[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

M: Cinderella

AN: This chapter came out a lot longer than anticipated. 


The night air was cool but what was colder still were the gazes of an Omega and Alpha as they looked each other over derisively.

It was the universal look of 'Who the fuck is this bitch?'

Suren was pissed off that his moment with Yibai had been interrupted when he was about to get a bit closer. He could have even gotten a kiss if not for this disheveled bastard!

Guiren was pissed at the sight of his favorite person being embraced by some weirdo in a dress. How dare some stranger do all the stuff he wasn't allowed to do?

Yibai just sighed, knowing things were going to get complicated now.

As expected, Guiren acted first, pulling Suren's arms from around Yibai, standing between them.

"Shouldn't you ask before getting so close to someone?" He snapped, glaring at the omega. "He doesn't like being touched so casually."

At this, Suren frowned. It was true that Yibai didn't like being touched but how did this barbarian know that?

Ever the picture of grace, Suren brushed his hair back, peeking past the alpha to address Yibai. "Sweetie, who is this thug?"

"Thug?!" He growled, sending a shiver through Suren. This went unnoticed as the alpha continued. "You have quite the brazen tongue for a traditionalist. Aren't you worried you might dishonor your family name by speaking out?"

"Speaking out?" Suren snapped back, taking offense to the young man's words. "How can that be? To defend my family's Sweetie against someone like you is the most honorable thing."

"Sweetie sweetie! Stop being so gross." He said with a disgusted grimace. "Master doesn't like being called by some intimate terms."

"Gross!? Who are you calling gross? Sweetie is sweetie! Moreover, who are you claiming to be your 'master'? Sweetie isn't into those kinds of things so don't sully him!"

"Sweetie is gross and demeaning." Guiren argued, his pride being pricked. "Master is respectable."

"Master is what deviants call their partners! Sweetie is affectionate and caring."

"Bullshit it is!"

"Don't use such vulgar terms."

"This coming from the one insinuating that I am some kind of masochist?"

"Aren't you? Daring to touch my sweetie's bottom line and drag him into your kink?"

"At least I'm not faking a relationship with him."

"Faking?! Sweetie and I are best friends!"

"I'm his best friend!"

"No, neither of you are my best friend!" Yibai cut in, finally getting tired of this back and forth. He didn't mind dealing with just one of them at a time but having them both around?

Argh, he could already feel the headache coming on.

While his face was covered with a mask, both youths could tell their favorite person was getting annoyed. They glared at each other, blaming the other for ruining his mood.



They spoke in unison but were silenced by a single raised hand. Like disciplined pets, they fell silent, not wanting the upset Yibai any further.

After a moment of silence, Yibai's headache faded and he could finally deal with all this. He had a solution.

"I'm leaving."

Both boys jumped, blocking Yibai's path.

"W-wait, Sweetie! You don't have to go yet!"

The beta cocked a brow.

"I have a thing to go to." He pointed out, staring them down. "I escorted you so you don't need me anymore."

"But I'll be all alone!" Suren whined, grabbing Yibai's arm.

"I doubt it."

Suren was a social butterfly. If not for the confrontation in the bathroom, he would have waltzed into this party like he owned the place and felt no less confident. Moreover, he was surrounded by beautiful people so he wouldn't stand out like Yibai did.

Guiren, pissed that this omega was being so brazen, took hold of Yibai's free arm. His smile was radiating joy as he realized that he wasn't being pushed away like usual.

"Exactly!" He jeered, sticking his tongue out at Suren. "Me and master can spend some time together since-"

"No, you're staying here with Suren." He cut in, giving Guiren a scolding look. "I can't deal with you both."

Guiren wilted, wounded by the rejection. He had missed this guy yet he was already trying to get rid of him?

Master was so mean~

Suren stepped forward, looking reluctant.

"Then choose who you prefer to spend time with!" Suren insisted, wanting to spend more time with Yibai.

"I have. I don't want to deal with this tonight, so I'm leaving."

"I haven't seen you in so long though! Just a bit longer? Please?"

"I've missed you too, master." Guiren jumped in, trying to crowd Suren out. "Don't leave me here all alone. I hate gatherings like this!"

He was willing to go along with it for his family but he'd much rather do things than mingle and gossip. Let his cousin do all that. She was a master at it after all.

