Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 158 Super Heavy Tank Battle 1





[Third Person POV]

Inside the bridge of the Super Heavy Tank, a person was sitting lazily on the commander's seat looking towards the monitor of the screen right in front of him...

He then slowly looked at one of the operators around the room...

"Hey! Did you kill it?" (???)

"N-no sir! She manages to evade the shot!" (Operator 1)

"Tch!* the focus fire on that girl! I don't know what she used but that thing managed to scratch my base!" (???)

"Yes! Lord Red!" (Operator 1)

As the operator said that he quickly started commanding the others outside to focus on the girl...

While Red just kept looking at the screen...

He saw that she was destroying a lot of vehicles that he had while also avoiding most of the fire that they sent to her...

"What the hell is she? Is she a hidden monster or something?" (Red)

As he said that another stretch of light flew from where the girl was at and hit another point in his Super Tank...

Another small quake happened around the bridge as the light impacted the tank...

"Status Report!" (Red)

"Sir, our front track is damaged! We're unable to move!" (Operator 2)

"DAM!!!" (Red)

He slammed his hand on the chair got up and quickly issued a command...

"Quickly repair the tracks! And send more vehicles to stop her advance!" (Red)

He looked at the screen again...

One of them also shows the fight in the sky...

Many of his planes are also shot down by that one plane and it's driving him crazy!...

"Ready the Missiles! Send them to that base! Our lives depend on this mission! We already received a lot of support from the empire and there's no way we lost to a group of kids and a small arms group!" (Red)

"""Yes Sir!""" (All Operators)

He then sat on the chair again and started surveying the field from the monitor...

He then opened up a large map...

"When will that stupid Noble and his stupid Fleet come dam*t... We're losing a lot of men here, I should have not accepted his request if I have to lose a lot of my men!" (Red)

He started cursing inside his head as the battle raged on outside...

"After this, I will send him to his grave if I lose more than half of my men... This is just too much for a piece of f*cking crystal!" (Red)





[Zenia POV]


The sound of explosion in the distance kept resounding as I kept moving the shells with Seven near the cannon...

My back hurts...

"Ugh*... How many left?" (Zenia)

I turned around and only a couple of more shells were left on the many shelves where they were stored...

"That's enough" (Seven)

"Fuf......" (Zenia)

As Seven said that I slowly lay myself on the floor and let my back lean on to the cover around the cannon...

That was hard for me, I just woke up a couple of hours ago after so many years of unexpected sleep, and I now had to do a lot of heavy lifting from the get-go?...

I can already feel the cramp I'm going to face on the bed once I lay down and sleep...

[Pss* Seven multiple enemies were detected right in front of the front gate, I need you to deal with them] (Will)

Suddenly Will called Seven as he was just about to sit on the cannon chair...

"Negative there still things to do here and I can't go down" (Seven)

[Well then, I guess it's her job now] (Will)

As I heard that one of my eyebrows twitched...

I looked at Seven as he also looked at me...

I slowly got up and grabbed the long-barreled revolver right beside me...

"Tell him that I'm going to need a raise after this" (Zenia)

Seven didn't say anything but nodded at me...

"Sigh*.... Another work after some hard work huh?" (Zenia)

I slowly walked towards the edge of the open room...

I looked down below where the supposed front entrance was at...

"Hey!" (Seven)

I heard Seven call me from behind...

I turned around and saw him throw something at me...

I grabbed it with my hand and looked at it...

It was a small wireless headpiece...

I slowly put the headpiece on my right ear...

[Just to be sure, Clap will be your operator when you get down there, let him know if you need any assistance] (Will)

"..." (Zenia)

While making an emotionless face I turned around and jumped down the sandy ground and let myself slide slowly towards the front entrance from the top...


The wind kept hitting me as I slowly went down...

As I saw the end of the slide I jumped from where I was and landed softly on the sandy ground without making a sound...

I then looked around but I didn't see anything in my view...

Will said that there are multiple enemies here right?...

I narrowed my eyes...


And quickly aimed my gun at a specific place and pulled the trigger...



As the bullet flew it hit something and that something fell to the ground...

And it slowly reveals itself to be an enemy that just got shot in the head...

"Camouflage armor" (Zenia)

As I said that I heard multiple sounds all around me...

"So there playing that game huh?" (Zenia)

I grinned as I kept hearing their movement all around me...

"Well, then hope you don't die easily~" (Zenia)

As I said that multiple bullets flew towards me and I quickly jumped up evading all the bullets below...

I then quickly aimed at a spot in mid-air and pulled the trigger again...



It hit another one that was running while invisible in the head and he fell hard to the sand...

As I landed on the ground I pulled up my phone again...

My phone only has 2% battery left...

"Time to do a little trolling~" (Zenia)

I pressed something from my phone and...


All of the enemy's camouflage disappears...

"What!?" (Enemy ?)

"How!?" (Enemy ?)

As I looked at them all of them were wearing fully black equipment with helmets and even some armor in their chest and hands...

I also saw some of them are using power suits in the mix...

As all of them are shocked at what just happened I aimed my gun towards a random enemy behind me...


Then I turned and shot another one that was right behind me...


And I kept shooting at them till I ran out of bullets in my magnum...


As the hammer of the magnum clicked all of them also started to aim all of their guns at me again and quickly fired their gun at me...

I quickly evaded to the side and while lying down I quickly rolled around the sand while bullets kept flying above and near me...

I pulled my phone up towards them again and pressed another thing on the screen...


Suddenly all of their equipment started buzzing...



"Aaaaa!?" (Enemy ?)

"What!?" (Enemy ?)

"My equipment!?" (Enemy ?)

All of their equipment suddenly started exploding...

Their guns, electronic equipment, communication, and even their power suit stopped working...

What did I do?...


Just a little bit of overloading~...

As that was happening my phone suddenly turned off...

"Huh, the battery is out... Welp!" (Zenia)

I looked at all of the enemies that are now...

Just sitting ducklings without any guns to shoot~...

I slowly got up and brushed the sand from my clothes...

I then slowly lowered my gun down to the ground and started crackling my hands...

And with a grinning face, I opened my mouth and said to all of them...

"I haven't exercised enough with my hands and feet and I'm afraid that I might be rusty... so why don't we do a little exercise together don't ya think?~" (Zenia)





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