[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

C: Presenting

Jun Yibai chose to wait for Li Suren in his local park, B-city park. It probably wasn’t the best place for a child to wait but better than being on the road. If he stood there, a police officer could spot him, and then there would be issues.

Being at the park when it was dark was a surreal experience. During the day, it was bright and gave off a positive feeling of joy and laughter. At night, it was quiet and made one wonder what monsters might be lurking in the dark.

Jun Yibai was scared but remained where he was. There was no point in panicking. If there was a monster, he probably couldn’t outrun it, and being scared wouldn’t help him.

Even though he knew this, he felt jittery and jumped when he heard something come from the bushes.

Some distance from the bench he sat on, the child saw three figures emerge from the trees. He had wanted to hide but was quickly noticed by the trio. He looked away as they approached.

“Eh?” One man said as he stared down at the child. “What’s this kid doing here?”

“Does it matter?” Another one snapped, grabbing the first man’s arm. “Let’s just go before someone notices us.”

Jun Yibai, at that moment, realized he might have made a mistake waiting here. These guys might have been doing something suspicious if they worried about being noticed.

He clenched his fists, hoping they would just leave.

“What about the kid?”

“What about him?” The second guy retorted. “He has nothing to do with us.”


“Dude, leave it! Look, he isn’t even looking at us.” The man leaned in, the smell of alcohol heavy on his breath. Jun Yibai didn’t flinch, remain as still as possible. “He’s smart and knows what to see and not see. So there’s no point bothering the kid.”

“Fine.” The first man grumbled, moving away.

Watching the feet disappear, Jun Yibai let out a breath, relieved he hadn’t gotten involved in something strange. While he did wonder what they had been doing, he knew better than to look into it any further.

He’d read way too many books that had characters act on such impulses only to end up dead.

Thinking the men had left, he lifted his head to look around. The park was still the same. Dark, quiet, and creepy. Yet his heart leaped into his chest when he saw that the trio had only reached the park entrance. He still could make them out but when he saw that one man was staring back at him, he froze.

All he recalled was a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at him before he looked away, slamming his eyes closed.

He saw nothing! There was no one there. He chanted this mantra in his head, too scared to open his eyes again even when the park grew quiet again.


He wasn’t sure how long he’d kept his eyes closed but he found himself being shaken awake, a soft but familiar voice calling out to him.

“Bai!? Bai, wake up!” Li Suren sobbed, nearly tugging the other child off the bench.

Jun Yibai was a pretty light sleeper so if it wasn’t the sobbing that woke him up, it would have certainly been the tugging. He quickly woke up but was pulled from the bench just as quickly. The two boys fell back, one cushioning the others fall.

As the cushion, in this case, Jun Yibai felt the desire to snap at Li Suren but stopped when the boy wrapped his arms around him.

“Bai, I was so worried about you~” He sobbed.

It was a little surprising to learn that Li Suren was not a pretty crier. Despite how lovely an appearance he held, he cried with all his heart, with gasps, and snot running down his face.

While gross, Jun Yibai felt a bit happy to see such a side of him. To know Li Suren wasn’t perfect.

“Are you really crying?” He huffed, petting the sniffling child. While his words were mocking, the gesture was gentle and eased the boy’s tension.

“You weren’t moving~” Li Suren insisted, pressing his face against Jun Yibai’s chest. He liked being petted but it was doing nothing to help his tears.

Don’t be so gentle if you don't want me to cry~ He thought, even as his hands clung to Jun Yibai.

“I fell asleep.”


“Uh…” Jun Yibai couldn’t really argue that. Sleeping outside was dumb but… he really couldn’t risk opening his eyes and seeing that the trio was still around. Peeking around, he saw that he and Li Suren were alone in the park.

He sighed with relief.

His thoughts were elsewhere when he felt a warm hand touch his cheek.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” He asked, his face mostly clean but still red. “Did something happen before?”

The taller boy flinched, wondering if Li Suren had seen the trio from before.

“Why does something have to have happened?” He snapped, jumping to his feet. Li Suren frowned, blinking at him with confusion.

“Because you called me.” He said slowly, his mind racing as he saw the other boy's shoulders relax somewhat.

Had something else happened before he arrived?

Jun Yibai, on the other hand, felt no concern, happy that his thoughts were hidden from the other boy. He didn’t want Li Suren to get involved with anything like that.

“I thought that would make you happy.”

“Of course, I was excited!” The pale-haired child said, jumping to his feet. He took Jun Yibai’s hands and beamed like a star, nearly blinding the child. “Bai called me for the first time and even wants to spend the night. I couldn’t be more happy!”

He had truly not expected such a thing and had rushed out the door in his pajamas. It was only halfway out the door before his parents stopped to interrogate his sudden desire to take their car and driver.

