Ren who put the final nail that would go only if she wore a dress and not a maid outfit who kept remembering her sister, stood in front of ren and I approach the guy.

-Can I hear the reason why he approaches Baron Artega?

The guy who was looking at Ren the whole time fixed her gaze on Kumiko.

Noticing Kumiko's beautiful appearance, the guy began to look at her lustfully.

causing ren to almost lose her stoic face and start to frown, Kumiko who was the one receiving the look, there was not even a slip in her expression, she just waited silently for the disgusting pig in front of her to go away to continue taking her away. money to the idiot behind her.

- I recognize you, you're the hero's servant, right?

- Yes I am

- so what are you doing blocking the way of the great me? Do you think that by kissing the hero's shoes you have the qualifications to be able to stand in front of me?

- Of course not sir, I just hope that you-

Before Kumiko can continue with her boring apology, she felt a palm on her shoulder.

she saw Ren who looked at her for a moment while her gaze told him

'let me take care of this

Ren stood in front of the guy and answered him.

"So, do you have something to say?

- so you are the sad and dirty nobleman?

Kumiko was going to face Ren, but Ren made a stop sign with his hand on Kumiko's back.

" And who are you?

- I am the son of the marquis-

"I asked you who you are, not the name of your house

- and as I tell you, I am the son of-

" I asked you who you are, are you deaf?

- You, do you think you have the qualifications to talk to me like that?

"maybe, maybe not, but the girl behind me if she that she has them

- she has?

"Of course, Kumiko won more than 1 medal by herself, without the support of any house, she did it on her merit, instead you, how many medals did you win?


"No right? Your father maybe yes, but you're not your father, so tell me nobody, who among you 2, who has more qualifications to block the way to whom?

the guy in front of ren was red-faced with embarrassment, no one apart from Kumiko could hear them, but they saw ren's mocking look and the boy lowering his head, that was enough for the others to understand that he was passing.

The red-faced guy couldn't say anything to refute, but he remembered something he heard about the hero's maid.

- ha! she's just an orphan, do you think she-

Before the guy could continue, Ren lifted his neck into the air, shocking everyone.


Ren just silently looked with calm eyes at the face of the guy in front of him, before the guards arrived, Ren put his ear close to the guy and spoke in a calm tone, but it chilled the back of the guy in front of him.

"You better listen to me well because I will not repeat myself, she is my sister, if you dare to try something like last time, I will make sure to go slower when I catch you, no matter the title or the importance of your father, I will make sure to catch you like the miserable rat that you are and this time the punishment will be worse than the last time, you can't even get out of my grip, that's why you are nothing without your father, instead of coming to fuck my fun, go cry with your father and don't appear before me with that face, understood?

The boy in front of Ren, his face totally pale and colorless, nodded desperately.

Ren released him and the boy didn't wait for a second longer and ran away from Ren, the bloodlust that Ren expelled directly at the boy showed how seriously Ren was speaking.

ren after seeing him go, as if nothing happened, he straightened his suit and returned to the corner of the room with Kumiko next to him.

Ren and Kumiko were standing side by side in silence, the one who broke the silence was Kumiko.

- I didn't ask you to help me bastard

"I didn't ask for your permission idiot

- with that your sister huh?

"Forget it before I regret it

- very late, I already have something to fuck you with, so don't expect it to go smoothly.


At that moment, the applause was heard throughout the room, it was time for Kiriko to enter the scene with his aunt.

Taking advantage of the noise, Kumiko said something in a low voice.

- It doesn't feel bad to have a brother.

" Did you say something?

- nothing ren bastard, nothing





At the academy, at the end of the year, a tournament is held every year.

everyone was excited about the reward that would be given to everyone at the end.

Kiriko and the others were excited as the rewards ranged from weapons, and unique gear to luxury vacation tickets all paid for.

another reason why it is such a long-awaited event is that many of the big guilds will be showing up at the second-year competition, students can intern from the second year, so students can gain experience in dungeon raids.

the first places will be able to receive better invitations.

everyone was happy about this except 1.

Ren Artega.

Ren planned to stay alone in the first round to avoid the public, after a debate for 2 hours with Naomi, Naomi lost and Ren could lose as he wanted.

he was proud of his now better ability to negotiate.

but he was boring because he still had to attend, but until then, he would laze around.




A few days passed and the expected day finally arrived, everyone was excited about this new opportunity.

In the morning there was a festival that Ren attended forced by Kelly and Akane.

- Sensei, have you seen that stuffed animal?

- sensei, can you come with me to buy that book?

the day was casually quiet, there was interesting food for ren, tasty food for Kelly, and old books for Akane where they could spend the money as they please since none of them was missing.

Ren casually looked at things as he dabbled in one or another skill book.

Kiriko and Kumiko had a date elsewhere.

although ren was strange with amerie and Aiko who did not come, only the narrator knows that the girls came to some kind of unspoken agreement to have ren for them that day, which they specifically talked about, the author did not write it, but in my opinion, as a narrator is that the debate and arguments would not lose even before the discussions that the kings of countries make.

girls like Eira and Indis returned to their territories because competitions are also held there in December, Eira, in particular, was traveling while suffering from withdrawal without having re in her arms, her only consolation was that re left Eira food for 1 month for these few days.

It was a relaxing day for everyone.

in the evening there was an establishment for the boys in their first year.

the second years would have their competition in the arena of the emperor's castle and the 3rd years were in guilds doing internships.

