Arifureta: Dark Lord

Job Class [2]

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Reiji sat there, his expression unnerved. He had already garnered enough attention, and involving himself in a situation that wouldn't benefit him seemed pointless. Besides, he knew it wouldn't be long before Aiko stepped in to handle it.

“Hey! Stop laughing at him! I won’t allow anyone to laugh at their classmates on my watch! As a teacher, I absolutely will not condone it! Now return Nagumo-kun’s Status Plate this instant!” The boys were all taken aback by how much anger was visible in Aiko-sensei’s small frame.

They hurriedly returned Hajime’s plate to avoid her wrath. Aiko-sensei turned to Hajime and gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder. “Nagumo-kun, don’t worry about your job! Look, I got a non-combat job too! And aside from my job, most of my stats are pretty average too! You’re not alone!”

Aiko-sensei then showed her pink-colored plate to Hajime, saying, “Here, look!”

Soon after, Hajime's eyes took on the vacant gaze of a dead fish as he finished reading Aiko's plate. Reiji observed with curiosity, wondering just how low Hajime's stats must be to elicit such a reaction.

"Alright, everyone, let's continue with the status inspection, and then you can explore the castle or spend time together. But remember to rest. Our real training begins tomorrow," Captain Meld reminded the group.

He proceeded to check the remaining statuses until he reached the last person. Captain Meld extended his hand, signaling for Reiji to hand over his plate.

Reiji furrowed his brow. It was too early to simply divulge information about his capabilities. In defiance, he slipped his Status Plate into his pocket and stared at Captain Meld.

“What exactly is the purpose of this procedure? You say it’s to build a suitable training regimen for us, but is that really true? I want to know who exactly holds my information if I were to share it with you,” Reiji asked assertively.

Raising an eyebrow, Captain Meld replied, "Yes, we check your Status Plates to create suitable training regimens for you heroes and bring out your full potential. And the only people who have access to your information and that of others are myself, nobles, other high officials, the King, and the Pope, of course."

Reiji let out a sigh and locked eyes with Captain Meld, conveying his message. "I have no interest in showing my Status Plate to you or anyone else," he said firmly.

With a dawning realization, Captain Meld focused his gaze on Reiji. "You don't trust us?" he questioned.

Reiji sidestepped the question and let out a weary sigh. "Look, let's put this into perspective. Imagine yourself in our shoes. You're a teenager, still in the midst of adolescence, with no real-world experience or combat skills. Then suddenly, you're whisked away to a fantasy world and expected to fight in a war. Would you blindly believe everything they tell you and willingly join the battle?"

"Ye—" Captain Meld began, but he was swiftly interrupted.

"Captain Meld, be serious. You had no prior knowledge of such a world even existing. Would you truly risk your life for a world you had no understanding of? Set aside your morals, ethics, and emotional attachments, and consider it from a logical standpoint."

Captain Meld pondered for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I suppose I wouldn't trust everything they said right off the bat."

"Exactly," Reiji nodded. "Now, I'm not saying that I don't trust you, but I don't know you well enough to just hand over my personal information like that. It's not personal, it's just a matter of caution and self-preservation."

Captain Meld looked at Reiji for a moment before nodding. "I understand. We'll work with what we have. Just remember that we're here to help you all become the best heroes you can be. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. However, I still need to report this to the Pope and King. I hope you understand."

Reiji nodded in understanding. "It's all right. You're just doing your duty after all," he said calmly. Thanking him for his understanding, Captain Meld then dismissed the class, reminding them to rest well and be prepared for the real training that would begin the following day.


In Reiji's room, lying down on his bed, he stared at the ceiling, sighing as he contemplated the events that had transpired. He considered himself fortunate that Captain Meld had been open-minded and understanding. Otherwise, the situation could have escalated further.

By crafting a believable and logical explanation, he had managed to quell Captain Meld's suspicions, at least for the time being. However, Reiji was well aware that his fabricated story would eventually reach the ears of the Pope.

As he lay there, Reiji's mind was consumed with swirling thoughts. He had only arrived a day ago and was already faced with seemingly insurmountable problems. He had no influence, no strength, no knowledge, and no leverage against the enemy.

The only thing keeping him alive was his status as a Hero and his reputation among the others. If he were to suddenly disappear, it would raise eyebrows and cause distrust towards the Kingdom and the Pope for not protecting their Heroes well enough.

