Are You Crazy? You’re Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 94 The Essence of a Hero, Ruthless Tactics, Escape, The Crazy Game Begins!

Upon receiving his subordinates’ report, Wang Yun immediately rushed to the computer. On the screen, he saw a convoy of cars pulling up alongside the road. His eyes narrowed, and his face took on a grave expression.

At least twenty or thirty cars were arriving. It was highly likely that they were members of the program inspection team. Then he saw fully armed program officers with guns emerging from the vehicles, and his expression shifted again.

“They’ve reacted so quickly. How did they find us? Was Brother Hu discovered? His cell phone? Were they caught on surveillance while shopping?”

Wang Yun’s face showed a whirlwind of emotions.


“A large number of officers are arriving. Big Brother and the others are in danger!”

“Hmm? Big Brother and the others had set up surveillance in advance and noticed the arrival of the officers. But this time, to arrest Big Brother and the others, they quickly assembled over two hundred fully armed officers. Even thinking about escaping now seems incredibly difficult!”

“Is this… the grand finale? Big Brother is in danger!”

“Big Brother is well-prepared, though, and he’s already detected the officers’ arrival in advance. There’s still a chance to escape!’

“Thank God Big Brother was prepared. Otherwise, this would’ve been a dead end. But escaping now is going to be very difficult, considering the thorough preparations of the inspection team.”

At this moment, the viewers in the live stream were tensing up at the unfolding scene.

Captain Ying Yuezi, with her astute intellect, had found a hole left by Wang Yun. The audience was thoroughly impressed by these developments. And now, the counterattack and arrest led by the program inspection team were officially underway.

Initially, the viewers believed that Wang Yun was unbeatable, but now it seemed there was a real possibility of a climactic finale.

In the factory, Brother Hu, witnessing this scene through surveillance, showed a slight change in his expression. He spoke up anxiously, “Boss, this is bad, they have a lot of people. What do we do? If we get surrounded, we’re done for. Even escaping now, we’re still in danger.”

“Brother Hu, your ‘murder’ of Zhao Yuexingchen must have been discovered by now. Keep following my orders. As soon as we get the materials for the disguise mask, I can secure you a safe identity,” Wang Yun quickly strategized, his face hardening with determination. “If you don’t want to die, be obedient. Note down the phone number that’s sending the materials for the disguise masks, and then hand me the phone.”

At this moment, Wang Yun was completely immersed in his role.

“Yes, Boss, I understand, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!” Lao Hu responded, his eyes narrowing.

He promptly noted down a phone number and passed the phone to Wang Yun. He surmised that if their group had been discovered, then his ‘murder’ of Zhao Yuexingchen must also be out in the open. He was now officially a ‘wanted criminal’. Only by sticking with Wang Yun could he hope to survive and secure a genuine identity. He was desperate to live.


“Wow, what’s happening? Big Brother and Brother Hu are completely into their roles now!” one viewer exclaimed.

“According to the show’s rules, Brother Hu was initially coerced into joining Big Brother. Now that the immediate threat is gone, Big Brother needs to offer something else to ensure Brother Hu’s compliance,” another viewer analyzed.

“Exploding, they have completely immersed themselves in their identities, Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!”

The viewers were slightly taken aback by Wang Yun and Brother Hu’s performance. They were entirely absorbed in their identities, presenting a clash as real as that of two actual murderers.

Wang Yun picked up the phone, his gaze sweeping over his six remaining subordinates. He focused on one, then swiftly removed his own disguise mask.

“Come here and put this on,” Wang Yun commanded, gesturing with the disguise mask.

The subordinate, visibly startled, asked, “Boss, what are you planning?”

“Put it on,” Wang Yun instructed, his face devoid of emotion. He fitted the mask onto the man and then handed him a submachine gun. He also gave another pistol to a different subordinate.

“You two, head to the right and run as far as you can,” Wang Yun directed them with urgency. He then ripped a piece of cloth from one of the other subordinates and wrapped it around the second man’s mouth like a makeshift mask, covering half his face.

The two subordinates hesitated for a moment, quickly grasping Wang Yun’s intent. This was a ploy to divert attention, a sacrifice.

