Caged In

Chapter 6: About Last Night . . .

" Mom, I’ve already told you, I’ve had this for a long time, I didn’t get it as a teenage rebellion, and it’s not devils worship. It’s just a tattoo.” I say to my mother as I step out of the car," A lot of people get them, especially after they leave home, it's normal."

" Why is it so big ? Why are there numbers ? You could have at least gotten a traditional pack design like your brother." She motioned towards the car," And you know when you get pregnant it’ll -”

I cut her off,” Oho okay, and that's where I think we'll end the conversation." I waved my hands," I already told you I don't want kids."

" Oh, that’s what they all say, but you’ll meet that special someone and that’ll change.” She smiles.

" I almost dropped Kira's child last time I visited the pack, I don't even have the maternal instinct to hold a kid right." I pushed, trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible.

" Oh, don't worry, you'll learn." My mother smiled and waved off.

I sighed," Look, kids are expensive, you know. In this economy it's just hard to support them." I pause," But you know, Cats aren’t that expensive, how about I get a bunch of those, would that make you happy ?”

" At least make it dogs. If I can’t have grand babies, at least don’t make me have grand cats.” My mother whines.

" Sure, whatever.” I say.

Who needs dogs when I have a family full of them.

After my family drove off, the first thing I did was head to the store and buy a cheap new flip phone before going back to the dorms and starting my homework.

I finished the lab preparations 50 minutes ago, and I thought taking a nap would be a good idea at 6:30 am. I fell onto my couch with a blanket and closed my eyes for a peaceful 10 minutes before someone decided to continuously ring the door bell to my apartment until I threw a fit and yelled back at them,” I’m not home!” I yelled.

" Doesn’t sound like no one’s home.” A familiar voice asks.

" I’m not taking visitors right now, come back on February 30th!” I roll over on my couch and slowly slump over to my door when they don’t stop ringing the doorbell.

I look through the peep hole to see the last person on Earth that I would ever want to come into contact with again.

" Let me in.”

" Greg, I’m going to call the police if you don’t leave within the next five minutes.” I say lowly.

" I need to talk with you.”

" I’m dialing 911 in five seconds if you’re still there, so help me goddess.” I yelled through the door.

" What happened to five minutes ?” He hissed.

" Three seconds.”

" It’s urgent!”

" Fine.” I grumbled,” Talk from there.”

" Goddess, you low breeds are impossible!” There was a loud bang, which I assume was from him hitting my door in frustration. After a moment of silence he spoke again,” It’s about a furry secret.” He whispers.

I doubt he is referring to the kink of dressing up like cartoon animals.

At that moment I immediately unlock the door and grab his shirt collar,” If you’re planning to blackmail me -”

He interrupted me by brushing past me and walking into my apartment,” I may have dented the outside of your door.”

I glanced at the door and low and behold, a fist-sized dent, courtesy of the royal pain himself.

" What do you need to say that’s so urgent ?”

" It’s about that night at the club.” He turned around to face me, now standing next to my couch as his eyes scanned my apartment with a scrutinizing gaze.

" You do understand that my dad will kill you if he knows you’ve come into contact with me.” After quietly closing the door, I quickly walked up to his smug figure and grabbed his shirt by the collar.

" Actually you’re the one who initiated contact, so if you wouldn’t mind . . .” He eyes my hands with a glare that said ‘get your filthy paws off of me’.

I let go of him, and he smiled tightly as he walked past me into my kitchen.

" Don’t look so happy, the second you do anything funny I’m getting my pepper spray.” I hiss as I reach for my purse on the couch.

" I took that from you last time.” He turns around,” I just wanted to ask some . . . stuff.”

I stop reaching for my purse and stand up straight again,” Give me back the pepper spray and I’ll let you ask one thing.”

" Next time.” He says,” I don’t have it on me.”

" Then get out.” I say.

" Stop being such a stubborn child.” He growls.

" How about you stop acting like you own the place, and learn some respect.” I say as I shove him towards the door.

" There are pups in my pack with better manners than you!” He growled.

" Oh yeah, you mean like William.”

He growled loudly and took a looming step towards me,” I’m trying to help you, you should feel honored I came here in the first place.”

" Oh, I’m feeling some way about you coming here, don’t worry.” I rolled my eyes.

" Look, your father said you hadn’t shifted yet, but at the club -”

I stop baiting his anger,” What happened at the club.”

I couldn’t, for the life of me, remember what happened after I passed out, so this topic change worked in my favor.

" Oh, so now you’re interested ?”

" Just tell me what happened.” I state.

He eyed me.

I rolled my eyes,” Please.” I say through my teeth.

He huffs,” I’m starting to think coming here was actually a worse idea than I thought.”

I grab his wrist,” Come on. Just tell me, please.”

His eyes fixate on my hand and I quickly let him go.

" It’s good to know begging isn’t below someone like you.” He said with a condescending look in his eyes.

Something snaps and before I know it, my hand connects with his face and a loud slap echoes in the room,” This is last time I will say it, stop acting like you’re better than me. Just because you think you have ‘better blood’, or some bullshit like that, doesn’t make you a better person and your status of pure blood certainly doesn’t compensate for your terrible personality. Get over yourself already.” I growl.

I suddenly hear someone knocking at the door,” Alpha, Alpha, tell me you’re okay. If that low breed hurt you, that gives us permission to reprimand her, even if her father is Alpha Wild.”

" Of course you brought back up with you, don’t trust me, do you ?” I whisper as I let go of him.

Greg just stares at me, and then turns towards the door,” No, Vincent, everything’s okay. Go back and wait in the car, this shouldn’t take too long.”

" But Alpha -”

" I said go!” Greg snaps before I hear retreating footsteps,” I only brought him because he insisted on it.”

" Sure.” I roll my eyes.

" Look, I came because there is something I have to inform your father of about you and I thought it would be fair to at least tell you about it first.” He says, irritation laced in his tone.

" What might that be ?” I ask as I sit on the chair under my bunk bed.

" It’s about you shifting.”

1313 words

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