[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

M: Stroke of midnight

AN: Super very sorry for the long wait but thank you for sticking with me~


"Hey hey, Yibai!" Yang Ru smiled down at her best friend, not bothering to ask about why he looked so tired. "Have heard the rumor?"

"Rumor?" He echoed, blinking tiredly as he looked up from his folded arms. "Why should I care?"

"Why?! Why indeed!" She cried, looking aghast. "Who doesn't want to know besides you? It's about the Cinderella at Hualin hotel?"

Unseen by her, Jun Yibai flinched.


Yang Ru shrugged. "Well, it's a guy but the story is still the same, right?"

"I think it would be quite different." He tried interjecting but was soundly ignored by the girl.

"Anyway, turns out some 'plebeian' had managed to draw the eye of not one but two princes." She grinned, looking like a hungry cat seeking a meal. "It's very juicy gossip."

Yibai choked. "T-Two princes?"

"En, I can't say what their identities are but they are definitely high up there."


Had he made another mistake?


Had Yibai known how the evening would pan out, he would have made an excuse to get out of going to his father's meeting. It would have been worth the hour-long lecture.

Unfortunately for him and fortunately for a certain duo, he did indeed go to the Hualin hotel.


The first hurdle of the evening happened to be the most mundane.

Getting in.

Before his eyes, Yibai stared up at the guard that was twice his size and oozed intimidation, making the young man reluctant to look at him. But look at him he did, because they were holding quite the conversation.

"I told you. I'm attending a meeting hosted here."

"Yeah? So where is your pass?"

He flinched, peeking around the lobby in which they stood in. Just outside, there were limos and expensive cars. Flashing lights of cameras illuminated the night, showing off just how sought after the people around were. It was clear that some kind of event was going on. They couldn't just let in anyone who came off the streets when there were so many important people around.

He'd even heard whispers of a royal showing up tonight.

Yet he forgot his pass at home, like an idiot.

With reluctance, he replied. "I... I don't have one."

"Then I can't let you in." The guard shot back, his gaze intensifying. "Now leave."


His words were cut off as the guard spun him around and pushed him toward the side exit. The push was probably gentle but it still knocked the breath out of Yibai.

He was big for his age, so perhaps the man thought he'd be fine.

He only half was.

As he tried to catch his breath, the guard looked down at him with a questioning look.

"If you want to get into a place like this, be more mindful of your appearance." He said, shaking his head. "Even with a pass, I feel bad for those who see you."

At that, Yibai couldn't help but scowl.

Here he was, in his humble hoodie and jeans, looking shabby in comparison to those with clothes that cost more than most homes. He could spot the glimmer of jewelry and watches that screamed wealth and let out a breath.

While it was annoying, he couldn't argue.

This couldn't be helped. Hualin hotel was a high-end hotel that hosted celebrities and executives on a regular basis. The least one was expected to be wearing was a nice shirt.

Yibai, on the other hand, was wearing a worn hoodie and faded jeans.

If he looked like anything, it was not someone who 'belonged' in such a place.

He sighed, wondering what he should do. He was sure his dad and his friends wouldn't like it if he was late. Worse, if he told him that he was held up at the door.

He was just considering how to sneak in when the guard's radio clicked to life.

[This is section 12. We have a situation, Over]

"What kind of situation?" The guard responded, turning away so others couldn't hear him. Yibai happened to still be close by, so he heard everything.

[Looks to be a fight. One of the guests and- O-oh shit!]

A clamor erupted from the radio, startling the guard into action. Without another look at Yibai, he called for backup and rushed away. As if an afterthought, the intimidating guard directed another colleague his way.

In that split second, he came to a decision.

He was not going to have his father tear into him for being held up. So he ran.

As expected, he was chased but to his surprise, the chase was short.

Apparently, that situation was requiring more back up and his pursuers prioritized their guests over some random teen.

Lucky him.

Still, he slipped into the first open door he spotted, which turned out to be a bathroom. Without thought, he entered one of the stalls, locking it as he leaned against the pristine walls.

His ragged breath echoed through the room, making his attempt to hide pointless. Yet what else could he do? He'd run around for a while. The fact he lost them was almost primarily because they had something else going on.

