Building An Army In Another World With My Smartphone

Chapter 2

All the units went off to work. Some combat units went to scout in the forest around the base, whilst the rest stayed and protected the base. The other workers went to their stations, the medical units to the hospital, logistics to the warehouses, and the command officers went to the command centre. Only Ayumi stayed by my side.

I headed over to the command centre with Ayumi and sat down in the central control room. The main control room was equipped with relatively modern computers, screens and communication devices. Apparently, the weapons before the 1960 rule did not apply to other types of equipment.

I quickly opened my phone to check my status.

Name: ???


Current Limits:

Units (90/100)

Only arms made before 1960 can be created.

I looked through [Create Vehicles and Ordinances], which has the options for military humvees, different aircraft types, and long-ranged weapons such as howitzers. [Create Supply and Equipment] allowed me to create extra ammunition, weapons, and simple stuff like pens and paper. The list was very long, and some of the costs for weapons were very high.

[Management] showed me a list of all the items, buildings, and other things that I currently have. There was the option for me to retrieve it and store it inside my item box.

I turned my focus back onto the base map displayed on the giant screen. Thirty red dots represented the combat units currently out scouting the forest. The map was slowly expanding, and more and more details were added. The units must have some sort of tracking device, which allowed us to see their location.

"Supreme Commander, unit 7 just reported encountering an unknown species, currently observing it from afar," reported Ayumi.

"Can we see it from here?" I asked.

"Yes, we are putting it on the main screen now."

Video footage appeared on the screen of a giant creature with red skin, holding an axe in its right hand. It was looking around its surrounding as if it was hunting for prey. I immediately realised what it was.

"That's a minotaur. Unit 7, continue to follow and make sure it doesn't notice your location. Ayumi, call two nearby units to provide support." I commanded


Within 10 minutes, units 9 and 3 arrived at the location.

"Unit 7 approach the target with care and try to make contact. Units 9 and 3 stay back and prepare for any scenario."

"""Understood Supreme Commander."""

Unit 7 approached the target following my instructions, whilst the rest stayed back. As soon as the minotaur spotted unit 7, it made a roar and began charging.

It covered the distance and was ready to swing its giant axe down instantly. However, unit 7 fired its Fal with precision accuracy, and with one shot, the minotaur dropped dead.

"Supreme Commander target was hostile and was successfully neutralised."

"Confirmed; please bring back the target for analysis," I said.

"Understood, Supreme Commander, we are returning to base."

Whilst they returned to base, I looked at my current status. The bar had only moved up by about three per cent. I guess killing things was my way to level up.

I then went outside and took a breather. Before I left, I told all the units to try to make contact with any living species and, if they were hostile, take them down and bring them back to base. I also took a communication radio device in case Ayumi needed me with something.

I could see units transporting boxes into the warehouses from the drills. I decided to check out how the mining drills were doing, so I approached the unit in charge for a report.

"Currently, we have produced 200kg of raw iron, 180kg of raw silver and copper, and 1kg of gold."

"Already? That is amazing."

"But, Supreme Commander, what would you like us to do with the excess stone also collected."

"Put them in storage for now. We might have a use for it soon." I replied


At the moment, we did not have any warehouse worker units, so instead, we had some combat units to fill in the job. To create a unit, I could use any metal which can help with their jobs—for example, using a durable and robust metal for combat whilst weaker ones for non-combat units.

I decided to create twenty warehouse workers out of iron and use carbon in the air. The result was a unit made of a robust steel alloy. They cost 10kg of iron to make even though they looked around 1.80m tall. Again they were all faceless.

I left the new units to manage the warehouses and checked out the living buildings that I had built. Since all the units I created did not require food, water or sleep, I wondered why I needed to make several houses.

Each room in the apartment building had a kitchen, bathroom, and two bedrooms. In total it can house 40 people.

The three small houses had enough space for a family of 5 and had average-sized rooms.

The two large houses were not just large. They were like mansions for millionaires. I didn't look at them properly when I built them as part of the tutorial, but I was speechless now that I had a good look at them. Since I was the one who created these, I get to live in one, right?

Before I could take a step into the mansion, Ayumi called in through the radio.

"Supreme Commander units 3, 7 and 9 have returned with the sample. The minotaur has been placed in the medical facility to be analysed."

"Cool, I'm heading over there right now."

"Understood, we will prepare for your arrival."

I guess the house tour is on hold; instead, let's check out a minotaur!

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