Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


30 chapters! Woo!

Glazed from chest to belly and naked, Caitlyn walked beside Ahri through the jungle. Ahri’s fox ears twitched at every chirp and whistle from the multi-coloured birds. She licked her plump lips.


  “Don’t tell me you eat birds,” Caitlyn said.


  “Alright, I won’t.”


Caitlyn gagged.


Ahri rolled her golden eyes. “Oh please, you lost your gag reflex a while ago.”


  “The point still stands.”


  “You eat chickens.” Ahri leapt on top of a fallen tree.


Caitlyn scrambled after her. Her hands and feet slipped on the tree’s thick, wet moss. “Not the same.”


Ahri offered her a hand. “They’re both birds.”


  “I eat dead chickens.” Caitlyn accepted the help. “And they’re cooked too.”


Ahri gagged.


  “If I can’t gag, you definitely can’t.”


  “Are you calling me a whore?”


  “You’re the queen of the whores.”


Ahri giggled and leapt off the tree. She landed on the carpet of fallen leaves, on the balls of her feet without so much as a hint of sound. Her nine tails flicked and swished. “Not a queen. No, more like a manager.”


Caitlyn held onto a branch and eased herself onto the leaves. “Same difference.”


Hands on hips, Ahri faced Caitlyn. “My, you’ve certainly grown bold since the last time I saw you. And what’s this I hear of you pegging Qiyana?”


  “Eh. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal. She was clearly desperate for it.”


Ahri smirked. “Well, let’s see how you fare against Zrya, shall we?”


  “Is she a brat too?”


  “Far from it. Zyra does not bottom. Not even for Illaoi.”


  “I’ll top her.”


  “Will you?” Ahri crossed her arms. “Care to make a wager?”


  “I will. What are the terms?”


  “Your next region is Noxus. If Zyra cums while being topped, I will revoke the one orgasm rule for all of your Noxus partners. If she cums while topping, however, you will be limited to anal sex for all seven of your Noxus partners.”


Caitlyn winced. “Seven? Why the hell are we jumping from four to seven?”


  “The original members of our club hail from Noxus, Ionia, and Demacia. I only branched out recruitment to other regions recently. Surely seven isn’t a problem for you. Aren’t you going to fuck all of us anyway?”


  “I am. Fine. Deal. It won’t matter anyway because I’ll win.”


  “So confident.” Ahri pressed her chest against Caitlyn’s and grabbed her waist. “I like that.”


Caitlyn brushed her fingers across Ahri’s whisker tattoos. “Yeah? Do something about it.”

Ahri slammed her against the fallen tree, kissed her, and stole handful of her ass. Caitlyn grinned against the kiss. She tasted like blood. Her hands wandered beneath Ahri’s red, silk skirt, cupped her balls and squeezed her tip.


Ahri gasped and pulled away. “You little slut. How dare you tempt me.”


  “You started it.”


  “Y- Yes, but that does not mean… you shouldn’t…” Ahri cleared her throat. “We mustn’t keep Zyra waiting. Come.”


  “You’re allowed to have some fun, you know. None of this would be going on without you.”


  “I said come, Caitlyn.”


  “Yes, Mistress.”




Zyra waited in Ahri’s garden, amongst golden sunflowers, rose-speckled bushes, and hedges trimmed to resemble the female form. Arms outstretched, she lifted her face to the sun and closed her eyes. The sunlight glittered across her green face, bare shoulders, breast valley, and midriff. 


  “Zyra!” Ahri stormed through the open glass door. “You may not-”




  “Don’t you dare command me after-”


  “The roses are trying to rest.”




Zyra snapped her golden eyes onto Ahri. Her knee-length red hair flicked like a whip. “You will scold me calmly and concisely.


Caitlyn held her breath as a sharp silence hung over the pair. Did this Zyra woman want to get herself kicked out? For all their banter, Caitlyn would never dare speak to Ahri like that. You don’t fuck with Vastayans; everyone knows that.


  “You must wait in the hall between rounds.”


Zyra waved her off. “You took too long. I was hungry.”


Ahri gritted her teeth. “Then use the sunroom.”