Without that distraction, he'd have been caught and arrested for sure.

Thinking about that, he wondered if it was worth it. Was his father getting mad at him worth a possible arrest?

In his mind, he could see a pair of intense gray eyes that matched his own glaring down at him, his gruff voice tearing at him for holding things up. For being so irresponsible for forgetting to bring his pass when he was usually so organized.

A tendril of fear slithered through him as he couldn't determine how his father would respond.

He came to the conclusion he'd rather suffer the assured arrest than face the uncertainty of his father's reaction.

He let out a breath, relaxing as he waited for things to die down before he went out. He still had time before the meeting started.

The door opened, bringing with it two voices.

Neither of which made him feel good.

"When will you stop following me?" A soft, clearly young voice snapped. If not for the tone, Yibai imagined it would resemble bells. "I'm not interested in anything you have to offer."

"Don't be so quick to refuse? An older voice replied, clearly trying to coax their companion. "All I said was that you were very well suited for show business. If you let me, I can introduce you to some very influential people."

One could feel the filth dripping off his words. There was an underlying layer of cajoling that made Yibai uncomfortable. Something made him think that these 'very nice people' were folks that shouldn't be met.

The other person clearly agreed.

"Do you think me naïve just because of my age?" The young person snapped back, a subtle click echoing as they stomped their foot. "Who doesn't know what kind of things goes on behind closed doors in entertainment? I'm not interested in you, entertainment, or your friends."

Yibai nodded with approval, feeling a strange sense of pride for this person. The man making the sleazy offer was clearly older and seemed to be trying to corner their junior. Most young people would feel pressured when cornered by an elder.

Yet this person showed no hesitation in refusing when it was clear that this person had ill intentions.

Yibai wanted to cheer this person on.

His admiration had distracted him for a little while, as he came back to reality when he heard a mild scuffle that ended with a loud clap. The silence that followed made Yibai think that someone had been slapped.

A thread of concern shot through his heart at the thought that the person he had exalted had been wronged. Yet, much to his satisfaction, the soft voice spoke in a clear and haughty tone that radiated pride.

"Do not try and touch me again." He ordered, his soft voice still tickling Yibai's ear like a feather. The young man snorted, his haughty tone returning. "I'm sorry but your taste is too heavy and I can't match it. A man your age, pursuing someone who hasn't even graduated middle school... Isn't this too disgusting?"

M-middle school!?

This elder- no this bastard was trying to pressure someone who might not even be as old as (YB)him?!

While Yibai wasn't the heroic type or one to get involved in other people's business, he absolutely wasn't a heartless person. How could he sit still when some junior was being harassed in a bathroom alone?

Without thought, Yibai exited the stall casually and walked over to the sink. Both men stopped to stare as he washed his hands. He only spotted a head of silver hair before he draped an arm over the young man.

"I'm hearing a lot of disgusting things." He breathed, his demeanor matching that annoying Guiren somewhat. That bravado was something he needed just then. "This might be a bathroom but please save such filth for lower class places, mister. Perhaps you should go to one of those nightclubs nearby if it's not too high brow for you."

While the hotel was on the higher end, the area was often frequented by rich second generations. They had much lower standards and sought after less approved entertainment so the nightclubs nearby weren't a place one wanted to be seen at. The diseases one could catch there were varied and might have very well been native to that venue.

"E-eh?" The older man stepped back, still surprised at the sudden appearance of another person. "Who are you?!"

Yibai was still thinking clearly enough to pull up his hoodie to cover his face. All that could be seen was his mouth and nose.

"Me? Isn't it obvious?" He pressed, pulling the silver-haired young man closer to his side, eliciting a surprised gasp from him. "How can I relax when my partner is in trouble?"

"Partner?!" The old man looked between them, trying to discern the truth. To his credit, the young man didn't fight him. If anything, he came closer, as if taking comfort in someone else's presence.

Had he been scared before, even with all his bravado.

The old man, upset that his solicitation had been interrupted, couldn't help but shout.

"How dare you?!" He snapped, stomping forward. "Touching him so casually, despite being so much older. Have you no shame?!"