Thinking about it, Yibai couldn't help but wonder. Guiren, from what he knew, wasn't the type to attend parties like this. He seemed the type more at home loitering in front of a convenience store with a six-pack. Parties like this were Suren's playground.

That then begged the question.

"Now that I think about it, what are you even doing here?" Yibai asked, just now realizing he hadn't asked. His surprise at seeing Guiren again had distracted him from actually asking why he was here.

"I'm just a plus one." He answered casually. "My aunt and cousin asked me to come."

"So shouldn't you?" Suren pressed, cocking a brow.

"I was," He answered before turning to Yibai with an excited look. "but then I saw you were here so I changed my mind."

Somewhere in the city, a man who was cuddling with his husband in bed shivered. His parental senses were telling him that something had happened and that he should take refuge in this moment of peace. Without a word, he rolled atop his tired husband and once again enticed his spouse.

They wouldn't be attending the party and witnessing the hell their son would bring about.

Meanwhile, the center point of the conflict could only sigh as he came to accept that there was no getting out of this.

Might as well go along with it.

Suren squeezed Yibai's hand, regaining the beta's attention.

"Do you really have to leave, sweetie?" Suren pleaded, trying to look vulnerable."What if that creepy guy comes back?"

Yibai, having faced such a foe long ago, was unfazed.

"Did you plan on letting yourself be alone with him again?"

"N-no." The first time wasn't even his fault. That bastard had followed him all on his own.

"As long as you don't do that and stay in public, you should be fine." He stated with a nod. "The security in this room alone is enough to keep you safe."

As long as Suren was safe, he wouldn't have to worry about much else.

The omega fumed, seeing his chance to spend more time with his favorite person slipping away. He turned to Guiren, who looked impatient and dirty.

Like a stray that had snuck in.

"He got in!" The omega cried.

"I was invited." The alpha proclaimed, smirking. "I just came in this way to avoid the crowd."

While he didn't mind coming to the party, if he walked in through the front door in his condition, he wouldn't be making it back home. His aunt and cousin would break his legs, at best.

At worst? Well, such things should never be contemplated in a polite society.

"I just need a change of clothes and I'll be golden."

Guiren, much like Suren's impression of him, looked every part like a stray. His hair was messy and his dress shirt was a mess. Luckily, a bit of water could help with most of the issues but his shirt couldn't be ignored.

Yibai said nothing, his eyes being drawn to the red splatter on Guiren's shirt.

"Is that blood?" The words slipped out before he thought better of it.

"Don't worry, it's not mine." Guiren assured, smiling like a puppy being praised. While he might not win fights against Yibai, he could beat up just about anyone else his age.

Yibai saw the gleam of pride in the alphas eyes and sighed. This was the guy who made all that trouble back at the gym and started fights out of nowhere. But it turned out that he was more troublesome than he had thought. Yibai was starting to see why his parents were concerned. This guy had too much energy!

While Yibai was contemplating his life and how he had gotten involved with such a troublesome pair, Guiren peeked at Suren. The latter was glaring at him.

What are you looking at me for? Guiren thought, cocking a brow at the omega. I don't want you here either.

If not for master being here, he'd have slipped away already. He had to get changed or else he might actually die tonight.

Just as he was lamenting having to leave to change, Guiren felt something being draped over his shoulders. A purple suit jacket that screamed 'pimp' was hanging off him.

Guiren's heart jumped in his chest as he glanced at the beta. "This..."

"Why are you giving him your coat?" Suren complained, pouting. He had gifted that suit to Yibai. Why was he loaning it to others?

"Cause he'll look like an axe murderer otherwise."

"So? Let him suffer for his actions. Don't let his filthy blood stain your new clothes."

Guiren was pissed and stuck his tongue out from behind Yibai, pissing off the omega even more. If not for where he was, he'd unman this oaf!

Sensing the tension, Yibai stomped on Guiren's foot without even looking back. He knew that this guy was doing something. He wouldn't miss such a chance.

The 'how did you see me!?' that followed proved him right.

"I'm not walking through a room full of rich people and their armed guards with a guy who looks like he just buried a body." Yibai explained, straightening the jacket. While it didn't match, he looked better than before.

Suren's mood plummeted, hating that he was being excluded. "But-"

"Are you going to help me?"


