Ant King In MHA

Chapter 21: Delivery And All Might

__________ POV Beru__________

This is really getting annoying. Most missions I get are just deliveries now. I feel like the pack boy for a gang all over again.

I mean, I'm pretty sure I started as the pack boy for the first three months. But I wasn't expecting only to get delivery missions after the first violent one.

I mean, so what if I created a sinkhole that made the entire country look for a group of powerful villains?

Not my fault. All for One didn't specifically tell me that I couldn't create an unnatural natural disaster. Here we are now, this is completely his responsibility.

Yep... Anyway, I've been doing something productive in my free time. I have been scratching the walls trying to perfect my craft of appearing insane.

Kyudai, the old cunt, was quite surprised to see that, but he just chalked it up to me being a bit more sentient than before.

Which seems to have pleased him quite a bit. Apparently, having a somewhat intelligent loyal servant is somewhat better than a braindead one. Who would've thought?!

Right now, I'm doing a regular delivery job. I don't really know what I am always delivering so much. But it's a bit annoying.

At least I get to fly around the country. Which is quite nice, especially in the evening.

Seeing the sunset while above the clouds is something I didn't think I'd have the pleasure to witness in my past life.

Right now though, I am flying above the buildings. I don't really care much about being seen or not. It's not like anyone will stop me, right?

Just as those thoughts ran through my head, I heard a loud shout from underneath me.

"WAIT! YOUNG MAN!" The voice was stupidly loud. I looked down curiously.

It was a muscly man with yellow hair. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. He waved over at me.

What's this guy's deal? Why does he smell like blood?

I flew towards him and landed on the roof, right beside him. I made sure not to damage the building though, collateral damage is really unlike me... Yeah, the warehouse was All for One's fault.

"Sup~," I said as I landed near him. My voice sounds a bit unnatural right now, I haven't used it in a long time, after all, I need my 'vocal cords' to warm up a bit.

The man looked beyond shocked. I guess he didn't catch a proper glimpse of me when I was in the air.

"Good evening young man! I apologise I was a bit startled..." Well, calling me a young man is a bit much, I'm just 13.

"It's fine~Used to it~" My reassuring answer seems to have made him feel worse for some strange reason.

"Ummm... Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that you should be more careful with the use of your quirk..." Great. Just what I needed right now, well at least this is better than pretending not to be able to speak.

I just stared at him like I would a mannequin in a clothing store.

"I am not that uptight an individual but others would likely give you a fine." He said with an ever-present smile. It seems he was able to brush off his previous embarrassment quite easily.

"But~I like flying~" I tilted my head a bit. Looking up at this two-meter tall man. I think I know him from somewhere... I can't remember though.

"Well, the wind hitting your face might be a nice feeling, but paying a fine isn't!" He said as he raised one finger in the air.

Suddenly, a large crashing noise was heard on the streets. We both immediately looked down, can you guess what we saw?

That's right, a villain! Who would've thunk!? They seem to be popping out quite frequently in this country. At any corner of the street, I honestly think their spawn point is randomised...

What the fuck am I thinking about? Am I turning into that brat Shigaraki?

"Young Man! Go somewhere safe! I will capture this villain!" He jumped up preparing to intercept the villain.

But the villain grew in size and turned into a large reptile, easily reaching the height of the apartment I am standing on.

The villain seemed to have a quirk that allowed him to turn into a T-rex. That's fucking awesome. I want that.

I could hear a few panicked screams from the streets. Oh wow, I wond-

"DO NOT WORRY EVERYONE! EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE! WHY?! BECAUSE I AM HERE!" Well, that's an entrance if I've ever heard one.

My eardrums are certainly not liking it though. The people seemed to like it though. "It's All Might!" I could hear a few shouts of recognition. I guess the guy's a hero?

He jumped at the dinosaur villain and cocked his fist back. A bit straight forward, but whatever.

His punch made contact with the body of the T-rex. Sending it upwards, but it looked otherwise unscathed. I guess it absorbs impact quite well.

The punch was definitely strong, I don't know if I can replicate it properly. But I am more the slashing type anyway, so who cares?

All Might jumped towards the flying dinosaur, it seems he plans to keep the fight in the air, probably to avoid damaging the buildings around him.

His punches sure could damage the infrastructure quite a bit.

But I want the dino quirk, so I am going to intervene. Just as All Might sent another punch towards the villain, keeping it airborne. I appeared beside him.

"Need Help~" I didn't really bother hiding the excitement in my tone.

He looked shocked once more. "Young Man! This is dangerous, get back!" He sure is acting like a hero.

But he does need help, the villain seems to be able to resist blunt damage quite well. To the point where there aren't even any bruises on its skin.

All Might should be planning to buy time for someone with an appropriate quirk to appear. He seems to be holding back a bit though, I guess his quirk is a bit destructive.

"It's fine~ I'll take care~ OF HIM~" The last part seemed to scare him a bit. But I didn't wait for his response.

When the words left my mouth I was already flying towards the airborne dinosaur villain. Turing into a T-Rex, here I come!

I extended my hand towards the villain, who looked a bit dazed, probably because of the constant movement and because of spinning in midair a few times.

I sunk one of my claws into his skin, not going a lot deeper than that, I flew around him constantly, slashing at him from every direction at unbelievable speeds.

I managed to also get a lick of his blood. Which is what I actually wanted to do anyway. That only took me three seconds, to fill the large body of the dinosaur with gashes and scars.

I could hear a few gasps from the streets, I guess I made a bit of a mess huh? The villain fainted and turned to his human form. I guess the pain was a bit too much for him?

I didn't let him crash to the ground though. I grabbed him in midair and brought him to the ground.

Around me were people looking at me with hostility. What? Did they not like the little blood shower?

"Young Man!" All Might was right behind me, looking a bit frustrated, mad even.

"That was too much... I will have to arrest you now..." He looked sad while saying that. I guess he doesn't really want to, but it is his job I guess.

"Good Luck~," I said, as I prepared to fight this strange man.

His hairstyle is pretty sick though. I won't cut that.


Hope you liked the chapter.

Yea, he'll fight all might now.

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