Are You Crazy? You’re Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 95 Hunter and Prey, Both Using Bait. A Mad Duel! (1)

“Over here. Wipe our tracks from behind. Wrap these herbs on your shoes.”

In the cover of the night, Wang Yun utilized his exceptional skills in tracking and evading pursuit, fleeing at a rapid pace. Periodically, he issued commands.

They had managed to escape a distance of two kilometers.

Panting heavily, the group caught their breath while Wang Yun scanned their surroundings. He stood there, his mind a whirlwind of thought, strategizing relentlessly.

“Brother Hu, they’ve only caught wind of you, not your men. Do you all still have your phones?”

“Yes, still with us,” replied his four subordinates with a nod.

“Excellent,” Wang Yun affirmed, then removed his backpack to retrieve a laptop. Without delay, he started drafting a plan.

“Brother Hu, call the delivery contact. I’ll send them the information shortly. Make sure they’re prepared to receive it,” instructed Wang Yun. “Also, you two, request two DiDi cars, no taxis. We need DiDi for our next move.”

“Understood, boss. The materials for the disguise masks will be delivered within the hour,” Brother Hu confirmed with a nod.


Meanwhile, in a weedy clearing in front of the factory, the six Captains strolled forward, smiles etched on their faces.

“Finally, Wang Yun is done for.”

Surrounding them, a cadre of program officers encircled the area. The six leaders arrived beside the two ‘bodies’. One was facedown, the other faceup–the latter unmistakably Wang Yun.

“Captain, this is Wang Yun. It’s over,” declared an officer, shining a flashlight on the upward-facing ‘body’, a broad smile on his face.

“Finally. This has been the most challenging and impressive adversary I’ve ever faced…”

Wu Mingyu gazed forward, a smile forming as he began to speak. Yet, his voice faded as his eyes locked onto ‘Wang Yun’s’ body. The captains, too, smiled at the sight of Wang Yun’s ‘body’, but their smiles quickly turned to expressions of doubt.

“Something’s off,” Wu Mingyu’s eyes narrowed, and with an exclamation of surprise, he crouched down and pulled at the face of the body. As the disguise mask was torn away, a different face was revealed to all.

“Damn, what in the world is this situation?” Kolyev couldn’t hold back his swear. He hurriedly turned over the other ‘body’, and his face altered upon seeing its features.

“Why isn’t Wang Yun here? What’s happening? Who are these two? The production team is cheating,” Kolyev, with a darkened face, couldn’t help but speak out loud.

“This face doesn’t look like Hu Sanqing either,” Ying Yuezi noted, her expression changing slightly upon examining the other ‘body.’


“I have to admit, today’s arrest operation was extraordinary, rivaling even blockbuster movies. Big Brother’s response was both swift and merciless!”

“The captains are clearly rattled. They found out about Hu Sanqing joining Big Brother but were clueless that Big Brother had seven underlings in total.”

“Ha, the captains and the program officers thought today would bring a grand finale, only to end up eliminating two of Big Brother’s little minions!”

“This wasn’t that bad, at least they managed to take down some of Big Brother’s underlings!”

The live-streaming audience was buzzing with commentary, commending the captains for their operation today. They had successfully exploited Wang Yun’s sole slip-up. But while Wang Yun made his mistake, so did they. Their critical oversight was not realizing that Wang Yun had seven underlings, leading to a flawed strategy.

Upon hearing Kolyev’s complaints, the production team communicated via their technology chip, “Cough cough, Captain Kolyev, the production team strives for fairness. We can keep adding more officers and captains. As for Wang Yun, he’s allowed to recruit underlings based on his situation.”

“Damn, Wang Yun used two underlings to divert our attention. It seems he has more than just two. Our recent operation lasted only about six to seven minutes. They can’t be far,” said Wu Yaoming, his face grim, as he surveyed the program officers, “Teams one, two, and three, come with me. We need to track down their escape route and find any traces they left behind.”

“Ames, check the nearby surveillance cameras for any sight of Wang Yun,” commanded Kolyev, his expression stern.

“Yes, Master,” responded Ames promptly.

“I’ll inspect the factory. He must have prepared in advance to detect our approach. By analyzing the traces inside, we can figure out exactly how many underlings he has,” stated Jiang Youshan seriously, making his way toward the factory.

“One more thing,” Ying Yuezi added, her eyes slightly narrowed, “We must not let him obtain the materials for the disguise masks. If he gets them, capturing them will be much harder.”

“Yes, the disguise materials,” agreed Wang Yue, nodding, “Start an investigation immediately. Find out which number Hu Sanqing contacted, then track and lock that number. Also, considering his other underlings likely have different phones, Wang Yun will surely contact the person delivering the disguise materials. We must prevent them from meeting.”