"I need to get out of here. I can't do that alone." Yibai explained, scratching his head. He really wished he could just leave but he was stuck. With a reluctant look, he glanced at Suren. "Will you help me?"

Suren's face burned red, loving the pout he saw on his sweetie's face. Even with his face half covered, Yibai was cute!

And he was asking him for help~

"I..." Suren tried to regain his composure. "Absolut-"

"I can help too!" Guiren interjected, destroying the 'moment' Suren and Yibai were having. The omega glared daggers at the alpha as Yibai frowned.

"Can you?"

"Definitely." Guiren replied, showing himself off. He gave Suren a dismissive glance "I can help master too, just as much as this guy."

"Who are you calling 'this guy'?" Suren snapped, stomping his foot. "This prince is more than enough for Sweetie! What are you going to do? Elbow drop a waiter?"

"I can elbow drop you if you keep getting on my nerves." Guiren retorted, cracking his knuckles. Most who saw such a gesture would feel a bit wary.

Suren, however, was fearless. He stepped forward until they were nose to nose.

"Bring it! This prince can have you arrested and locked away before you can even get your feet off the ground."

"Oh? What makes you think I couldn't do damage before that?"

Yibai, while entertained by the banter, couldn't help but glance at his watch. As expected, he was late.

He sighed, knowing his dad was going to be pissed.

That lone sigh was heard by both boys. Seeing that frown, they both inwardly blamed the other for being a bother and extended a hand.

"Shall I escort you, Master/Sweetie?"

Yibai jumped, not expecting such a thing. The image was attractive as both boys were handsome in their own right. They were even more so since he knew them. Suren, smart and capable. Guiren, strong and quick-witted.

To say he wasn't dazed when he took both their hands would be a lie he'd take to his grave. With their fingers intertwined, he was guided back into the ballroom, reality finally setting in as he saw dozens of eyes fall upon them.

Aish, had he made a mistake?


"I'm so glad we got to meet today, Madam Chen." A kiss was placed on her hand, hot breath brings goosebumps to the surface.

The woman in question didn't even flinch.

"Likewise, Mr Hu." Chen Jingli replied, smiling amiable despite her impatience. Years of dealing with her brothers made her practically a saint when it came to dealing with annoying people. "I just hope next time we can discuss business with your wife since she and I are business partners."

The man flinched, reading between the lines. It was a double-pronged attack, informing him that his 'subtle' flirtation had been noticed as well as making his status clear. He was the husband of a CEO and shouldn't try to talk business with his wife's business partner.

After skulking away, Jinli was left in a sour mood, though she hid it well. All these Alphas in one room, it was bound to be suffocating. Male or female, Alphas were an egotistical bunch to deal with.

There was a reason she and her younger brother took turns attending these events. She just happened to lose this time around.

She sighed, forlorn. Then, as if by magic, she heard her phone chime. She grimaced, thinking it was someone texting her to annoy her but-


Wife, I hope things are going well. Me and Xiao-ru are

holding down the fort but he misses his mommy. So

here's some encouragement.

Attached below the text was a picture of a man and child blowing a kiss. The man was handsome and the child was cute as can be. They were clearly father and son, as their features matched almost perfectly. The child didn't look to know what was going on but mimicked his father the best he could, making him even more adorable.


Love ya [winky face]

Ah, this was so unfair! Jinli thought, clenching her fist. Had she not had responsibilities at this damn party, she could be home cuddling with her hubby and son!

It was all that brat Guiren's fault! Had he just come on time, she could have introduced him to a few attractive omega's and hopefully had him engaged by the end of the night. Yet as expected, he was late.

She clenched her fist. "When I get my hands on him, I'll-"


Standing next to her was her eldest daughter, Jiang Mi. Unlike her baby brother, she resembled her mother more, save for her light colored hair that brushed past her neck like water.

Seeing her brightened Jinli's sour mood.

She had sent her daughter out to find her wayward nephew. While Guiren was a bit more troublesome, her daughter was an alpha too.

"Did you find him?"

Her daughter blinked, her gaze darting away for a second before returning. "Yes... but um..."


"He's with some... strange characters."

Not used to her daughter being so vague, she pressed her until the young woman finally pointed toward the middle of the ballroom. There, she spotted her nephew walking with two boys his age.

