[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

C: Fork in the Road

It was a few days later when the thoughts of that night faded from memory. Yibai didn't really forget but like many things, that incident got buried under everything else. Upcoming exams, his father's new job, and his primary school graduation made it easy to forget the three pairs of shoes and bright blue eyes.

Much to his surprise, despite never telling Suren about his dilemma, the boy managed to keep Yibai's spirits up. He still clung to him and acted like they were friends, making it easy to forget his worries.

Yibai was careful though.

His father had been watching him closely as of late and didn't want the man to learn about his interactions with Suren. Even if he told the man how 'not bad' Suren was, he knew his father would disapprove.

Just one look at the charming and adorable boy and it would be obvious what he'd present as.

As such, despite his many attempts to bribe Yibai, the beta accepted any of Suren's invitations to his house again. He'd gotten lucky that his father hadn't noticed the scent of adult pheromones on him after staying the night with Suren's parents but he couldn't risk it.

While he and Suren might not be friends, he didn't dislike him either and wanted to enjoy the little time they had left together.


The day Suren presented as an Omega, the only one shocked by the news was him.

Suren stared down at the paper, near tears as he sat beside Yibai. The latter had wanted to eat alone but was followed around by Suren until he gave up and sat down. They had spent the last few minutes in silence.

Until, at long last, Suren broke the silence. As usual.

"B-but... I thought I'd be a beta~"

"Why?" Yibai retorted, peeking over. "You're pretty, charismatic, and well-spoken. What about any of those traits made you think you'd be a beta?"

Suren turned to Yibai, his eyes glowing with indignation. "Bai is well-spoken!"

"I noticed the first two traits mysteriously vanished." He deadpanned.

"Well..." The newly presented Omega faltered a bit, looking nervous. "Bai isn't pretty but even with your plain face, you look nice."

"That really doesn't sound like a compliment."

"It's not an insult though!" He proclaimed, clinging to Yibai's arm. As he knew the omega was a stubborn guy, Yibai let him. After a minute, Suren continued to whine. "B-but I wanted to be a beta, like you!"

"And I wanted to be left alone and yet here we are."

Suren was used to being rejected by Yibai, so none of his words really hurt him. Yibai was like a hedgehog in the omega's mind. Cute but prickly.

He never cared before this what he presented as. It was just another mark that would define him without his consent. Just another to add to the list. But now that he'd found Bai, he didn't want that mark to keep them apart.

He really liked his prickly sweetheart.

"Is there any way it might be a mistake?" He pondered, giving Yibai his best pitiful look. But his hedgehog had a heart made of stone that didn't even budge.

"Doubt it."

"Sweetie, why aren't you upset?!" He cried, looking near tears. If he was an omega and his sweetie wasn't, wasn't this the worst possible news?

Yibai, to his credit, noticed his rival's expression and earnestly responded with, "Should I be?"

He really didn't understand why Suren was so upset about this. This was how things were bound to be from the beginning. While he too was a bit disappointed that they'd have to keep their distance from now on, it was just the way things had to be.

There was no reason for a beta and an omega to be around each other.

"Yes!" Suren snapped, clutching his sweetie's arm. "If I'm an omega and you're a beta, that means we won't get to go to middle school together."

"Huh." He hummed, having forgotten that. "Is that so?"

It was well known to even unpresented children that there was a difference between Alphas, Omegas, and betas. As such, it had been an established law that after a child presented their sub-gender, they would attend a school made up entirely of that sub-gender. All three types would teach the same basic knowledge but focus on educating the students about their sub-gender's traits and difficulties.

The Alpha middle school would teach the students how to control their superior strength and ready themselves for properly interacting with others. Education on ruts and other things exclusive to them.

The Omega middle school taught their students etiquette and manners, as they were naturally charming. They would also be taught about their heats and how to properly manage them to ensure they can go through life with little to no interference from their biology.

The Beta middle school... nothing could really be said about it. It taught basic skills and trades. Beta's were lucky, as they had no biological traits that should get in the way of their daily lives. The only thing exclusive to them was just how normal they were compared to the extraordinary Omega and Alpha population.

In this way, those youthful and innocent children would grow up in a safe environment and be taught how to live with their sub-gender. It was good for them.