He was sure he sounded like a crazy person just then, as he struggled to voice how much he needed to see Bai, as he was sure there was something wrong. Not only had he called him but asked to spend the night despite them being supposedly rivals.

How could he not worry!?

“But then on the way here, I started thinking about it.” He continued, his voice tinged with a quiet resignation. “Bai… you don’t really like me all that much.”

Jun Yibai wanted to respond but couldn’t. It would be bad to tell him that he was right but saying that to the person whose house he wanted to sleep at would be worse. They would both know he was lying.

In truth, Li Suren wasn’t a bad person. Sure, he was clingy and annoying but Jun Yibai liked how smart and determined he was when trying for something. It was admirable if not a bit annoying when it was directed at him.

He knew they could never be friends but he couldn't say he disliked the boy as much as he said he did.

Li Suren glanced at Jun Yibai, hoping for a refutation even though they both knew the truth. He sighed, feeling a bit hurt but letting it pass. He had never been disliked by anyone before and to have it be his favorite person was painful.

Yet despite how much it hurt, something in him didn’t want to give up on this person. He wanted to be close to this person no matter what.

“Bai.” He clenched his hand, staring into Jun Yibai’s dark eyes. “What happened?”


A moment of silence fell between them as Jun Yibai pulled his hand away.

“You won’t tell me?”

“Do I need to in order to stay over?” Jun Yibai asked, fully ready to walk away. If he needed to talk about his circumstances, he might as well go to the police right then and there. There’d be no difference.

“...No.” He sighed. As if sensing the tension, Li Suren let the matter go, not wanting to press any further. “If Bai needs me, you can take whatever you want from me.”

I’ll wait for the day you feel you can trust me with your secrets. He thought, his hand squeezing Bai’s. The boy’s hand was cold from sitting out in the open.

Whichever ones you feel like hiding now.


As they rode, Jun Yibai couldn’t help but wonder what kind of person Li Suren truly was. He didn’t understand why he was being so nice to him. Especially after knowing how Jun Yibai felt about him.

He really didn’t understand him and part of him really didn’t want to. It was bad enough that he was going to his house but if they got any closer and his dad found out…

No, he couldn’t get any closer than he was now.


“Eh?” Jun Yibai jumped, blinking as he realized he'd been called, probably multiple times.

“We’re here.” Li Suren opened the door, holding out a hand to help his companion from the limousine. Yet the child was awestruck, staring up at the massive structure in front of him. Surely houses weren’t supposed to be this big!!

“Y-you live here!?” He cried, his mouth agape as he looked around. It was like an entire block had been used to house such a place. It was amazing.

Li Suren preened as he saw Jun Yibai’s awestruck expression. He’d never seen the child so animated.

“Sometimes.” He answered, taking the child's hand as he led them to the door. “Grandfather gave it to her as a gift, I think, so we only stay here when she’s nearby.”

“Oh” What more could he say. He had suspected Li Suren was rich but to see it presented in front of him like this was something else.

The trio, Li  Suren, Jun Yibai, and the driver, walked to the door, only to be met by two more adults. The first was a tall red-headed woman wearing a short blue robe revealing her legs. She was very lovely and looked a bit scary as she glared down at the two children.

“Is this the reason why you tried to sneak out, A-Ren?” She snapped, leaning down to stare down intensely. Li Suren flinched, his hands tightening around JunYibai’.

“Uh…” Li Suren wilted, too scared to speak a word. Before he could even mumble an apology, Jun Yibai stepped forward, slipping between the two.

“I’m sorry, ma'am. It’s my fault for calling him so late.” He said, staring into the eyes of the woman. He noticed she and Li Suren had the same color eyes.

This must be his mother.

Li Suren’s mother cocked a brow, mildly surprised by the child’s gesture. Standing in front of her son as if to protect him. How cute.

The second woman, Liao Na, placed a hand on the redhead’s shoulder.

“Darling, don’t tease him anymore.” She gently chided, her voice low and soft. “Look at him. He finally made a friend.”

“I have friends!”

“Yet this boy is the first you invite over?”

“Sweetie didn’t want to before.”

“Sweetie?” The redhead echoed, her gaze falling back onto Jun Yibai. “Is this the kid you’ve been gushing over all semester?”

Li Suren’s eyes darted over the Jun Yibai, his face flushed as he mumbled, “Yes.”

The redhead, Su Dai, let out a loud laugh as she welcomed the two boys in. Her smile was soft and carefree, easing the tension in both boys.

“He’s not what I expected from what you told me.” She whispered to her son, peeking at the plain boy looking around the room.

“Papa, don’t be mean!” Li Suren cried, pushing his mother away. “Bai is super cool and smart!”