Ren was in the stands eating a hamburger by himself.

the students from class A were on the benches far ahead in front of everyone where everyone could see the students.

Ren came here because this way if he can pass the food cart.

Ren was already eating a couple of hamburgers and was waiting for the competition to eat some snacks.

The first to compete were Aiko and a girl from the top 15...




Ren had regretted coming here.

They were still in the early stages of the competition, but...

-Student Aiko evilness won her match in 28 seconds.

-Student Kara wins her match in 40 seconds.

- Student kuroka Nakiri wins her match in 54 seconds.

'I strengthened those idiots too much.

Ren had thought it would be easy for them, but I don't expect it to be that easy.

The girls seem to not even make an effort and it was shown by the noise.

-how talented miss Aiko is, and how she was able to lock up her opponent before the other could even cast her spell was incredible.

-Didn't you see that she did it without Casteo?

-seriously!?, incredible, this generation is the golden age of All.

Ren who listened mentally snorted.

'Damn idiots.

Ren is bitter that people just say that everything the girls are achieving is tied to being talented.

Ren was the one who was training them every day, those girls trained with sheer effort and will.

Ren wasn't an idiot, she knew that her training method can be a bit rigorous, but she had also seen the training of other students.

'How the hell is it to run only 10 kilometers and then go to play? Or what the heck is that about learning a skill, practicing it for the exam, and going to karaoke with her friends?

Frankly, it was a total waste of time what these kids were doing.

Obviously, it's okay for them to have fun, but having their lives so messy annoyed Ren.

This may sound hypocritical coming from someone who stays up late when he has nothing to do, but it comes from the same person who trains to the limit every time.

While Ren was eating popcorn in his place, in All's jail everything was silent.

The hooded man opened his eyes.

"It's time.

The man took out of his tongue a small syringe with an almost gray black liquid and injected it.

immediately the handcuffs for D-ranks broke.

After throwing his lockpick at his partner, he walked over to the cell as the others began to remove their handcuffs.

the guy stood in front of the cell.

He grabbed the bars and yanked them open with sheer force.

Although the cell resists force up to C rank, at level 1.

The guy was a rank B.

Even the narrator wondered why there was a B rank with these D ranks who were captured.

According to the author, the guy has a different mission, it was to allow himself to be captured to cause chaos.

In the dark jail, the soldiers guarding the prison out of nowhere were silenced by plants.

To be more exact, they were being squeezed by branches and knocked out.

While there was a leak a few floors below the stadium where the competition was, Ren heard a new duel.

- Ren Artega VS flinn stray.

Ren was called, so he reluctantly got out of his seat and walked down the bleachers still eating his snack.

The people around him scoffed.

-Down with that heretic!

-Typical fake nobleman, he doesn't have any etiquette.

Many kept insulting ren, ren just laughed internally.

These guys were just barking and not biting, they were ordinary people, ren could kill them by electrocuting this whole place and they would die helplessly, but obviously, he wouldn't.

It's just funny how people can talk without fear that ren is a genocidal psychopath.

Arriving at the arena even the referee looked at Ren with disgust.

When he appeared in front of his opponent, he saw that he was the bald one from the last time.

" bald head, to the times

The young man now called Flinn, a vein appeared on his forehead, which looking at his forehead was very noticeable.

He hated being called bald and this heretic said it to him with all the naturalness in the world.

He pulled the spear out of his now forged weapon and not a training one and stood in front of the guy who embarrassed him last time.

- This meeting will be different, I hope that after this they change your -

"If you say bullet head, start at once that I leave my food unattended.

Ren pulled the sword from him and placed it on his shoulder.

The referee stopped in the middle of the 2.

- all ready? fight!.

Flinn quickly ran towards Ren aiming at his legs, Ren dodged as he commented.

"You became stronger, interesting.

Flinn who followed up with a circular attack responded.

- I trained every day to be able to recover my honor, today at last-

"As you say crystal ball before you continue, can you answer a question of mine?

-How dare you!-

"When you bend down, do the lice fall off?

- that?

"Very wrong, isn't it? It's impossible for you to have lice.

- bastard!

"Relax brother, but I must say that I really envy you

- oh yes? for being more talented than you?

"No, because you don't have to spend money on shampoo, it really is a miracle to save money on that.


while ren was making fun of his opponent making the poor bald man snort, he was really wasting time.

her phone was in her pocket waiting for Hina to get control of the arena


he wanted to test Hina's current abilities.

Naomi was abroad, currently, only S-rank Shiro was present and the guards were C-rank at most.

Ren suspected that something would happen in this tournament, a place with many students without very powerful people except Professor Shiro? too cliché.

finally, Hina sent a message to her hearing aid.

[can't hack master, I apologize for being useless]

"Don't worry Hina, you'll be able to do it soon, it's just a matter of getting better.

Ren then showed his attention to the bald man and with his sword, he dodged the incoming blow without the bald man being able to avoid it, he hit him with the flat part of the sword, knocking him out.

ren then stood up and said to the referee

"finished right?

- Yes...

The barrier then closed and Ren returned to the benches with popcorn.

everyone was out of their minds, the guy who seemed to be cornered out of nowhere manages to approach his opponent and with a blow where the flat part neared all the bald man's hair and put him to sleep, he took them out of the wave.

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