Yibai was tall for his age. Not taller enough to be mistaken for an adult but tall enough to be seen as an older teen. As such, his behavior was a bit questionable.


"Is that something you of all people should be saying?" He shot back, glaring at the man.

The elder seethed, wanting to say more but didn't want to draw any attention. Even if he called his guards, it would cause a ruckus, and if anyone found out what he'd attempted...

There wouldn't be a safe place in all of the city to hide.

With gritted teeth, he spat a curse and stormed out the door. As soon as the door closed, a group of men in black grabbed the older man, expertly smothering his cries as they dragged him away. Between one moment and the next, the hallway was cleared and looked as if it had been empty the entire time.

Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Yibai let out a breath. He'd been terrified that the man would try to overpower him. His skills were good but if he faced someone with formal skills, Yibai would be in trouble.

The young man, still leaning on the beta's arm, turned to him with a smile.

"Were you scared?

"No." He immediately denied. He worried that this person would think he was a coward. The why was simple.

Beta or not, he had his pride.

As if sensing this, the young man giggled, his voice tickling Yibai's chest in ways he was coming to resent.

"Well, I suppose I should thank my knight in shining armor right?" He pressed, moving closer with a sly smile. He opened his mouth to ask how much his savior wanted before he took notice of the scent emanating from the beta.

This subtle earthy scent he had missed.

Yibai was about to tell the young man that he had no interest in rewards when his hood was pulled back, revealing his dark brown hair and shocked gray eyes.

Eyes like coal stared back, a small smile blooming on the silver-haired boy's face.




Yibai briskly walked down the hallway, feeling his shadow lurking behind as he spoke rapidly.

"Sweet, I can't believe it! I've missed you so much!" Suren cried, grinning from ear to ear. "When you didn't show up to graduation, I was so worried about you. Then I found out you moved without saying anything. I know we weren't friends in the traditional sense but did you have to be so mean? I almost cried."

"You don't cry." Yibai pointed out.

Suren was very dramatic but he never cried. The only time he'd cried was when they had first met and that was because he had hit his nose at the time. Outside that moment of involuntary tears, Suren was too prideful to let anyone make him cry.

Hearing his response, Suren beamed.

"So you do remember. I'm glad."

Yibai stopped to look at him, taking him in for the first time. Suren had certainly grown up a bit since they last met. He was still a beauty, his features making women pale in comparison though there was a masculine edge that complimented his looks well. His hair was still pale silver, making the moon in its luster and his coal-black eyes glimmered with a sly glimmer that spoke of mischief.

All in all, they did not match.

Even now, there were people around them whispering about the odd pair they were.

"What a lovely young man."

"He must be an omega. Someone that beautiful has to be."

"But why is that guy with him?"

"Maybe he's a bodyguard?"

"That makes sense. Why else with such a bland guy be around such an exceptional young man?"

All these comments didn't really bother Yibai. He knew himself well and wasn't one to compare himself to others. His problem was all the attention he was getting.

He was still technically being pursued by the guards.

Yibai sighed.

"Li Suren, go away." He said, turning to the omega. "Just think of this incident as a crossing of paths and nothing more."

Suren's happy mood dampened.

"But it's been so long~"

"Yes. But I have things to do and so do you."

"Bu~" Suren puffed up his cheeks with indignation. Looking up at Yibai, he noticed the beta's gaze scanning the room.

"Are you avoiding someone?" He asked, following his friend's gaze. He was staring at the guards scattered about the room. "You aren't supposed to be here, are you?"

To call it a guess would be an insult to Suren's intelligence. Yibai nodded, shifting subtly behind a potted plant.

It was amusing to see someone with such a wide body trying to hide behind a plant. If not for the situation being serious, Suren might have found the sight amusing. Unfortunately, if Yibai was caught by hotel security, he would definitely be arrested. Sneaking into a place like this was not a simple trespassing issue.

With so many important guests, the hotelier couldn't afford to allow such mistakes.

Suren took Yibai's hand, pulling him down the hallway. He opened his mouth to explain his motives, wanting to help his friend so he wouldn't get caught but Yibai refused to budge. A silent tug of war ensued as they both tried to be as quiet as possible.

Yet, like all things in Yibai's life, it got complicated.