  “The sunroom? Do I look like a house plant to you?” Zyra’s eyes met Caitlyn’s. Her fin-like ears twitched and she licked her lips. “Well now, what do we have here?” She shoulder-checked Ahri and strutted down the garden path.


Ahri followed. “We are not done, Zyra.”


Leaves and petals clung to Zyra’s hourglass figure. They darkened and thickened the closer they got to her feet. Bright pink petals adorned her slim shoulders. Grass-green leaves and vines formed lingerie that covered the outer half of her breasts and as little of her groin as possible. Brown and black roots covered her long legs. Claws poked out of the ends of her toes.


Caitlyn stepped onto the terrace. “Name’s Caitlyn.”


  “Wrong. You have no name. You are scum.” Zyra prodded her glazed chest. “And dirty scum at that.”


Zyra’s breasts were level with Caitlyn’s face. Her legs were half the height of Caitlyn’s entire body. She peered over her nose to meet Caitlyn’s eyes.


  “Yeah, I don’t think so. Call me by my name or go back inside.”


Zyra scowled and looked over her shoulder. “You said she was eager and submissive.”


  “You know this process changes people,” Ahri said. 


  “Hmph. It didn’t change me. Fine, Caitlyn. Wash yourself off. I do not permit such filth in my garden.”


  “Well, aren’t you a good girl for using my name? Sure, I’ll wash off. It’s only fair. In the meantime, pick out the strapon you want me to fuck you with.”


Zyra’s scowl faded into a neutral line. Her golden eyes widened. “Excuse me?”


Ahri’s ears flattened against her hair as her eyes darted back and forth between Caitlyn and Zyra.


  “Pick out your favourite strapon. I don’t have a cock, so I’ll need an aid if I’m going to fuck you.”


  “You won’t be fucking anybody, slut.”




Zyra's nostrils flared. “Enough. Upstairs. Now.”


  “What’s wrong?”


Ahri stepped forward. “C- Caitlyn, I know I said-”


  “Scared you’ll cum too fast?”


  “I was only joking, Caitlyn,” Ahri said. “Don’t push this.”


  “Ha! You couldn’t make me cum if we had all day together.” Zyra prodded Caitlyn’s glazed chest. “A pathetic worm like you couldn’t hope to so much as kill my erection.”


  “So what’s the issue?”


  “The issue is that you’re mortal-” Zyra prodded Caitlyn’s chest. “-human-” Prod. “-mammal-” Prod. “-scum. You should feel blessed to be in the same room as me, let alone take my cock in your filthy, whore pussy.”


Gods, what an insufferable bitch. What was it with immortals and their bigotry?


Caitlyn kept a smug grin fixed to her face and shrugged. “It’s okay if your stamina isn’t great. Anal sex feels great.”


  “Stamina has nothing to do with it, slut!”


  “Caitlyn. And please, if you hated humans that much you wouldn’t be fucking them.”


Zyra took a step back. “No! Th- That’s… you’re-”


  “Really, it’s okay. It was just a silly bet anyway. I guess you win Ahri.”


Caitlyn turned around.


  “A bet?” Zyra shouted.


The red carpet cushioned her feet like foam.


  “You bet on whether or not she could top me?”


  “I- I, well…”


Soap and disinfectant did their best to sweeten the air, but no amount of chemicals could hope to rid the place of a faint salty, meaty smell.


  “Speak clearly, fox,” Zyra snapped.


  “Yes, Mistress Zyra! We did place a bet, yes. But the odds weren’t on whether or not Caitlyn could top you. The odds depended on whether or not she could make you cum while topping you. But it was only a joke!”


  “Slut, come back here!”


Caitlyn climbed the first few steps.


Zyra grumbled. “Caitlyn, come back here.”


Caitlyn looked over her shoulder. “Hmm? Did someone say my name?”


Fists clenched on either side of her wide hips, Zyra marched across the rec room. “You will pick out your strapon after your shower.”


  “Oh, but I wouldn’t want to choose poorly. I don’t know your tastes well enough.”




Ahri skirted around Zyra’s back and hurried for the double doors.


