Building An Army In Another World With My Smartphone

Chapter 3

Well, that's a minotaur, the half-bull and half-human beast from the myths.

It had the muscular body of a male human and the head of a bull with two great big horns.

By the time I had arrived, the medical units were already taking samples such as blood, tissues and even parts of its horns.

I remembered that this was a hospital, so I needed to create laboratory and research-type units in the near future.

I approached Ayumi, who was talking to one of the medical units.

"Ayumi, have we got anything yet from the samples," I asked.

"Yes, Supreme Commander, so far, we have a report of its blood sample," said Ayumi, whilst handing me a chart with numbers and letters that made no sense to me whatsoever.

"Umm... I do not understand any of this. Can you explain?"

"Understood, the medical units looked at its genetic information and how its structure varies from other species, such as a human. So we compared it and found that its DNA is closer to bovines."

"So, what does this mean?"

"In other words, minotaurs are just another branch of the bovine species."

"Hmm, is there anything else?"

"Yes, the most remarkable thing we found is its horns; the structure is similar to a normal animal horn. Such as the keratin layer on the outside. However, there is a certain unknown element we found within them that strengthens the horn."

"By how much does it strengthen them?"

"Its value is still unknown; however, it is just as strong as some medium to high carbon steels at the current estimate."

I thought to myself if we were able to put these mysterious elements into our future units, weapons, and even buildings, they would all improve in strength and durability.

"Very well, find out this mysterious element, and see if we are to produce them. Also, notify the combat units to find minotaurs and bring them back; the more samples we can get, the better."

"Understood, Supreme Commander."


That was my stomach growling. Now that I think about it, I have not eaten anything since coming here, and there are definitely no shops or restaurants here.

Wait, what about the minotaur? It will surely taste similar if it's close to cows, right?

There was only one way to test this.

"Ayumi, can you get a part of the minotaur tested to see if its meat is edible and if so, I would like to try some."

"Understood, Supreme Commander, and I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"Even as your loyal servant, I have forgotten that you are still human and require the basic human needs."

"Ah, don't worry about that; you are an automaton, so, naturally, you would forget," I assured Ayumi.

"Thank you for your forgiveness."

I then left Ayumi to do her work with the medical units.


My right pocket suddenly chimed; I took out my phone and found a new message.

[Tutorial reward has been given out. Please check your item box.]

I opened [Item box] and found the reward called [Starter Vehicle Package].

[Starter Vehicle Package] The reward for completing the tutorial, this starter vehicle package will help you explore and expand. The package contains five armoured Humvees, two armoured trucks, and two chinooks. The required personnel to maintain and operate will also be included and not affected by the unit limit.

It's a pretty sweet reward for completing the tutorial. However, the armoured land vehicles would have some problems travelling in this dense forest, and the chinook would require a large area to land.

For now, I placed them in the vehicle warehouse. The package came with ten engineers to provide maintenance and six chinook pilots. I'm pretty sure that all the units can operate the land vehicles. I don't remember I have got my license, but I do have some driving knowledge. 

On the other hand, let's leave the chinooks to the pilots. I don't even want to attempt operating it.

The Humvees can fit four people and one extra on the M60 machine gun. The armoured trucks had enough for three upfront and twenty at the back, but the trucks could also carry items. Three pilots operated each chinook which could carry up to fifty people or ten tonnes of cargo. The chinooks had M134 miniguns.

However, there's now a new problem. Currently, there is no source of fuel for the vehicles. But thankfully, they were all fully fueled, so for now, we need to conserve as much as we can until we can find a source.

I decided to use some of the stones and create a takeoff and landing area and pathways. Whilst I was at it, I also decided to make a wall around the base to fortify it.

The land began to tremble like a mini earthquake, and the walls, pathways other structures started to emerge.

"Supreme Commander, please respond," Ayumi asks through the radio.

"Ayumi, what's up."

"There was a small earthquake, and I was worried for your safety Supreme Commander."

"There are no worries here; my modifications to the base caused the small tremble. If you look outside, there's a new wall."

"I can see it. It's a splendid wall."

"Thank you. Is the sampling complete?"

"Yes, the experiments have been completed, and it is similar to a cow."

"Perfect, I'll meet you at one of the large mansions; we will have minotaur meat."

I met Ayumi at one of the mansion's large kitchens. She was wearing a white apron over her full-figured mechanical body and slowly cooking a large slab of minotaur meat.

The kitchen was filled with the delicious smell of cooked meat, which made me even more hungry. Ayumi placed a plate of nicely cooked steak in front of me.

"Supreme Commander, your meal is ready."

"Thank you very much."

I stabbed a piece of meat and popped it in my mouth. An intense flavour explodes in my mouth like a bomb. The meat was so juicy and tender that I ate it all at once.

"Supreme Commander, would you like another one?"

I instantly nodded affirmative and devoured a second, a third, and a fourth. This would be the best piece of meat I have ever had. I think. Well, what do I know? I traded my memories for a skill. Ayumi might have overestimated what I could eat and cooked an extra fifth portion.

After the delectable meal, I made sure that I complimented Ayumi for her excellent cooking skills. However, she says that she did not do anything special, but I continued to praise her.

I looked outside the window and found it was getting late, so I tried to call back all the units out in the forest. But Ayumi insisted that they continue to work during the night since they do not need any rest. 

It also turns out that they all have night vision-like abilities meaning they can function in the dark. I decided to allow Ayumi to do what she wanted, and I went to bed in one of the oversized bedrooms in the mansion, which was equipped with an emperor (7ft x 6'7ft or 2.15m x 2m) sized bed.

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