A waiter that was standing by to serve was an unfortunate victim of their tug of war, his tray being knocked out of his hand and unleashing the contents onto Yibai.

"Ah! I-I'm so sorry, Ma'am- I-I mean, sir." The waiter quickly corrected himself as he bowed to Suren. "Please forgive me."

"It's fine just..." His eyes darted around, trying to see if they had been noticed. They had. He gritted his teeth. "Just show us to a changing room."

"Right away, sir." With a look of relief, the waiter quickly showed them to a dressing room. Yibai said nothing, removing his hoodie on the way before any of the wine got on it. Luckily, it only messed up the shirt he was wearing underneath and his pants.

Inside the dressing room, Suren let out a sigh, feeling mildly frustrated. 

"Why did you fight me?" He snapped, glaring up at Yibai. The beta didn't falter, crossing his arms.

"You expect me to follow you just because you pull me?"

"I was trying to help!"

"How am I to know that?"

"You don't trust me?"

"I..." He didn't know how to answer that. Suren was a secret of his, something he had hid from his father because of how that man would react.

As such, having Suren around was like holding a live bomb with no set timer. He was constantly on edge, wondering if his father would one day find out about this secret he'd kept from him.

It wasn't Suren's fault but...

"I don't dislike you but... It's best if we don't get too close."

His reply was met with a frown, as Suren wasn't asking about like or dislike. Then it hit him. This wasn't a matter of trust either. It was about whether or not Yibai was willing to be seen with Suren.

He'd rather risk being caught than be seen with Suren.

The first part was him trying to be reassuring to the omega, despite his words.

How very like you. Suren thought, turning away.

They stood in silence, an awkward tension filling the air. It had only been a year or so but they felt miles apart now.

They both sighed.

peeking over, Yibai took a solid look at his past rival for the first time tonight.

As expected, Suren was still very handsome with features that made one swallow and think they had seen a fairy. To add to that, his dress was a pale blue, complimenting his silver hair and pale skin. His image made one thing of an ethereal being that would fade away into the mist in seconds.

Thinking about it, it was a bit strange for him to be wearing a dress, to begin with. He even wore heels to match. Yibai hadn't said anything before, as it wasn't his business what Suren wore but considering the awkward silence, he felt comfortable talking about it now.

"Your dress..." He started, turning to the omega.


"It got stained."

"Oh?" Suren looked down at his chest, taking note of the stain left by the wine. He shrugged. "That isn't an issue. I didn't want to wear this anyway."

"Then why did you?" He asked. From what he could remember, Suren wasn't the type to do anything he didn't want to.

"It was my grandfather's idea." Suren grumbled, scowling. "He is a huge traditionalist. I'm supposed to be looking for my mate at this party so I have to wear this."


Yibai had heard about these kinds of traditions, from long ago when the sub-genders were more in tune with their base nature. Not much was known about that time, as most stories were told orally at the time but one of the few that survived the test of time was the traditional garb of Omegas.

Bright red to attract their mate.

Some old clans still practiced this tradition but the most antiquated part was the fact that the garb worn was always a dress. Apparently, so that their mate had easy access to... parts.

Male or female, an omega was to wear a dress to make things easy for their mate. It was frowned upon in the modern age, as Omegas were no longer seen as just members of a harem. It was also demeaning to all involved, as many found the practice humiliating.

Suren, it turns out, was one of those people.

 Still, Yibai couldn’t help but comment on the dress.

“You look nice in that.”

There was no judgement or interest in his words. If anything, it was like he was stating a fact. Something about that deadpan delivery made Suren feel less self conscious about the dress, eliciting a smile from the young man.


Before he could say anything more, the door to their dressing room opened as several employees walked in with clothes racks. This was followed up by a rack of shoes and other accessories.

"What is-"

"Ah! Just in time." Suren exclaimed, grinning. He looked down at his phone absently. "Sweetie, take off your clothes."

He blinked. "What?"

"Your clothes."

"I heard you. Why am I stripping?

"If you don't wash them soon, they'll stain."

"And what will I wear in the meantime?"

Suren's smile grew. "Leave that to me~"


Suren sat in the dressing room, playing with his phone as he waited for Yibai to emerge. He'd taken forever to choose an outfit and Suren was getting impatient.