One in a bear mask and the other-

"Oh, please don't tell me he got involved with those guys?!"


Guiren: "Well?"

Suren: "Well, what?"

"What should we do?" Guiren whispered fiercely, seeing all the couples encircling them. They had come in at the wrong time. Music flowed throughout the room, inviting couples to dance.

The three teens were now trapped in the middle of it all.

Suren groaned, knowing they had messed up. When Yibai had taken their hands, he'd been so happy he didn't think about where they were going and just walked forward.

Now they are here.

They both peeked at Yibai, wondering how the beta was taking the attention. Perhaps he hadn't noticed?

Yibai, from behind his mask, was scowling.

Aish, he's mad~ Guiren and Suren thought, wanting to hide. Yet they couldn't so they had to act. Just as they were beginning to draw confused glances, Suren and Guiren nodded at each other.

For Master! Guiren scowled, though he was a little happy.

For Sweetie! Suren sighed, wishing Guiren wasn't there.

They turned in unison and matched the posture of everyone else. A waltz.

They, however, had a trio as opposed to everyone else's pair.

Yibai glanced at the two of them. "What are you-?"

"This is the best we can do right now." Guiren interjected, fixing their stance.

"Besides, Sweetie can't dance so isn't it better to have a partner?"

"We're the only ones like this!" Yibai cried, wanting to hide as he saw the other couples questioning glances.

"I'm not giving up my spot to some brutish thug."

"I ain't letting this pompous brat take my chance!"

The fact they said this in unison was quite amusing, even if it was a bit embarrassing.

Yibai didn't understand how two guys could match each other so well but be so at odds. Still, it was good that they could at least find a solution that satisfied them. Had Yibai just left them behind, it would look bad.

And while having a three-person waltz was weird in every sense of the word, it was also kind of interesting. And a bit fun.

This messy jumble of a dance continued as the song played.

Whenever Yibai would mess up, Guiren would help him by pulling back, thus lifting Suren off his feet. The omega would cry out, drawing the attention of others but by then, none of the boys even noticed.

Despite this, all three boys were smiling.

The song ended with them all panting, strangely exhausted from the exercise. They were pressed together like a football circle, holding each other up.

"That was so much fun!" Guiren chuckled.

Suren, on the other hand, was grimacing.

"Was it?" He retorted. "Perhaps that was only you?"

"You were smiling too." Guiren argued. "Don't act like you weren't."

"It was scary!"

At this, Yibai chimed in, curious. "Was it?"

"Yes!" Suren cried, jabbing a finger at Guiren. "This brute kept spinning me around like a doll and-"

"Like this?" Guiren gripped Suren's waist, lifting him off his feet. Having gotten used to it, Yibai followed Guiren's lead, holding Suren from his other side.

As expected, Suren panicked, not expecting to be lifted up. To keep the boy from falling, his partners adjusted their grip, leading to Suren being hoisted up by his legs.

A very manly sound came from the omega. "Eek!"

Yibai chuckled, amused by the sight of the ever-composed Suren clinging to their arms.

"You guys are jerks!"

"Oh? Weren't you enjoying yourself?" Guiren teased, jostling the omega in their arms. "You looked really into it. You were holding on so tight."

"That's cause you might have flung me across the room if I hadn't."

The image of Suren flying through the air flashed through the boy's minds and nearly had them bent over with laughter. Guiren didn't hold back but Yibai made an attempt, if only to preserve his friend's dignity.

Still, seeing his indignant expression, the beta couldn't hold back his laughter.

Seeing his partners laughing at him, Suren pouted for a moment before joining them. Despite the inclusion of this annoying guy, he had fun dancing with them.

There, in the middle of the ballroom, were three young teens laughing and smiling, their arms still wrapped around one another. It was quite the image and one that was immortalized in a single photo that would spread like wildfire.


After a moment, the trio noticed how much attention that had gained from their little display and prompted rushed to the side. While a few were amused by the banter, most were either confused or annoyed by the noise.

Needless to say, a bunch of teens playing around at a public gathering wasn't appropriate.

Yibai felt self-conscious and dragged his partners to the side.

