Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Caitlyn lounged on the pile of velvet cushions, watching Zyra sulk and Ahri dress. Ahri was wriggling into a sleek, red silk skirt hemmed with silver thread. Her hips pushed the waistband to its limits as they refused its passage. As Ahri muttered and cursed, Zyra rolled her golden eyes, leaning against the double doors. Her limp green cock and perky dark green nipples were bare for the world to see.


  “Would you hurry up already?” Zyra said.


  “Hold on, almost…” The waistband charged past Ahri’s hips and hugged her waist. “There!” She grinned ear to ear and snatched her shirt off the floor. It was also made of red silk and hemmed with silver thread. Ahri slipped her arms through the long sleeves, raised her arms, and allowed gravity to do the rest. A v-cut left her collarbone and half of her bust bare, showing off the long line where her breasts squished together. Caitlyn’s stomach dropped when she tied a sash around her waist and conformed her shirt to the bulge of her enormous tits.


  “You two are so fucking hot…”


Zyra huffed and suddenly found the far rather interesting.


Ahri smiled a motherly smile. “You’re one to talk, dear. Now-” she clapped her hands “-we best be off.”


“Not yet.” Sneering, Zyra blocked the double doors. “What happens in my garden stays in my garden.”


  “Oh, come on,” Caitlyn said. “No one will care if you bottomed. More than half of them won’t be walking straight for weeks to come after all this is over.”


Ahri nodded. “Much more than half.”


  “Shut it, worm,” Zyra snapped. “As far as anyone is concerned, Ahri and I fucked the shit out of you. That’s it. End of story. Are we clear?”


Caitlyn sighed. “Yeah yeah. Whatever.”


Zyra glared at Ahri.


Ahri smiled. “Whatever you require, I will provide to the best of my abilities.”


  “If either of you tell a soul, you’re dead.” Zyra snapped on her heels, flung open the double doors, and marched off. “Nidalee! Get your ass over here!” she shouted, her voice fading behind the closing doors.


Ahri caught a door before it closed all the way. “Caitlyn.”




  “Your break will last fifteen minutes. Wear a plug, dear. We wouldn’t want your ass tightening, now would we?”


A shiver ran up Caitlyn’s spine. “Will do, Ma’am.”


Ahri’s ears perked. “Oh? I’ve missed that. Do make sure to call me that more often.”


  “We’ll see.”


  “Yes.” Ahri eye-fucked her. “We will.”


The doors slammed shut and Caitlyn was left alone. Not even silence accompanied her. Now that she knew what to listen for, she could hear bed frames thumping against the walls, shrill squeals, and husky grunts. They sounded far away, which stung all the more, for they were so very very close.


Fifteen minutes. With more sex toys than I know what to do with? Don’t mind if I do.


Before fun, however, Caitlyn needed to prepare. Ahri was right; with seven rounds of anal around the corner, she couldn’t let her ass tighten. She retrieved two tools from the couch’s drawer. A buttplug bigger than her palm and a set of silicone eggs the size of billiard balls. Loosening the entrance of her ass wouldn’t be enough. Her whole ass needed to be loose to accommodate a monster cock. Or two. Or three. Ahri wouldn’t be cruel enough to send in three at a time, would she?


Caitlyn lay on her back, spread her legs, and soaked four silicone eggs in lube. 


Her ass was hesitant to accept them. It took a few deep breaths and the combined effort of all her fingers before it gaped open, yawning like a mouth as it swallowed them one by one. The eggs were sucked deep inside her before settling behind her belly button and groin in an orderly queue. 


The buttplug proved a greater obstacle. It was girthier than any cock she’d taken so far. Even doused in lube, it struggled to enter. It teetered on the edge, its widest point inches from being swallowed. If she could get it past that point her ass muscles would do the rest, yet no matter how much she relaxed or how hard she pushed, her ass refused to budge. The plug was pressing against her bones.


I guess, I need a little help. Caitlyn slowly sat up until the plug’s love-heart-shaped stopper was pressed flat against the carpet. She let go and screamed. It felt like she’d been punched in the tailbone. Clutching her ass, she fell to her side and felt around for the plug. Nothing, just smooth skin and… smooth plastic. Love-heart-shaped plastic.


Caitlyn rolled onto her back and ran her fingers down her stomach’s bumpy bulge. She felt as if her groin was about to pop. As if she’d eaten a massive meal. Trembling, she got to her feet. The smallest of movements shifted her insides, grinding the eggs and the plug against all of her sweet spots.


Her pussy begged for the relief of an orgasm. So, she snatched a vibrator wand and the biggest dildo she could find from the couch drawer, and fucked her brains out all over Ahri’s freshly steamed couch.