Suren, however, didn't feel the same.

"Bai?!" He cried, his large dark eyes glimmering in a way that would have swayed the heart of any who saw it. Even Yibai, with his stubbornness, felt a mild crack in his defenses when faced with such a look.

He sighed, putting his lunch aside. It was not like he was going to get to eat with this person around.

"It'll be fine." He assured the omega, patting him on the head. "You'll forget all about me and we'll get on with our lives."

"I won't forget you!" Suren snapped back, staring into his sweetie's murky gray eyes. "I swore I'd be with you forever."

Suren didn't think he'd like Yibai this much. At first, he just wanted the boy's attention but the more he spent time with him, the more he came to like this abrasive statue.

Surely, this had to be what his parents called 'liking someone'!

Yibai, however, looked unconvinced. His mind was on his father and how much trouble he'd be in if he was seen with an Omega.

It wouldn't be good.

"Yeah, sure you will." He said doubtfully, pushing Suren away. "Trust me, you'll forget about me soon enough."

Three years was a long time for kids. He was sure his troublesome person would find something or someone else to focus on soon enough. Why focus on some beta he knew in primary school when he was surrounded by capable and amazing Omegas'. Moreover, once he was mated, Yibai would just be another name in the yearbook.

It was the way of things.

Suren wilted, seeing his friend's dismissive expression.

"Bai, you-" He reached out, stopping when he saw his friend's unwillingness to be touched. He clenched his fist and showed a determined expression. "I won't. I swear, I'll be your mate in the future."

At that, Yibai almost choked.

An omega, mating with a beta? That was just a fantasy. If it was as simple as saying so, would there be any strife between the genders at all?

"Oi, are you ignoring my genuine feelings for you, Bai?" Suren grumbled, seeing Yibai's thoughts on his face.

Of course, he was. Why put any mind into the silly thoughts of this person. He was irrational, saying such dumb things when he knew that there was an alpha out there that was destined for him.

Who was dumb enough to give their heart to just anyone in a world like this?


For the rest of the day, Yibai did his best to avoid Suren. It wasn’t that he disliked the boy's presence but it would be best if he kept his distance from now on. While a beta’s nose wasn’t as good as Alpha’s or Omega’s, they could smell a newly presented Omega fairly easily.

Because of that, Yibai tried to wash off the scent Suren had left on him in the local park. It wasn’t the same park that the assault happened but there were still a couple of cops around, so Yibai felt safe.

Again, he felt the desire to tell someone about what had happened that night. It was scary to think he’d been so close to people who hurt someone. His dad had waved the matter off, saying that the omega should have known better but what about Yibai?

Should he too have known better?

There was no one to talk to. Not his dad. Not his mom. He couldn’t even tell Suren, though he was sure the omega would say something to get his mind off the distressing matter.

Yet he couldn’t even talk to the boy anymore.

He sat in the park for a while, watching the sunset. It was as quiet as ever and it helped ease his concerns. Sitting alone like this, he could pretend there was nothing else in the world but him.

No blue eyes that stared at him from the darkness.

No pairs of shoes that echoed in his ears.

Just him.

He sighed, about to leave when he heard someone call out to him. Looking over, he saw his dad standing with some unfamiliar men. Jun Yulan separated from his group, waving goodbye as they departed.

Seeing his dad with friends made Yibai happy. His dad was actually pretty nice when he was working. It was only when Alpha’s or Omega’s were mentioned that he got mean.

As such, Yibai rushed over to him with a smile, somewhat relieved to have a comforting presence to lean on.

Jun Yulan caught his son in his arm, frowning at the action.

“What's going on with you?” He asked, his gruff tone mildly tinged with concern. His son was usually pretty distant. “I don’t usually get hugs from you.”

“You don’t like hugs.”

“That's true.” He conceded with a nod. He glanced back at the boy. “So why now?”

“I…” Yibai stared up at his father, his desire to tell the man about those grown-ups he saw in the park burning a hole in his gut. It wouldn’t take much. If he could get one word out, the rest would quickly follow but…

This was his father.

“I got scared cause those men who attacked that guy are still around.” He said instead, too fearful to speak the truth.