"I can't believe I let you two drag me into that!" He cried, feeling embarrassed at his display. They must have made quite the scene. "We were supposed to just sneak out. How did we-"

He stopped when he saw Suren and Guiren slumped in a chair, panting. They leaned on one another, making an appealing image if not for the sweat pouring off them.

Surely just a single dance wasn't that tiring, right?

Yibai stepped forward, frowning. "Are you guys okay?"

Suren answered first, licking his suddenly dry lips. "I feel hot..."

"Me too." Guiren groaned, clenching his fist.

Hot? Yibai frowned, wondering what they were talking about. He felt just fine, if not a bit sweaty. Perhaps it was just something else?

Seeing their flushed faces, Yibai felt a bit worried. Even touching their cheek had him pulling back in a panic.

They were really hot!

But they didn't look feverish the same way he was used to. Were they overheated?

"I'll go and get you guys some water." He said, squeezing their hands. "Just wait for me here, okay?"

They whined and pleaded for him not to go but he knew there was nothing he could do for them just standing there. Some water would definitely help a lot more than just holding their hands.

He put them in a separate room, just so they wouldn't be seen by others. It would be bad if someone found them and tried something while they were weak.

Yibai made his way through the ballroom, trying not to run lest he be noticed and called out. Without Suren, he doubted he could talk his way out of being caught.

He had only been gone a few minutes when he saw people scrambling about. Worried some emergency had occurred, he followed after the crowd. He grabbed the sleeve of one of the guests and asked them what was happening.

Was it a fire? No, the people looked worried but not panicked, which was strange.

"You can't smell it?" The person questioned with a frown. "A young omega went into heat. With how strong it is, it might be their first. I want to see who it is!"

The man ran off, looking as though he was about to watch some strangers fight in the street.

Heat? Yibai thought, frowning. Could it be Suren?

Had all the activity made Suren go into heat? Was that even how it worked? He was confused but more worried. This place was crawling with Alpha's so he could be in danger.

Yibai ran, dumping the glasses he was carrying and he rushed over.

Yet as he ran, something occurred to him.

Where was Guiren?

As a beta, he should be fine with Suren, even if he went into heat. If anyone could restrain a frantic omega, Guiren should be more than capable. Yet why was Suren by himself now?

Yibai ran, trying to find his friends when he heard it.

A roar.

It sent shivers through his spine and he wanted to run. Beta's didn't have a lot of instincts but they all knew that sound with having ever heard it before.

An Alpha's Roar.

It wasn't something one would usually hear in this modern age, as it was a relic of a more traditional age. A sound that both called to subjects and warned off enemies. The closest one could hear to it would be a growl.

Yibai wanted to keep going, to find Suren but his feet were rooted to the floor. His desire to find his friend was at war with his instinctual fear of that roar.

Worse, even without that, he didn't want to get any closer. No, he couldn't.

Even with how strained the roar sounded, he knew that voice very well.

As if to confirm his suspicions, he heard an older female call out.

"Guiren, calm down! It's me."

There were sounds of a struggle.

"Someone get some restraints before he hurts himself or anyone else!" The woman called out, her own roar, echoing through the room as he pinned the teen to the ground.

Yibai could just barely see him, struggling like a rabid beast, his fangs extended to the point where he barely looked human. His eyes gleamed with frantic energy, seemingly searching for something.

When those frantic, red eyes met Yibai's, there was a second of silence.

Then, despite all his struggles, Guiren smiled and reached out to him.

Before anyone could even think to look at what this rut-induced teen was looking at, Yibai turned and ran away. Not once looking back.


About a week later, Yibai was in his classroom, trying to study when Yang Ru came up to him with the gossip about the Hualin hotel cinderella.

He saw the photo of the three of them dancing together, looking like a welcoming Christmas card as opposed to a candid shot in a gossip article.

They sure chose the nicest picture. He thought, scowling as he looked through it.

The article was short, as this wasn't many people's priority. In fact, it was just a prelude to the major story about how two second-generation prospects went into Heat and a Rut seemingly at the same time.

Were they destined mates?

Would the Li Clan and Chen conglomerate be tied together in marriage?

Yibai knew that both of those guys were rich but it turned out they were more high ranking than he thought.

Chen Conglomerate had stock in just about every industry. If it could be sold, they sold it. Despite being mildly monopolistic, their products were of such a high quality, no one could complain. Not to mention how affordable it all was, so their products were the preferred brand.

