Asura Conqueror

Chapter 94: The Famous Zoey

"Is that, Ohario?" Emily turned to Marcus.

"Yes, it is," Marcus whispered. "Let's keep walking. That's none of our business."

Emily nodded and continued to walk beside Marcus.

She thought about how sure Marcus was when he answered her question.

'Could Marcus have done this?' Emily asked herself.

They walked into the halls and soon arrived in the classroom where there were only a few students inside.

Marcus went to his desk near the window under the gazes of his classmates. Marcus glanced at them but didn't interact.

He began fiddling with his watch as he went on to social media.

His classmates were still staring at him. They've all seen the pictures, videos, and articles going around social media about his streak in Brawlrena. They were all awed at his ability to do battle.

'I feel sorry for Ed.' One thought in their head.

'If I could be that strong, I'll definitely have dozens of hot asses beside me.' Another of Marcus' classmates daydreamed.

'I should start asking my parents to buy drinks from 'The Corner' when their non-alcoholic beverages come out.' Another of the students thought.

It didn't take long before the class had to start. This time, all of the students knew who Marcus was. Ed, who was also present, didn't look at Marcus in the eye. He just stayed behind his friends quietly observing the class.

"Alright everyone, settle down." Emily stood from her desk.


The crowd that circled around the fountain now dispersed. A few had to leave for class, some had to eat breakfast, others were grossed out the longer they stayed here, and the ones who were last to leave were sent away by campus security.

The dean has now arrived together with a few officers. Dean, the dean, looked at the corpse.

Its whole body couldn't fit on the tier two fountain so its head and legs were hanging. Dean slowly moved towards where the head was.

What he found was a horrifying sight.

Ohario's lips parted as it formed a crooked smile, His tongue slightly protruded out. Stains of blood were found all over his body. It was as if he was beaten to death.

Dean sighed. He had an idea of who might have done this act, but that didn't mean he's going to start pointing his finger. Especially since the person he suspects is a rising star in Estra.

"He must have died in a painful death." One of the officers spoke.

Dean looked at the officer. Dean had been asked to come here early because of this, his sleep interrupted. Since he can't do anything about it, why not just listen to what the officers had to say about the death.

"He didn't die right away after he was impaled and before that, it looks like he was tortured, badly tortured." The officer turned his watch on and began taking pictures of the corpse.

"I see." Dean just nodded. He might have to deal with Ohario's family but as long as it wasn't one of the five big families of Estra then he's fine with it.

"We're going to have to take this body with us and have it examined. We'll see if we can get any leads as to what or who did this." The other officer said as he began to remove the impaled body from the tier-two platform of the fountain.

"Do what you have to do," Dean responded as if he didn't care.

The officers didn't mind. They thought that the dean saw the dead man as someone who was replaceable.


Dean arrived at his office. He sat down on the chair behind his desk, sighed, and massaged his forehead with his fingers.

"Those people are dangerous." Under his breath, he muttered. Dean suspected Marcus of Ohario's death. How could he not when Ohario harassed Emily and it was reported that Emily Lux was the sister of Eva Lux. There was also a rumor going around the campus that Marcus and Emily were dating.

He, of course, had no plans of interfering. Students and teachers having a relationship is no big deal.

Dean started planning on how to explain things to Ohario's family since he won't say that Marcus or anyone from Marcus' family did it.

"I'll just leave that be, let everything run its course." He placed it at the back of his mind and turned on the computer in front of him.


"My arms are sore," Brina complained as they walked into the cafeteria.

"Shouldn't you guys be the sporty ones?" Reno asked as he flexed his nonexistent muscular bicep.

"Shut up." Brina walked faster, her arms drooped.

"My arms don't hurt as much as my legs." Pia too complained.

Nedo chuckled. "Just go to the clinic and have them ease the pain."

Pia nodded. "Will do once we finish eating. A lot of our classmates are still there right now. Plus, I'm already starving. I might pass out if I still keep standing."

Marcus walked behind the four was busy with his watch. He didn't bother telling them about not going to the clinic and to not ease body pain with potions or pills if it isn't needed.

Reno looked at Marcus. "Dude your streak yesterday was insane."

Nedo stopped walking and patted Marcus' shoulder. "You didn't even brag when you arrived at your house yesterday."

Marcus humbly smiled. "That was nothing. It wasn't that big of a deal, really."

The five quickly found a table that'd fit them. They ordered and started eating.

Not long, Zoey walked in. All eyes in the cafeteria were now on her.

The male population immediately halted. Whatever it was they were doing they immediately stopped.

"She looks even prettier now," Brina commented. She has seen Zoey plenty of times before and she had always thought of her as a goddess of both beauty and power.

"It's also said that she's a lot stronger now too. Our school might be able to win this time in the internationals." Pia's voice had a mix of admiration.

"Looks like you ladies admire Zoey." Marcus looked at the two. He of course knew how famous Zoey was. He had seen her profile on 'IceBerg', the social media app, and she has over a million followers. There were only a very few pictures though but that didn't stop people from following her.

That is also where Marcus learned that Zoey likes to read books.

"Who doesn't? She's really talented, beautiful, and she's being idolized by hundreds of thousands of people!" Nedo exclaimed.

"Too bad she's camera shy or she would have been a great model." Said Reno.

"Maybe the reason she looks more dazzling is because she's in love." Pia clasped her hands together.

Reno shook her head. "How can that be? Her engagement has just been broken up."

"Speaking of," Brina spoke. "I just hope our families won't go to war because of it. After you Xalia's canceled the engagement, the older people in the Flavus have been discussing things and the inner turmoil in the family is also rising."

"They don't love each other, why force things?" Reno thought that it'd be unfair for Zoey to be married to someone she doesn't like.

"Reno, why not you and Brina get married?" Marcus suggested right off the bat. "It solves everything doesn't it?"

The table went silent. Reno and Brina glanced at each other. Reno could see Brina's cheeks turn red and Brina also saw Reno's cheeks turn red.

Nedo and Pia chuckled as they saw this.

Zoey who was together with her friends saw Marcus. She looked at him and waved her hand. Marcus smiled and waved back.

Zoey wore a sleeveless white shirt and a dark red skirt. Her dark blond hair cascaded down her shoulders.

She excused herself from her friends and walked towards and arrived in front of the vermilion-haired teen under the gazes of everyone in the room.

The crowd already knew who this was. How could they not know the heir of 'Asura', the newly built company that's owned by Eva?

"Hi." Zoey greeted.

"Are you coming this weekend?" Marcus asked as he looked up from his watch.

Nedo, Reno, Brina, and Pia were shocked at how casual Marcus and Zoey were talking. They seemed to be friends.

"Mhm," Zoey nodded. "I kinda have to right?"

She chuckled at the end. It wasn't a joke that she had to come this weekend, she was part of the board after all.

"Wear something red." Marcus stared into her eyes. "You look really beautiful in red."

Nedo choked on his saliva and began coughing.

Zoey blushed as she giggled. "Emily is going to beat you up if she hears you say things like that."

Marcus didn't say anything, he just smiled.

"I see that you've already made friends here." Zoey looked at the gang. She recognized all four of them, especially Reno and Nedo.

Marcus nodded. "These are my acquaintances, I'm sure someone like you already knows who they are."

"I sure do." Zoey then turned her head to where her friends were sitting. "If you will excuse me, I have to go back to them. It looks like they're pretty curious about our relationship."

"See you this Saturday." Marcus slightly waved.

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