“Follow the Boss’s orders. If you die, I’ll avenge you,” Brother Hu bellowed to them, his voice resolute.

“Yes, Boss,” they bit down on their teeth and nodded firmly, embracing their roles as the most loyal henchmen of ‘Hu Sanqing’.

“The rest of you, take guns and follow me,” Wang Yun shouted without delay.

He had a pistol holstered at his waist and a submachine gun in his hands as he made a beeline for the back. He was intimately familiar with the surroundings.

At that moment, the program inspection team was still a few hundred meters away. As long as they avoided a major pursuit by the inspection team, they would be safe. Moreover, for added security, Wang Yun instructed two of his men to escape towards the right. That direction was more likely to draw the attention of the program officers.

Wang Yun surmised that it was impressive enough for them to have pinpointed Hu Sanqing’s location in such a short time. But they certainly wouldn’t anticipate the complexity of Hu Sanqing’s identity. Nor would they expect that Wang Yun had a total of seven subordinates.

Two of these men, one impersonating him and the other Hu Sanqing, were to serve as decoys. The chances of a successful ‘escape’ this time were around 70%.


“Wow, this… this… Big Brother is actually sending two of his men to their deaths, that’s…”

“Those two attracting be the target to die, and then Big Brother and the others use this chance to escape. This is truly the act of a cunning and ruthless hero!’

“Indeed, it’s a merciless move of a ruthless hero, the terrifying behavior of a bandit. Big Brother’s decision is quite chilling.”

“Big Brother is portraying a fugitive. More than 20 program inspectors have died at his hands. He’s a ruthless person. Sending his men to die is not out of character for him.”

Upon witnessing this scene, all the viewers showed expressions of shock on their faces. Sacrificing the lives of two subordinates for a chance at escape truly defines a fearless bandit.

This scene sent chills down their spines.


Meanwhile, at the front of the factory, a series of vehicles pulled up. Wu Yaoming, holding a communicator, began issuing a flurry of commands.

“Quickly, teams one, two, and three, surround the factory.” Teams four, five, and six get ready to enter the factory.’

The program officers, armed with guns and shields, advanced toward the factory in orderly squads.”

“Drones, initiate aerial blockade.”

As the program officers surged forward, Wu Yaoming’s strategy was yet to be fully implemented. A fleet of over a dozen drones swiftly soared into the air. Images captured by the drones were streamed live to their computers.

Wu Yaoming had meticulously planned every step of the operation on their way here. As soon as they arrived, his plans were swiftly set into motion. The operations were executed efficiently, without a hint of hesitation or pause, resembling a powerful military force.

“We’ve tracked their movement to the right via phone location. Did they leave the factory? Our operation has been exposed,” Ames’s voice resonated from the back. He scrutinized the phone locations on his computer, his gaze intense and calculating.

An exhilarated expression dawned on Wu Yaoming’s face as he issued a loud command, “Drones, head immediately to the right. This time, we must lock down Wang Yun and capture them.”

The drones buzzed as they rapidly flew toward the phone’s position.

“Hahaha, let’s keep moving, we’re heading there too,” Kolyev, seeing the inspection team in action and aware that the target had been located, called out enthusiastically.

“With drones looking down from above and over two hundred officers on the ground, I’m curious to see how Wang Yun plans to escape,” Wu Mingyu commented with a smirk, holding a computer displaying the real-time drone footage.

“Today’s the day we hopefully catch Wang Yun. We’ve faced defeat too many times,” Jiang Youshan’s eyes sparkled with a mix of determination and anticipation.

This time, they had made a sudden advance and swiftly moved to execute the arrest.

Two hundred fully armed program officers, along with drones, were performing an aerial lockdown. They had everything covered, from the sky to the ground, meticulously planning every detail. This time, the likelihood of capturing Wang Yun was exceedingly high.

Drones swiftly maneuvered through the sky, homing in on the location identified by the mobile phone. Soon enough, through the birds-eye view of the drones, two figures could be seen making a rapid escape.

“Drones, activate the lighting mode and spotlight them,” Wu Mingyu, observing the indistinct figures below, commanded without delay.

The drone operators immediately switched on the drones’ lighting systems. Beams of light targeted the two fleeing figures below.