Caitlyn was about to cum for the third time when the double doors flew open. It didn’t matter. So close. She was so-


The pleasure vanished. The vibrator was ripped from her hands. The dildo was torn from her pussy. Caitlyn opened her eyes. A pair of massive breasts hung above her face, which would have been quite lovely if it weren’t for the furious face peering over them.


  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the woman said. Her top half loomed over the back of the couch.


  “I was about to cum. Well, I guess it’s not too late. Hurry up and finish me off, and we’ll get started… uh… what’s your name?”


  “Lady. Cassiopeia. Du. Couteau.” Cassiopeia spat each word with enough venom to kill a small elephant, maybe even a particularly large one. She wore only a golden bra and a headpiece styled after an ancient Shyriman pharaoh. Her neon-green eyes attacked Caitlyn like daggers.


Caitlyn grinned. “Woah, you’re pretty. Like, everyone here is pretty, but… wow. Are you a model or something?”


  “A model? Do not compare me to those peasants. I am a lady. First born daughter of House Couteau. Setting eyes on me should be the most important thing to happen to your miserable little bloodline, let alone pleasuring me with your body.”


  “A lady, huh? Meh.”



  “Meh. I’ve fucked a princess. And gods… I think – or close enough. You’re kind of a small fish in a big pond here, Lady Cassiopeia.”


  “Lady Couteau, you insect. And yes, while I may be among esteemed company here, if I am a small fish, you a morsel of shit buried beneath the sand. I will have the respect I’m owed.”


Caitlyn sat up, much to the chagrin of her insides, and stared Cassiopeia dead in the eyes. Cassiopeia’s pupils sharpened into slits, and she hissed, baring a set of fangs.


  “I am perfectly fine with humiliation and degradation,” Caitlyn said. “But if you keep insulting me without my permission, I’ll end our time together. Do you understand?”


  “How dare you-”


  “Do. You. Understand?”


Cassiopeia snarled and dodged Caitlyn’s eyes. “Fine!”


Caitlyn beamed. “Excellent! Now, what is it you would like to do with me?”


  “I want to bind you,” Cassiopeia grumbled. “And fuck your ass.”


  “And I assume you want me to be submissive?”


Cassiopeia chewed her lip, still not meeting her eyes. “Yes.”


  “I can do that.” Caitlyn stroked Cassiopeia’s bare, muscular arm. “In exchange, you’ll eat my ass out and make me cum at least once before penetration.”


Cassiopeia brushed her hand away. “Fine. That is fair.”


  “Really? I expected that to cause a whole other tantrum. My noble tongue in your filthy, peasant ass? How dare you even suggest such a thing, worm! Or something like that.”


  “That is not what I sound like.”


  “It’s dead on.”


  “Do not test my patience, peasant.”




  “Get downstairs! Now!”


Caitlyn giggled. “Yes, Ma’am.”




Cassiopeia was a snake below the belly button. A snake-woman; now that’s a new one. Her grey scales reflected the swirling colours of the bubble portal like a kaleidoscope. A silk loincloth was wrapped around the intersection where snake scales met human flesh. It sported a small bulge.


  “You’ve got a human cock, right? It’s not gonna come out of a slit or something is it?”


Cassiopeia scoffed. “What do you take me for, a freak? Of course, the cock is human.”


  “Okay okay. I was only asking. Where are we going? You asked Orb if it was empty. It better not be a public place. I don’t do public sex.”


  “Sometimes vermin intrude my quarters. It’s not something that concerns you.”


The bubble popped, and they were plunged into darkness. Cold, stale air left a bitter taste in the back of Caitlyn’s throat. She was standing on something smooth and hard. Concrete maybe? Silence swamped all.


  “Come on,” snapped Cassiopeia. “Don’t just stand there like some lackwit.”


  “Okay, first of all. Lackwit? Really? What are you, a hundred years old? And second of all, what do you expect me to do? It’s pitch fucking black.”


  “It isn’t that dark.”


  “It is.”


Cassiopeia grumbled. “That’s just your peasant blood. I suppose you can’t be blamed for that. Fine. I’ll assist you.”


Hands seized Caitlyn’s waist.


  “W- Whoa! Wait!”


The concrete vanished, her stomach lurched, and a shoulder crashed upwards into her belly. It rammed the gap between two silicone eggs, pressing three against her plug and one deeper inside her gut. She melted and went limp.


Cassiopeia burst out laughing. “Were those eggs? Oh, and what’s this? A plug?” She prodded the heart-shaped stopper, shifting the enormous plug and the three eggs.


Caitlyn whimpered.


  “Maybe you aren’t such a brat after all. Aren’t you a good girl for preparing yourself for me?”


Caitlyn hooked her ankles and pleasure locked her joints.


  “Say it.” Cassiopeia slapped her ass.


