Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 427 Awkward Meeting

The next morning, Harry was the first to wake up in the dormitory. He lay on the bed for a while, watching the dust swirling and dancing in the ray of sunlight that filtered through the gap in the curtain of the four-poster bed, and happily remembered that today was Saturday. The first week of the new semester is so long, it seems like it will never end. It's like an endless history of magic lesson.

There was a sound of sleeping silence all around, and the ray of sunshine seemed to have just been created. It seemed that the sky had just dawned. Harry opened the curtains around the bed and began to get up and get dressed

Harry glanced at Ronald's poor sleeping state and couldn't help but shake his head. Yesterday's Quidditch selection was not ideal, but for some reasons, Harry, as the captain of Gryffindor, still recruited Ronald, as well as Ginny. Harry had to admit that Ginny was more of a Weasley than Ronald - Harry didn't know how Bill was flying, but Harry and the twins were great, and Ginny was not bad either, but Ronald... ..…

Harry's scar started to hurt again last night. In fact, his scar had hurt from time to time since Voldemort's return, but Harry rarely discussed this with others. He decided to discuss it with the person he trusted most.

He carefully opened his bag, trying not to make any noise, took out the parchment and quill, and Harry left the dormitory and walked towards the common room. Beside the extinguished fire was his favorite old squishy armchair. Harry sat down comfortably, unfolded the parchment, and surveyed the room. At the end of a normal day, the common room would always be littered with parchment balls, old Gobstones, empty ingredient jars and candy wrappers. Now these rubbish are gone, all thanks to the house elves of Hogwarts. . Thinking of house elves, Harry thought of Solim. If it hadn't been for Solim, he might have a "vomiting" badge on his chest now.

While thinking this, he opened the cap of the ink bottle, dipped the quill in, and then let the pen tip hang an inch above the smooth, yellowed parchment. He thought hard. After a minute or two, He found himself staring at the empty fireplace in a daze, not knowing what to write.

How could he tell Sirius everything that had happened during the past week and ask all the questions he couldn't wait to ask, without giving would-be letter thieves a lot of information he didn't want them to know? What? He sat motionless for a while, staring at the fireplace in awe. Then he finally made up his mind, dipped his quill in the ink bottle, and started writing on the parchment decisively.

Dear Cold:

Hope you're doing well, the first week back here was terrible and I'm so glad the weekend is finally here.

We have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Umbridge. She's almost as good as your mother. I am writing to you today because what I wrote to you about last summer came up again last night. We all miss our greatest friend and hope he will come back soon.

Harry Harry read the letter several times, trying to see it from an outsider's perspective. He felt that just by reading this letter, an outsider would never know what he was talking about or who he was talking to. He really hoped that Sirius could read the hint about Hagrid and tell them about when Hagrid would come back. Harry didn't want to ask directly, fearing that it would draw too much attention from others and wonder what Hagrid was doing if he wasn't at Hogwarts.

The letter was short, but the time it took was long. While he was writing the letter, the sunlight slowly shone into the middle of the room, and now he could vaguely hear the movement in the dormitory upstairs. He carefully sealed the parchment, crawled through the portrait hole, and headed straight for the owl loft.

The sun was high in the sky now, and when Harry walked into the shed, the glassless windows dangled so hard that he couldn't keep his eyes open. Dazzling rays of sunlight criss-crossed into the circular room. Hundreds of owls were perched on the rafters, looking a little restless in the morning light. Some of them had obviously just returned from hunting outside. When Harry stretched his neck to look for Hedwig, he stepped on fine animal bones, making a crunching sound on the straw-covered ground.

"You're over there." He said, spotting Hedwig near the top of the vaulted ceiling. "Come down, I have a letter for you."

Hedwig gave a low cry, spread her huge white wings and flew down to land on his shoulder. "Yes, I know it says 'cold' on the outside," Harry said to it, taking the letter to it and holding it in his mouth. Then he didn't know why, but he lowered his voice and said, "But it's for Sirius. Do you understand?" Hedwig blinked her amber eyes.

Harry knew this meant it understood.

"Then I wish you a safe journey." Harry said, leading it to a window. Hedwig pushed his arm hard, jumped up, and flew into the bright and clear sky outside. He stared at it until it became a small black dot and disappeared completely. Then he turned his eyes to Hagrid's cabin. He could see clearly from the window, but there was no smoke from the chimney and the curtains were drawn. Tight and clearly still unoccupied.

Hagrid still doesn't look like he's back at Hogwarts. Where would he go? Harry hoped to get some news about Hagrid from Sirius, and hoped that Hagrid would be back before then.

Harry was about to leave when the door of the owl loft suddenly opened behind him. He jumped up in surprise, turned around, and saw Qiu Zhang holding a letter and a package in his hand

"Hello." Harry said subconsciously. Harry had always had a strange fondness for this oriental girl - which was different from the Patil sisters.

"Oh?? Hello." She said breathlessly, "I didn't expect someone to come up so early. I just remembered five minutes ago that today is my mother's birthday.

Harry was just about to say a few more words to Cho Chang, but he stopped when he saw the figure behind Cho Chang.


"Oh, it's you, Harry." Cedric greeted.

Yes, Cedric is not dead, and Qiu Zhang still maintains a relationship with him.

"What are you..." Harry regretted not coming up wearing the invisibility cloak.

"Oh, my girlfriend wants to send a package, I will accompany her up." Cedric said with a smile, and we will go down and eat together later.

Harry suddenly felt that it would have been nice if Cedric had appeared in the cemetery with them that night... Harry was startled by the sudden thought that came to his mind. He could not tolerate this sudden thought. A dirty thought.

Just as Harry was about to leave, Cedric stopped him again.

"Harry." Cedric became more serious, "There are some things I want to ask you about last semester..."

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