“Damn, they’ve got drones.”

“Shoot them down!”

Upon realizing they were illuminated, the faces of the fleeing figures turned to alarm. The one disguised as Wang Yun swiftly raised his submachine gun and began firing.

The rattle of gunfire filled the air as a hail of bullets was unleashed. Several drones in the sky were visibly shaken by the assault.

“Report to the captain. Five drones have been hit and can’t continue the reconnaissance. The suspects are armed with a submachine gun,’ reported the drone operator immediately.

“I see them. The one with the submachine gun is Wang Yun and the other must be Hu Sanqing,” Wu Mingyu, focusing on the fuzzy images from the drone, recognized the face of Wang Yun.

Wu Yaoming, upon hearing the reports from Wu Mingyu and his nearby subordinates, had a gleam in his eye as he swiftly issued combat commands, “All drones, move in. Teams one, two, and three, converge on the location of the gunfire and drone lights. The drones will keep the area illuminated from above. Teams Four, Five, and Six, expand the battle line and encircle.”

“Excellent, we’ve finally got that guy,” Jiang Youshan, observing the tactical setup, couldn’t hide his excitement. With this arrangement, there was no chance for Wang Yun to escape.

“Good,” Ying Yuezi noted, a cold smile forming as she observed the scene. “I may have lost the last round, but this time, I’ve won. If I lose, it’s bad for me, but if you lose, it’s the end of everything!”

“Today, I should be able to avenge my disciple, which is a decent outcome,” Kolyev murmured to himself. Although he had been humiliated, capturing Wang Yun within two days of his arrival was quite an achievement.

At this moment, through the team captains’ communicators, the voices of the program inspectors could be heard, “The first team has spotted Wang Yun and his group. Should we open fire?”

“Eliminate them all, don’t give him any chance to escape,” Wu Yaoming decisively ordered.

There was no room for failure this time. Wang Yun’s ‘crimes’ were enough to warrant execution many times over.

The two figures were running as hard as they could. Behind them, numerous program officers, fully armed and holding firearms, advanced in an orderly manner. Above, drones locked onto them.

“We can’t get away!”

“Let’s fight back!”

The two figures, seeing the drones hovering above, prepared to confront their pursuers. Surrounded by a large number of program officers preparing to encircle them, the two men faced a wave of despair upon seeing the pursuing forces.

“I hope the boss can avenge us,” one of them exclaimed.

“Fire!” they both yelled, engaging in a frenzy of shooting. The pair stood their ground, continuously attacking the approaching forces.

“Be careful, use shields for protection,” the team captains commanded loudly.

“Return fire!”

The front line of heavily armed program officers promptly responded, resisting and firing back.

A dense hail of bullets rained down. The two figures trembled as they saw the red spots marking their bodies.

“The boss will avenge us,” they assured each other before silently collapsing to the ground.

“Target has been eliminated,” came the immediate reports from the program officers upon seeing the two fall.

“It’s over,” the six team captains celebrated upon hearing the reports, their faces lighting up with triumphant smiles. They exchanged looks and marched confidently forward.

Meanwhile, a kilometer away from the factory, six figures were fleeing rapidly. They ran without pause, covering a kilometer in just a few minutes.

Brother Hu, seeing the gunshots cease in the distance, took a deep breath, his expression fraught with discomfort.

“I will avenge them,” Wang Yun declared, his eyes cold and resolute as he glanced behind him. “I will make them pay tenfold, twentyfold, even thirtyfold within a day.”

He acknowledged that he had made a slight error this time. There was one aspect he hadn’t fully accounted for. He had somewhat underestimated the chief inspectors. His latest escape had, unfortunately, resulted in the ‘sacrifice’ of two of his subordinates.

Yet, he was determined to seek revenge. This vendetta, he vowed, would be settled.

“Next, we’ll play a game with you, a game of life and death,” Wang Yun mused.

He reviewed his attributes and the system rewards he had earned for avenging ‘Hu Sanqing.’ A plan started taking shape in his mind. He licked his lips in anticipation.

‘Purchase the god-level tracking and anti-tracking skills,’‘ he thought to himself.

“Keep running. And then, it’s time to strategize,” Wang Yun declared with a steely resolve.

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