An npc who just wants to live idling around.


Naomi could be seen busy in her office signing a stack of documents.

When she finally signed her last one, she leaned back on her couch and kicked off her heels.

she exposed her beautiful and delicate feet under the silk of the black stockings.

Naomi was thinking of ren.

more precisely, at the meeting that happened recently.

Ren was not aware that, for those letters to reach him safely, Naomi had to go through a problem with her entire country.

Ren had freed the slaves, she was even able to free them from the chain that bound them in their life called slavery.

but that would still be revealed in a few months, and the church itself would take care of revealing the information without it sounding bad to the people who hated and abused them.

until then, ren will be tarred as a heretic and the school environs are trying to get ren expelled.

several minor nobles send requests for ren's expulsion, Naomi doesn't want ren to find out because she thinks ren will do something.

and the narrator thinks the same.

However, the only thing that brings him comfort and even relieves his fatigue is...

*knock knock.

" ahead.

a maid entered the office holding a tray.

despite the fact that the maid wants to make a face at what she brings on the tray, she is already trained not to make a face at whatever she is presented with besides the fact that it is not the first time that she does it.

The maid placed a Lunch Box in front of Naomi's table and stood aside without making a sound.

Naomi elegantly opened the lunch box and revealed a delicious lunch still hot, the narrator noticed that it is the same thing that ren and the girls were eating in the cafeteria.

the maid was with her eyes closed listening to her mistress.

" delicious...

she could hear, but she didn't dare open her eyes to the world.

finally, after about 30 minutes, she could hear the sound of the fork hitting the glass.

"It was delicious, you can leave, I'll return the Lunch Box later.

the waiting-maid lowered her head before leaving, she was a little confused since she usually takes the Lunch Box once the headmistress has finished eating.

Returning to the director, she got up from her chair and opened a door that was hidden in her office.

since she is usually very busy with files, she had ordered that a small room be put in her office.

inside it was a mini apartment, she went to the dishwasher to wash it to return it later.

She washed Ren's Glass Lunch Box, and she could still see the label that she said [2 for 1 offer] on the Lunch Box.

while she was doing it, she looked at the bathtub and she couldn't help but blush to remember what happened about 15 days ago...

Naomi, apart from All her affairs, usually signs documents linked to her country, supporting her mother's burden.

only the thing is that as she is classified she is usually helped by kiriko, kiriko usually sorts all the documents into different categories, separating them by territories and by importance.

but since kiriko is away now, she had to do it alone.

Until the saving grace named Ren came to her rescue, or rather it was blackmail to Ren.

with what?

Well, simple, giving Ren the medal that they should give him for freeing the human slaves, which Ren rejects wholeheartedly.

Ren had to be Naomi's assistant when signing documents.

but ren is not stupid, she took out 2 more clones for the job.

thanks to that, Naomi was able to finish her work in no time, giving Naomi time off to drink alcohol.

Ren comes every 3 days to help, and for the 5th time, something curious happened.

on day 15...

Ren and Naomi could be seen finishing signing the last documents.

Ren had already organized the ones that Naomi had already signed for them to be sent to their respective locations tomorrow, but he still hadn't come out yet.


the habit of not leaving his comrade behind, especially in this war called paperwork.

Ren was waiting to leave, and he was getting up when Naomi signed the last one.


Good job Naomi.

- Thanks Ren, do you want to go?

"I'm going to sleep, it's 11 o'clock

- Do not you want to accompany this beautiful lady to drink?


- Yes, this time I will win

" as you like

ren after each finished job ends up drinking with Naomi, the point is that with a flowing mind, you can't get drunk.

and Naomi insisted on beating ren in the who gets drunk first contest.

Ren was sitting down while Naomi took some imported liquor out of a drawer.

-look ren, this liquor was given to me by the elf queen after having given it to her people, it was a courtesy gift.

Naomi held the bottle as if it were a treasure.

- this liquor has been fermented with a little aloe from the world tree, it is said that this liquor is of supreme quality and beneficial for the body and mind

"and you want to use it today because...

- I wanted to share it, and finally be able to beat you

"Ha... you're not going to give up, are you?

- darling, do not think that I became the most powerful woman only with talent, right?

"I guess your stubbornness is bigger than a dragon's pride right?

- Totally agree, now enough talk and drink!

Ren lifted her glass letting Naomi pour it while she thought.

' Is there a way for Naomi to beat me and not insist?

- there is

' to the times sister, what are you doing here?