Caitlyn waved Zyra off. “Pick for yourself. Where do you think you’re going, Mistress Ahri?”


Halfway through the door, Ahri started. “To get Cassiopeia ready?”


  “Fuck that. You’re joining us. It’s about time you took a load off.”




  “Do you disagree, Zyra?”


Zyra smirked. Vines wriggled all over her body. Her fin-like ears twitched. “Not at all. You do work yourself too hard. Whores like you are supposed to relax on days like this.”


Ahri stood tall and placed her hands on her hips. “Now, you both know the rules.”


  “That up to four people may fuck me together if they all agree?” Caitlyn asked.


  “Yes, that is a rule, but I meant-”


  “Zyra, do you agree?”


  “Of course.”


  “Well, that settles it then.”


Ahri crossed her arms. Silence lingered as she bore into Caitlyn with sharp, golden eyes. Caitlyn resisted the urge to flinch away.


  “If I fuck you, that means I can’t with all the other Ionian girls. Which means that Ionia has one less member than Noxus. Which means I will have to switch them around for your sake, upsetting every Noxian member in the process.”


Zyra shrugged. “Go twice then.”




  “Yes. It’s your fucking mansion and you’re fucking money that makes all this possible. No one will bat an eye if you bend the rules a little.”


  “Yes they will. It’s not happening. Now, enjoy-”


Caitlyn pushed past Zyra and then Ahri. She flung open the double doors, strolled down the corridor between the twin staircases, and stood beneath the crystal chandelier. The twin staircases and their connective balcony loomed over her. Moans, sighs, giggles, screams, and shouts poured out of a set of open double doors.








A wave of “no”s crashed into Caitlyn. With a grin, she faced a bewildered Ahri and gestured to the stairs.




  “I care!” One voice shouted.


Ahri smirked. “See?”


  “Oh please.” Zyra pushed past Ahri. “Samira will-’


  “Mistress, Ahri!” Gwen raced through the upstairs doors. Stands of cum clung to every part of her body, glazed her huge thighs, and glued her left eye shut. Her cock poked through a gap in the balcony’s handrail, fully erect. “Please, do not listen to Samira. She would say no to water in a desert simply to spite the one who hold the bottle. We all want you to have fun!”


Ahri sighed. “Look, I appreciate the concern girls. Really, I do. But someone needs to stay on top of things to ensure that everything runs smoothly. There are a lot of moving parts behind the scenes that you all take for granted.”


Gwen pursed her lips. “I can run things for you for this round.”


  “That is sweet, dear. But you do not have the fierceness required to wrangle Cassiopeia.”


  “That is of no concern,” a new voice said.


Golden light poured out of the double doors. Gwen and Ahri gasped, dropped to one knee, and bowed their heads. Zyra rolled her eyes.


A woman with long golden hair and creamy skin bent over double through the double doorway. She had the biggest tits and hips Caitlyn had ever seen. Even on her giant body, they were huge. Her cock matched. Two white wings unfolded from her shoulder blades and reached either end of the balcony. She turned a set of radiant eyes on Ahri that blazed like the sun.


  “Enjoy yourself, Ahri,” she said. “I will handle the snake.”


  “Of course, Goddess,” Ahri said at once.


The Goddess nodded, slipped a wing around Gwen’s tiny waist, and led her away. They paused in the doorway. She looked over her shoulder, studied Caitlyn, and smiled. The doors slammed shut behind them.


Ahri sighed and stood. “Wipe those grins off your face. You’re going to pay for wasting Kayle’s time. Both of you.”


Zyra scoffed. “I’d like to see you try.”


  “You want me to enjoy myself, yes? Well, I will enjoy myself by double penetrating both of your asses! Inside. Now. Caitlyn, wash off. Zyra, pick out a strap-on for Caitlyn. And be quick about it!”


Zyra started. Caitlyn grinned.


  “Yes, Mistress!” they shouted together.