Didn't he have a thing to go to?

Just then, the doors to the dressing room opened, revealing the young man in his new suit. The only ones in the room were them so only Yibai saw the astonished look on Suren's face. No, he would be the only one for many years to saw such an expression on the young man's face.

That other person might as well not be mentioned at all.

This just left Suren to stare at Yibai in a daze.

"Is... is that what you are going to wear?"

Yibai, with no shame, crossed his arms over his chest.

"What's wrong with it?"

Hadn't Suren said he could choose whatever he wanted? He thought gazing down at his outfit. Why was he changing his tune now?

"Well..." He wanted to say more but seeing the subdued glee in his sweetie's eyes, he couldn't bear to comment. "You know what? Never mind. I said choose whatever you like so we'll take it."

"It's just for an evening anyway." He mumbled back, feeling a bit self-conscious. Yibai had a thick face but even he could tell his choice had stunned Suren. "Just until my clothes are done."

Much to his surprise, Suren had actually wanted to launder his clothes since they got messed up before. While the phrasing was questionable, he couldn't fault the teen for his intentions.

Even if he so blatantly leered at Yibai when he changed.

He'd forgotten how easy it was to be around Suren. He was annoying when speaking but not something he disliked outright. Part of his was tempted to ask him about the past year.

He refrained, as this was a mere coincidence and shouldn't be encouraged.

"Absolutely. You look stunning by the way." Suren brought him out of his thoughts, holding out an item. "Shall we go?"

A bear mask.

Yibai sighed. "Do I really have to?"

"It's only for a little while." Suren assured, reaching up to secure his mask. "Just think of it as a new experience! Something fun~"

"There is nothing fun about this."

"That just because you haven't tried it yet. I promise, No one will know you were even there!"

Yibai was unconvinced.


The hotel was hosting a high-profile gathering in one of the main halls. Famous names and faces could be seen littering every corner. Those lower on the social ladder sought to use this opportunity to gain connections and make friends. Even the most obscure actress or down on their luck entrepreneur could fly to the skies if they found the right backer at this party.

It was because of this that when an unfamiliar pair of youths walked in with one of them wearing a mask, people noticed. In this gathering where even the most fearsome groups openly showed themselves yet, there was a masked person.

Even more eye-catching was the person by his side.

Li Suren was the most sought after omega at this gathering. Dozens of parents were itching to toss their sons and daughters at him, wanting that connection to his name and lineage.

Yet he came with some strange young man with a bear mask and weirdly colored suit.

How could they not stop and stare?

Listening to the muttering going on, it didn't take long to realize Suren was an object of many people's attention. Yibai resisted the urged to run out of the room.

"You are a damn liar, Li Suren." He growled at his partner, who just smiled, clinging to his arms.


Suren wanted to say it wasn't entirely his fault, as Yibai suit was bound to get attention due to his color choice but he refrained from doing so. The beta clearly liked the suit despite... everything about it, so he was happy to take the blame for this.

He just didn't think his very low-key Sweetheart would like such a style of dress. Was he not concerned he might be mistaken for a pimp?

Yibai wore a light purple suit that contrasted heavily with everyone else neutral colors. Luckily, Suren's dress was a similar shade so they didn't contrast too much but who could anyone miss this guy? He might as well have worn a neon sign that screamed 'NOTICE ME!'

(AN: Think of a Pimp Named Slickback's suit minus the cane and hat.)

Had Suren not known how much Yibai hated attention drawn to him, he might have thought this was on purpose.

Much to his surprise, however, Yibai showed no outward reaction to the attention. His back was straight and he kept his gaze steady. If not for the slightly trembling hand gripping his own, Suren would have thought Yibai didn't mind.

"I'm sorry about this." Suren muttered, drawing them away from the crowd. "I really just didn't want to come in alone."

While Suren was a very confident guy, after what occurred in the bathroom, he felt nervous about being alone. It was fine before because the guy was too cowardly to dare touch Suren for fear of what his family would do but...

That could have just as easily not been the case.

At least at the party, he was less likely to be cornered but he couldn't make himself travel back by himself. Hence he had asked Yibai to accompany him.