-it's what you're drinking, it's full of power from the world tree, it gives me the energy to speak

' ha...

- What's wrong?

'Naomi wants to beat me, but she can't because of flow mind, it's a bummer.

- only you would complain about drinking next to the most beautiful and powerful woman of humans

'she is the most beautiful, but she is untouchable, if she goes too far, I would not know how I died

- It's a joke right?

' no, it's true, this woman is vicious


- Do you know how you can let yourself win?


- deactivating the ability

' why didn't you tell me before?

- you didn't ask...



' How do I disable it?

- Just think about it

' ok

- I say goodbye, good evening

' that?


'she went to sleep? really? ha...

ren came to himself and decided to let himself win with this

' mind in flux, deactivate

[mind in flow deactivated]

'it worked huh?

Before Ren can cheer up, she felt the effects of the liquor.

her world began to spin and it seemed that she was going to nod.

Naomi smiled when she saw Ren with her wild eyes, the bad thing is that she was already drunk too.

something that ren did not know is that to drink in her office Naomi seals her hand for a reason.

it is very strong, she is so strong that normally nothing can make her drunk, at the party that time she had used a unique liquor from the dwarves, for the special occasion, but now although the liquor from the elves is delicious and strong, I still don't know compares him to dwarfs.

and now the Naomi with a c rank like ren was less drunk because of her strong body, but drunk.

Naomi saw Ren suddenly focus again and smiled at him.

She thought of her talks with Ren.

Ren didn't talk like a child at all, he had the maturity of a 30-year-old when he was with her, unlike when he was with Kiriko and the others, it seems that Ren can adapt when talking to the person according to age.

Ren normally had a calm and collected demeanor, which gave Naomi a moment of relaxation since the nobles often look at Naomi as if she was a piece of meat ready to be taken by them.

Ren doesn't usually have that look or he knows how to hide it, she even hears from Shiro that she also likes to talk to Ren for the same reason.

Whatever the answer, Naomi likes to chat with Ren, who seems to be by her side gives Naomi peace of mind.

every time he talks to ren either ren listens to Naomi talking about how she was doing in her day or how Naomi was trying to get what she did in her day-to-day from ren.

now ren was drunk and as the saying goes drunks don't lie.

Ren at some point took off his shoes and put his feet up on the table.

"Naobi, hold on, Naobi... no Naomi, yes Naomi, how are you Naomi, how's life?

Naomi could only think

' is this a drunk ren?

although she was surprised, she answered his with a smile.

- sad ren, men are idiots, nobody wants to marry me.

"Oh that's sad, a beauty so great that it would dry the seas and make the deserts rain can't get a husband, but don't worry, the great ren has the answer why not.

Naomi smiled and answered while she held back her laughter.

- Seriously? Tell me then Ren, why can't I get married?

Ren put his thumb up to the sky.

"You're... so-so vicious and calculating...


- what?

"Seriously, don't you believe me? Look, see.

"Although you are a flower that illuminates the desert, you are surrounded by 100 cacti, the cacti are the strategams, I say stratagems that you usually do.

- Really? how do you know?

"Please Naomi, it's obvious, you received Kelly at school despite her age to favor my young and innocent disciple, right? Now you have the support of the Holland house

- really? What if you're wrong and I did it for you?

Naomi said trying to sweeten the mood.

"Please, the most powerful woman letting herself be guided by her heart without having calculated the pros and cons? You don't even believe that one

Naomi wanted to frown, but she was able to contain it.

- Then Ren, why else am I manipulative?

"Of course, you used your daughter to get the support of the Lambart house, right?

-And what if I did?

Ren was still sitting with the glass tinkling with the little liquor that was left before taking what was left to continue.

"poof, what if you did it? what if you did ... well for me a father doesn't force his son to walk a path already paved for him, besides that you plan to break the engagement soon right?


"No, of course not, you already planned it from the beginning, right? The fall of the Lambart house, or should I say the future traitors?


"But don't worry Naomi, my mouth is a seal that won't come out a peep hehe, ah yes.

"I also found out and found out there that you try to use the judgment that was gained to get more support from the other races right? After all, the other races don't like slavery, but in the end, you used that judgment to improve the relations with the elves and with the other races and lower the rigidity in the treatment a bit, right?

"If I'm not mistaken, the reason with the Scarlett house was for Rose, right? Even though Rose Scarlett is a general, it doesn't mean that the Scarlett house follows you, that's why you took away everything that Duke Squirre took away from the Scarlett house and  You helped cancel the engagement, it was for Rose to be completely happy, right? For now, if I have her full support, right?