Zyra’s garden was tucked away in the heart of the Ixtal jungle. It mimicked Ahri’s. In place of hedges, rows of thorn bushes grew. The flowers grew tall and craned like swans; yellow, red, orange and green. A jungle tree sprouted from a central island of moss and touched the sky. Vines as tall as skyscrapers hung from distant branches.


No animals called the garden home. Not a single one. All was silent.


Ahri leaned against the tree’s enormous trunk as Caitlyn and Zyra worked together to suck her cock. She puppeted them, one hand full of Zyra’s red hair, and the other full of Caitlyn’s blue. She watched them with a smug grin.


Caitlyn stared daggers at Zyra over the top of Ahri’s cock. Their lips touched and their tongues glanced as they worked either side of the tip. She wouldn’t lose to such an insufferable bitch.


  “Mmm, very good, girls,” Ahri sighed. “Isn’t it so much better when we get along?”


Caitlyn and Zyra glared at each other.


  “I said…” Ahri yanked on their hair and forced them to look at her. “Isn’t it so much better when we get along?”


  “Yes,” Caitlyn and Zyra muttered.


Ahri clenched her fists and Caitlyn’s scalp screamed. “Yes, what?”


  “Yes, Mistress!” they cried.




Ahri let go of Caitlyn, tilted Zyra’s head back, and rammed her cock balls-deep down her throat. Tears brimmed in Zyra’s golden eyes. Her nose and mouth overflowed with spit as she spluttered. Ahri pulled out. Zyra fell onto her hands and knees, coughing. 


Caitlyn laughed. “That’s what you get for always topping!”


  “Sh- Shut u- up!


Ahri tilted Caitlyn’s head back. “Play nice.”


  “Please, you couldn’t-”


Ahri filled Caitlyn’s throat with cock. Her throat bulged, but she didn’t so much as splutter. Caitlyn raised an eyebrow. Ahri smiled thinly. Crack. Caitlyn’s head twisted in a flash, the cock rubbed against her tonsils, and she spluttered. Spit filled her throat, unable to escape. Her lungs screamed.


When Ahri pulled out, Caitlyn fell to her knees and fought for air she coughed and spluttered. Behind a hysterical Zyra, her strapon sat in the grass. She smiled. That would shut the insufferable bitch up.


Ahri clicked. “On your feet. Both of you.”


Caitlyn wiped the slobber from her mouth and chin with the back of her hand, and stood. Her legs didn’t shake. She was beyond such things by now. To her credit, Zyra’s leg didn’t shake either.


Ahri loomed over Caitlyn. “Put your arms around my neck and hold on tight.” She crouched a little.


  “Yes, Mistress.” Caitlyn locked her arms around Ahri’s neck.


Ahri cupped Caitlyn's ass with her both hands and stood up straight. The ground vanished. Her legs whipped around Ahri’s waist. Nine fluffy tails brushed her shins, knees, and toes as they swished side to side. Ahri eased a hand off Caitlyn’s ass and guided her cock inside her pussy.


  “Fuck…” Caitlyn groaned.


Ahri’s cock was like an old movie, familiar and better than everything else despite being no different. It swept a feeling of ease of Caitlyn as it settled deep in her pussy. She felt whole. 


Caitlyn kissed Ahri without a second thought. Ahri melted against her lips. Their grips tightened on each other. The warmth of Ahri’s body hugged her. Tender muscles. Soft breasts. Smooth skin.


  “Does that feel good, Mistress?” Caitlyn whispered against her lips.


  “So good~”


  “Don’t you wish you could have it whenever you want?”


Ahri crushed Caitlyn’s with a vice grip and her voice sharpened. “Zyra, in her ass. Now.”


  “Well, if you insist~”


Leaves and vines retracted from Zyra’s body. Her cock and breasts bounced free. Fat, dark green nipples adorned tits bigger than her head. They matched the rest of her body; large and excessive. Except for her cock. Not that it wasn’t big; it was. But, compared her to towering height, it appeared average. It didn’t look any bigger than Ahri’s.


  “Wipe that smirk off your face, slut,” Zyra said. “It’ll have you begging for my cum in minutes.”


Caitlyn arched her back. “Prove it.”




