Babylonian Empire

Page 87

Hearing the order, the driver immediately stepped on the brake pedal hard, and at the same time, operated the shift lever with both hands to shift all the gears on both sides to neutral. In this way, the gearbox will also provide a certain degree of braking. moment.

The huge inertia threw their bodies forward and they were tightly restrained by the seat belts. Normally, this kind of exciting action would definitely cause a lot of scolding. Now, they are all waiting in horror .

There is only one way to avoid the shells fired by the opponent, quick maneuvering, suddenly start, accelerate rapidly, or brake suddenly during the short period of time when the opponent's shells are fired, and when the opponent fires the shells, the fire control computer follows the It is calculated based on the advance amount of normal driving, as long as it is one body length more or less than the normal advance amount, there is a great chance of escaping:.

However, a few tanks, facing tanks ten times larger than themselves, no matter how hard they tried to hide, they would definitely not be able to hide.

There was a huge collision sound, and the more than 50-ton Chieftain tank was like a child who had been injected in the buttocks. The tungsten alloy steel core of the armor-piercing bullet had pierced the main armor.

Then, the high-temperature heat flow penetrated into the tank, and the most unlucky gunner was immediately pierced with a hole, and there was a smell of burnt meat, and the moment before he was knocked unconscious, the commander saw the sound entering the tank. The heat flow, followed by a huge explosion sound.

The high temperature had already ignited the internal ammunition, and as the ammunition exploded, the turret flew directly into the sky.

&-72, once again proved with its own firepower that its 125mm caliber high-pressure smoothbore gun can penetrate the main armor of any tank in the world!

Hearing the sound of the Chieftain tank on the radio, and then hearing the crazy explosion in the convoy in front, Hassan, the commander of this battle, felt a huge sense of powerlessness.

Being calculated everywhere, falling into the trap of the other party everywhere, this is not a war, this is simply looking for abuse, when did Iraq produce such a brilliant commander?In the past year, no battle has been fought like this!

Intuitively, Hassan knew that the opponent's commander was definitely a very shrewd person, and that his own people might end up the same as the tens of thousands of people in the Karen River.

Hassan didn't know that this time, Zhang Feng really didn't instruct him. Zhang Feng just asked the 35th Division to occupy Abadan. How did he know that Ali's troops actually met them here? big fish.

&113 Inside the armored vehicle, he knew the situation was not good when he heard the exchange of fire ahead. Now, he has only one thought: get out of here quickly!

The armored vehicle carried him and several combat staff officers, and was escorted by several armored vehicles nearby, preparing to leave here temporarily.

Hearing the voice in front, he knew that he had encountered the heavily armed Iraqi troops. This army of his own could not resist the opponent at all. The only way was to retreat.

However, Hassan was in a panic and made another mistake. He did not give the entire guard battalion an order to retreat. Only a few armored vehicles following him received the order. in the midst of raging.

Moreover, no matter how fast Hassan was, he was not as fast as Ali's armored soldiers.

During the U-turn of the &113 armored vehicle, the bmp-1 infantry fighting vehicle, which is known for its mobility, has completed the task of outflanking the other side, and they have blocked the opponent's retreat.

The &p-1 infantry fighting vehicle is not just used to transport personnel. Although SEG anti-tank missiles cannot be used at night, the 73mm cannon on the top is definitely not vegetarian:.

Just as the Iranian armored vehicle turned its head and fled, the 73mm artillery had already fired.

"Boom, boom!"

With a flash of fire, the shell flew out of the barrel of the infantry fighting vehicle.

&113 armored vehicle, the aluminum armor of this armored vehicle can only defend against the shooting of ordinary 12.7mm machine guns. If the machine gun is replaced with a special armor-piercing bullet, it can completely penetrate it.

But now, it was a real 73 mm caliber shell. Once it was fired, it easily tore the skin of the armored vehicle, drilled into the interior, and exploded.

The heat generated by the explosion caused the aluminum armor to start burning, and several armored vehicles that were hit ignited raging fires, illuminating the dark night sky.

Hassan coughed and came out of the armored vehicle. He was lucky that the armored vehicle was not hit by the opponent, but the raging fire had already exposed the target. He knew that in the next moment, his own armored vehicle would definitely disappear. up.Today, the only option is to jump off the armored vehicle and escape from the gap in the battlefield.

After the &p-1 infantry fighting vehicle fired a few shells, the rear door of the vehicle opened, and the Iraqi infantry with an ak-47 assault rifle rushed up.

"Da da, da." The machine gun on the infantry fighting vehicle kept spitting out flames, targeting the trucks in the middle.

On the truck at this time, the soldiers were jumping down in a panic. On one side, the opponent's tank was rapidly approaching, and on the other side, there were a large number of infantry fighting vehicles among them.The opponent is advancing step by step, and they don't need to fire, even if they are crushed, they will be crushed into meat.

