Caged In

Chapter 7: A Tail?!

I start nervously laughing,” You actually believe that ?”

He needs to leave.

I grab my new phone and start dialing my dad’s number, only to have Greg rip the phone from my hands,” If you throw that one, you’re dead, you phone abuser.” I hiss.

He glares at me,” I wasn’t going to break it. I just don’t need your father involved yet.”

" Why, scared ?” I smile.

" No, I just don’t like preemptively bringing the packs into personal matters.” He says as he clicks the end button on the phone and slips it into his pocket.

" How is this personal, this is just you being a creep.” I paused,” Which isn’t actually something unexpected of you.”


" That’s not -” he groans,” Just listen to me for two minutes.”

" The best I can do is one.” I grumble.

" Thanks, Rick Harrison.” He pulls his phone out.

" I’m pretty sure I begin to get brain damage when I listen to you for too long, it may actually be a medical condition.”

" I know you won’t believe me unless I show you.” He turns the phone to me.

" What -”

Suddenly the video starts and screaming erupts from the speakers, the camera turns from his face to someone in a red dress on the ground obviously in pain.

" Is that . . . Me ?” I ask as I watch.

He just nods.

" You -!” Words wouldn’t leave my mouth, so I had to swallow and try to speak again,” Why would you video tape that, I don’t want to watch a video of me throwing up in the alley that night. That’s totally uncall -” the moment I hear a loud snap I remember that I didn’t drink anything that night,” What the -”

My body bends awkwardly and spasms multiple times before hair starts sprouting from my back spreading to the rest of my body and my jaw elongated.

This isn’t real.

That’s where the shift should have ended, because halfers don’t turn into full wolves, but my ears were now on the top of my head much like a dog and I had a tail. A tail!

My hand goes to my butt to make sure it wasn’t actually there right now.

Oh god.

The video went on, and by the time the bones stopped snapping and I had finished writhing in pain, a black wolf with a white left ear looked at the screen before jumping at whoever was holding the camera.

" Holy crap.”

" I know.” He looked over at me,” To think a low breed went through the full transformation.”

My hand instinctively moved to wack him upside the head, but he growled loudly at me before my hand made contact with him. His head nodded to the video, telling me to keep watching as I brought my hand back down to my side.

I notice something strange as the last frame of the video is frozen on the screen he’s still holding out for me to watch,” Why is it so bright in the video ?” I ask.

" That’s because it was around 7:00 am, sunrise.” He said.

" That shouldn’t have happened.” I say.

" Again, must I repeat my self, a low breed went through a full -”

" That’s not what I’m talking about, first of all, give me your phone.” I say.

" Why should I ?”

" Have some trust, I just want to delete the video.” He looks from me, back at his phone, and then back at me before handing it over.

I then delete the video, begin to hand it back to him before swiveling back around and lobbing it at my wall. I hear it crack as it falls to the floor.

" What the hell!” He yells.

" Now we’re even.” I mumble.

" That was the newest model, do you know how expensive it was ?” He growls.

" Do you know how much my old phone meant to me ? I had so many photos on there that can’t be -” A low domineering growl stops my rant.

" Fine! We can call the phone issue even, we’ve both destroyed each other’s property.” He loudly sighed,” But I came here to talk about your first shift. Don’t you think your father will be so delighted to hear about it. Maybe he will teach you pack rules and -”

" No!” I yell.

He looks strangely at me,” What ?”

" You can’t tell my father, he’ll drag me back to that giant log cabin in the middle of the woods to be a teacher in the daycare or something. I can’t go back. I mean, quitting my studies is bad enough, but I can’t go through training again, don’t tell him I shifted, you can’t!”

" It’s my duty to inform him, withholding this information from him will negatively affect my packs relations.” He says.

" I’ll tell him. You don’t have to.” I say.

" Judging by that reaction earlier, I’m less inclined to believe what you’re telling me now is true.” He says.

" I just don’t want to go -”

" Why are you so against going back ? Do you feel that you are above being a wolf ?” He asks roughly.

Me ? Condescending ? That’s rich coming from you.

" All I want is to be normal, the only one here who feels above everyone is you, don’t assume we’re similar.” I hiss.

" You’re so irritating!” He goes to the front door, but I run in front of him to stop him from leaving.

" How are you even going to prove to my father that you aren’t lying, that time was probably a fluke, and the video’s gone anyway.” I say.

" Who’s to say I didn’t make copies ?”

Fuck, I can’t tell if he’s lying.

I’ll have to call his bluff.

" Oh, my dad is going to love the fact that you took an unsolicited video of his daughter in pain without helping her, that’s going to go just fine. You know, if you enjoy death.” I say with a grin.

" Then I’ll tell him to visit you, and once he smells -”

" What ? Smells what ?”

" Fuck.” He hisses,” You’re covered in my scent along with your room. If he visits, he’ll know I was here.”

" Check mate, dick biscuit." I smiled as I poked a finger into his chest.

" Watch your language.” He growled as he swatted away my finger.

" Oh, come on! I didn't even curse, Captain America." I growl back.

" Fine, do what you want.” He says,” But it’ll take around a month for my scent to diminish, I will tell him then and when he comes to visit he’ll smell that you’ve shifted.”

Why can’t I tell if you’re lying or not ?

" Why are you so persistent ?”

" Why are you trying so hard to avoid being what you are. You’re a wolf, get used to it, and get on with your life like everyone else.” He pushes past me.

" I’m human, and I want to finish my studies. I have goals in life that expand farther than just being a help to the pack, I want to do something on my own, and if you intend on stopping me then I’ll - ”

He growls loudly and turns around to face me, and he slams his hands against the wall right next to my head,” You’ll what ? Do you intend on threatening me ?”

I groan in annoyance,” Way to show dominance you perve.” I push him back by pressing my palms against his upper torso. He does nothing, but look curiously at the spot that my hands touch him,” You know what ?” His eyes snap to meet mine,” That was a threat. If you try to tell my father about my shift before the end of the semester, I’ll personally come to your pack and make your life miserable.”

" Are you sure that’s a threat, and not a promise of some kind ? Your seduction techniques won’t work on me, you know.” He rips my hands off of his torso and throws them back towards me.

I scoff,” Like I’d waste time trying to I seduce you, on this campus alone, there are thousands of men better suited for me than you. Don’t flatter yourself.”

" None of those men are -”

" Are what ? Pure bloods ? Werewolves ? Like that matters to me, I’m just a human after all, and if a human guy happens to make me happy then, I’m sorry, but I don’t see how that affects the rest of your kind.”

He growls again,” Fine, you’re right I don’t care.” He opens the door,” And expect a call from your father asking why you didn’t tell him about your shift.”

" If that happens expect satan to possess my body and come by your pack to make your life hell.”

" I’d like to see that.” He hisses.

" I’ll ruin you!”

" You’ll fail like the other fools who tried to do that.” He grunts before turning back around,” And one more thing before I leave, Lucy, that thing hanging in the middle of the room. You should take it down.” He points at the good luck charm,” It smells.”

I know it fucking smells, because it was supposed to smell bad enough to keep the likes of you away from me!

You smell!” I yell.

He glares at me with his perfectly green eyes and slams the door.

That’s right, you better run!

I slump with my back against my door as I let out a sigh. My hand unconsciously presses down on my lower abdomen.

How annoying.

1629 words

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