Are You Crazy? You’re Telling Me This Is a Fugitive TV Show?

Chapter 97 Game and Reality. A Web of Traps, Hunting, Control, Terror, and Madness! (1)

The game begins!

Over three hundred program officers were strategically divided into various small teams. More than two hundred of these officers encircled the abandoned factory, while over a hundred spread out across the surrounding area, vigilantly scanning their surroundings.

The bait driver had already made his way into the abandoned factory. Above, drones circled, meticulously monitoring everything from the sky.

At that moment, Wang Yun, seated in a restaurant, pressed a key on his laptop, a smirk forming on his face.

Everything was set in motion.


“Wow, the inspection team has really gone all out this time, deploying over three hundred officers. They’re dead set on capturing Big Brother!”

“What’s Big Brother’s plan now? With a disguise mask at his disposal, he’s just sitting in a restaurant. This whole operation by the team is doomed to fail!”

“With all the effort Big Brother has put into drawing the officers here for revenge, what’s his endgame? It’s just six against over three hundred, that seems utterly impossible.”

“Maybe the abandoned factory is booby-trapped with explosives, and once they enter, it’s all going to blow up?”

“Big Brother doesn’t have bombs, but could he have made explosives from gas canisters? Am I smart? Am I onto something?”

“I have to say, the inspection team’s strategy this time is strong. But sadly, they’re clueless that Big Brother, with his disguise mask, is sitting nearby, watching everything unfold.”

As these scenarios played out, viewers in the livestream were abuzz, watching intently and speculating wildly about what was to come. Since Wang Yun hadn’t directed the live broadcast camera toward the factory’s interior today, the viewers were left in the dark about his arrangements inside. They could only guess endlessly.

“Are you all wondering what I’m actually up to?”

Suddenly, Wang Yun’s voice echoed to the live broadcast viewers, causing a moment of surprise.

“I was bored and created a little game. You might enjoy it, and it will reveal the answers you seek,” Wang Yun continued, smiling as he sat there.

“A game? Which game?”

“Is it the ‘Death Factory’ game shown on Big Brother’s laptop?”

“‘Death Factory’? Does this game hold the answers we want?”

“I’ve already downloaded it. It’s not a large game!”

The viewers were quick to respond, many immediately downloading the game on their phones. Everyone was brimming with curiosity about Wang Yun’s next move.

With a click, Wang Yun shut his laptop and pulled out a smartphone. He opened the ‘Death Factory’ game. A notification sound played, and the game screen appeared. In the center, blood-red text asked, ‘Do you want to open the Gates of Hell?’

Wang Yun tapped ‘Yes.’

With a series of mechanical clicks, a door in the game creaked open. The scene shifted, and the words ‘Game Start’ appeared in bold letters.

Wang Yun chuckled, grabbed his bag, and headed outside, casting a distant glance toward the team captains’ location.

Plainclothes program officers were surveying the area, but they couldn’t recognize Wang Yun past the disguise.


“Teams one, two, and three, enter through the main gate. Teams four and five, secure the back door and enter from there. Team six, block all the factory windows to prevent anyone from escaping.”

In front of the abandoned factory, Wu Yaoming’s commands resounded. Program officers in plain clothes strategically encircled the factory. Soon, they had the entire structure completely surrounded.

“What’s happening? Who are all those people?”

“Look, those seem to be personnel from the Skynet Operation. Are they here to capture Wang Yun?”

“I saw yesterday’s Skynet Operation broadcast. They didn’t catch Wang Yun here. Is he back again today?”

“Let’s go see, it’s not often we get this close to a Skynet Operation show!”

Bystanders leaving work noticed the sudden assembly of people and looked on in curiosity. Recognizing them as the Skynet Operation team, they moved closer, intrigued. Quickly, a large crowd gathered.

“Captain, all squads are in position. Do we move in?”

Wu Yaoming and his team glanced at the gathering crowd but remained focused. A program officer’s voice then came through the communicator.

“Deploy reconnaissance drones first to scout inside,” Wu Yaoming ordered. “Check for explosives. If it’s clear, proceed with the operation.”

“Understood, Captain.”

At the entrance to the abandoned factory, a program officer gestured to the team behind. Two officers deployed a scouting device. With a soft hum, three compact drones zipped into the factory interior.

Encirclement tactics weren’t like those in certain movies, where characters recklessly charge in. Instead, they involved drone reconnaissance, advanced detection methods, protective gear like goggles and bulletproof shields, and a full array of weapons and equipment.

