Ant King In MHA

Chapter 20: A Grim Reminder

__________ POV Narration__________

The police didn't know what to make of their newest case. Hosu City had been a relatively normal city, this amount of action wasn't quite expected.

An entire organization of dangerous villains and drug traffickers went down in a single night... Or, rather, in a few minutes.

At first, they were confused, thinking this was a strange natural sinkhole incident. Strange as in it wasn't picked up by any of their specialised radars beforehand.

But the bodies inside quickly dissuaded them from that conclusion. Sure, many of them were killed by being crushed.

Some died due to the rubble, sure. But for many, it was more of them being forced into a wall.

Some of the corpses were still nailed into a wall when they were found. Then, they found other causes of death.

Missing limbs, heads, that were still to be found in the wreckage. This was clearly the work of a murderer or a group of murderers.

One seemed to be embedded into a piece of earth in an unnatural way. This massacre was deemed to have been carried out by a small group of people, with different quirks.

They know for a fact that there were at least three people. One seemed to have claws, from the slashes on some of the bodies, and the other was an odd earth manipulation one.

The last one was more of a stretch, they didn't know the limitations of the earth quirk.

But by studying the cracks on the wall where they found the embedded bodies, they discovered that the people were pushed towards it with great force, rather than being swallowed up by it.

And their injuries reflected that theory. But that was most of what they had to go on.

Especially since they couldn't find anything about the appearance of the perpetrator.

The few available cameras in that abandoned corner of town just showed a shadow or two. They were hard to discern from the dark of the night.

All they had for identifying the suspect was the testimony of the two witnesses and survivors. A couple that was almost caught up in that mess.

They were saved in time by an unknown assailant. Who the police put as the main suspect for now, as they also fled the scene instantly.

The saviour seemed to be the one that inflicted the claw wounds on the bodies. At least judging by the marks on top of the car.

And it seemed that his quirk also gave him the ability to fly. As he carried their car into the air.

The police were slowly starting to piece together a quirk profile for a suspect. They hoped this to be the cornerpiece for the case.

Eventually, after a month or two, a bored intern managed to find an old file. A mutant quirk that allowed the user to fly and that permanently transformed his hands into claws.

But it was a rather sombre case file. It was a grim reminder for the police station. A display of gross negligence on part of the law enforcement from their country.

Beru. That was the only name given, no family name at all.

A quirk that completely transformed the child's genetic makeup and physiology from birth. It indeed gave him the ability to fly, and his claws were described as dangerously sharp.

But the file was relating to something else. Well, two different cases in fact.

One of them being a kidnaping/disappearance case where he was let off on a mountain only a few months old to die by himself. A trial which he survived.

And the second read much in the same way, being adopted by a strange unidentified individual and disappearing off of the face of the earth.

There were no other records of him. He was also not the only one to disappear that day. He was one of many. The orphanage was swiftly closed and the lady managing it was arrested eventually.

Using a lie detector quirk of a new cadet, they managed to find out what had happened. At least in part.

They were taken by a powerful man, and she was paid a lot to turn a blind eye to however many were chosen. Money which she accepted with a smile.

It was a convoluted case. It leads to the lady basically gaining a life sentence in a high-security prison. In which she died around two years later.

This was where the details on the file ended.

They kept any malicious interest the researchers might've had on this new breed of quirk out of the file. Only a few select people knew about it. And they obviously wouldn't speak up about it.

The person that discovered the file quickly gave it to the chief. Who proceeded to start a formal investigation.

Taking this to be the reappearance of the boy that had disappeared that day.

Although, it was by no means a happy occasion. As the things he had taken part in were horrendous.

But, as a child, Beru would have many ways to escape prosecution, they just needed to somehow catch him...

When they didn't even know where he was, they doubted they'd find him on the streets though.

But, they informed every available policeman, keeping the reopened case a secret from the public. They also informed heroes of Beru's appearance and asked them to keep an eye out.

And so, the chase had started.

The researchers that had been previously disappointed were now rejoicing at the information.

Their guinea pig was back! And it was a secret this time, they could convict him and keep him in a laboratory quite easily.

After all, laws could bend in every way as long as enough money is poured. Beru being a minor didn't matter much to them.

They just wanted to keep that new breed under surveillance and run tests on it. They thought this matter would be as easy as pie...

Oh, how wrong they were. But they will eventually regret their decisions.

They did their best to take attention away from Beru's case, all until he disappeared again. It could be said that Beru would've ended up in a laboratory anyway.

But now he at least had a chance to grow stronger. Being injected with quirks was still better than being dissected. Well, he still was dissected, but at least he got quirks.

For now, Beru was spending his time around the laboratory, his only company being the other undeveloped Nomu's.


Hope you liked the chapter.

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