Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 426: Changes In The New Semester

The fifth grade at Hogwarts is a watershed. As the last year to prepare for the ordinary wizard level examination, the fifth grade is obviously different. Students find that they have to learn more and more difficult things, which brings with them endless homework and extremely compressed personal time.

The vast majority of students simply cannot adapt to this intense learning pace. Their awareness and preparation are still in the lower grades, and they have no idea what fifth grade means to them. They also fantasize about how much time they have to devote to personal activities every day, but reality directly turns their expectations into luxury.

Every professor is tirelessly telling them the importance of this year. Every professor's courses are more difficult to understand than in the past, and the homework they leave behind is more difficult to complete. They have to spend a lot of time in the library looking for information and completing assignments.

"You must remember," said the short Professor Flitwick, shrilly, standing on a pile of books as usual so that he could see the class from the podium, "these exams may affect your future. Many years ahead! If you haven't given serious thought to your career yet, you should do so now. In the meantime

In order to ensure that you all perform at your best, I’m afraid we all have to work harder than before!”

At the beginning of the semester, Professor Flitwick began to take the students to review the various spells they had learned in the past, because they would all appear in exams - whether it was a written exam or a practical exam.

-operate. Then, they spent more than an hour reviewing the Flying Curse. According to Professor Flitwick, this was something that would definitely be included in their 0.W.Ls exam. Before get out of class ended, he assigned a large number of magic spells as homework as never before.

At this time, Harry began to feel grateful to people like Solim, Hermione, and Neville who had helped him. If it hadn't been for them, he would have practiced the Flying Curse as hard as other students at night. Thanks to last year's Triwizard Tournament, , Harry has become very proficient in the Flying Charm, and he doesn't need to practice as hard as other students. This saves him a lot of time... to complete other homework.

Professor Flitwick's Charms class was relatively friendly to Harry, but Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class was not so friendly.

"Without serious study, practice, and application," Professor McGonagall said seriously, "you will not be able to pass the 0.W.Ls exam. I think that as long as you invest time and energy, all the students in this class will have no reason to I can’t get the 0.W.Ls certificate for the Transfiguration class.”

Neville sighed in disbelief. His transfiguration skills were somewhat poor, and even Solim had given up trying. Transfiguration is very demanding to learn well: it requires the wizard to have good imagination, calculation ability and sufficient concentration. This is only a necessary condition for learning Transfiguration well. In addition, it also requires a lot of time to practice and summarize.

For some people whose minds are not very flexible, whose thinking is relatively rigid, and whose attention is not focused enough, they will not make much progress in the field of transfiguration. Why is high-end transformation skills the standard for powerful wizards? The reason is this: if a wizard has good imagination, calculation ability and a high degree of concentration, then it is only a matter of time before this wizard becomes powerful.

"Yes, the same goes for you, Longbottom." Professor McGonagall said, "There is nothing wrong with your operation, you just lack confidence. Therefore, today we are going to start learning the Vanishing Curse. The Vanishing Curse is faster than your average ability to reach NE.W. The summoning spell practiced only at Ts level is simpler, but it is still the most difficult spell that will appear in your 0.W.L$ exam."

Professor McGonagall is right. Harry found that the Vanishing Curse was extremely rare. By the end of both sessions, neither he nor Ronald had been able to make the snail they were practicing on disappear, although Ronald said hopefully that he thought his snail had become a little lighter in color. Hermione successfully made her snail disappear after only casting the spell for the first time. This was due to her advanced learning from Solim. Hermione had already mastered most of the spells involved in the "Standard Spells" series, so Earned ten points for Gryffindor House from Professor McGonagall. She was the only one who didn't have to do homework. Everyone else had to practice the spell overnight and prepare to try it on those snails the next afternoon.

There was so much homework to complete, Harry and Ronald were a little panicked. They spent their lunch hour in the library researching the pharmaceutical uses of moonstone. At this time, Harry finally understood the meaning of what Fred and George said to him before school started. Fifth grade can really drive people crazy. You know, school has just started.

Harry really didn't know if he could make it to the end of the term.

People who usually don't work hard need to spend more time and energy to make up for the knowledge they have missed in the past, but students like Solim and Hermione will not be as busy as other students. Students at level 1 have already mastered this knowledge through hard study when they were just playing around, so now they can look more relaxed when others are busy.

Of course, leisure is only relative. Hermione was still the same, getting nervous when preparing for exams, especially this year in fifth grade. As soon as school started, these 193 girls were as nervous as "the exams are in a week" and took the time to review.

Solim was as usual. Of course, this might be because he was taking only one elective course, and he did have a lot more time compared to other students - for example, he didn't have to take the Magical Creatures class.

But Harry and the others couldn't, not to mention Harry wanted to ask Professor Grubbly-Plank where Hagrid had gone. As everyone expected, Professor Sprout emphasized the importance of O.W.Ls to them as soon as the class began. He really wished all the teachers would stop talking about it. Whenever he thought about how much homework he had to do, he felt restless and nervous. After class, Professor Sprout assigned them to write a paper, and Harry's feeling suddenly became stronger.

An hour and a half later, the Gryffindor students were all exhausted and smelled strongly of dragon dung—Professor Sprout's favorite fertilizer. They lined up to return to the castle, no one in the mood to talk. This was another particularly tiring day.

Before dinner started, Angelina found Harry, and then Harry remembered that he would have to select the Gryffindor goalkeeper this Friday - which meant that he had to further compress his already insufficient time. .

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