Much to his surprise, the beta agreed.

The only drawback was that he was very noticeable as he was the only one wearing a mask and was dressed like a pimp. Suren found him adorable but he knew others might stop and stare.

Yibai, while upset, didn't complain any further. He knew why he was invited, even if Suren didn't say it out loud.

"I'm just glad I kept you from embarrassing yourself." He retorted, escorting Suren through the ballroom.

"Embarrass myself?" The omega scoffed, looking offended. "How would I have-"

"The hoodie?"

Suren grinned. "You mean your hoodie?"

"Yes, that one." He deadpanned, thinking back to the abject horror his servants showed when they saw him wearing that worn thing. "How could you think it would be okay to wear that over your dress that cost god knows how much?"

Had he not insisted, he was sure this idiot would have sashayed through the ball room in that old hoodie and showed it off for whatever reason. He was definitely the type.

As if to prove this, Suren raised his chin confidently.

"Please! I would look good even if I was in a garbage bag." He proclaimed, clinging to Yibai's arm. "How others get to see me in such casual clothes... Hah, it's too much to think about. They should be grateful."

Yibai rolled his eyes.

"As long as you're being humble."

Suren chuckled, amused by his Sweetie's words.

Still, he felt a bit guilty, knowing Yibai wasn't the type to put himself out in front of a crowd. His sweetie really was trying to be a background character.

Yet here he was, sticking with Suren just because of his silly concerns.

Suren tightened his grip on Yibai's arm, laying his cheek on the teen's shoulder.



"Thank you."

The beta glanced at his companion before looking away, not bothering to ask why he was being thanked. It didn't need to be said.

"Just think of it as me paying you back."

"For the suit?"


Yibai didn't clarify. Perhaps Suren didn't recall when Yibai had spent the night at his house. Of the scared child who had, for the first time, sought comfort from another person that wasn't his family.

No, it was better said that Suren, even to this day, didn't know why his friend was so quiet that night.

Despite the strangeness of that night, Suren never asked why he was so unlike himself. Even when the beta had held Suren's hand as they slept in the same bed, Suren remained quiet.

There are times when people want to talk. To speak the words buried in their chest lest they tear them apart from the inside out.

There are times when words can't do what a simple hug can. When just being near someone else can bring comfort to a restless heart.

The truest of friends know when to offer the latter rather than the former.

Suren didn't know he had done anything special at the time. Yibai didn't plan on letting him know. It was enough that Yibai was able to pay him back for that time.


Luckily for him, Yibai, despite being the center of attention, didn't have to speak at all.

"Young master, your date is quite mysterious." One guest brazenly spoke, curious eyes falling on Yibai for the nth time since the conversation started. "Is he someone who wishes to remain anonymous?"

"Am I so dull to converse with that you wish to talk about him?" He countered, pouting cutely. "You came to me to talk yet you lost interest so fast. Isn't that a bit disrespectful?"

"Is it?"

"Is this man beside me more important than I?" He challenged, cocking his hip. "What does that say about me? That any new shiny thing is more worthy of your attention than me or my family. Oh dear, I wonder what Mr. Han would say to know that his prospective business partner doesn't know how to discern the iron from the mud."

"M-Mr. Han spoke about me?"

"Hm?" Suren blinked innocently. "I don't know... He seemed a bit interested before but if he learns how much you like to use innocent youths like me to entertain your curiosities, he might misunderstand and come to strange conclusions."

The man started to sweat, glancing around as if searching for someone. He quickly excused himself, rushing off to a far-off corner to speak to someone else. Probably the 'Mr Han' he was so concerned about.

This left the beta/omega pair alone once more, casually walking on the edge of the party. Suren was all smiles.

"Wasn't that a bit much?" Yibai asked, a little horrified as this was the 5th person he'd driven away with veiled threats and implications. It was kind of scary how smoothly he did this.

"Is it my fault that people have such impure thoughts?" Suren countered, slipping his hand into Yibai's. "I was just stating facts."

Facts that could be easily misunderstood. Yibai thought, scratching his head. Suren, as it turned out, was a bit evil. He always seemed to know how to deflect attention and implicate others with a few words. It kept people on their guard around him, not daring to say too much.

