Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 425 Karkaroff’S New Life

Solim didn't know whether Harry and Hermione would listen to him, but based on Solim's understanding of them, they probably wouldn't. Even if they were stopped for a few classes because of what he just said, they would be in Umbridge sooner or later. What broke out in class—it happened sooner or later.

But Solim's mind was not on Harry and the others at all right now. As soon as he and Draco came downstairs, they saw a large group of students gathered around the bulletin board, discussing loudly, and the whole scene was chaotic.

Oh my God, no education order will be issued now, will it? Solim muttered in his heart, and he and Draco struggled to squeeze into the crowd - at this time Solim and Draco began to think of Goyle and Crabbe, if If those two big guys were here, they wouldn't have to work so hard.

"What's going on?" Draco grabbed Solim's schoolbag, otherwise he would have been squeezed away by the crowd.

After finally squeezing to the front with "583", Solim began to look for words that could cause a stir on the bulletin board. The bulletin boards were filled with flyers for small clubs formed by students themselves, as well as prohibitions posted by Filch. But Solim quickly found what he was looking for:

It's about Karkaroff, who should now be called "Professor Karkaroff". Dumbledore really fulfilled his promise and found Karkaroff a position at Hogwarts. The notice stated: Professor Karkaroff will start a class in a classroom on the second floor, giving lectures on the tricks often used by dark wizards and how to trick dark wizards. Since it is not a formal professor or formal course, this elective course taught by Professor Karkaroff will not be tested.

"Doesn't this overlap with the Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" Draco also finished reading the announcement and turned to look at Solim, "Can Umbridge agree to this?"

"Dumbledore must have coordinated this. This is not something we should pay attention to." Solim and Draco began to squeeze out again, "And you are wrong.

"What was wrong?"

"Karkaroff's course does not overlap with the Defense Against the Dark Arts course."

"But the notice says..." Draco looked back at the notice again, "'Dark wizards and the tricks used by dark wizards'. Isn't this a lesson?"

"Do you think the black wizard's tricks are black magic?" Solim took a deep breath as soon as he came out of the crowd. He was crowded just now. "The methods, the style, and the messy tricks are all part of this course. . And according to my estimation, his course will not teach any magic spells - otherwise Umbridge and the Ministry of Magic will definitely not respond.

The notice about Professor Karkaroff's lessons had spread throughout Hogwarts by dinner time. Almost all the topics discussed by the students in the hall revolved around Karkaroff. They haven't forgotten the scene at last year's dinner - the terrifying mark on Karkaroff's arm made it clear to the students how old their new professor was.

A Death Eater actually started a class at Hogwarts, and it was a class that introduced the tricks and methods of dark wizards... and the reason Karkaroff did this was because he was afraid of dying in front of another more powerful dark wizard. in the hands of...

This can be regarded as an alternative kind of black humor.

Karkaroff was enjoying his dinner at the professor's chair. To be honest, Karkaroff didn't like the environment at Hogwarts. This didn't mean that he was nostalgic or missed his life in Durmstrang. In fact, Karkaroff didn't like places like schools at all: there were too many people, and the chattering students were annoying. But he had to come to Hogwarts

Solim's words last semester and Snape's choice reminded Karkaroff: if you want to live, stay under Dumbledore's nose.

If he didn't really have no choice, Karkaroff wouldn't want to stay in school and teach students. He only wants one thing now, and that is that the Dark Lord can be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise he will never be able to leave Hogwarts for the rest of his life. As a former Death Eater, Karkaroff was very familiar with the tricks of Death Eaters, not to mention the Dark Mark on his arm. As soon as he left the range of Hogwarts, Voldemort would be able to find him. location, and then notify other Death Eaters to kill him. So Karkaroff really hasn't left Hogwarts since last semester - he hasn't even been to Hogsmeade.

Karkaroff takes his own life very seriously. He is very afraid of death, so he is very sensitive to any potential dangers around him - such as the man named Umbridge.

Karkaroff knew exactly who Umbridge was working for, and knew that if given the chance, this woman would definitely kick him out of Hogwarts. If Karkaroff's original character was followed, Umbridge would be dead by now. But this was at Hogwarts. After Dumbledore rejected some of Karkaroff's proposals, he could only hold back and watch this dangerous woman walking around him... .

This is why dark wizards like Karkaroff look down on white wizards like Dumbledore: they are indecisive and not decisive enough in dealing with threats. If someone threatens them, it is the subconscious reaction of all dark wizards to kill that person. Karkaroff also understands that Umbridge is just a victim, and killing her will not change the overall situation. However, doing nothing in the face of threats is not the habit of a dark wizard, but the environment at Hogwarts forces Karkaroff to He had to endure it, so Karkaroff felt uncomfortable since the beginning of school - on the one hand, it was the torture caused by the Dark Mark, and on the other hand, it was the fear of the future. Karkaroff now just hopes that those noisy students will not do anything to him anymore

The only person in Hogwarts who could make Karkaroff feel a little close to him was Snape. They were both Death Eaters, they both betrayed Voldemort, and they all stayed in Hogwarts to save their lives. Speaking of which, there are actually many common topics between Karkaroff and Snape, but Snape doesn't pay much attention to Karkaroff at all. He prefers to lock himself in the underground office instead of talking to Karkaroff. Husband and wife reminisce about past times together.

But Karkaroff is already satisfied with this, what else can he ask for? He also understands that if it were not for Dumbledore and Hogwarts, he might have been caught by the Death Eaters by now, and 1.3 Betrayal Karkaroff thinks he knows what will happen to Voldemort - he will not die happily, the Cruciatus Curse is necessary, and after torturing himself for a period of time, if Voldemort is not satisfied, he will still linger for a few days. , followed by more torture, until Voldemort decided to kill him, Karkaroff understood that being hit by the killing curse was the best outcome, and what was worse was being fed by the big snake Voldemort fed him.

If Dumbledore thought it would be better for those students to know more about the dark side of the world, Karkaroff had no objection. Anyway, he was good at this. He decided to perform well in his first class and try to satisfy Dumbledore—— ——After all, he is just a poor temporary worker at Hogwarts without formal establishment, and temporary worker means that he can be fired at any time. Karkaroff does not want to be kicked out of Hogwarts. .

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