It certainly explained why Guiren seemed interested when he saw Yibai using Chen brand products before.

As for the Li Clan, not much could be said. They mostly kept to themselves. They were more politically involved so Yibai couldn't begin to understand just how powerful they were. He just knew they were.

And he was caught in a candid photo dancing with their heirs!

If not for the mask he wore, he'd be known throughout the city as the Hualin hotel cinderella. If he didn't die of embarrassment, he was certain his dad would kill him.

"This is so troublesome." He groaned, banging his head against his desk. Many jumped at the sound but didn't dare look back. The statue, as they called him, had been in a bad mood for days and they didn't want to be the first to see his breaking point.

Yibai was in a worse mood after reading the article. Not because of the first few photos per se. Of course, it'd be there. They were mostly just the three of them interacting positively.

It was the last photo that pissed him off.

It was a low-angle shot, taken from around a corner. In it, one could see a young teen sneaking out of a room and running down the hall. It was him when he left to get water just before things got crazy.

Yet it was framed as if he had done something and was fleeing the scene of the crime.

It was because of this that he was being called the Hualin hotel Cinderella.

[AN: The original cinderella chase scene, if removed from its context, makes it seem like Cinderella was in a high-speed chase after committing a crime. Hence why the nickname is used derogatorily in this story]

As expected, Yibai was being torn apart in the comment section of the article.

[USER 4814J]: Look at this dog, taking advantage of these two guys. Doesn't he have any shame?

[USER 7419F]: What's worse is that mask! Clearly, he had bad intentions from the start. Why else would he hide his identity?

[USER 6243E]: It's probably because he knows justice would find him otherwise!

[USER 1876O]: Or that he's ugly and doesn't want to be rejected by these princes.

[USER 7454A]: Ah, you're right, commenter above~ That omega was so cute~ He definitely wouldn't want to be partnered up with some ugo.

[USER 1245P]: Right!? Plus that alpha with him is a lot better than that bastard.

[USER 4397L]: Wouldn't it be better if that masked bastard was cut from the picture?

[USER 3587K]: Ah~ don't say such things! My heart couldn't take such a sight~

[USER 7649M]: Alphas and Omegas always look good together! That bastard is probably just some bitter beta who wanted to get between them.

[USER 0571H]: Bastard!

[USER 3047C]: He's the worst~

[USER 5079W]: Ah, those princes were so handsome~

The fight between drooling over the two 'princes' and deriding the 'princess' went on for pages, leaking into social media as the day went on. These discussions bled into the real world, with his classmates also voicing their curiosity and derision.

"Do you think that Cindy was a beta?"

"He'd have to be, right? Those guys were in heat so there's no way he could get out of there.

"So it's true that beta's can resist an Omega's pheromones?"

"I don't know. I've never seen an omega in heat but apparently, it's a smell only non-beta's can smell."

"So Cindy would need to be a beta to get out of there, right?"

"Or he could be a gold digger trying to mark the Li prince."

"Or an omega trying to be marked."

"Or a beta who thought he could get both."

"How dumb would that be? Just because they danced doesn't mean anything."

"Right? Even if they did seem to have fun, Alphas and omegas aren't meant to be with betas. Did he think he could be like a phoenix and climb those high-up branches?"

"Worse since he obviously did something to them and-"

A loud noise broke through the gossip, silencing those talking as they turned to the source.

Yang Ru was staring down at them with a cat-like smile.

"Are you a bunch of old housewives?" She mocked, cocking a brow. "I thought you had a bit more dignity yet here you are chirping away like hens."

"You're the one who brought this up!" One boy pointed out, feeling wronged.

"And now it has become bothersome!" She shamelessly snapped back. "This is a classroom, not a marketplace. If you want to gossip, do it elsewhere!"

They opened their mouths to argue but stopped short when one of the boys shook his head. He knew Yang Ru's reputation. It was best not to make her mad lest whatever information she had on them leak.

Seeing the boys skulk away, she turned to Yibai and grinned. "Did I do well?"

He grumbled. "You didn't need to-"

"It was clearly bothering you so of course, I had to." She interjected, tossing herself on the chair beside him. "That's what friends are for~"


He had considered Suren and Guiren as friends as well. But he couldn't be around either of them now. Just being seen with them had made this difficult for him. He'd even had to quit his job in order to properly avoid Guiren in the future.