This included asking about the young omega's date.

For this, Yibai was thankful. While the mask protected his identity, it also made him the center of attention. Without Suren, he was sure he would have been mobbed by the curious guests, probably even taken away when it was realized he wasn't invited.

Sighing, Yibai wondered how long he'd been accompanying Suren. He hadn't been allowed to take his cell phone out, as the party was high-end and it would be considered rude. But surely his clothes had to done by now, right?

"Sweetie?" Suren called out, tugging him. "Let's dance."

"Don't wanna."

Suren puffed out his cheeks. "Don't be so quick to reject me."

"I'm not dancing in front of all these people."

"So if we're alone, we can dance?"

Yibai considered it for a minute. A dance wasn't too time-consuming and Suren had been kind enough to block off curious people for him. A dance wasn't too much.

"Fine. But only if we're alone."

Suren beamed, excited. He didn't think his sweetie would agree but he wasn't going to let the beta change his mind. With practiced ease, Suren led them out of the ballroom until they reached the outer garden. While it was a lovely area that was open to the guests, most of them were there to network. Why isolate themselves when they could just bounce from one big name to the next within moments?

As such, Suren and Yibai found themselves alone surrounded by foliage. It was a scene right out of a romantic movie. All that was missing was bokeh lights and a bit of mus-

"Ah, they started!" Suren cheered, hearing the ballroom fill with music. The sound was muffled but still clear. "Shall we?"

Staring at the offered hand, Yibai could only nod.

After a minute of silence, Suren chuckled. "You don't know how to?"

"There's no reason for me to-"

"It's fine." He assured the beta, taking his hand. "That just means I can lead as opposed to following."

"Haven't I been following you this entire time?"

"...Sweetie, you really need to be careful with that mouth of yours. You keep saying such perfect things."

Yibai didn't understand Suren's words but nodded anyway, letting the omega guide him until they were appropriately positioned. Yibai's hand on Suren's shoulder and their fingers intertwined intimately.

A waltz.

Suren led the waltz, suffering from his bear-like friend stepping on his toes over a dozen times before he got the hang of it. Each flinch elicited an apology and look of concentration that made Suren's heart race.

Sweetie was too cute~

After a whole minute of following the omega's lead, Yibai relaxed, pleased with himself. Suren too was relieved. Cute or not, his toes could only endure so much abuse.


"Hm?" Yibai's gaze was still on their feet, not wanting to mess up again.

"I really missed you. Did you miss me?"


If asked, he would definitely deny it. Suren was annoying for the most part. He was stubborn and shameless, chasing after Yibai like a vengeful spirit

He didn't hate Suren. If not for him being an Omega, they might even be friends. Him being so popular was a bit of a hassle but that wasn't something that could be helped. Suren was handsome, charming, and smart. How could he not be popular?

Yibai, on the other hand, was only a bit smarter than others. His personality was abrasive and cold, making him generally unpleasant to be around. Only Yang Ru could tolerate his dismissive attitude and that was just because she was stubborn.

"I'm first in my class." He declared


"Most of my classmates are average, so they don't try very hard."

"...Oh? So my sweetie is undefeated?"


"Must be dull."


Suren chuckled, wanting to lean up and kiss Yibai just then. He couldn't see the beta's face but he was sure his silly friend was blushing.

You might not want to be honest but I want to. He thought, wrapping his arms around Yibai's neck. He moved closer, feeling like this was the best time. They were alone, close, and relaxed.

He might not get another chance to make his feelings clear.

"Sweetie, I-"

His heartfelt confession was cut short as the quiet air between them was interrupted by movement. Yibai stepped between Suren and the bushes, ready to fight off some attacker.

It would just be the topper to his shit day.

Yet to his surprise, the person who came out of the bushes was a familiar face. One Yibai hadn't seen for quite a while.

Red eyes blinked in confusion from behind jet black bangs as Chen Guiren took in the scene in front of him.

"Master? What are you doing here?"


AN: Y'all will never know the hardship I went through to complete this chapter. For clarity, I had other plans for this chapter bit they had to be scrapped in favor of this. As such, I needed time to figure out what was going to happen and in what order.

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