Apocalypse Fantasy

Chapter 159 Super Heavy Tank Battle 2





[Third Person POV]


Above the sky on the battlefield, Eli was busy battling multiple enemy planes that were shooting at her in multiple directions...

She kept shooting her missiles machine guns and even spamming flairs as multiple missiles flew all around her...

The enemy is relentless and doesn't give her even a second to relax...

"Ugh..." (Elizabeth)

She kept turning the joysticks of the plane and did multiple maneuvers in the sky avoiding many enemy missiles and bullets...

Sadly not every one of them missed the plane...

A rocket managed to damage the left wing and some bullets even hit the glass of the cockpit and made a small crack but didn't manage to break through at least...


"!?" (Elisabeth)

More enemy fire came from her right and she quickly made the plane nose-dive down to evade the enemy fire...

As she maneuvers in the sky she also looks at the giant tank that she can see from the cockpit window...

As she kept getting closer and closer the attack from the enemy planes started to decrease...

She narrows her eyes as she sees this...

This usually means that she is now at...


"Sigh* I'm in their AA Zone huh?..." (Elizabeth)

Multiple explosions started happening around her plane...

The anti-air cannons around the giant super-heavy tank started firing at her plane from below...

She quickly started flicking some switches on her left side and started speeding up the plane...


The thrusters of the plane started resounding and the flames emitted from it brightened as the plane kept getting faster and faster while evading all the anti-air...

The anti-air of the super tank can't keep up with the plane as it keeps going faster and Eli manages to view the tank from above...

" 7 Anti air, 2 heavy tank turrets, 4 Artillery cannon, Multiple bunkers?... This tank is pretty decked out from above and what's that?" (Elizabeth)

As she kept surveying the tank she saw something in the middle of the tank's back...


"Huh?" (Elizabeth)

Suddenly a flash of light came from there and... 


And a long stretch of Lazer flew and penetrated one of the front engines of the plane...

It happened in an instant she didn't even have time to react...

"Sun of a-" (Elizabeth)


Alarms started ringing in the cockpit and she quickly turned the plane away from the tank!...

She quickly looked at the screen to her right and saw that the front left engine was literary destroyed!...

"Tch!" (Elizabeth)

As the plane's front engine that got hit started burning and smoking the anti-air on the tank started firing towards the plane again!...

Eli started maneuvering in the sky again while keeping the plane steady and keeping the speed in constant check as the multiple anti-air from the tank kept firing at her...

"I never thought they even have a Laser attached in the middle of the back of the tank! It seems it's one of their best anti-air they got there, it won't be easy to deal with this" (Elizabeth)

A laser that powerful will cut the plane like butter...

And it's a laser...

Don't ask how fast it is we all already know!...

Even the one she has isn't that powerful!...

The difference between her small laser weapons and their giant laser weapons is large...





[Liana POV]





I kept firing my railgun at them as I dashed through the sandy field... 

All of my shots hit the enemy vehicles and some of them even pierced multiple more vehicles behind them...




More and more vehicles came from the direction of the super tank...

How many do they have?...

I destroyed more than 20 vehicles already...

And more of them are coming towards me again! I can't get close to it without getting a full barrage of bullets from them!!!...

As I was doing my best to survive, I suddenly heard something coming from the super tank...


A long stretch of light came from that super tank and hit something in the sky...

As I looked there I could see that it was my plane that Eli was driving!...

"Eli..." (Liana)

I called Eli hoping that she was alright...

[Pss* Yes, everything is still under control here!] (Elizabeth)

Eli said that but I could hear explosions coming from there...

As I was still wondering Eli started talking again...

[Lia this super heavy tank is pretty decked out! 7 Anti air, 2 heavy tank turrets, 4 Artillery cannons, Multiple bunkers on each side, a laser cannon in the middle back, a large front cannon, and the main twin turret on the top front] (Elizabeth)

Hearing this I narrowed my eyes as Eli said that...

[Going over there would be quite suicidal, you should try sniping it from a distance] (Elizabeth)

"And how am I supposed to damage it then? I tried firing at some weak spots at the front but none of them worked, since I can't go to the side without encountering a lot of enemy armor as well how am I... Wait, I got a bold idea!" (Liana)

It may be armored to the brim but...

I looked at its giant cannon...

Specifically at the hole where the shell shot out from...

"I might be able to disable its cannons if I hit it inside the barrel when they are reloading it" (Liana)

[Um... That's quite the challenge, Lia... It's hard enough to even hit that small of a target from that distance, not to mention it's going to be blocked by a breech right?] (Elizabeth)

"But I can tell that it will take quite a while for them to reload that cannon after firing it, they will still be busy putting the shell by then, so the breech will be opened at that time, I just need to get lucky and hit the shell or something before they closed the breech~" (Liana)

I can't exactly get close to it anyway and can't fly up with the amount of enemies in the air...

But still have to deal with the enemy vehicles here...

"Eli I got to need your help with covering me though, I need to concentrate without any distraction coming my way for this to work" (Liana)

[Consider it done! I'm going toward you now, Cyan is already near you and she can quickly help you, and I'll also contact Will for help with your plan just to be safe] (Elizabeth)

"Thank Eli!" (Liana)

As Eli ended the call I then looked at the remaining enemy vehicles that were still surrounding me...

And more of them are moving towards me from the distance...

I can also see the cannons of the super tank adjusting their trajectory towards my way and Will's based right behind me...

I need to be quick with this one...

One sure hit from the super tank cannon will instantly kill me and everything near me...

I smiled as this was going to be another very tough challenge!...

And I like this kind of challenge!!!...

"Let's start shall we!" (Liana)

While holding the railgun in my hand the battle started again...





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