Yang Ru was confused about it but didn't question him too hard.

It was... disappointing to say the least. Yibai enjoyed that job and even liked sparring with Guiren but they couldn't keep interacting.

Just like with Suren, Alphas were a different breed. Eventually, they would settle into their roles and take their proper places.

Yibai would never be their equal. He'd eventually get frustrated at the unfairness and that frustration would breed resentment toward those he once called his friends.

That's how it was with all betas.

He didn't want that. He didn't want to become his father.

So it was just best for everyone if they went their separate ways. 

It didn't matter anyway. Even if his so-called princes found him, there was no glass slipper to bring him to them. As a middle school student, what could they do? They couldn't change the law.

There was no amount of forgery that could get an Omega into a beta school. The segregation was for a reason, after all. To ensure the safety of young and hormonal children at their most tender age. Even though betas had no drive to claim an omega, there was still a danger in letting them intermingle when they were at their most vulnerable. Same with an Alpha.

He'd just have to be careful later down the line.


Elsewhere, in a high rise overlooking the city, a pair of adults watched as their son paced the floor. He radiated a violent aura but didn't dare act on it. The men were not only strong enough to overpower him, but he knew attacking his fathers would be bad later down the line.

"Pacing the floor like a caged animal isn't going to help, Guiren." Zhuan Mu, his second father stated, watching as his husband pressed the teen back into bed.

"They refused to give me the information I wanted!" He shouted, his body tensed with the desire to fight back against his father.

"Good!" Jinyao snapped, finally shoving his son back on the bed. "What kind of employers would?"

The few days prior, Guiren had rushed over to the gym to find Yibai only to be told the young man had quit days prior. Since Guiren was still being treated for Rut, his temper snapped and he had caused a lot of damage before he was found by his parents.

Jinyao continued, glaring down at his son. "Would it be better to know that your friend's personal information can be manhandled from his employers by a mere 15 year old? Is that a comforting thought?"

"..." The teen scowled, wanting to argue. He wanted to scream and break things. The claws that had grown during his rut tore through the bedding yet he still felt unsatisfied.

He wanted to see Yibai.

He said he'd be back soon yet he just cut any ties between them so easily.

Jinyao and Zhuan Mu exchanged a glance as their son let out a pitiful growl. It was a sound they knew well. He always made it when he was in a gloomy mood.

Guiren was really bothered by this.

"Xiao Ren, this has to stop." Jinyao sighed, glancing at all the damage his son had caused when they weren't around. Broken furniture and torn walls that just barely hid the foundation. "Your temper is getting worse."

"Only because Master is-" He started to argue but Zhuan Mu cut him off.

"You need your mate."

Guiren scowled. "Again with that?! I told you, I don't want nor need a mate."

"So I didn't just bail you out for the 3rd time this week?"

"I..." Guiren grimaced, looking ashamed. While he did like to fight, he usually knew when to stop. Yet since finding out that Yibai had quit, his temper had gotten worse and he'd been arrested a few times. If not for his dads, he'd still be there or worse.

Zhuan Mu placed a hand on his husband's shoulder, silently asking him to step back. Jinyao scowled but moved away, leaving it to his husband.

"We heard about what happened at the party." He stated, sitting beside Guiren. "About who you met."

This sudden shift in topic threw Guiren for a loop.

"What are you-?" Seeing the look in his father's eyes, he realized what was being implied. "No!"

Zhuan Mu continued on as if Guiren hadn't said a thing. "I think it'd be good for you to-"

"Dad, I'm not doing it."

"I recall asking you." Zhuan Mu snapped back, his gaze firm and unshaken. "You are meeting with him."


"No buts. We've allowed for this nonsense for long enough. Clearly, time isn't doing you any favors."

Guiren bit his lip to keep from snapping at his father. He wouldn't win in any sense. Zhuan Mu might be the quieter of the two but he was also the most resolute. If a decision was made by him, it was final.

From outside the room, his cousin was leaning against the wall, holding a bear mask. She'd been holding it for over a week now and was considering whether or not to give it over to Guiren.

The person who dropped it, was it his cinderella? If so, was it cruel or kind to tell him that the person had run away? That perhaps this one didn't want to be found?