“Okay, Okay~:” Liao Na cut in, smiling. The gentle woman tapped her wife’s shoulder, shaking her head to make Su Dai stop. While she was all for teasing their son, it was late. She turned to her guest. “Xiao Bai, are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?”

“No thank you.” He mumbled, clenching his hands around his backpack. He was already intruding in their home. Asking for food would just be troublesome.


Despite Li Suren’s efforts, Jun Yibai didn’t talk to him. In fact, after his polite decline of food, the boy didn’t say a word, falling asleep as soon as his head hit a pillow.

Li Suren watched as the boy curled up and snuggled into the soft mattress. His brows, usually furrowed like deep rivers, had relaxed. It was a welcome sight.

Li Suren laid beside him, his eyes drifting close as he watched his sweetie sleep peacefully.

He could only hope he could give this to Jun Yibai forever.


The next morning, as one might expect from children who stayed up late, the two overslept. They were tossed in the bath together and swiftly dressed as the two women rushed them to school. It was only about halfway there that even one of them realized what had occurred.

Li Suren was still napping as they were driven to school, his head leaning against the window. Jun Yibai remained awake, his eyes darting about as he observed the car.

This was how Li Suren traveled every day? How luxurious could one be?

He sighed, closing his own eyes.

As soon as the two boys arrived, they were separated. Being huddled about as the nurse collected a student one at a time. It was only then that Jun Yibai notices how excited everyone else around him seemed to be.

There were whispers and the like that made Jun Yibai wonder if he had forgotten something. Something important.

Then it was his turn to enter the nurse’s office. The room was empty save for a few beds, a desk, and a tired-looking woman. She gave him a quick check-up before handing him some papers.

“Be sure to give this to your parents later, alright?” She said as she called in the next child.

This left Jun Yibai confused, wondering what was going on. Then he opened the letter and everything became clear.

There were a lot of grown-up terms but he knew how to read enough to figure out what was being spoken about.

He had presented as a beta.

He had forgotten that he and his classmates would be presenting as their sub-gender soon. It was actually what he’d been wanting to tell his dad the day before.

Staring at the paper, Jun Yibai felt a weight lift from his shoulders.

He had presented as a beta.

He had expected it since his family was purely betas for generations. The chances of him being anything else was next to impossible. While it did happen, it was too rare to even mention.

His teachers, when they saw his results, didn't share his relief. They had seen how smart Jun Yibai was and had assumed he'd present as an Alpha, despite how plain he was appearance-wise. Being a beta, they wrote him off as having reached his pinnacle.

Jun Yibai didn't mind these low expectations. He wasn't planning on living up to the expectations of those so willing to toss him aside. He never wished for much out of life. He'd always assumed it was his own will but it turned out that it was just his nature as a beta that made him like this.

How fitting.


Jun Yibai spent the day with his head down, his mind in jumbles as he came to terms with everything that had happened in the last 24 hours.

Father lost his job, he stayed at Li Suren’s house and he presented as a Beta.

It was an eventful day.

Everyone else in his class was filled with excitement, being the first of the half dozen classes to get their results. Those who were obviously Alpha and Omega’s hadn’t gotten their results yet but were assured they were one or the other.

Curiously, Beta’s were easy to identify when they presented but Alpha’s and Omega’s took more time so those without results knew they’d present as one or the other.

It made the unpresented more smug as they flaunted themselves in front of the newly presented Beta’s. Jun Yibai tried to ignore them but they inevitably came to hassle him.

“Hey, statue!” One of two boys called out, standing nearby. “Did you get your results?”


The boy's expression darkened as he shouted. “Hey?!”

The class grew quiet but Jun Yibai showed no concern for the boys, ignoring them as he kept his head down. After a moment, the noise in the class grew as the second boy continued.

“He must have.” He jeered. “There's no way a guy like him didn’t come out as a beta.”

The two shared a laugh, amused by their own words. Jun Yibai, getting annoyed by the noise sat up, about to speak up before a familiar voice rang out.

“Do you even know what a beta is?” All three pairs of eyes darted toward the door, blinking as Li Suren moved between the two boys and Jun Yibai.


“You don't, right?” He snapped, glaring at them. “So don’t ask things you know nothing about.”


“Bai!” Li Suren turned to Jun Yibai, effectively dismissing them as he addressed his sweetie. “Bai, did you get your results?”

Jun Yibai wasn’t sure how to respond but chose to follow Li Suren’s lead and nod.

“Did you?” He asked as the two boys walked away sulkily. Li Suren paid this no mind, collapsing into the chair nearby with a dramatic flair.

“No.” He said after a minute, pouting sadly. He knew what longer tests meant. “I want to be a beta too!”

Jun Yibai looked up, frowning.