This was the only leverage, the only advantage that Reiji had over the Pope and King. He intended to make the most of it. Although there might be consequences, such as being confined to his room or a similar punishment, they couldn't simply eliminate him. As long as he didn't do anything extreme like killing innocents or directly insulting the King and Pope, it shouldn't be too severe.

Grabbing his status plate, he examined it once more:



Name; Reiji Sukehiro — Age: 17 — Male — Level: 1

Job: Dark Lord

Strength: 130

Vitality: 120

Defense: 100

Agility: 110

Magic: 150

Magic Defense: 100

Magic/Skills: Language Comprehension, Physical Resistance, Dark Magic Efficiency, Spear Proficiency, Darkness Affinity, Darkness Manipulation, Increased Mana Recovery, Stealth, Image Composition, Necromancy, Shadow Manipulation, Detect Presence, Detect Magic, Dark Lords Haki



Reiji's element was the very same abyss from which he had emerged 17 years ago. His skills were versatile, designed for both offense and defense, as well as close and long-range combat.

Reiji had already brainstormed a few ideas for skills and magic, but he needed to know how to create them. He possessed the {Image Composition} skill, but he wasn't sure whether he still needed to use chants and magic circles to cast a spell. {Image Composition} allows him to create and manipulate images in his mind, which he can then project onto the physical world. Now, what you may be thinking is, how exactly does Reiji know this, right?

When Reiji had dropped his blood on his status and it shimmered, a surge of information regarding his skills flooded his mind. It provided an immediate, almost innate intuition on how to use them, along with basic knowledge about each skill. It is reasonable to assume that the same phenomenon occurred for the others as well.

However, this does not imply that Reiji and his peers know how to effectively utilize their abilities. Like any other skill or talent, harnessing magic requires practice, training, and experience. Even those with Mage Job Classes must acquire the skills to control and manipulate their mana, mastering the art of casting spells and employing various techniques.

Reiji rose from his bed and quickly headed to the bathroom to take a refreshing bath. After getting out, he changed into some comfortable clothes. Since it was still early, he decided to go get some breakfast before meeting up with Shizuku.

Reiji was curious about what was happening within the class since he hadn't interacted with anyone in a while. While he wasn't certain if there would be any significant benefits to knowing, he found it comforting to be aware of what was going on around him.

Reiji walked through the castle's long hallways until he arrived at the cafeteria. The room was vast and spacious, with high ceilings that gave it an airy feel.

The cafeteria was filled with rows of long tables and chairs arranged in a grid pattern with a central aisle running down the middle. The tables were made of polished wood and paired with matching chairs that looked comfortable enough to sit in for hours.

The walls of the cafeteria were adorned with simple yet elegant tapestries and paintings, adding a touch of sophistication to the room. The windows lining the walls allowed plenty of natural light to flood in, casting warm shadows across the polished wooden floors.

A large fireplace was situated at one end of the cafeteria, providing warmth and a cozy atmosphere during colder months. The kitchen area at the other end of the room was bustling with activity as chefs prepared and served meals to the castle residents.

The cafeteria was filled with the sound of chatter and laughter as Reiji made his way towards the food stations to pick up his dishes. He eventually spotted Shizuku and Kaori sitting at a moderate distance and approached them, causing both of them to startle. "Are you guys alright? You seem to be deep in thought," Reiji asked.

Shizuku let out a sigh and nodded, replying, “Yeah, we’re okay, just processing all the information we got.”

Kaori agreed, "Yeah. Although we already know we're in some fantasy world, I feel like this really hit home for some others." As Reiji looked around, he could see various students sitting and talking excitedly about their Job Classes and Skills.

As they started eating, Reiji asked, “Other than the reality check for the class, is anything else happening within the class?”

Groaning in frustration, Shizuku stabbed her fork into the meat before eating it, then sent a light glare at Reiji. “There’s a schism between the class now due to your speech yesterday. There are some who agree with what you said and others who still want to fight anyway.”

Reiji processed the information with a hum, prompting Shizuku to snap, “Don’t ‘hmmm’ me! Because of you, Kaori and the rest of us had to deal with constant bickering between the two. Although those that want to participate in the war outnumber those who don’t, they show no signs of letting up.”

"Well, sorry, not sorry. I don’t think pointing out the consequences of war is necessarily a bad thing, do you?" Reiji responded, shrugging. Shizuku nodded in agreement.

Kaori suddenly became curious and asked, "Reiji, what's your Job Class?" This piqued Shizuku's interest as well. "While we have heard about the other Job Classes, we haven’t heard of yours at all," she added.