"There is also the Kitamura house, right? You tried to get Shiro Kitamura so that Duchess Kitamura can support the king, right? Am I wrong? With that trial of the slaves, now you have the support of 3 houses, incredible right? You are incredible Naomi, you did a double combo.

Ren said with a smile.


Naomi had her head down and she couldn't refute it, everything Ren said was true.

the bad thing is that her heart ached.

that the young man in front of her... no.

the man in front of her tells her that he is a calculator and was hurting her like never before, if he was an enemy of hers Naomi would have silenced him by now or she wouldn't have cared.

but the guy in front of her is the cause of all her plans turning out for the best.

thanks to ren the Holland house now supports the king, before Akane and Bernarda's duel, the Scarlett house was already thinking of withdrawing their support since Duke Squirre was in favor of overthrowing the king.


the Squirre house, the Lambart house, and the Holland house were against the reign of the current emperor, the support that the emperor had was the Miller house, the Kitamura house was neutral and the Scarlett house still supported the current emperor only because of rose being a general under the direct command of the emperor.

If the Squirre family got the support of the Scarlett house to overthrow the emperor, which was when Akane married Bernarda, the Scarlett house would have no choice but to support the overthrow of the emperor, and Rose for her sister would also participate, there would be four houses.

the Holland House, the Lambart house, the Scarlett house, and the Squirre house.

in 10 years it would be possible to overthrow the emperor.

but since the arrival of ren...

Naomi was able to get the full support of the Scarlett house ever since Bernard's engagement to Akane broke off when Naomi sent Ren to the Holland territory to lock down the dungeons with legal documents, but Ren couldn't find them and ended up locking them down illegally, Naomi thought of Punish him until Ren took out all of Duke Holland's dirty water from White Fang's vault, then agreed to Ren's plan to close all 24 dungeons.

When Naomi found out that Ren entered an S-rank dungeon, she nearly had a heart attack and felt that she should give up hope that Ren would make it out of the dungeon alive or even fool Duke Holland, an old dog who gave trouble to the emperor's family for years

but in the end, ren closed her mouth getting a great impression on her by replacing Duke Holland with another person, the bad thing is that that boy was also ren's disciple who would not be fooled.

apart from the many teachings of ren, Kiyoshi grew up in the underground, a place where poverty and betrayal were your days to day, unlike his little sister who was the one who often fought for food, Kiyoshi could only watch, but with his advanced brain he was able to understand all evil, and he would not be fooled.

Naomi marveled at how Ren was able to gain the support of the Holland house since Kiyoshi took control.

obtained the support of the Kitamura house thanks to ren, since, despite the fact that Shiro was a friend of Naomi and worked in All, the duchess did not give any support claiming that Shiro achieved her position alone and without the need of anyone, the duchess did not support neither to the emperor nor to the overthrow, that is why the marquises wanted to cause an internal fall and seize the power of the Kitamura house.

now the only houses that oppose the emperor are the Squirre house, the Lambart house will soon disappear, but Naomi still didn't know how to deal with them.

In other words, the reason why Naomi can sleep peacefully without fear that her father will be overthrown for now is because of the man in front of her, who seems to now have a bad opinion of Naomi.

Naomi wordlessly lowered her head.

but after a while, a hand landed on her head and he patted it.

"Don't cry pretty, I don't think what you did is wrong, even though you did everything for politics, you still helped a lot of people.

Ren said before walking towards the supposedly secret door, but Naomi watched as Ren entered.

"Besides, if you were totally innocent I wouldn't like you, Naomi.

Ren said before entering the room.

"I'm going to take a nice bath before bed!

Naomi's jaw dropped, but before she could think of Ren's words, she saw Ren take off his clothes, leaving him in only his underwear, and step into the tub.

Seeing Ren get into that bathtub, Naomi's heart jumped.

- don't go in there, that tub is full of...


"Hahaha, this tickles me.

Naomi entered and saw how the tub where she was bathed was squeaking, not because of Ren's electric mana, but because that tub is recharged with lightning.

the why?

Naomi wants lightning resistance.

Ren is lightning awakened, Naomi didn't know if there was someone else in a family tree that has the power of lightning, so she planned to train and gain lightning resistance.

But Naomi now sees how her ultra-luxurious tub of diluted premium potion was being used by Ren as she made a satisfied expression.

- ha... I guess tomorrow I'll get more aloe vera from the world tree, take my hand ren, get out of there.