Zyra’s toned belly and massive tits slapped Caitlyn’s back. She yanked on her hair, spread her cheeks, and buried her cock inside. It didn’t even reach her guts, but… Caitlyn’s laugh died before it began.


Two hot, throbbing cock pressed against each other inside her. Enormous breasts squeezed, front and back. Four hands explored her body, stole grasps, pinches, and slaps. And two sets of plump lips peppered her neck and shoulders with kisses. It was heaven.


  “Mistress~” Caitlyn whimpered.


Ahri caressed her ass. “Yes?”


  “Please fuck me.”


Zyra huffed. “Looks like she found her place.”


  “Fuck you…”


  “What do you say, Ahri? Five orgasms to start her off? Let’s turn those legs into rubber.”


  “We’ll pace ourselves. One.”




  “One. Now, grasp her hips. Three, two, and…”


Ahri and Zyra lifted Caitlyn to the tips of their cocks. Their cocks dragged across every sweet spot, and every nook and cranny. Caitlyn gasped a moan, Ahri smothered it with a tender kiss, and Zyra nipped her shoulder.


They lowered her.


Caitlyn spluttered.


It took a combined effort from Ahri and Zyra to stop her from falling. They snatched clumsy handfuls of her flesh and swaddled her with their lean arms. Gods, it felt good! But she needed more. So much more. She needed to be fucked. Railed. Hammered. Obliterated. She needed to be used like a little slut.


Caitlyn hooked her ankles and bounced her hips with all the strength her legs could muster. Ahri and Zyra gasped, moaned, and shared a wild kiss over Caitlyn’s shoulder. She grinned ear to ear. Her Mistress sounded so happy! She deserved every ounce of pleasure her pussy gave her. And Zyra too… she supposed sounded pleased…


Caitlyn ignored the annoying bitch’s moans and sunk into the pleasure. Her pussy stretched and quivered around Ahri’s monster cock. It fit perfectly. They belonged together. Caitlyn put everything she had into fucking it.


The words of the bet snuck up on her and rang in her ears. She couldn’t go too hard. What if Zyra came?


Caitlyn slowed down and looked over her shoulder. “G- Give up already. You should hear yourself.”


  “M- Me?! You just begged us to fill you with cum!”


  “Did not, you liar!”


  “Stupid slut,” Zyra growled. She squeezed Caitlyn’s waist and jackhammered her ass.


Caitlyn’s limbs turned to rubber. “F- Fuck you…” Her pussy erupted all over Ahri’s stomach.


Ahri and Zyra froze, shared a bewildered look, and erupted into giddy laughter.


  “How- How the hell did you complete Illaoi’s trails?” Zyra howled.


Ahri wiped away tears. “I…” she giggled. “I th- thought your stamina would have improved by now dear.”


Caitlyn’s cheeks burned as she clung to Ahri. “Sh- Shut up! Normal people can’t fuck for hours on end!”


That pushed them over the edge. Unceremoniously, they dropped her. Zyra fell onto her ass and clutched her stomach as tears streamed down her green cheeks, and Ahri doubled over against the tree. It was bad enough they were laughing at her, but to top it all off it - for some reason - turned her on to no end. Caitlyn’s insides twisted and she couldn’t take her eyes off their round asses and fat cocks.


Ahri took a deep breath and swallowed a giggle. “Now, we shouldn’t laugh, Zyra. Caitlyn is non-magical after all.”


  “Yes, you’re right. We shouldn’t expect much from such scum. It’s a wonder she didn’t pass out when all loomed over her from the stairs.”


Ahri rolled her eyes. “Come. It’s your turn.” She sat up against the tree. Sunlight glimmered across her soaked cock and belly.


  “You’re serious?”


  “Of course. Get on my cock.”


Zyra crossed her arms. “That’s not how I roll.”


Ahri gestured to… everything. “And this isn’t how I roll. I’ve broken my rules. You’ll sit on my cock. And you’ll be quick about it.”


  “... Fine. Forward or reverse?”


  “Reverse. You’ll look into Caitlyn’s eyes as she fucks you.”


Zyra shot Caitlyn a glare so sour it was a wonder that the grass around her didn’t wither. Caitlyn smiled innocently.


