Ascension of the elder

Chapter 107: Class time

"You're welcome."

Elena said with a satisfied smile on her face before she moved away like she was gliding and given the magical nature of this world it was possible.

Susan and Maria just watched her as she moved away all anger and hostility forgotten while this fairy of comfort flitted between the crowds that were standing around watching the battle. Susan shook herself from her from her torpor and looked to Maria who had finally calmed down.

"Maria I know she is one of your sons girls but I have to check, she is okay upstairs I mean?"

"Yes master she is well, she sees the world differently than most people and we can't always predict how she will act. In fact the only person who seems to have any control or influence over her is Kyle, it is a very strange state of affairs to be in if I'm honest."

"It's good though, you've got yourself an interesting daughter in law who will keep you on your toes."

"Yes I suppose but I do worry how Kyle will deal with her if anyone hurts him or someone she's close to."

"What do you mean?"

"Last year a man from one of the minor aristocratic families was in the estate for a meeting with Landon. He saw Miranda taking some documents to Kyle to read and tried to force her to.....service him. She could have easily escaped but Elena saw what was happening."

"Oh and what happened to this ass, do I need to go and deal with him?"

"No it's already been handled by Elena, she beat him unconscious then dragged him to the fourth floor of the main compound and she defenestrated him."

"Well that's the best thing to do if a man is planning to force himself on someone."

"Wait what no she threw him through the big window, he hit the floor and broke his neck. The family who had dispatched him apologised and since then no one has messed with the servants of our family. What did you think she did to him?"

"Um don't worry about it I'll tell you when you're older."

Everyone was watching this skit between Maria and Susan and when they heard the story of how Elena dealt with that man they couldn't help but smile. Elena was known to be unpredictable but she wouldn't hurt anyone Kyle was close with but if anyone else tried to hurt them she would act in a decisive and brutal manner unconcerned with what could happen next.

Kyle clapped his hands gathering everyone's attention and introduced the members of the Black family to everyone. Although everyone already knew Ruby due to her regular visits only a few knew Archie as he had only begun training with them yesterday and this was the first time they met Leonard and Gemma.

With Gemma's permission Kyle cast the secret seal on Ruby as well so she could train with her friends as well.

"Ruby you can train with your friends but you'll have to hold back on your training once you reach level 5 okay?"

Gemma was speaking to Ruby and appeared to be limiting her cultivation so she could have at least one child before she became too powerful to conceive. Kyle heard this but decided not to interfere as he wanted his mother to conceive another child before he made others aware of his fix for the fertility problem amongst cultivators.

"It's okay Gemma we are limiting the children's cultivation as it is at least until they reach a reasonable age."

Kyle put this out to her but what he didn't say was that the minimum age to break through to the second stage was 15, this was to allow the body time to adjust to their existing powers and Kyle didn't know what changes would occur once they broke through hence he was limiting everyone's progress including his own.

With everything in place Kyle and crew began training and as usual the new arrivals ended up exhausted only to be amazed by their quick recovery. They could now see the advantage in this new cultivation technique over all previous techniques they owned and trained in and once Kyle had explained that this technique would allow them to train in all three paths simultaneously they were truly thankful that they had become friends with the Powell family.

Kyle had a purpose in training the Black family and it didn't include anything as mundane as honour at least not truly. The Black family had shown themselves to be friends and trustworthy so Kyle planned to leave them in control of New Grange City as his representatives. The reason for this was that while studying in his library he found the locations of larger and more powerful cities further inland.

If he could revive these cities his little empire would grow immensely powerful and they could gain the land necessary to allow the human race to expand once again but While Kyle and his family were reactivating these lost metropolises he would need people to manage his territory so here comes the Black family. Kyle was planning to do something similar in each city he took over and would install a family to manage it.

These families needn't be large or already in power but must have the correct mindset and they must have the support of the people. Kyle would provide the necessary combat power to allow them to take and maintain control and with the seal being placed upon them they would find themselves becoming loyal to Kyle personally. This was another effect of the seals and while this may seem like brainwashing to some Kyle felt this was the best way to create and maintain his empire at least in its formative stages.

Once they had rested Kyle left the Daryl's and the Black's to Ash who would drill them and allow them to get stronger in the fastest time possible. Kyle went and grabbed Susan before heading to something he really didn't know if he was prepared for. This was teaching children; Kyle had agreed to teach the youngsters in his household about magic and its varieties.

Kyle took Susan with him because even though she had faults, probably too many to count she had taught people before and Kyle needed an assistant anyway. So they gathered up the kids and headed to the library as Kyle felt this was the best location to teach people about magic.

"Okay everyone take a seat and I'll begin telling you about magic, good everyone comfy so first tell me what you already know about magic?"

Kyle decided it would be best if he started this by learning what the kids knew about magic and he would correct them and fill in the gaps as he went along.

"Um we use mana to make stuff happen."

"Yeah things go boom and slish."

"What do you mean slish it's like whoosh."

The kids began yammering about magic but Kyle could tell that while they understood some of the effects such as explosions they didn't know the first thing about the fundamentals of magic.

"Okay calm down, I'll start at the beginning so bear with me as you may find this boring. To start with you are correct but your information is also incomplete about using mana to make stuff happen."

Kyle took a breath while he was thinking of how to explain this; the kids were looking at him with rapt attention waiting for him to continue.

"We use mana to interact with what is already present by adding to or removing elements in the environment. It may make sense to list the magical branches so I can give some examples who can tell me what the elemental branches of magic are."








The kids stopped at this point while Kyle had been holding up his fingers indicating how many elements they had counted. When they got to seven they stopped and looked at Kyle expectantly but Kyle was still waiting.

"Anyone know what the last element is? No one okay it is life. These represent the basic branches of elemental magic. Now for example fire magic uses mana to increase the temperature within a defined area until fire takes form."

Kyle showed this and a small flame appeared above his palm to the oohs and ahhs of his audience. He noticed Susan was also watching him like he was a sideshow.

"This is the same for most of the others, wind is obvious in the case of water, moisture in the air is condensed allowing for the formation of water."

Kyle demonstrated this much more slowly than would normally be done which allowed the kids to see water drops forming before joining the water ball above Kyle's palm before he dismissed it returning the water to vapour.

"Now lightning and life are a bit different in their case the form of mana is changed generating lightning or a form of bio energy which can be used to heal does everyone understand so far?"

Looking around Kyle saw Chad had his hand raised to ask a question. Kyle nodded in his direction indicating he should ask his question.

"What's bio energy?"

"Oh sorry think of it like fuel which lets your body heal faster."

Chad and the others nodded to this as it explained things much more easily than if Kyle had tried to fully explain about how cells used energy to divide and due to its inherently magical nature this bio energy could even remove cellular mutations.

Kyle also decide to gloss over the fact that the magic he was most interested in was in the earth branch, this wasn't the most showy magic it was also the least practised but Kyle had noticed something about it which no one else had picked up on yet.

While he was musing the kids had begun to discuss amongst themselves which type of magic they would train in once they became strong enough. Kyle decided it would be a good idea to show them the different forms of magic so they could make a better decision so he called out to Susan.

"Susan let's head to the experimentation room I'd like to show them the different styles."

"Good idea, okay squirts follow this beautiful master."

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