Asura Conqueror

Chapter 93: Impaled

"As promised, I will be releasing you." Marcus finished practicing his 'Chaos Lightning Javelin'. Right now it still felt bland and he's still thinking of ways to make it better.

Marcus opened the cell and stepped inside. The smell of burnt hair grew stronger as he neared Ohario.

He had planned on practicing his chaos spells on live targets for a while now, and he finally had the chance. Marcus felt exhilarated that everything went well. He could now cast 'Emotion Manipulation' albeit he still needs to work on it and improve his control over the spell.

Marcus didn't mind that. Practicing wasn't tiring for him as he would benefit a lot from the results.

Ohario couldn't move. His body, limp. His clothes, torn. However, there was one thing that never changed ever since Marcus started throwing 'Chaos Lightning Javelin'. The smile never disappeared from his face. Crooked as it may be, it was still a smile. His maniacal laughter turned into light chuckles that would pause from time to time.

"You wait here." Marcus proceeded to leave the Stone of Destruction.


Marcus' vermilion steed flew into the air.

Nexus wondered where Marcus was going. Eva and Emily weren't in the house anymore as they were currently in the Destrucstone.

Marcus passed by the downtown area as always. He slightly looked down and could see large numbers of people illuminated by the streetlights, building lights, and the bright digital billboards.

The vermilion car streaked in the air moving straight towards the direction of Estra University.

Marcus didn't have to wait long. He made his car stop a couple of hundred meters away from the school entrance. He got out of the car and breathed the Estra night breeze brought in by the nearby sea. His steps were slow as he moved towards a dark alley close by.

Seeing that no one was here, he started casting a spell. A slit opened in front of him, its vermilion colored outlines made it glow. The slit started growing in size and soon it was as tall as Marcus.

Marcus with his other hand started opening another portal, before he even finished doing so, he already went in the first one. He smoothly entered it without any problems. Marcus, who was now inside the first portal, finished casting the second one.

He walked out and was now outside the main school building. He stood on the stone pavement, in front of him was a staircase and a few meters in front of that was the entrance. On the sides were large stone white pillars that went to the edges of the building.

Marcus looked up and then turned around. He was looking for the right place to dump Ohario.

As Marcus found the spot, he went back to the Stone of Destruction and fetched the man.

Marcus held him by the back of his neck and dragged him to a nearby two-tiered fountain with a spike on top.

Marcus went to stand on the first layer. He slowly took a pill out of his pocket dimension and fed it to Ohario.

In case Ohario wouldn't die, Marcus made him ingest a pill bomb, a ticking pill bomb. That pill bomb would make Ohario explode but it wouldn't affect the ones near him. They would, however, be splattered by his insides.

Marcus lifted Ohario up and made him lie down in the second tier. Although the spike pierced through his stomach, Ohario made no sound. He neither screamed nor did cry for help. He just faced the dark sky, his vision blurry as occasional tears flowed down the side of his face.

Marcus washed his hands with magic. He went down the first layer and touched the ground. Now that his business here was over, it was time to leave. He glanced at Ohario one last time and then proceeded to open a portal back to his car.


The birds chirped as they were woken up by the bright light on the horizon.

Emily, Eva, Nexus, and of course Marcus sat at the dining table to have breakfast.

"Casualties have increased in our neighboring planet Layda as the rebel group forcefully took the capital. The military, government, and a few daring civilians worked hand in hand to defend the first and second waves of attacks done by the rebels.

As one of the civilians stated, Layda, was their home and they had to do everything to defend it. This ignited the patriotism of some people as a number of them marched out of their houses and helped defend the capital from the threats of the rebel group.

However, not everyone shared the same sentiments. A lot of the people in Layda already joined the rebel groups and are fighting upfront.

That is all for today's International News. Back to you there in the station" A reporter slightly nodded at the end as the camera switched back to the news station.

The reporter who was reporting the news of Layda was of course only here in Estra as the Estra government prohibited any of its citizens to go into the bloody war zone that is Layda.

The anchor who sat on an adjustable desk chair smiled. "Thank you for bringing us the International News every morning Karen. Now let's talk about 'The Corner'. The most sensational topic in Estra…"

Nexus had the habit of switching to a news channel every morning. This was of course useful so he just kept at it.

"Baby Brother I just saw an article of you when I was fixing my hair a while ago" Eva fixed her utensils.

Marcus smiled. "Is it about how I demolished my opponents yesterday?"

Eva chuckled as she nodded. "Because of that stunt you pulled yesterday, we need to double the production of drinks."

"That just makes us a step closer to our goal." Nexus chimed in.

Emily glanced at each one of them. "Goal?"

Eva looked at Emily. "You'll know soon."

Emily didn't pester them. She just nodded.

The four soon headed off.

Marcus and Emily rode in one car while Nexus and Eva rode in another.

"Can you accompany me later?" Emily spoke. They were now close to Estra University.

Marcus looked at her. He felt warmed that she asked him that.

'This is a lot easier compared to the past.' Marcus inwardly chuckled. Two weeks after he and Emily met in his past life they were destroying valleys and turning them into plains.

"Sure, it'd be my pleasure." Marcus of course agreed. "Where will we be going? A motel? I mean if you want to, we could just do it at home."

Marcus scanned her body. She wore a black pencil skirt and a suit jacket. Her black short hair was still slightly wet.

Emily's face turned red. "You! I was just going to ask if you could come with me to buy a dress. The ones I have probably won't do for the party this weekend."

When they went shopping last time, she had bought quite a lot of clothes and footwear. However, none of them would fit for the occasion this weekend where big names all over Estra would be visiting their house.

"Oh," Marcus nodded. "That's fine, we can go right away after class. Or we can also do it tomorrow."

Emily shook her head. "I want everything done by today. I'll be going into short seclusion and I won't come out until Friday."

"You're close to a breakthrough?" Marcus asked.

Emily nodded. "Just a bit more push. The ones I've been drinking and the pills I've been taking helped a lot."

The two got out of the car as it finished parking in the parking lot. They walked side by side, their steps slow. They didn't need to hurry as it was still early in the morning.

"The faster we get to Commander Stage, better yet, the faster we get to Enlightened Stage the better." Marcus softly spoke.

Emily's eyes widened. "Hold it. Thinking of reaching the Enlightened Stage is too much."

"I'm not pressuring you or anything. Just wait, I have a surprise for you guys once I reach the Commander Stage. It'll help us cultivate faster. It'll help us reach Enlightened in just a few years."

"Really?" Emily thought Marcus was bluffing. That kind of speed was horrifyingly impossible.

"Don't tell me you're doubting me?" Marcus looked at her and smiled in a playful way.

"N-no that's not it. It just seems impossible. I'm not doubting you." Emily stuttered. She shyly looked back at Marcus who was now staring at her.

"Good," Marcus lasciviously smiled "I would have eaten you otherwise."

Emily pinched his side.

They continued walking towards the main building. The two stopped as they saw a small crowd around a two-tiered fountain.

Emily could clearly see a person on top of it, impaled by the sharp metal rod.

The two walked closer. Emily narrowed her eyes to see better. She gasped as she recognized who the person was.

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