  “Whatever… Don’t think I’m doing this for Kayle either. She’s no Goddess of mine.”


  “Of course not.” Ahri patted her lap and grinned, eyes locked on Zyra’s wide hips.


Zyra sat on Ahri’s cock. The pale, uncut tip parted her asshole, stretching it twice over, thrice over, four times over. Everything bold and stark left Zyra’s face. Her sharp eyes softened. Her set jaw loosened. Her permanent scowl became an o-shape. And that was only with the tip inside her.


Ahri grunted. “Fuck you’re tight.” She held the underside of Zyra’s thighs and, inch by inch, guided her the rest of the way.


  “Ahriii~” Zyra whimpered.


Caitlyn smirked. “What’s wrong?” She knelt between Ahri’s legs and touched Zyra’s bulged belly. “Does someone like big cock?”


A scowl twitched onto Zyra’s lips. One blink, and it was gone. She moaned. “Uh huh~”


  “There’s still one more to come.” Ahri’s nine tails wrapped around Zyra and stroked her neck, shoulders, arms and legs.


The strapon called to Caitlyn. Without a second thought, she snatched it off the grass, stepped through the leg loops, and fastened the buckles. What had once been an odd weight on her groin welcomed her like an old friend. “Zyra, open wide. Mommy needs lube.”


The scowl returned with full force. “F- Fuck off.”


  “Now now.” Ahri jostled her hips and melted the scowl. “Play nice.”


Zyra’s cock drooped. Pre-cum leaked from her green, cut tip. She whimpered and opened her mouth as wide as she could.


  “Good girl.”


Caitlyn stood over Zyra, leaned against the tree, and slid her cock down Zyra’s throat. It gave her no physical pleasure, but she would cherish that seething glare for the rest of her life. Gods, it felt good to put a diva in their place.


Once her cock was sufficiently slick with Zyra’s spit, Caitlyn pulled out and… stared at Zyra’s plugged asshole.


  “Uh, Ahri?”


  “Yes, dear?”


  “Will I even fit?”


  “I could fit ten of your cocks you worm!” Zyra said.


Ahri pumped her cock once and reduced Zyra to a spluttering mess. She smiled at Caitlyn. “Oh yes, dear. You’ll fit.”


  “But… how?”


Zyra’s asshole was too low to the ground to enter while on her knees, and too high to enter while lying down. On top of that, despite what they told her, her asshole looked stretched to its limits. It quivered like an elastic band about to snap.


  “You haven’t done this before? I thought Sejuani might have had you dp Lissandra with her. No matter. As tricky as it might appear, it’s quite straightforward. Squat so that your ass is as close to the ground without touching, hold on to her waist and guide your cock in so that it sits above mine inside her. She’ll open for you like it’s nothing, I promise.”

Caitlyn glanced at Zyra’s glassy eyes and lazy grin. She smiled, shrugged, and did as Ahri said. Legs open wide, Caitlyn lowered her ass until it kissed the grass, grasped Zyra’s slim waist with one hand, and pushed her cock against the top of Zyra’s quivering asshole with the other. Zyra’s ass swallowed her cock the instant it entered her.


  “FUCK!” Zyra gasped.


Caitlyn and Ahri giggled. They took their strokes in turn. Ahri bounced Zyra on her cock like a sex toy. Caitlyn used her arms to rock back and forth on the balls of her feet. She put all of her body into each stroke. It was a primal way to fuck someone; as if each stroke were a declaration of your strength and their weakness. She hungered to see Zyra’s cock erupted. It was her cock. It belonged to her. It would cum for her.


Zyra didn’t moan. She grunted, spluttered, and murmured. Her belly bulged with each, independent stroke. Pre-cum oozed from her limp cock. Caitlyn wiped it up with her fingers, looked Zyra dead in the eyes, and ate it.


  “M…mm…y,” Zyra muttered.


Caitlyn slapped her hip. “Speak up, slut.”


Zyra’s green cheeks darkened and she avoided Caitlyn’s eyes.


