Babylonian Empire

Page 88

Zhang Feng knew that his victory in this battle was actually just using some ordinary tactics, which were more than enough to deal with the Iranian army. If he was facing the US military, it would definitely not work.

The main idea is pocket warfare. This method of warfare can be traced back to the Chinese battlefield during World War II. The method of fighting dogs behind closed doors is a method commonly used by the People's Army.Concentrate superior forces, and then use the mobility advantages of the armored forces to trap the opponent, first use the air force to eliminate the opponent's combat potential, and then the infantry only needs to finish.

However, this method of combat can only be applied to the Iran-Iraq battlefield where high-tech weapons are used to fight low-tech wars.Modern warfare is dominated by information, winning with firepower, attacking nodes, and destroying the system. A new weapon is not the secret to the ultimate victory. Give full play to the advantages of the system and exchange for a big victory at a small price.

However, this battle fully demonstrated the importance of the air force. If the air force hadn't wiped out Iran's tank troops, the opponent would still have a strong counterattack force.

Zhang Feng knew that the frontal battle had ended, and the most important thing now, and what he was most worried about, was whether Abadan could be taken down intact.

At the same time that Ali captured the Iranian lieutenant general, Muhammad's 35th Division had already approached Abadan.

Street fighting in the city is definitely not an easy task even for the occupants of a heavy tank.

Although the armor of a tank is thick, it cannot be all of the same thickness. The thickest part of a tank is the front armor, because the mission of the tank is to attack, the sides are second, and the rear is the weakest.In a decisive battle in the wild, due to the wide field of vision, the distance between the two sides is very far, and they are fighting together in groups, the possibility of being hit on the side is not very high.

In the city, it is different. There are buildings everywhere in the city. Even a public toilet on the side of the road may hide enemies. The buildings on both sides of the road are very suitable places for infantry to hide. Tanks The internal field of vision is not as wide as that of ordinary vehicles. Coupled with the complicated surroundings, tanks cannot play an important role in the city. On the contrary, from nowhere, a puff of smoke from rockets appears. It will also be destroyed from the weak point.

Therefore, when entering the urban area, tanks must not be allowed to fully act as the main force. The infantry in the armored vehicles behind ran forward, mingled with the tanks, and groped forward.

Infantry is equivalent to giving tanks a lot of eyes, and tanks give infantry a strong firepower backing.

Once an enemy infantry is found, the infantry immediately sends out an alarm, and at the same time, destroys the opponent. If the opponent is hiding in a building, then the tank is ready. Once a grenade passes, the opponent can be wiped out immediately. This is a regular style of play.

After more than a year of siege, Iran has been preparing for street fighting, which made Muhammad full of vigilance.

At the front is the main force composed of captured Chieftain tanks. Along with the tanks, a large number of infantry are vigilantly searching around.

When passing through the block just now, I encountered a few scattered Iranian soldiers. Before they could react, they were smashed into a sieve by the crazy firepower.

The Emirates tank was advancing slowly, and it took two hours to finally reach the municipal government building. They were surprised to find that the flagpole of Iraq had already been flying on the flagpole in front of the building.

The national flag is a parallel red, white and black tricolor with three green five-pointed stars in the center.Red symbolizes all-powerful courage and courage, white shows the broad-mindedness of the Iraqis, black is the eulogy of victory, and green is the traditional color of Islam.The three stars represent the three tenets of the Baath Party: unity, freedom, and socialism.

"Division 35, you are too late." Marwan stood on the government building, looking at the large number of armored troops, and said easily.

ps: There is still no recommendation for next week, and Huadong Zhixiong is still insisting, because, while coding, there are a group of readers who like to watch the Babylonian Empire, which makes Huadong Zhixiong full of confidence. Tomorrow is Saturday. If possible, it will be the third watch !Please remember the URL, if you like "Babylonian Empire" written by Huadongzhixiong

Chapter 1 Inspection

Chapter 1 Inspection——

September 1981, 9 is destined to be a day that will forever be recorded in the annals of Iraqi history:.

On this day, the heroic soldiers of the Iraqi Southern Military Region completely annihilated tens of thousands of Iranian troops under the calm command of Military Region Commander Izzat, Chief of Staff Fat, Special Staff Qusay and others, smashing the In their vain attempt to destroy the Iraqi army surrounding Abadan, they captured the supreme commander of the Iranian army, Lieutenant General Hassan, and liberated Abadan under Khomeini's dictatorship. A turning point in the Iran-Iraq War.

And historically, this was the beginning of Iraq's downward spiral.

At the headquarters of the Southern Military Region, while the staff members were racking their brains on how to write a report on the situation to the Ministry of National Defense and the President, Zhang Feng had already taken a helicopter to Abadan in advance.

Although Izzat and others tried their best to dissuade him, Zhang Feng insisted on going. The president had ordered that Zhang Feng would never be allowed to be on the front line of the battle, but he did not say that he would not be "liberated" by the army after the war. land?Zhang Feng couldn't wait to stand on the land of Abadan.