“Ah.” His father relaxed, smiling down at his son as he stroked his head. “Well, they seem to be targeting Omega’s exclusively so you should be fine.”

“What about the omega’s then?” He couldn’t help but ask.

Yulan blinked in confusion. “What about them?”

Yibai sighed, realizing his father wasn’t understanding him. The man didn’t like omega’s so it was obvious what his answer would be. But how could Yibai explain his worries? He was sure his dad would tell him to keep quiet.

Beta’s don’t draw attention to themselves. He’d say, lecturing Yibai about minding his own business. It never did anyone any good to put yourself out unnecessarily.

It was best to stay quiet.


Yibai walked home with his father, listening as the man told him about his day. While he didn’t understand what he was talking about, Yibai found himself enjoying the conversation. Outside his father's dislikes, the man was very passionate and kind. He did what he could to help others.

Yibai liked this about his dad.

When they reached their house, Yulan cursed under his breath, realizing he’d forgotten his keys.

“And your mother is probably still out with her friends.” He grumbled, scratching his head helplessly. Seeing his father's frustration, Yibai offered his keys.

With a smile, it was accepted. In another world, that might have been the end of it. But it wasn’t.

The keys had barely moved before the man's smile fell. With a questioning gaze, brought them close to smell it. His frown deepened as he looked back at his son.

“What is that on your hand?”

“Uh…” Yibai didn’t get a chance to argue as his father grabbed his wrist and brought it close.

“Why do I smell an Omega on you?” His father asked, his tone calm. Yibai, on the other hand, was anything but. While his hands had been washed, his clothes hadn’t been. Some of Suren’s pheromone had brushed onto his hand from his clothes and Jun Yulan could smell it.

“M-my classmates presented recently and-”

“And you knowingly associated with them?” He growled, making Yibai shiver.

“They’re my classmates!” The boy argued, his eyes darting about the yard. “I can’t avoid them completely.”

Jun Yulan stared at his son for a long time before letting out a weary sigh.

“That's true.” He huffed, looking only mildly annoyed. “It's a shame we can’t enroll you in an exclusively beta school. At least then I wouldn’t have to worry about you being around those Alom’s.”

[AN: Alom: a term used by betas to address alphas and omegas as a group. Can be used derogatorily, depending on the context.]

His father said nothing after that, surprising Yibai in that he didn’t seem to get angry or annoyed about the subject. They went home and things were normal.

Homework was done. Mom came home and made dinner. Then the three of them watched some TV before heading to bed.

Curiously, when Yibai left his room for some water, he heard his parents talking about something but he was too tired to understand what it was. Something about taking care of Yibai and what was best for him.

He didn’t think much of it.


Three days later, he learned what his father meant when he said those words. Without any warning, the Jun’s were moving. To where, his father wouldn’t say. He just claimed it would be good for Yibai to get away from any of the omega’s around him.

The child felt mortified at the thought.

It was graduation soon, he tried to argue. The test he’d taken recently still hadn’t released the results. Yibai had to see what he got as a grade.

But his father shot all his excuses down. Technically, he had already graduated after the last exam. The graduation was only a formality and he wasn’t required to actually attend.

Seeing all his attempts fail, Yibai could only concede to his father's wishes. While his mother comforted him about missing out on graduation, she too was happy to move.

A new place is a new adventure. She argued, though only she seemed excited about it. Dad looked like he was just doing a job. The move was most likely connected to his new job.

This left Yibai distressed as he stared at his already packed bags.

His mind drifted to Suren, whom he’d been ignoring for days now. He felt a bit guilty to leave without telling him. Knowing him, he’d cry and whine about it.

But it was for the best.

They were a beta and omega. Sure, he enjoyed their rivalry but it was just a childish game. A game Suren chose to play along with. Even before he’d presented, it was clear Suren was the smarter one between them.

When Suren ultimately found true rivals in middle school, he was bound to forget all about Yibai.

Unbidden, tears started forming in his eyes, though he tried to fight them off. Whether the tears were because he would never get to break the tie between him and Suren or because of the omega himself, he chose not to think too hard about it.


AN: And thus ends the childhood arc. Off to the middle school arc where we meet more characters.

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