  “I- I… ohhh~… think she said, ‘mommy’,” Ahri said.


  “Oh? Is that true?”


Zyra attempted a scowl but Caitlyn’s cock melted it away. Desperation filled her golden eyes. Caitlyn picked up her pace and Zyra’s huge tits jiggled. Zyra whimpered. Ahri’s eyes rolled back into her head. Right, my cock is rubbing against hers.


  “Say it,” Caitlyn said.


Zyra shook her head. Ahri groaned.


Caitlyn slapped Zyra. “Say it.”


Zyra glared. Ahri held Zyra in the air and pounded her ass.


  “Say it!”


  “F- Fuck… youuuu-ooooooh!” Zyra’s glare melted.


Ahri’s cock heaved.

  “Shit!” Caitlyn grabbed Zyra’s cock, stroked it, and fucked her as hard as she could.


They devolved into madness. Their bodies jostled. Tits jiggled. Cheeks clapped. Balls bounced. Hands grasped. Moans wailed.


Ahri whimpered.


  “Don’t you fucking dare cum, Ahri!” Caitlyn said.


Ahri’s ears and tails dropped. She spluttered, locked up, and blew her load shallow in Zyra’s ruined ass. A fountain of cum consumed Ahri’s cock and balls, and Caitlyn’s strapon. Ahri collapsed in a heap. Her cock slipped free. A fat rope splattered Zyra’s face as she scrambled off of their cocks.


Gasping for air, Zyra crawled away and fell onto her side. She flashed Caitlyn a grin. “N- Not even close… bitch.”


  “Yeah? Hop on my cock then, let’s see how tough you-”


  “No. Enough games.”




Zyra sat up. Green flames engulfed her eyes. The grass pulsed. Grass blades snapped around Caitlyn’s wrists and ankles, tightened, and yanked her onto her back.


  “The hell?” Caitlyn yanked on her restraints. They pulsed and resisted her. It was like trying to break chains. “This is cheating.”


  “No, this is cheating.” 


Zyra flicked her wrist and a flower sprouted beside Caitlyn’s head. Its plump, yellow bulb loomed over her. It cocked like a head, and opened its four petals. A cloud of yellow dust hit her in the face.


Caitlyn hacked and spluttered. “What was that?! Wh- Wh- … Oh…”


Zyra’s cock was so juicy. So big. So beautiful. Something so perfect shouldn’t be wasted. It needed to fuck, dominate, and conquer. Caitlyn spread her legs with the grass’s allowance.


  “W- Wait… What the hell am I doing?” 


  “Nothing you wouldn’t otherwise.” Zyra clicked and the grass locked Caitlyn’s legs in place.


  “You drugged me. You fucking drugged me! F- F- … Mommy, I want your cock. No! I didn’t mean to-”


Zyra loomed over her. “See, you can say no. It’s nothing you wouldn’t otherwise do. Say the word and I’ll let you fuck me. I’ll cum on your cock and Ahri’s stupid rule will be gone for an entire region. Or, do what you truly desire. Let me fuck you and fill your disgusting, slut pussy full of cum, and earn a whole seven rounds of anal destruction.”


  “That’ll ruin me.”


  “Oh yes, your weak human body will never be the same again.”


Caitlyn’s chest swelled. Electric tingles raced through her body. Girls from Noxus wouldn’t take it easy on her. Strength above all; the Noxian national words. They’d obliterate her no matter what state she was in, and wouldn’t so much as wince. Gods, she’d be a mess. A used, ruined, mess of a slut.


  “Fuck me, Zyra. Pleeease fuck me,” Caitlyn whined.


  “Not Zyra.” Zyra flicked her wrist. The grass yanked Caitlyn’s knees to either side of her head. “Goddess.”


Caitlyn grinned like an idiot. “Fuck me, Goddess. Pound my little pussy with your big, beautiful cock.”


Zyra squatted above Caitlyn’s pussy, spread her legs at a full 180-degree angle, and pressed their forehead together. Her tits squished Caitlyn’s and enveloped them. Hot breath blasted her face.


  “Say it again,” Zyra whispered. “Fucking scream it.”