Aish, it was hard to deal with such drama.


Around the same time, Suren was sitting in the living room of the Li clan main house. Only his grandfather and his children lived there. All except his mothers. Only they lived outside the main house.

He'd been invited to meet with his grandfather about the 'incident' and what plans they should hold in the future.

In reality, it was just a lecture and his grandfather making decisions for Suren.

It was because of this that Suren hated being in his family home.

Now he was stuck listening to this old man blather about how lucky he was to finally be able to contribute to the family legacy. That as an Omega, it was his duty to give rise to the next generation and help solidify their position in society.

Despite this apparent 'honor', he was chewed out for daring to go into his first heat in public as he'd done.

As if he somehow had any control over that!

It's not like he'd done it to get a rise out of the old man. Heck, even if he could, he wouldn't dare to. An Omega's first heat was always the worst. From one moment to the next, one's body goes from 'capable of giving birth' to 'We're totally going to be giving birth to something right this second' between one breath and the next.

He'd been bedridden for days, trying to get through it without clawing his skin off.

Yet despite being aware of all this, his grandfather still lectured him about decorum and the dignity of the clan?

Like he was some wilting flower that had dared make a scene.

It was infuriating! Just because he could give birth didn't mean he wasn't male. Shouldn't they stop viewing him like some delicate maiden in need of guidance?

His Alpha cousins were free to choose whatever they like but him? Oh, he had to be protected! What if he dared form his own opinion or worse, say something that wasn't in his grandfather's script.

Oh, the horror.

It was just for a few days though, then he could go back home to his mother's and lounge about like the lazy teen he was as opposed to acting like a doll in his grandfather's house.

All while his elders spoke about him like he wasn't there.

"I didn't think it'd take so long for his first heat to arrive."

"I wish it was under better circumstances."

"Worry not, grandfather." One uncle assured him. "I made sure to stifle any news about it. Only the bare minimum is known about the incident."

"Good. It would be bad for his future prospects if this got out."

Look at them. Talking like he was a piece of meat to be sold off. Like his child was nothing more than a chess piece.

God, he really hated coming here.

His mind drifted back to the 'offending incident'. The night air he and his sweetie shared. Even the dance that left him with sore toes brought a smile to his face.

He missed Yibai

"Now that he has had his heat, we should start looking for possible matches for him." His Grandfather said casually, as if it were nothing.

This gained Suren's attention.

"Grandfather!" He cried out in protest but the loud thud of the elder's cane silenced his words.

"Quiet! I won't have you disgracing our name by acting out like a child." He snapped, giving Suren a heavy look. "You are of the Li family and will act like it properly."

"I..." He bit his tongue, knowing it was pointless to argue. He sighed. "Yes, grandfather."

"Good, now I've found a few candidates that might be good for you." the old man happily continued on, stroking his beard. "They are a bit older but not so much so as to be improper. Age comes with experience but also some drawbacks."

"Drawbacks?" He echoed, mildly concerned about his words.

"If they are too old, how can you conceive a proper heir? I worry that your spouse will put too much blame on you."

Oh, now you care about my wellbeing. He thought, derisively. He could only hope his grandfather's definition of 'a bit older' was at least someone of Suren's own generation and not the old mans.

All this because he went into heat!? What about that other guy? All Suren wanted to do was dance with his sweetie and that guy ruined it! If not for him, why would he have gone into-

Then a thought came to him.

A person of his own generation.

One who knew his sweetie and disliked Suren.

A sly smile graced Suren's lips, momentarily dazzling his family members as they glanced at him.

"Grandfather, may I propose a candidate?"


That night, Guiren received a call from an unfamiliar number. Because of his sour mood, he ignored it.

That is, until the 8th time his phone rang.

Growling, he snatched up the phone to curse this annoying spam caller. Yet a familiar voice spoke from the other end.

One that Guiren came to despise.

"You?! What do you-"

"Shut up." Suren snapped, not wanting to talk long. "I wouldn't have called you if I didn't have to but you're my best bet and I'm yours."

Curious, Gr didn't hang up as he originally intended. "How do you figure that?"

"We want the same thing, right? We both have complicated circumstances and need time to get that 'thing'."


"So how about we make a deal?"


Thus ends the middle School arc~

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