Arifureta: Dark Lord

Training [1]

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Unaware of Ishtar's schemes, Reiji lay content in his bed, reflecting on his day. Earlier, Kaori and Shizuku had convinced him to explore the training grounds with them. While Reiji had initially intended to visit the castle library, he saw potential benefits in their proposal and agreed to join them.

Together, they had combed through every nook and cranny of the training grounds, exploring each building and area they could access. In the center of the grounds, they discovered a large circular arena made of sturdy stone blocks, surrounded by stands for spectators to watch the training exercises.

Various training equipment, including dummies, target boards, and obstacles, were scattered around the arena for the trainees to use to hone their combat skills.

On one side of the training grounds lay a large lake with crystal-clear water that reflected the blue sky above. The lake was surrounded by a rocky outcropping, which provided a natural obstacle for the trainees to practice their climbing and balancing skills.

On the other side of the grounds, they saw a dense and sprawling forest with towering trees that seemed to stretch up to the sky. The branches interwove, forming a thick canopy overhead, blocking out much of the sunlight. Though they never ventured into the forest, signs of wild animals and potential monsters were shown near the forest's edge.

Today had proven to be both informative and relaxing for Reiji. His plan to create a divide among his classmates had surprisingly worked, despite his initial doubts. He hadn't expected it to be this successful due to the factors of influence and status.

Naturally, people tend to trust those they have known for a longer time, as familiarity breeds comfort. Nevertheless, the schism within the class had granted him a longer moment of freedom, affording him additional time to concentrate on his objectives.

Another aspect that caught Reiji's attention was the variety of job classes present within the class. Kaori, in particular, proved to be a valuable social network, providing him with access to a wealth of information. Having knowledge about his peers' job classes could prove to be advantageous in the future, if utilized correctly.

Moreover, he appreciated the opportunity to take a break from constant thinking and planning. Spending the day exploring the castle and hanging out with Shizuku and Kaori allowed him to relax and clear his head. The constant mental strain of strategizing was becoming burdensome, and this respite provided a much-needed reprieve.

‘Today has certainly been full of pleasant surprises,’ Reiji mused, his lips curving into a small smile. ‘But I can't let my guard down just yet. Who knows what Ishtar has planned next and when he'll strike?’

‘However, there's no use dwelling on it now, though. Tomorrow marks the official start of our training, and I must be in top condition for it.’

Closing his eyes, it didn't take long before Reiji's breath slowed, becoming steady and soft as he drifted into a peaceful slumber.




On the following day, all of the students lined up in anticipation. Captain Meld, along with the other instructors, had made the decision to divide them into eight groups of five. Reiji stood among his classmates, his eyes fixed on the captain, who stood at the forefront of the training ground.

Captain Meld cleared his throat, his voice projected with authority. "Attention, everyone! I will now announce the groups you will be assigned to. Listen carefully for your names!"

The air was filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness as the students awaited their fate. Standing within the group of students, Reiji's eyes scanned the area, taking in the sight of the various instructors standing around the training ground.

As he observed the instructors, he noticed one of them staring intently in his direction. Their eyes met briefly, causing Reiji to pause. But as he looked back a second time, he realized that the instructor was no longer looking at him and had shifted their focus to the other students.

Reiji couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off, but he decided to brush it off for the time being and focus on the task at hand.

“Group 1: Kaori, Suzu, Hajime, Kosuke, and Yuka.”

“Group 2: Eri, Daisuke, Yoshiki, Nana, and Sakura.”

“Group 3: Shimizu, Kentarou, Akito, Shinji, and Mao.”

“Group 4: Kotone, Shori, Kana, Mei, and Yuya.”

“Group 5: Ayako, Jugo, Rika, Shouta, and Taeko.”

“Group 6: Atsushi, Noburu, Nao, Reichi, and Ren.”

“Group 7: Shizuku, Kouki, Ryutarou, and Reiji.”

“Groups 1-5, you will be following some of the instructors to the obstacle course. These groups are based on your stats, so your main focus will be building stamina and strength," Captain Meld continued, addressing the designated groups. "While the rest of the groups will be refining technique and skills."

Reiji listened intently, taking note of the group he had been assigned to. It was relatively easy to discern why they had placed him in this particular group. Though he had not revealed his status, there were several students present who could potentially be interrogated for information about him.

Furthermore, his introduction could serve as a basis for assessing his proficiency in Sojutsu, which would be a significant indicator of his physical abilities.

The groups made their way inside the entrance of the arena, passing through a long, dimly lit corridor before finally emerging into the bright sunlight of the arena. Reiji shielded his eyes for a moment, adjusting to the sudden change in brightness.

"Alright then," Captain Meld began, addressing the group. "Since all of you already possess exceptional physical attributes, we will focus on refining your skills and techniques." He gestured towards a group of instructors who had assembled nearby.

"We have several specialists here who will be teaching you various weapon techniques, as well as a weapon specialist who was personally selected by the King and Pope due to his impressive accomplishments within the Kingdom."

Reiji's gaze followed Captain Meld's gesture to the weapon specialist, and he recognized the man who had been staring at him earlier. The specialist had striking spiked red hair and a muscular build, which was emphasized by his armor.

The armor covered his chest and upper abdomen but left his arms, shoulders, and back exposed. It was made of brown leather and had silver-colored metal plates on the shoulders and chest, giving it a distinct look.

The specialist exuded a strong aura, though it wasn't quite as potent as Captain Meld's. As the man was introduced as being "selected by the Pope and King," Reiji couldn't help but feel suspicious.

After all, he was against both the Pope and King. However, it was also possible that it was just a coincidence. Reiji decided to keep his guard up around the man.

