Ascension of the elder

Chapter 108: Who said that?

"Good idea, okay squirts follow this beautiful master."

Susan began walking away while Kyle shook his head at what she had just said. While it's good to have a certain amount of confidence Susan was taking this to the extreme lately. The kids began whispering amongst themselves.

"What's wrong with the lady?

"Does she have a problem with her brain?

"Why is she talking about herself in the third person?"

"What's third person."

"My mum said I should stay away from her because she's a bad influence."

The one who said this last one was Theo, Chad's friend. When the others heard this they understood that they shouldn't interact with her outside of training as this may lead them to a dark path of narcissism and referring to themselves in the third person.

Susan was only a little way ahead and could hear the innocent words of the children clearly. Because there was no malicious meaning to what they were saying Susan could only slump her shoulder and walk ahead.

For once Kyle felt a little pity for Susan and walked forward and placed his hand on her shoulder to give her a little support and comfort. Susan on feeling the hand on her shoulder look back and saw Kyle looking at her with care and concern.

"Are you going to be okay Susan? Sometimes words can hurt more than any weapon."

"I'll be okay Kyle I just regret I didn't get to these children early enough to show them my magnificence."

Kyle almost tripped over when he heard this; it looks like there is no helping Susan. He once spoke to his father about her and the way she acts and Landon could only come up with one thing and that she is an idiotic genius.

Regretting his concern and heartfelt feelings Kyle lifted his hand and Susan closed her eyes expecting a pat on the head on some other comforting action. Instead she got a chop on the top of her head, like Kyle had been saying lately maybe these Japanese protagonists are onto something.

"What'd you do that for?"

Susan asked while pretending it hurt, but at her level there was very little chance Kyle could actually hurt her without using his full strength.

"It was for making me concerned for no reason. Anyway we're here so let's begin the demonstrations you can start with lightning."

The experimentation room they were in was specially configured for using spells of great power without damaging the surroundings. When fired a barrier would form using the mana from the crystal dissipating the attack and converting it back to mana which in turn would fuel the barrier for a little longer lowering the drain on the crystal.

These forms of arrays aren't used outside of the experimentation room because if people bombard the protection arrays and they absorb the mana left it could cause an overload in the arrays, after seeing the devastation that was caused when Kyle overloaded the arrays at the Miles family Kyle felt the ancients and current array masters were correct in not using these kind of arrays except in controlled circumstances.

Kyle and the kids were standing behind the barrier curtain while Susan entered the room. The barrier curtain is the point that the barrier starts and as it is clear it was like they were watching from a control room.

Susan began charging her mana to show off the power of her lighting. To start with she merely created a simple lightning strike which to Kyle looked like she should be asking for people to join her side while having a croaky voice.

Next she created a ball of compressed lightning which when it reached the target created a large lightning blast. Susan was fine during this as the source of this power was from her own mana and she wouldn't be hurt by it but friendly fire could occur hence the need for barriers and the experimentation room.

"Okay that was good but now who amongst you can tell me what the difference between those two attacks was."

Kyle asked as he wanted to know if the kids had noticed something unusual. Regardless of how crazy and foolish Susan may be she was still a good teacher and in that simple display she had shown something which Kyle would need to teach the kids.

"Um one was a lightning strike like what comes from the sky but the other one was a ball."

One of the kids responded with an unsure tone as he couldn't understand what Kyle was asking.

"Yes now I know you won't understand what I'm asking as it isn't widely known but I'll try my best to explain. The first attack was a simple attack using the lightning element, while destructive this attack lacks any form of control. The second attack was a controlled attack and won't detonate until it reaches the target. Currently all mages use the first form of attack, only people that we've trained here can use the second attack. Can anyone guess why no one else can use this form of attack?"

All the kids were looking at each other as they couldn't think of anything, suddenly a hand was raised and the owner was jumping up and down trying to get Kyle's attention.

"Susan calm down and 5 points from house Alvarez."

"Ah no fun but I know the answer."

"Yes because I told you now calm down and I'll tell the trainees."

Kyle turned his attention back to the kids and explained how they had created a new form of mage.

"You all know we are training in all three paths simultaneously, well once you reach the fifth level you will awaken a sorcerer ability which will allow you to control at least one elemental magic as you wish. These abilities will let you manipulate the associated element as you please so you can form flaming spears, or knives of darkness even wings of light are possible. Now why can we use the second form of magic and no one else can?"

"Because no one else is able to train in both the sorcerer and mage paths like we can."

Chad was the one who jumped in at this point, Kyle had personally trained him and Theo along with some others who showed promise so they had a better foundation than the others.

"Excuse me sir but what are the sorcerer abilities called?"

One of the other children asked as they had never heard of something like this and was curious as to what could be done with these skills.

"Okay starting with fire we have pyrokinesis, water is aqua kinesis, earth is terra kinesis, wind is aero kinesis, lightning is electro kinesis, light is photo kinesis, dark is shadow kinesis and lastly life is bio kinesis."

"Um but what happens if we get an ability for one type but we want to train in another."

Another kid asked as they were afraid they would get something trash and they wanted something cool.

"That's why we aren't training as mages until you reach the fifth level and we know what the ability you awaken is so you can train to your strengths, you can train in other magic branches but you wouldn't get the same results as you would in training your main type. Also I know why you asked that question but you should remember that none of the magic branches are useless you just need to find the correct way to use it. Now anymore questions?"

"Yes me, me I've seen people using magic like ice and I know you've used some form of space hopping what branch do they belong to?"

Kyle sighed as this was asked by Susan and he was hoping to explain this later as they couldn't use it in the near future but she had forced his hand so he had no choice but to ruin the surprise.

"Well I suppose you all want to know this as well? So ice mage is actually a composite magic using water as the base so that is the primary control magic with fire being used to control the temperature forming ice. It's pretty simple but if used correctly composite magic can result in greater effects than if they are used alone do you all understand so far."

The kids and Susan all nodded their heads at his explanation so far which made Kyle want to bonk Susan on the head again. She could sense that something dangerous was coming her way and put her hand on top of her head.

"Now I won't explain further into composite magic's as I'm still experimenting with it. Now in regards to hopping this is actually from a higher form of magic. This is known as spatial magic; currently no one is actively training in this as we need everyone including me to have a complete understanding of the basic elemental magic's."

"Sorry but you said the basics are called elemental magic, does these higher types have a name?"

This question was asked by one of the kids who looked rather intelligent and Kyle made a note to keep an eye on them. Currently Kyle had three forces which specialised in various forms of physical combat with magic as a support. Kyle was thinking of organising another force which would focus on magic first with physical combat as a support.

"Yes the magical branches within this higher form are called cosmic magic's. As I said no one is training in these yet as I'm still learning myself and if I'm right about the power of these magic's we would need to tread carefully in using them."

"Really why is that?"

"Susan let the trainees ask questions first. Anyway the power of these latter magic's is stronger to a degree which defies logical progression so we need to study and understand before we use. I'm sure none of you would want to risk your friends and families just for the chance to be a little stronger."

All the kids shook their heads at this while Susan was nodding until she caught Kyle watching her and began shaking her head in mid nod so it looked like she was trying to draw a circle with her head.

"Sigh anyways you've seen some magic from Susan and I've explained what you need to know currently so does anyone have any other questions before we get back?"

"Can I be a magical girl?"

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