She addressed the program officers, her gaze stern, “Our top priority is to locate and apprehend the individual delivering the disguise materials. Captain Kolyev, instruct your apprentice to track down the supplier.”

“OK, understood,” Kolyev responded with a nod. He then approached the two ‘bodies’, searching them and retrieving two mobile phones. Proceeding to unlock the phones, he started sifting through their contents.

“Meanwhile, we’ll inspect the factory,” Ying Yuezi directed, leading the way into the factory.

The captains followed her, swiftly locating a specific room within the premises.

“Judging by these footprints, there were eight people here. This implies Wang Yun commands seven subordinates. We’ve eliminated two, leaving five at large. It’s likely these underlings originally belonged to Hu Sanqing before being taken over by Wang Yun,” Jiang Youshan explained, meticulously examining the area. He shared his insights as the others arrived.

“Five more underlings?” Wu Mingyu, Wang Yue, and Ying Yuezi tensed up upon hearing this revelation, their expressions turning grave.

“Additionally, look at this room,” Jiang Youshan continued as he entered another room, pointing around.

“There are multiple computers here, connected to surveillance covering the entire vicinity. Wang Yun has tapped into the local road surveillance using his hacking skills. Beyond that, he’s installed numerous cameras of his own. Every angle around this factory is under their watch. He’s left no stone unturned,” he said, settling in front of a computer to review the surveillance recordings.

Rewinding to ten minutes prior, they observed two figures sprinting towards the right on the monitors. Meanwhile, six others fled in the opposite direction.

“Wang Yun currently has no disguise mask, and neither his five remaining underlings,” Wu Mingyu noted, his gaze intense. “I recommend we relentlessly pursue them. We can’t give them any chance to rest. That way, they won’t be able to hold out for long.”

“The most crucial point is the materials for the disguise masks,” emphasized Wang Yue.

“Have we tracked down the person delivering the disguise mask materials yet? Are they located?” asked Jiang Youshan, his eyes showing a glint of urgency.

“We’re on it and should have results shortly,” Kolyev said as he approached.

Just then, Ames’s voice transmitted through Kolyev’s headset, “Target acquired, master. I’ve located the individual delivering the disguise mask materials. They’re heading toward Nancheng at over sixty kilometers per hour, only fifty kilometers from our current location.”

“Oh? Swift work, Ames. Take a team of about a dozen and move out immediately, as fast as you can,” instructed Kolyev.

“Yes, master,” Ames promptly nodded. “I’m currently tracking the vehicle using road surveillance, keeping tabs on every move.”

“Excellent. We must prevent them from obtaining the disguise mask materials,” Kolyev declared assertively, “Also, once you locate the vehicle, send the footage to me.”

“Understood, master,” Ames replied. Shortly after, he added, “Master, I’ve got it. The vehicle delivering the disguise mask materials was spotted on a road surveillance camera. I’m sending you the footage now.”

“Good, bring it up,” Kolyev responded, turning his attention to a nearby computer and starting to operate it. Soon, an image from a road surveillance camera appeared on the screen.

“Is this the vehicle making the delivery?” questioned Jiang Youshan.

“Yes, based on my apprentice’s phone tracking, this is the one,” confirmed Kolyev with a nod.

At that moment, Ames’s voice came through again, “Master, the phone signal disappeared. They must have removed the SIM card.”

Kolyev’s gaze intensified upon hearing the report. “It looks like Wang Yun is one step ahead. The surveillance showed the driver making a phone call gesture. Yet, Wang Yun hasn’t received the mask-making materials. We must keep that vehicle in sight and ensure it doesn’t vanish from our surveillance.”

“Yes, master. But the road surveillance has blind spots every few hundred meters. There are unmonitored road sections,” Ames noted.

Road surveillance cameras weren’t continuously placed along every section of the road, there were intervals without coverage.

“That’s fine. Just focus on tracking that vehicle and calculate its speed. As long as it maintains this current speed, we should encounter no issues,” Wu Mingyu interjected, “Also, how quickly can our program officers reach the vehicle?”

“Twenty minutes,” Ames answered.

“Alright, for the next twenty minutes, we’ll use the road surveillance to maintain a lock on the vehicle,” Wu Mingyu instructed, his eyes fixed on the surveillance monitor.

Translator’s thoughts: Well apparently, I will break the chapters in two, even though I said I won’t, but don’t worry, both parts will still be posted on the same day. Now, why would I break the chapters if I still post them on the same day, maybe even minutes apart? Well, a few people told me that the chapters are too long, and if they want to take a break, they find it daunting to stop in the middle of the chapters. So here we are.

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