The sudden jolt alone pushed her to the edge of an orgasm. “Ah! Okay okay! I’m a good girl!”


  “Like you mean it…”


  “Hngh… I’m a good girl, Ma’am~” 


  “Much better. Now, let’s get going shall we?”


Cassiopeia carried Caitlyn up what must have been a flight of stairs. It was too much. Each jerk. Each bump. Each jolt. They jostled the eggs and plug about inside her ass. It was like being fucked by a giant, ribbed cock. The fact that Cassiopeia slapped her ass every time she moaned didn’t help matters either.


  “Gods, where the fuck are you taking me! We’ve been climbing for hours!”


  “It’s been two minutes… How have you lasted thirty-odd rounds with such weakness?”


  “P- please just hurry up. I can’t take this much longer. I’m gonna cum.”


  “Bit off more than you can chew then? It’s no matter. Cum. It makes no difference.”


  “No way. That’d be so… s- so… pathetic.”


Cassiopeia sighed. “Bloody hell. Stubborn brat.” She twisted Caitlyn’s buttplug.


Caitlyn lurched, spluttering as she came. Pleasure coursed through every inch of her body and forced her eyes shut. She squirted all over Cassiopeia’s back.


  “So, you are a squirter. Good. Those fools like to spin tall tales about our guests. Oh, and by the way. That was pathetic. We’re here.”


As the final dribble of squirt left her pussy, Caitlyn opened her eyes. They were in a small attic with an arched ceiling, a concrete floor, a stained mattress stashed away in the corner, and grimy windows filtering the midday daylight brown. Bones littered the floor.


Caitlyn’s stomach dropped. “A- Are those-” 


  “Human?” Cassiopeia scoffed. “They’re cow and pig femurs. I’m not a bloody cannibal.”


  “But, you’re not-”


  “Walk on your own.” 


Caitlyn was flung back onto her feet. She landed with a wobble, which jostled the eggs. Pleasure flared deep in her groin, but she swallowed the moan and marched across the room as if wearing high heels for the first time. She would not fall in front of Cassiopeia.


Cassiopeia lazily slithered over to her mattress. “Do excuse the mess. I’m a bit short-staffed at the moment and good help is so hard to find these days.”


  “Uh huh…”


Cassiopeia unclasped her metal bra. Firm, round breasts jiggled, sporting flat, pink nipples. She removed her headpiece and long black hair spilled past her shoulder in knots and tangles. As carefully as one would handle ancient pottery, Cassiopeia placed them beside her mattress in a neat pile.


She looked Caitlyn up and down with her neon green eyes. A forked, ribbon-like tongue emerged from between her plump lips and flicked the air. The bulge beneath her silk loincloth shifted. “You taste like all of them. Dozens and dozens of cocks mixed into one. On your back, at once. I must taste what they’ve done to your insides.”


Caitlyn stumbled onto the mattress. She ignored the stains and the smell. Once you’ve been fucked in the mud by a group of strangers, there’s no lower you could stoop. Instead, she focused on Cassiopeia’s. Even in the dingy brown light, it was perfect. She had the perfect cheekbones of a model, the gently curved jaw, the wide eyes, the tiny nose, the plump lips; her face looked as if it’d been carved from stone, so when it moved it was a magical experience.


  “You’re so beautiful, Ma’am,” Caitlyn said breathlessly.




  “I mean it. Really. Can… Gods, why the hell am I nervous? Can I kiss you?”


  “No.” Cassiopeia lay on her belly and spread Caitlyn’s legs. “You can cum on my tongue, take my cock, and leave without a word.” She reached for Caitlyn’s plug.


Caitlyn snatched her wrist. “I’m not a sex doll. If you’re going to fuck me, you will kiss me, caress me, and love me. I’ll accept nothing less.”


Cassiopeia hissed and bared her fangs. 


Caitlyn deadpanned.


With a huff, Cassiopeia looked away. “Fine.” She glanced at Caitlyn’s lips. “I suppose your mouth will feel nice.”


  “That’s the spirit.”


  “Silence!” Cassiopeia tore the buttplug out Caitlyn’s ass.


Caitlyn braced for the worst pain in the world. Total agony. Torture … But none came. Opening her eyes, she peered between her legs. “Huh?”


  “It seems your ass grew accustomed to the plug’s size. Congratulations, you’ve just ruined yourself.”


Glee made Caitlyn giddy. Gods, it felt good to be a whore. The eggs were trying to escape. She clenched, but it did no good. However, just as one crowned her gaped ass, Cassiopeia burned her face between her legs. Her mouth stopped the egg in its tracks.


  “Nice save,” giggled Caitlyn. She ran her hands through Cassiopeia’s raven hair.