Even though the program officers were in plain clothes this time, they still had bulletproof shields at the ready. Drone surveillance was, of course, essential. Faced with a dangerous ‘fugitive,’ they wouldn’t blindly rush into the situation.

Three compact drones flew into the factory, revealing every nook and cranny inside. They glided forward, soon capturing a significant scene with their cameras.

In the factory’s central area, near the staircase leading to the second floor, stood a group of six people. Among them was their bait, the young driver. The rest were identifiable as Hu Sanqing and his team, in their normal appearances, no masks. They were holding the disguise materials, seemingly engaged in a discussion.

“Report to the captain, the drones have located Wang Yun’s subordinates, about five or six people inside,” announced a program officer observing the drone footage, his voice filled with excitement. “Captain, it’s them, they’re inside”

“Hmm?” Wu Yaoming and the other five team captains, hearing the report, had their eyes light up, “Advance.”

“Roger that,” came the immediate response from the program officers.

With a rustle of movement, they swiftly advanced toward the factory, eyes alight with anticipation.

At that moment, inside the factory near the staircase leading to the second floor, Hu Sanqing and his team noticed the surveillance drone. Hearing the commotion outside, they ‘panicked’ and shouted loudly, “Damn, we’ve been spotted, boss, they’ve found us. Take out that surveillance drone!”

Bang, bang, bang!

They shot at the drone, then without any hesitation, bolted upstairs.

“Pursue them, but remain vigilant of the rooms on either side as we move forward,” commanded the squad leaders, swiftly advancing.

Flanking their path were rooms with transparent glass doors, similar to school doors, that allowed them to peer inside. However, they spotted no one.

“They’re probably upstairs. Deploy scouting drones first. We can’t afford to walk into an ambush,” came the cautionary advice from Wu Yaoming, watching through the cameras mounted on several squad leaders as they made their entry.

“Understood, Captain,” responded the leaders.

“Excellent, they’re definitely in this factory,” Wu Yaoming said, smiling as he spoke excitedly to the other captains.

“This time, I expect no surprises,” added Jiang Youshan with a grin.

“Wang Yun is incredibly difficult to deal with. He communicated with the driver in such a covert manner, had him dodge surveillance, switch taxis, and take a long detour to this place. If we hadn’t placed a tracker in those materials, we might have lost him,” Wu Mingyu commented with a chuckle. “But Wang Yun is bold too. Despite knowing we were monitoring the driver, he still took action.”

“He can’t afford to lose those disguise materials. Without them, he loses his biggest asset. Moreover, with several subordinates, they’re like glaring beacons, so securing those materials is a necessity,” said Wang Yue, her voice laced with unmistakable admiration for Wang Yun’s abilities. She then added with a slight smile, “Today, we should be able to conclude this.”

“Let’s have some music,” suggested Kolyev, pulling out his phone to play a tune, smiling broadly as he listened.

“Don’t be too quick to celebrate. Wang Yun previously sacrificed two of his men. He might distance himself from today’s events. He might not even be in the factory,” Ying Yuezi commented calmly.

“Whether he’s there or not doesn’t really matter. Without his disguise masks, if we don’t catch him today, how far can he run?” Wu Yaoming chuckled dismissively. “Also, I believe Wang Yun sacrificing two men must have caused some dissatisfaction among his ranks. In reality, he can’t afford to ‘sacrifice’ them again without risking a revolt.”

“That makes sense,” agreed Ying Yuezi after a moment’s hesitation, nodding with a smile.

They understood the fairness of the show team, which wouldn’t reduce Wang Yun’s subordinates to mere expendable tools. Their eyes then settled on the laptops in the hands of Wu Mingyu and Wu Yaoming.

At that moment, inside the factory, the program officers rapidly advanced.

“Team one, head upstairs. Team two, secure the first floor,” directed a squad leader, pointing upwards.

Another leader nodded, ready to provide cover from the rear.

Immediately, three reconnaissance drones quickly ascended. But as soon as they began to rise, gunfire erupted, and the screens of the drones went black.

“They’re all upstairs. Bring the shields, advance,” a squad leader commanded upon seeing the fleeting images captured by the drones. Two program officers, equipped with bulletproof shields, swiftly moved toward the stairs. Another two officers held up their shields, ready to block any attacks from above. They moved in a team of four.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

As they stormed upstairs, a barrage of bullets targeted them, but were repelled by their bulletproof shields.

“Charge!” the leading program officers instantly drew their guns, firing ahead. Seizing the moment, the remaining officers hurriedly followed suit, rushing upstairs.

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