“You… want to be?” He couldn’t help but ask this. Never had he heard of someone wanting to be a beta. Most kids want to be great, be superheroes. What was closer to a superhero than an Alpha or Omega?

Even he had once thought what it would be like to be something other than a beta.

“Of course! If we are both beta’s, we’ll get to go to middle school together. It’d be great~”

Ah, he should have known it would be a shallow reason like that.

“Great for who?”

Li Suren, used to Jun Yibai’s dismissal, took the jab in stride, presenting his best aggrieved look.

“Doesn’t Bai want to spend time with me?” He pouted, hoping to soften his sweetie’s heart.

It didn’t work.

“You are still troublesome.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes at the boy’s antics. Didn’t he have any shame, showing such a face?

“Yeah, but if you ever need to spend the night somewhere, we can sleepover and-” Li Suren started, clearly excited by the notion before a hand was slapped over his mouth.

“We don’t talk about that.”


“No.” Jun Yibai snapped with finality, relieved when the boy nodded. Li Suren knew his preferences pretty well so he didn’t argue the point.


The rest of the day went fairly normal, if not shortened due to the tests. Because there would soon be presented Alpha’s and Omega’s, the school was now focused on graduation. The final exams would be divided by sub-genders it seemed.

Jun Yibai didn’t get it completely but apparently it was bad for newly presented children to be mixed together.

As usual, he went home alone, though this time he made an effort to avoid the park as he feared those three adults would be there. Honestly, he just wanted to go home and tell his family the news.

He was so relieved to be confirmed as a beta. Sure, his lineage was pure beta but genetics had a strange way of complicating things. It was rare but sometimes beta’s produced alpha or omega children despite no intermarriages happening.

While most parents were happy with whatever sub-gender their child ended up with, the people in Jun Yibai’s life didn’t feel the same. He recalled a story his mother had once told him, about a beta family that had a child present as omega.

He was never told how it ended but the look on his mother's face made it clear it would be good for him if he presented as a Beta.

Upon arrival, he made sure to show his parents his results. His mother looked somewhat relieved while his father looked proud.

“Of course my son would be a Beta.” He said with overwhelming pride. “Our son isn’t weak or arrogant like those other people.”

“Honey!” His mother chastised, her eyes darting to Jun Yibai with concern.

“What? Am I wrong?” He shot back, folding his burly arms. “Our son is a humble and filial boy, knowing what is best for himself. He’s a smart kid.”

In other words, he knew who his father disliked and knew to avoid them. Both he and his mother knew what his father meant but neither said it out loud.

“By the way,” His father called out as Jun Yibai stood to leave. “where did you go last night, Yibai?”

The child suppressed a flinch, schooling his features so he revealed nothing. “A friend's house.”


“A friend from school.”

“A beta?” The man’s eyes narrowed, looking suspicious as he pressed harder.

“...Only my class’s results came in so…” Jun Yibai lied, looking away.

“Well be careful.” He warned, stroking his son's head gently. “I don’t want you to get hurt if you ended up stuck with some Omega or Alpha as a friend. They’ll only tear you down.”

“Right.” He mumbled, looking away. Thinking about Li  Suren, he really couldn’t imagine such a thing. The boy was annoying, sure, but he wasn’t as bad as he thought.

Perhaps if he wasn’t so clingy, they could actually be friends. 


The news report that night was fairly normal. Local sports and the like filled the air, settling the child's nerves as he ate with his family. Perhaps it was fate's way of easing the blow when it happened but nothing could prepare him for what happened next.

[In other news, a recent assault was reported near B-city park last evening at 8 PM. The victim, an Omega Male named --- was found unconscious in the woods surrounding the park. Witnesses claim there was a minimum of 3 suspects but no clear descriptions have been found. If you or anyone you know has any information on the incident, please call the tip hotline and-]

The channel was changed, his father grumbling about weak men and the like. His mother turned to Jun Yibai, warning him to be careful since he walked past that park often. The thought of an assault happening so close by was terrifying.

Yet Jun Yibai heard none of it, his eyes rooted to the table as the new caster’s voice echoed in his ear.

Three suspects in B-city park the night before. It had to be them. He knew what had happened. He knew who had done it. But he also knew what should and shouldn’t be said. Betas were background characters, never meant to be noticed.

Yet he had been noticed that night. In the worst possible way.

So he said nothing, rushing to his room to hide from the world. In the darkness, he thought about calling Li Suren, his phone digging into his palm as he squeezed it. Yet after what felt like hours, he just closed his eyes.


AN: Li Suren's parents are a true mated pair, with Liao Na (Omega) being the one to carry their son. Because of that, Su Dai (Alpha) prefers to be called papa as she feels great pride for having helped create a child. It draws strange looks at times but Li Suren sees nothing weird about having a father who is a woman.

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