Reiji smiled mysteriously and replied:

"Who knows?"


Location: Throne Room

"And thus concludes my report for today, Your Majesty."

Captain Meld knelt on the floor, concluding his report for the day, with the King and Pope Ishtar in attendance. The atmosphere was tense as the two leaders contemplated the information they had just received.

"What course of action do you recommend, Pope Ishtar?" the King asked. Captain Meld's report had revealed that Reiji did not trust them, which was a significant problem for the Kingdom. They needed the Hero's support to win the war against the demons, and any mistrust could prove to be detrimental to their cause.

"I suggest that we allow him some time to build trust with us, Your Majesty," Ishtar replied, his hand stroking his beard in contemplation. He then turned towards Captain Meld and addressed him directly.

"Captain Meld, it is imperative that we gain Reiji's trust. I want you to build a rapport with him, help him train, and offer your guidance. Our goal is for him to see us as allies, not as adversaries. Remember, our success in this war depends on unity, and without it, we will be defeated."

"Understood, Your Excellency," Captain Meld replied. "I have already taken the liberty of enlisting him in some of my training sessions."

The King nodded in agreement with Pope Ishtar's plan, his eyes focused on the Captain. "Very well, Captain Meld. You have your orders. See to it that they are carried out with utmost diligence."

Captain Meld bowed his head in acknowledgement, his face betraying no emotion. "Yes, Your Majesty. I will do everything in my power to ensure that Reiji sees us as his allies."

"Good. You are dismissed, Captain," the King said, waving his hand in dismissal.

Captain Meld rose from his kneeling position and silently departed, leaving the tense atmosphere of the room behind. Once the captain was out of earshot, Pope Ishtar turned towards the King and spoke with a serious tone.

"While Captain Meld focuses on gaining Reiji's trust, it falls upon us to address the concerns of the other students," Ishtar stated. "Reiji's speech has planted seeds of doubt within their minds, and we cannot afford to have anyone stray from the cause. Unity is paramount in our war against the demons, and we must work to maintain it."

The King nodded in agreement, his expression grave. "What course of action do you suggest, Pope Ishtar?"

"At present, our best course of action is to exercise patience and wait for the situation to calm down," Ishtar replied, his gaze fixed on the clock. "The students are currently in a state of panic and are unable to think rationally."

"Once the situation has stabilized and the students are more composed, we can then intervene and quell their worries. We must remember that they are young and impressionable, and their doubts and fears can easily spread like wildfire if not addressed promptly."

The King concurred, acknowledging the validity of Ishtar's statement. "Very well, Your Excellency. If you would excuse me, I have some paperwork to attend to at the Holy Church."

The King nodded in acknowledgement of Ishtar's request, and with a final bow, he exited the room. He ascended the stairs of the castle, eventually arriving at the top, where he could see the sprawling kingdom below.

"Faith is the key that opens the road to heaven—Celestial Path." As Ishtar finished his chant, the magic circle engraved on the pedestal lit up with blinding brightness.

Location Ishtar’s Office

The room was bathed in a soft, inviting glow emanating from the candles, creating an intimate atmosphere. Adorning the walls were intricate carvings and murals, depicting various religious stories and myths.

The ceiling, which was arched, boasted golden chandeliers, lending a touch of grandeur to the room and providing extra light.

At the center of the room stood a large throne adorned with gold accents and fine silks, exuding an air of authority and power. Seated upon it was Ishtar himself, his mask dropped and a frown etched onto his face. He tapped his fingers in frustration on the throne's armrest and muttered, "Reiji," as if in a trance.

‘This young man has truly done it this time. He has outmaneuvered me, using his classmates as a shield. Well done, I can't help but be impressed. He's so young, yet brimming with potential,’ Ishtar thought, offering praise, before his expression morphed into one of insatiable greed.

‘That's precisely why I must bring him under my control.’

Raising his hand as a signal, a black hooded figure appeared out of nowhere, kneeling in front of Ishtar. Looking at the person, Ishtar said, “Keep an eye on the hero named Reiji. This is strictly information gathering. I don’t care how you do it, but I will tell you this: DON’T HARM HIM.” Ishtar emphasized his point to make it clear.

“Yes, Ishtar-sama,” the hooded figure obliged. Smiling contentedly, Ishtar gave a final warning to the hooded figure before they left.

“You better not fail this mission. You know what happens to those who fail in the Inquisition.” With sweat running down the figure's back, they nodded and left as fast as they had arrived.

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