Hassan hid next to a natural ravine, surrounded by a few personal guards. Seeing the Iraqi soldiers getting closer, he couldn't help but tremble.

"Stop, don't move!" Suddenly, a voice came from beside him, speaking in Iranian.

Hassan looked up and saw a group of Iraqi soldiers.

"General, go!" At this moment, a guard raised his rifle.

"Tu Tu Tu," before the guard opened fire, he was already beaten into a sieve.

"Don't move, throw away the gun!" At this time, the Iraqi soldiers were already angry.

Hassan dropped his pistol, and so did the guards.

An Iraqi soldier, through the flames of the wreckage of the burning armored vehicle, saw the stars on the opponent's shoulder clearly.

"By Allah, that man is a lieutenant general!" he said in Iraqi in disbelief.

ps: The Babylonian Empire has already reached a hundred chapters. Thank you readers for your continuous support. The one hundred chapters focus on capturing the Iranian lieutenant general. The military has reached a small peak. The following will be a period of economic construction and political Struggle, readers are welcome to continue to support.Please remember the URL, if you like "Babylonian Empire" written by Huadongzhixiong

Chapter 1 and One Victory

Chapter 1 and One Great Victory——

When Ali's armored forces encircled and suppressed the Iranian reinforcements, the division commander Mohammad did not sit idle. He led other tanks and bypassed the area where they fought. The task of the 35th Division was to completely occupy Abadan. Leave all the troops here to fight against the Iranians. Besides, Ali's troops have already achieved an absolute advantage, and they don't need the support of other troops.

Tanks, armored vehicles, one after another, bypassed the battlefield, and then moved forward.

Ali got the news that a high-ranking officer of the other side had been captured. Judging from his uniform, he was a lieutenant general. He felt that his luck was extremely good.

The Iran-Iraq War has been fought for more than a year, and there has never been a case of capturing a senior general of the other side. This time, he can be regarded as famous.

What is the concept of lieutenant general?In the southern military region, only the head of the military region, Ezzat Ibrahim, has the rank of lieutenant general.

Even the lieutenant general personally led the team and set off to support Abadan. It seems that Abadan is indeed very empty. With a big belly, Ali opened the hatch of the tank and looked at the night. At this time, there was already some panic outside. It was bright, white belly appeared in the east, and the sky was about to dawn.

On the banks of the Karon River, the battle to encircle and annihilate the remnants of the Iranian army has also begun. Everyone knows that the Iranians are doomed to failure. Their heavy equipment has been blown up, and there is no reinforcements. Without contact, nearly half of the tens of thousands of troops were wiped out yesterday, and those who survived have lost their fighting spirit.

When Iraqi tanks and armored vehicles surrounded them, the remaining people showed fear in their eyes, and they could be wiped out by the machine guns of the armored vehicles without firing shells.

Although there are anti-tank grenades and rocket launchers, they are just a dying struggle.

After a brief exchange of fire, the remaining Iranian soldiers chose to surrender.

Surrender is shameful, but only surrender is the only way out. At this time, the death battle has lost its value.

In the headquarters, upon hearing the report from the front, nearly [-] Iranian soldiers surrendered!

Immediately, cheers erupted in the headquarters.

In this battle, the assault forces that Iran had just gathered were all wiped out by them on the banks of the Karun River, which means that from now on, at least within half a year, Iran will no longer be able to launch such a large offensive. The Iraqi army, The general will firmly hold the initiative in the occupied land.

"Qusay, you were able to encircle and annihilate the Iranian army this time. Your command is excellent." Ezzat said with praise.

"The ability to eliminate the Persians this time is the result of the joint efforts of all the commanders and soldiers of the Southern Military Region." Zhang Feng said: "Our air force bears the brunt of the bombing on the banks of the Karun River, which has completely disabled the opponent's army." Offensive capability, otherwise, last night, the opponent would have chosen to break out of the siege, and several of our armies have successfully completed their combat missions, especially the [-]th Armored Division, which paid a relatively large sacrifice and lured the Iranian army to Karen Riverside, every unit has made contributions, and these victories are inseparable from the efforts of the staff members of our military region headquarters: "

After Zhang Feng finished speaking, everyone was full of gratitude to Zhang Feng, never took credit for pride, and always united with everyone around him, the second young master, Your Excellency Qu Sai, and the arrogant and domineering young master Udai, are really two distinct types of people ah!

Yizart looked at Qu Sai, his eyes already showed joy. This battle once again proved that Qu Sai has excellent commanding talent, and his future development will be limitless.

However, there may be a hidden crisis in the middle. Will the young master in Baghdali watch Qusay make great achievements in battle?

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