Before Naomi could even pull, her body was pulled into the tub.

Naomi stayed in Ren's arms, normally it would be Ren who was pulled and not the other way around.

but Naomi had sealed her strength and she had the same level of strength as ren.

and she was drawn into the tub filled with electricity.

Naomi waited for the pain to be electrocuted, but in the end, she didn't feel anything, ren absorbed everything.

Even though the water is lukewarm, she could fully feel Ren's warm body temperature.

Ren wrapped her arms around Naomi's soft waist.

Sensing her clothes, Ren opened his eyes and looked at Naomi strangely.

"That's weird, do you take a shower with your clothes on?

Naomi's head was in a mess and her cheeks were flushed, she wanted to use her hand and push Ren's arms away, but she couldn't increase her strength, she felt weird.

she felt something even hotter that pricked her leg, looking down she saw ren's little friend standing up, and Naomi couldn't help but cry silently.

' It's over, I'm not pure anymore...

Naomi couldn't help but bury her head in Ren's neck hoping Ren wouldn't look at her.

ren who was at peace in this now warm bathroom with a beautiful woman in his arms, he couldn't help but fall asleep...

Naomi opened her eyes and saw Ren's state.

She couldn't help but sigh in relief and silently get up so Ren doesn't catch her again.

Once she got up, she saw her wet outfit, she couldn't help but sigh tiredly before taking out all the water with magic and drying her hair with magic too.

Once it was over, she changed into pajamas, occasionally glancing at Ren in case she woke up.

but ren didn't wake up anymore.

Naomi, seeing Ren now asleep, began to pull him out with magic and dry her body.

as ren before entering the bath put her clothes in her ring, Naomi could not return them to her room, so she put ren to bed.

but before she even went to the office, a thought came into her head.

' why did it smell so good?

Naomi didn't know, so out of curiosity, she approached the ren's neck to smell it and find out if the pleasant smell she felt was from the ren or from the water.

As she was about to sniff, Ren out of nowhere lifted her arms and hugged her around her waist pulling Naomi on top of hers.

- kya!

Naomi was flushed and confused with Ren.

why hug her like that?

'Could he be awake?

But Ren's voice calmed her down.

"I miss you little sister, please don't go.

Naomi heard in Ren a voice full of loneliness and sadness unlike her always calm and boring voice.

She felt a sense of fellowship with Ren and hugged him back.




The next day, Naomi was preparing to continue with the new stack of documents left by the maid.

it was barely 5 o'clock.

Naomi wanted to get up, but even before she could sit down she was grabbed by Ren.

The absence of Naomi's body heat woke Ren.

" where are you going?

Naomi smiled and said.

- to sign documents, my day starts early.

Ren pulled Naomi back into her embrace and said.

"Naomi, even if you are the strongest and busiest woman in the world, you must worry about your tranquility and calm, later you can continue, it is still early to get up.

Naomi who was brought into Ren's arms again was left in shock.

ever since her sister died, her life was documents and work.

the only time she can let off steam is when she drinks, which is rarely, before the crowd Naomi is the most serious and capable woman in the whole world, always congratulated for her beauty and rarely for her success.

but no one ever asked Naomi if she was okay or if she was tired.

Not even her nephew asked her.

After all, how could the strongest woman in mankind be tired?

but they also forgot that Naomi was human and she can get tired too.

Looking at the man who slept like a stone, Naomi inadvertently smiled from the bottom of her heart and settled down again, closer to Ren's neck.

when she slept with ren last night, ren had a strange soothing air that took away from Naomi all the stress that had built up from work and her worries.

this time she snuggled back in and she was able to fall asleep with no worries.

Ren finally got up at 8.

he felt that the bed he slept in was soft and the stuffed animal that he held of his was warm and soft to the touch.

but upon feeling again, he realized that this was not a cushion.

turning her eyes she saw Naomi sleeping next to her.

Ren almost had a heart attack, he looked at the woman who was next to him, and he saw her blushing cheeks and a smile of a happy girl, ren was hypnotized for a while without being able to take his eyes off her.

Seeming like Naomi could feel Ren's gaze, her eyelids twitched a bit before she opened her eyes.

Ren's first words were.

"It's not a dream, right?

Ren's left hand, as if it had a life of its own, came up to Ren's face and slapped him.

- nope

"So I slept next to the director of All, she won't punish me, right?

Naomi gave a mischievous smile.

- what do you think?

"More paperwork?

Naomi nodded

- more paperwork




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