Caitlyn took a deep breath. “FUCK MY PUSSY, GODDEEEEEESS!


  “Not even a second thought… such a good girl.” Zyra locked their lips and rammed her cock inside Caitlyn.


Sensitive from her last orgasm, Caitlyn’s pussy sang with the smallest of movements. Zyra’s brutal thrusts made it scream. And Caitlyn too. She screamed and wailed into Zyra’s mouth. The grass stopped her from holding on or kicking her feet. So, she curled her toes, clenched her fists, and arched her back. Again and again, her back slapped the grass as wave after wave of pleasure ran her through.


  “Mmm?” Ahri murmured. “Oh… It appears I passed out. My apologies, dears.”


Zyra lifted her head and released Caitlyn’s moans into the air. “Shut her up, will you? Fucking humans…”


  “I would love to, but I’ve already cum, dear.” Ahri stretched, yawned, and settled back against the tree. “Don’t let me stop you, though. This is quite the show.”


  “You came in me, not her. That doesn’t count.” Zyra slapped Caitlyn. “Shut the fuck up!”


Pain seared Caitlyn’s cheek. She moaned louder.


  “Her cock was touching mine, you see. She helped make me cum.”


Zyra flicked her wrist. Blades of grass wrapped around Caitlyn’s mouth and gagged her. Only the wet slaps of Zyra’s thrusts prevented true silence. “The dildo made you cum. It’s not her cock.”


Ahri giggled. “How are you talking so calmly while fucking her like that?”


Zyra huffed. “It takes more than human pussy to make me moan. And hey! Don’t change the subject!”


  “Ah, is that so? Then what is that twitch your eye keeps doing?”


  “A- A twitch? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Hey, you did it again! Stop dodging!”






Ahri’s limp cock rose. “Stop holding back and I’ll fuck her mouth.”


  “Fuck y-”


  “Isn’t this supposed to be my treat? What sort of treat ends with blue balls?”


  “Don’t gaslight me you little bitch. Nothing’s stopping you from fucking her mouth.”


  “It’s okay. Really. I’m used to bottling up my urges. Otherwise, I’d spend all day fucking you gorgeous darlings instead of making sure things run smoothly. I’ll live.”


Zyra sighed. “For fucks sake… Fine. But don’t you dare tell anyone else!”


Ahri’s ears pricked up. “My lips are sealed.”


  “You too, worm.”


Caitlyn nodded frantically. Again, Zyra sighed. Her eyes closed. A quiver began in her hands. It crept up her arms, spread to her lips, and then raced down the rest of her body. A whimper escaped her trembling lips.


  “It’s so tight~” she whined. “Perfect! Perfect perfect perfect! I wanna ruin it! I wanna cum in it! I wanna fuck it forever!”


Ahri stood. “See, was that really so hard now?”


Zyra babbled as her eyes rolled back and her tongue lolled. Giggling, Ahri approached Caitlyn. Her hips swayed and her tails flicked. With a glowing finger, she sliced through the grass gag and assumed the mating press position over Caitlyn's face, stuffing her fat ass into Zyra’s face. Her monster cock plunged down her throat, her balls slapped her chin, and she matched Zyra’s frantic pace.


Caitlyn let her body go limp as she was used. She floated in bliss. Two holes. She was two holes. Not a mouth and pussy. No, two mere holes for fucking and filling with cum. Afterwards, she could go back to being a person, but for now, she accepted her role as a sex toy.


Ahri and Zyra, two magical beings with the power to rival armies, whimpered and whined. Their nigh indestructible bodies trembled and quivered. Her Mistress and her Goddess professed their love for her, for her tight pussy, and her sweet mouth. They filled her pussy and belly with cum, showered her in kisses and sweet words, and lay their heads on her chest.


Caitlyn slung her arms around their waists and hugged them tight. 


  “Good sluts.”




That marks the end of the Ixtal arc! What did you think? Please let me know. Your opinions mean a great deal to me <3 Next up, as you can probably guess lol, is Noxus. Noxus will feature seven futas.


And first up is Cassiopeia, The Serpent's Embrace

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