"You are free to choose any instructor you wish to learn from today," Captain Meld announced to the group. "However, Kouki, I will personally be training you myself." Kouki's surprise was evident, and he nodded with a smile on his face.

As Captain Meld spoke, the other students began to disperse, each one seeking out an instructor to train with. They moved towards the various groups of instructors, their eyes shining with anticipation and eagerness to learn.

Reiji wasted no time in searching for an instructor to learn from. Although he was confident in his spear skills, he knew that there was always room for improvement and inspiration to add to his style. Scanning the area, he quickly spotted an instructor holding a spear and made his way towards him, weaving through the other students.

"Well, aren't you something," a voice suddenly said from behind Reiji. Adrenaline burst through his body as Reiji hurriedly turned around and threw a kick at the person. However, upon realizing who it was, he held back before the kick could make contact.

The man blocked Reiji's kick with his forearm, grinning as he felt the impact. "Not bad, though it could be better, right?" he said.

With a blank face, Reiji didn't say anything and just stared at the man who stood before him. This was the weapon specialist Captain Meld had introduced to him earlier.

Even with Reiji's {Detect Presence} skill, he was unable to sense the man's presence. This meant that the man either possessed an ability to conceal his presence or was simply that much stronger than Reiji.

"No need to be so wary," the man said, waving his hand dismissively, still grinning. "I just thought I would greet the most interesting person here."

"Although flattered, I'm sorry to inform you that I'm straight and only interested in women," Reiji replied dryly.

The man's grin faltered for a moment, and an irked expression appeared on his forehead. "That's not what I meant," he said, shaking his head. "I meant that you're the most interesting person here in terms of mystery. I heard that nobody here knows your Job Class, not even the King."

"So?" Reiji replied dismissively. Although he knew what the man was insinuating, he had no interest in humoring him.

"I want to know what's behind that veil of mystery. So, to discover the unknown, I ask for a spar. All I need is one fight, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to figure you out with just that," the man proposed. However...

"I refuse," Reiji stated firmly. "I find no reason to humor you, nor do I gain anything from doing so. And stating that you'll be able to figure me out with a fight is foolish.”

‘While discerning a fighting style and behavior in a fight can reveal someone's personality and tendencies, it's not always the case. Especially if they know how to hide their intentions and emotions,’ Reiji thought.

However, instead of being disheartened by Reiji's refusal, the man's grin widened. "So, you'll fight me if I just offer something in return, right? Then, I offer you this: three favors. If you beat me, then I'll complete any three favors you ask of me."

Initially hesitant, Reiji couldn't deny the value of such an offer. The potential benefits were too great to ignore. With enough careful consideration, he could use the favors to further his own goals and gain leverage against Ishtar.

"Fine," Reiji said, nodding his head in agreement. "I accept your challenge."

The man's grin only widened upon hearing Reiji's rejection of his initial offer. "Well, how about this," he said, his tone becoming more playful. "I'll sweeten the deal. I'll give you three favors if you beat me. Anything you want, and I'll do it for you."

After a brief moment of contemplation, Reiji nodded his head in agreement. "Very well. I accept your challenge. But first, I believe you should introduce yourself."

The man's grin widened as he gave a small bow. "Of course, how rude of me. My name is Tatsuya, a weapon specialist, and the one who will win this spar," he stated confidently.

"Is that so? Well, we'll just have to find out in the match," Reiji said as they walked toward the rack holding all the wooden weapons. "But first, I have a question for you."

"Sure, go ahead," Tatsuya replied.

Reiji paused for a moment before speaking. "Can I trust that you will uphold your end of the deal if I happen to win? Meaning that if I can ask for a facility, maid, instructor, or a specialized weapon, can you procure it for me without any problems?" he asked.

Tatsuya gave a small chuckle. "Of course. I always keep my promises," he replied confidently.

"Is that so?" Reiji asked, receiving a nod in response. "Then you wouldn't mind if Captain Meld is involved in this, would you? While I don't doubt your word, I want to be cautious. As a foreigner in this world, I know that war and discrimination occur here, and I see no reason why deceit wouldn't happen here as well."

Tatsuya frowned at Reiji's response and turned towards him, asking, "You don't trust me?"

Without a word, Reiji grabbed a wooden spear off the rack and simply replied, "Not in the slightest."

Tatsuya let out a small chuckle. "I suppose that's fair," he said, grabbing a wooden sword from the rack. "But I can assure you, I'm a man of my word."

Reiji was silent as he examined the spear. It was decently made, comparable to those in his old world, although it fell short in some aspects. It was somewhat primitive, but its durability was excellent.

He swung it amateurishly, getting a sense of its weight and adjusting to it. Satisfied, he surveyed the arena and spotted Captain Meld conversing with Kouki in the distance.

"Let's go," Reiji said to Tatsuya as they headed toward Captain Meld.


"Hey, Captain Meld!" Tatsuya called out cheerfully, waving his hand to catch the attention of the approaching captain and Kouki. As the two turned their heads toward them, Tatsuya quickly wrapped his arm around Captain Meld's shoulder and gestured toward Reiji.

Captain Meld raised an eyebrow at Tatsuya's gesture but then turned to face Reiji and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted you to spectate this match as well to make sure that if I win against Tatsuya, you'll be able to ensure that he upholds his end of the deal," Reiji replied.

Captain Meld's interest was piqued, and he crossed his arms. "And what is this deal you speak of?"

"If I win, Tatsuya owes me three favors. No questions asked as long as the request is reasonable. And if he wins, he gets the satisfaction of beating me in a fair fight."

"Alright, I'll spectate your match and ensure that Tatsuya upholds his end of the deal if you win. But what are you going to use your favors for?" Captain Meld asked curiously.

"Who knows?"

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