There is no other reason. Abadan has the largest oil refinery in Iran. Although he has sent special forces to control the refinery in advance, he still wants to see for himself whether the refinery can operate again as he wishes.

War is only a process, not an end. Soldiers fought bloody battles. Apart from the glory of the leader, only tangible benefits can make war meaningful:.

Taking down Abadan, in addition to firmly controlling the Shatt al-Arab River and gaining more coastlines, is more important, Abadan's oil refinery.

The modern economy is absolutely inseparable from oil.

The reason why the Middle East has always been in turmoil is because the underground oil has aroused the covetousness of all forces, and all major countries are trying to control it. Even if they cannot control it, they must cultivate an agent. "Search to see the fastest"

The rise of Iraq will definitely be affected by various forces. However, Zhang Feng is confident that the land here belongs to the people of the Middle East. It is most unwise for other forces to directly resist. How to use various forces? In the face of conflicts between the forces of the other side, it is the right way to take advantage of the fire and develop and strengthen oneself.

The practical significance of winning Abadan to Iraq is that the Abadan refinery can refine low-value-added crude oil into high-value-added refined oil, which can then be sold around the world.

You know, the profit of refined oil is more than five times that of crude oil.

Knowing that Zhang Feng was going to Abadan, the 35th Division kept vigilance everywhere after clearing out the remnants of the enemy, for fear that something might happen to Zhang Feng in Abadan. Rats are not spared.

The Air Force sent several fighter jets to escort Zhang Feng, and the surrounding airspace has been cleared.

In this way, under heavy protection, Zhang Feng flew to Abadan in a Mi-8 helicopter.

From the sky, you can see the huge chimneys of the oil refinery. These equipments are all intact now, and Zhang Feng feels extremely comforted.

He racked his brains and planned such a big move, isn't it just to take over the refinery equipment here?In Zhang Feng's eyes, he seemed to have seen the thick smoke coming out of the tall chimney, seeing all kinds of machines running wildly, and then, a lot of dollars flowed into his pocket, no, it should be the pocket of the people.

The helicopter circled in the sky, and finally landed slowly in the open space of the oil refinery.

"Your Excellency Qusay is welcome to inspect!" Muhammad, the commander of the 35th Division, Marwan and Walih, the commanders of the Sidewinder Special Forces, and some others, all came to the front of the helicopter and watched Zhang Feng get down from the inside of the helicopter.

Around, the sentries were guarding vigilantly, the anti-aircraft firepower was ready to fire at any time, and the engines of several tanks were also running.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone." With a glance, Zhang Feng spotted the big fat man standing on the side of the team, Armored Ali.At this moment, he was looking at Zhang Feng with a smile on his face.

After Zhang Feng shook hands with everyone in turn, he came to Ali.

"The capture of the Iranian lieutenant general this time is all thanks to you!"

"Where, where, it's just luck. Now, the news has spread among the troops. Following His Excellency Qusay, it is simply like having Allah by his side to guide the direction. There is no doubt that the battle will be won." Ali flattered just right.

As an armored regiment leader who climbed up by his own ability without any background, Ali knows the importance of interpersonal relationships. Apart from his own ability, these compliments are absolutely indispensable.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Zhang Feng said.

Tall fractionation towers, huge pipelines, like giant steel beasts, here is the Abadan Oil Refinery with a refining capacity of 3000 million tons.

Before the war, many soldiers in Iraq were workers in oil refineries or oil fields. They had a natural intimacy with these equipment, and these steel products seemed to have a kind of life.

As Zhang Feng walked, he looked around. Although after a year of idleness, rust appeared in some places, but as long as it is treated, this oil refinery will definitely be able to rejuvenate!

"This is our most important place, we must pay attention to prevent the Iranians from wreaking havoc." Zhang Feng said.

"Yes, don't worry, we have firmly protected this place," Muhammad said.

"Not only on the ground, but all the air defense firepower in our division is here to prevent the Iranian air force from destroying it." Zhang Feng said: "In addition, I will let the air force patrol here regularly."

Now that everything here is taken by him, Khomeini will probably vomit blood with anger. If he gets angry and sends a few planes to drop a few bombs, he will be in big trouble.

"Yes, we will pay attention to air defense. All Sam-7 missiles have been transferred here." Mohammed said.

Zhang Feng saw that on some commanding heights, in addition to machine gun positions, there were indeed armed men carrying portable missiles.

After inspecting the refinery, Zhang Feng came to the port again.

Compared with the refinery, the port is a bit messy. Last night, there was obviously a small-scale battle here. On the periphery of the port, the building that had been razed to the ground seemed even more intense.

Zhang Feng has already received a report that when attacking the port defenders, his troops fell into a hard fight. Fortunately, two Hind helicopters took off in the dark and attacked tenaciously, completely destroying the opponent.

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