Cassiopeia’s long tongue squeezed past the egg and wormed around the others. It burrowed deep inside, deeper, deeper, deeper. Past her groin, past her womb, past her belly button. Deeper than ever before. It didn’t but stretch her. But it did light up sweet spots she hadn’t even known existed. Sweet spots no mortal person had any right to feel.


  “Hngh, Lady Couteau!~” 


Mischief gleamed in Cassiopeia’s eyes. Her tongue fluttered deep inside Caitlyn’s belly. Caitlyn’s pussy screamed for pleasure. It wanted to be rubbed and penetrated and stretched and pounded. It wanted to be used. It was oh-so tempting, but Caitlyn resisted. She knew the rules, and this was one rule she would not bend. She would not cheat.


As Caitlyn moaned and whimpered, Cassiopeia plugged her mouth with the butt plug. It pressed hard against her tongue and the roof of her mouth. Caitlyn sucked on it, the taste of her own ass, on two days worth of cum and cock. The plug forced her to breathe through her nose.

Pleasure built and built and built. Cassiopeia’s tongue flicked and fluttered; Caitlyn’s ass quivered, squeezing the four huge eggs. Pleasure built and built and built. Cassiopeia grabbed her waist and slapped her tits; Caitlyn grasped the sides of the mattress. Pleasure built and built and built. Cassiopeia pinched her nipples; Caitlyn bit down on the plug and let out a desperate, muffled cry. 


Her pussy erupted all over Cassiopeia’s face, spraying like a hose sprung a lead. It was petering out when Cassiopeia pulled up. The long ribbon tongue recoiled like a tape measure and slithered back inside her hungry grin.


  “Aren’t you a delicious little treat? What a whore. Are you ready for cock?”


One by one, the four eggs crowned, squeezed free, and plopped onto the floor.




  “Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t understand you. Did you say you want my cock inside you?”


  “Mmm! Mmm!”


  “Try again. I think I almost understand. Do hurry though, we wouldn’t your ass to tighten now would we?”


  “MMM! MMM!” Caitlyn nodded furiously.


  “Oh! That was a yes. My apologies. Let’s get started, shall we? Stand up.”




  “Stand. Up.”


Caitlyn shrugged. “Mhm.”


The instant Caitlyn was on her feet, Cassiopeia dissolved into a blur. In less than a heartbeat, she coiled around Caitlyn. Her course scales dug into Caitlyn’s legs, ass, stomach, and lower back; massive, squishy tits pressed against her shoulder blades. Cassiopeia pushed Caitlyn’s breasts together and nipped her neck.


Caitlyn’s arms were pinned to her sides. “M- Mmm?”


  “Don’t worry your pretty little head. You don’t have to move. You don’t have to speak. Hell, don’t even think. All you need to do is stay still, look cute, and let me fucking ravage you. Doesn’t that sound like a dream come true?”


Caitlyn grinned and nodded. She slowed her breathing, limped, and relaxed her ass. It quivered, squelching as her gaped walls fluttered.


  “That’s it.” Cassiopeia’s tongue stroked her cheek. “Good whore.” She squeezed her tits. “Let your Noblelady take care of you.” She pinched her nipples.


The pain had no effect on Caitlyn. She did not yelp and she did not moan. She couldn’t, not while she was letting go of control. No thoughts. Just sensation, emotion, and pleasure.


Cassiopeia tore off her silk loincloth. A small cock pressed against Caitlyn’s back. That was okay. Small cocks could get just as much done as monsters. Even in a ruined ass like hers.


Caitlyn let the last inkling of agency slip away as Cassiopeia eased inside her.


Pleasure. A gentle rocking motion. Course scales on her thighs. Calloused fingers on her abs. Squishy tits on her back. Soft lips on her neck. The tips of fangs against her skin. Thrill. Bloodpumping thrill. Spars, stories, sex; everything paled compared to the fangs poised to puncture her neck. A split second. A small motion. A tiny decision. And she would die. Her life was in her lady’s hands as much as her body was.


Cassiopeia’s groin was slapping against her ass; a mixture of soft flesh and tough scales. Pleasure and pain. “H- How… You’re so… After all that, you’re so tight. Ungh… I’m gonna… n-no. No! I can’t s- so soon. Not with your filthy… peasant… oh gods~”


Cassiopeia’s fangs retracted, her grip loosened, and she blew her load in the entrance of Caitlyn’s ass as it let go of her cock. Cum poured down the inside of her thighs and pooled at her feet.


Caitlyn spat out of the buttplug and smirked. “Well, so much for noble blood. I barely felt that at all.”


  “You little…” groaned Cassiopeia as she collapsed in a heap.

Daintily, Caitlyn stepped out of her coiled tail and strolled towards the stairs. Only 21 left to go.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Briar, The Restrained Hunger

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